% b "Fs - Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 p.m. Geo. TENTION] FARMERS! contueting Chas. Pavlik, Port Farms Limited, International Har- - A WAN BY SALTY 3 £5 FARRIS AINSI HRASAAT SH va a \ . PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28th, 1962 te hh Sn CLASSIFIED "ADS ------------ TERE . We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay the highest prevailing prices. Port Perry 118 r 2 Uxbridge 27. Brooklin 62. Toronto, EMpire 83-3636 Lindsay 8660 . GORDON YOUNG LTD. machine, all 'conveniences, Every- TT Fe "nov 80 [thing supplied. ~ Phone 26w Port. Mrs. Hill and family are spend- = Perry. ing the Winter months in Toronto 'Dead Farm Stock Picked up Promptly Horses, Cows, Heifers, Sheep, Pigs and Calves. (We pay for horses, cows, and Heifers.) 2¢. to 3c. per lb. for live Horses. Call collect. Bowmanville 2679 Margwill Fur Farm TYRONE , 1-52 «cating and cooking apples. Spy, Me- Intosh, Tallman Sweet, Stark, Delivered by Bushel or bas- két. Phone 206-R, H. Pallock, FOR SALE--'47 Studebaker, 2 ton, 7x12 platform. Will sell or trade for small truck or car. Apply Herb. Payne, R.R. 2, Seagrave, phone 67-r-22. WS Delicious, WARM FURNISHED APARTMENT child welcome, electric stove, washing feb28 EPSOM Fs Phe Wo AW ITFM est iH the Vaso- mentof the Church on Thurgday afternoon, February 28th. 2 in charge. 3 On May 18th the Sunday School will hold their Anniversary, .Spe- Sunday -- 82 attended Sunday S. last Sunday, ~ with Mr. Hill. : Mr. and Mrs. Earl Squelch of Columbus with Mr. and Mrs. A. Christie on Sunday. Miss M. Yagger has returned home from the isolation hospital in Toronto, and is slowly recov- FOR SALE--Baled hay & straw. Ux-Spring Farms Limited, Ux- bridge, Ontario. Mar. 6 FOR SALE--Upright Piano, in good condition--$100.00. Phone 248-J, Port Perry. MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST HHOME Courtice. One or two vacan- uncies for the aged and bed patients, men and women. Every kindness given; excellent meals; nursing care und tray service. Approved by doctors Terms monthly. Phone for appoint- ment, Oshawa 65-4948 Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY METAL LATHE WORK. AWN MOWERS, 'Machine .Ground and Serviced OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC WELDING CAUSLEY MACHINE SHOP FOR SALE -- 9 Roomed House in "Port Perry, % acre land; 3-picce bath; Built-in Cupboards. Box 35 Port Perry Star. 3 FOR SALE--A Coal and Wood Range. Phone 26-W. FOUND--Man's pants, shirt & sweater, on highway near Port Perry . Owner may have same by Perry, Ontario. Auction Sales Used farm machinery auction sale to be held SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1952, at 1.00 p.m.; approximately 30 tractors, all other types of farm ma- chinery including threshers, binders, plows, seed drills, forage harvesters, combines, etc. Draw prize of regis- tered Holstein heifer calf valued at $260.00. (Only purchasers of machin- ery eligible for draw.) = Ux-Spring vester Sales and Service, corner 12 and 47 Highways, phone Ux- bridge or Port Perry, Mar. 6 SAT. MARCH 1st -- Farm Sold, auction sale of Farm Stock, Imple- ments Furniture, ete., the property of Thos. Snoddon, lot 4, Con. 4, Brock, 3-miles west of No. 7 & 12 Highway. Terms cash, sale at 12.30 sharp. Geo. Fdwards, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. of 46 head of Cattle, Farm Stock, Implements, Feed, Etc., the pro- Lot 1, Con. 1, Mariposa, 1 mile north of Seagrave. Terms cash, gale at 1.00 p.m. Bill Weldon, clerk." TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. WED. MARCH 65--Farm- Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Imp- lements, Furniture, etc., the pro- perty of W. J. Johnston, on High- way No. 7 & 12 at Greenbank. Edwards, clerk." TED JACKSON, Apctioneer. D GARNET V. GRAY, R.O. OPTOMETRIST Office Hours 1.80 to 6 p.m. EVERY MONDAY ; Evenings by appointment Residence of J. C. Whitby (Beside High School Campus) Phone 298W for appointment phone Beare Motors, British Ontario Motors RECONDITIONED CARS, TRUCKS, . prices from $76.00 to $1295.00---Call MON., MARCH 3--Auction sale |, ound and see prices prevail, . trade-in and give you EASY TERMS perty of S. J. and H. Wooldridge, | plements now on display. see these at cither ouf showroom in Uxbridge or on our lot at Leaskdale. Uxbridge Phone 167 _ against financial losses after a fire. FOR SALE--Ilce Box, suitable for Grocery Store or Butcher Shop (cheap) Apply Dowson's Grocery. $$$ LIVESTOCK OWNERS -- Why take less for your dead and crip- pled horses and cows? The ONT- ARIO RENDERING. COMPANY guarantees you more. - Simply phone collect*--Port Perry 44 or Oshawa 5-5243, evenings 5-2214. is March 20 NOTICE to farmers wantig new machinery. For best deals con- tact us before our auction sale of used machinery on March 8th. Ux- Srping TFFarms Limited, Interna- tional Iarvester Sales & Seryice, Phone Uxbridge or Port Perr. % Feb.21 a EN ering from her recent illness with Diptheria. Mr. E. Whippey and Mr. ens of Toronto, spent the at the Whippey Farm. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Shea and fam- ily of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. R. St. Clair Port Perry, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. M. St. Clair on Sunday. Birthday Greetings to Ross" Bailey, Darlene Christie and Mrs. Erie Squeleh, who will celebrate another birthday on Sunday, March 2nd. Mr. Malcolm Bailey is in Winnipeg this week, one of the three delegates from Ontario who are -attending the Western Convention of the Aberdeen Angus held in Winnipeg. ; Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Rogers and fam- ily of Bowmanville pent Sunday with Ivan's parents Mr._and Mrs.- Walt: Rogers. ~t Miss Doris Taylor calling on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller at Manchester on Friday of last weck. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Forder (nee Dorothy How- sam) on the birth of a baby daughter. Miss Audrey Cummings and Mr. Donald Burns of Oshawa spent the week-end at the Cummings home. Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey of Port Perry is spending this week with her daughter Roy Stev- week-end HELP AVAILABLE It is time to think of Farm Help now. Get experienced and reli- able immigrants from Holland. Apply S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestleton, Phone, - Port Perry 225-r-24 or Hvander Meer, Ashburn, phone Brooklin 14-r-82, June 12 FOR SALE -- Eight room white frame house and garage in Port Perry, Cassiniir St., good residential area. Phone 169W Port Perry. Call evenings. No agents. feb28 FOR SALE -- Two Electric Light Fixtures, for dining-room and living room. Phone 132W, FOR SALE -- Owners home in Port Perry. Phone 359-J. 'LOST--On February 22, 3 fe- male Hounds white and tan, one with letter IF on the right side, the other with F on thie right rear hip on tan spot. These dogs disap- pearer on the Ist or 2nd con. of Reach near Spencer's Hill, on way to Oshawa. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of these doys. please Port Perry, 130. Fred: Schell. We have a large selection of GOOD TRACTORS" and. IMPLEMENTS at these while winter We will take out n the balance. 1962 FERGUSON Tractors and Im-! | 1962 MORRIS Cars have arrived -- Buy with confidence at BRITISH ONTARIO MOTORS Leaskdale Ux. 162 r 156 "FIRES" Are not marks of progress! INSURANCE will protect you and only you "ASSURANCE is gained against fire by equipping your buildings with efficient fire extinguishers, which can mean a re- duction on your fire insurance pre- miums, This new plan of insurance, Assur- ance and Economy .is available through FAED Insurance Agencies or . Ontario Fire Prevention and Sérvice ,- Box 84, Port Perry Star. Fe).28 (insulated and with city conveniencas. display at Windsor Station, Montreal, on tour to Winnipeg, Vancouver, and Honolulu, in addition to appearing at the Canadian National Exhibition in Mrs. M. Bailey. p Mr. S. Lockyer of Brooklin was. in Epsom last week visiting his friend Al. Christie. Mrs. Boynton entertained several of the ladies at her home on Tuesday afternoon. Service at Epsom United, Maréeh 2 at 3.30 p.m. S. S. at 2.00 p.m. : a SACRIFICE EOR QUICK SALE i To Close Estate Six miles from Port Perry at Scu- gog Centre 250 acre farm with nearly new dwelling and wonderful barns. Nearly new 6 room frame house well Very large L shaped barns with hip- ped roof and stone walls--has cement floors throughout, steel stanchions, ! first class stables with steel stalls, and big excellent sheep or hog pens. Seventy acres of top grade work land and approximately 180 acres good pasture and brush. Includes two wells, never failing Spring and small apple orchard. Close to store, school and Church. Buildings alone worth more than-price $10,000.00. Terms can-be arranged. Apply Mel King, 7 Mile Island, R.R. 3, Port Perry, phone ort Perry 112 ring 23 or Toronto Em. 3-8578 during business hours. woup! Ff cial plans are being made for this [+ fc LAUNCH METROPOLITAN SAFETY CAMPAIGN WARDENS OF THREE COUNTIES closely identified with Toronto-Barrie Highway development attended din- ner meeting at 6.15 p.m., Tuesday, February 26, held in the Oakwood Ho- tel, York Township, which was ad- dressed by Deputy Minister J. D. Mil- lar of the Ontario Department of Highways, The function will lead off 1952 campaign of Toronto Metropoli- - A pR tan Area's 14 Lions Clubs' in behalf of children's traffic safety. Chief Constable Robert Alexander of York Township, president of York Lions three wardens, photographed at re- cent Ontario Good Roads Association Convention are, from left to right: Warden J. L. Spillette of York Coun- ty; Warden J. W, Hart of Simcoe County; and Warden J. E. Patterson of Peel County. Scugog Services and Sunday School at the regular hour on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. James enter- tained a number of friends and neighbours to an Aluminum cook- ed supper and demonstration. All enjoyed the evening very much. - Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Prentice and family, Kay and Eddie, attend- ed a surprise birthday party for herself at her" "daughters, Mrs. Ptolmey in Port Perry on Saturday evening. Birthday Greetings and pretty and useful gifts from about thirty of her near relatives were showered upon them, which was a great surprise. We wish her many more happy birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn of Toron- to spent the week-end with their daughter Mrs. Milton Demara. The weather and roads are fine for getting around now. Spring is coming. PRS ee ttt R tet taintateciotteteetetotteseteftesetess ' AS ca Ah er een 4 Two Shows Nightly--17 and 9 pm. THURSDAY, FRI, SATURDAY, FEB. 28-29, MAR. 1 Burt Lancaster and Jody Lawrence In the Mighty Technicolof: Adventure Story. "TEN TALL MEN" * * COMEDY. MONDAY, TUES. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3-4-5 The Outstanding Feature You've Been Waiting to see "THE ROYAL JOURNEY" All in Beautiful New Color BIG ADDED F EATURE-- 4 Margaret O'Brien in the Sparkling comedy Hit: "HER FIRST ROMANCE" nicht ied bb METAR AZ A SSS oe ST NO Lakeview Theatre, Port Perry, Ont. § Club, host organization, presided. The Beautifully New in '52--See our COFFIELD WASHING MACHINES Now on Display - McLAUGHLINS "THE BEST IN HOME APPLIANCES" 1300 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA } 'Phone 5-4432 Our large parking space for your convenience PR2EP2222002002000088800 000000800080 ¢8800300808088 3841 THE Thursday, M Annual Report will he receive Every plot owner is a meml entitled to vote "GRANT CHRISTIE, President. PEP PPP000000000000000000000 33S: ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Ontario Pine Grove Cemetery Co. WILL BE HELD IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY AT 2.00 P.M. ; : recesses ed arch 6th, 1952 d. Election of Officers. ver and will be welcome, and : on all questions. : R. D. WOON, Sec'y-Treasurer - Moooooood BORE Ooh ot ent tatntotenatenotsotiseeesoetetoseessl 08000 asta iott estate tesistetestiosastatassstosises - TO FIX THAT CE We have on hand: SPRED SATIN, Ideal Paint I who have tried it. P ORT PERRY NOW IS THE TIME SHEETROCK--1 x 4; 41 x 8; 4 x 9. Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited ILING OR WALL. PLYWOOD, %"; %" inish for sheetrock. Ask those Phone 240 w ~ : E MODEL WITH A MODEL Pretty Ann' Martin of Montreal takes time-out to poge with a-seven- foot, nine-inch model of a deHavilland jet aircraft which will go into service on Canadian Pacific Airlines' trans- Pacific service this year. It was on Feb, 18. The $15,000 model will go Toronto this year, i Of plastic and metal consttuction, it has a wingspan of nine fect even inches, with rubber- tired wheels on a retractable under- carriage which can be operated by hand to fold into the belly of the air- craft. A rémovable panel in the side displays tht» interior of the madel which consists of crew compartment, showing pilot and co-pilot seat in front of a detailed control panel. The wireless operator's dials and range sets are aligned in one corner while e the navigators: working table is shown in the other. lounge' room. The lounge' section will accommodate two sets of four chairs; has tables with folding leaves, "while thé body contains 28 reclining chairs, with the hand luggage rack overhead, The séctional view of the rear. com- partments discloses ladies' and men's washrooms and the service compart- ment._of the stewardesses which is located at the.rear of the aircraft, New Assortment of 25. bags Candy CHOCOLATE COATED PEANUTS, GAIETY TOFFEE, MARSHMALLOWS, BUTTER CRUNCH TOFFEE, Week-end Special 'Lemon Taris" GERROW'S BAKERY G M. GERROW The next section shows| . * HOW CAN A HORSE GET HIS SLEEP WITH THESE DURN MACHINES ROARING AROUND MINUTE COUNTS! Now is the time to check over your machinery for spring cultivation. You 'won't make time with broken or badly running equipment, Efficient modern machinery lets you operate 24 hours a day if necessary. It cuts down: labour and lowers cost of production, Your Commerce manager represents a bank that has for many years 'taken a keen interest in promoting better farm- ing and in looking after Canadian farmers' banking needs. Why not pay him a visit? Get a free copy of "MORE POWER . TO YOU" from your Commerce manager. py