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Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Mar 1952, p. 5

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Nie Ys Fee See: Gf £24 Zak £73 ATTA a -- J 5 ph Ad bani wires Babel Few - a ' ¥ 3 op CREE SIR 10 RAN RR BS Tent oh £ - ' ' , » RX . ) i ~ PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 20th, 1952 ~ BUSINESS DIRECTORY CONANT & CONANT int BICROWN| POULTRY PRODUCERS PLAN MARKETING SCHEME R. 8. Heatherington, Chairman of Zone 3 of the Poultry Producers will be the-sprdal speaker at a meeting of all poultry producers of Ontario County. This meeting will be held in Manchester at 8 pan. on Tuesday, March 26th, BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS Gordon D, Conan, K.C. Roger D. Conant, B.A. Offices: Oshawa, Ont., 7% Simeoe St. S. NEW _SEASONABLE TOGS FOR | YOUR EASTER WARDROBE LIFE Then . the letters start, Ho . f | Mr. Lieatheringtou will outline the any readers of THE CHRIS. MARTHA WASHINGTON PRINT \ ON DRES : : gL Aja i pi 25 ELLIS RS LLU | Poultiy Producers Marketing Scheme TIAN "SCIENCE MONITOR DRE ISSES RE to 20 ) of, hae. $3.95 TARY BARS N DRESSMAKER $3.95 : Xx, , Phone - which will be: voted oe during the neil tell the Editor how much they ; (D Vis A « 2 Te PTT TT a LTT ITT TITTY PTI 9) ' : 4 : . Consult the Crown Lute Mam | mouth, . Everyone who hus had any]. Sojoy Wit daily werldwide 'NYEON HALF SLIPS, lace trim; small PRINTED SILK SCARVES, Floral and IE 4 R 0 0 F 1 N G 8 = 8 poultry during the past year is eligible ments as: Medium and Large SEE A Lk $3.98 Novelty Designs, $1. 35, $1.98, $208 | " : and should be vitally concerned with "The Monitor is the moss > , . , : | oe ay Dit CEC. KI NG 0 SABIE hall Seusiined Vi corel" Cited" re Ww on g R NYL ONS by Supersil in WABASSO PRINTS and POPLINS Producers' Murketing Scheme Js Ww]. paper in the U.S... ew Spring and Summer Shades ale, Hde., and 65e. yard Eavestroughing, - Asphalt Siding, AGENT Sui He : Valuable, aid in téach 12, 15, 51 gauge, regular lengths and Estimates given on all kinds Port Perry - Ontarlo stabilize the price of eggs and so as- ing . IB stra Longs, ...$1.35, $1.50 and $1.75 +» GRACIA SHOES, OXFORDS, and # 2-2 [sist both the producer and consumer. "News that i, complete ! i ' PUMPS $9.95 and $11.95 | EARL WaLACE | DR H. H. ARMSTRONG |; South Ontario County Federu- one Soni rey & | ® «41 XI, tion of Agriculture is sponsoring this e. Monitor surely sa Phone 261 Port ANT Q ki } ; ol . reader's necessity © , | GOO C U BER G S C | ort Perry DENTIST [oars Th rs Ms cen yo re DRICH RUB old Seal Congoleum GERALD B. THO N Queen Street lio iy n oiinal ve, } w 2 Somplete : 90¢. Square Yard D By, JHOMPSON(, Port Perry |" sry noe" OMe BOOTS *Doctor of Chiropractic TROUT K ' 1] a f Special KING $15.95 N N L N S TRAY BOUADED QEFIOK IN SURA NCE |Poulir Y Producers Introductory subscription -- 3 THIGH BOOTS ooo $10.95 VENE IAN B IND 185 Simcoe St. North, OSHAWA. MONTHS FOR ONLY $3. KNEE BOOTS ..... $4.63 Made-to- hedsure, all colors, Flexalum Office Hours 9 to 5. Phone 3-9182 Are your policies up-to-date? MEET ATAEPM, "° "7 .. - TU [EESSEEERy cl TS sediments ' 75¢. square foot Evenings by Appointment TUESDAY, MARCH 25th, Whatever your Insurance needs . at MANCHESTER HALL may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON The Christian Science Moher x © Ove, Norway Si., Boston 15, Mass, U.S. A. Please send me an introductory subiscrip. tien te The Christisn Science Momitor-- T6 bisuse. 1 enclose 83. REAL ESTATE JOHNSTON'S APPROVED CLOTHES Phone 41 Port Perry MEN'S SUITS .............. 19.50 and $59.50 MEN'S JACKETS $34.95 Consult 4 Honeydale W. I mors & 50 $ 3 KET . 1.95 J. 5 WILLOUGHBY & SONS Taian MEN S SLACKS crerseissreraane $9 95 to $14 9 ) for complete Real Estate Service. DR.J.B.LUNDY Notes from Mrs. J. E. Houck, : . Head Office, 366 Bay St., Toronto DENTAL SURGEON Brampton, Citizenship Convener. youn (sone) (state) eee (Ci " Phone EM. 3-0604 (Over Telephone Office) | Mra. Houck calls the attention of all Serechvomers--.~ | 1060 With Your New Suit Port Perry 186J PORT PERRY : ONTARIO | °ur members to the following resolu- A SNE x KN an City and Country Homes tion which was presented and accepted oo RL oy 3 \ \f EA MEN'S NYLON HOSE ............. $1.50 pr. Farms and Small Acreages. Office" Hours -- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.| unanimously at the 1951 Biennial Con- The hostess for April will be fin Fos N NATL o in y Industrial and Business Property. Phones: Office 68W. Res. 68J -| ference: Mrs. Jim Wilson. The lunch com. TOOKE TIES... $1.50 and $2.00 LLOYD LEE "Whereas, we, the Board of 'Direct | jg Mrs. Snelgrove, Mrs. H. Hunt- ors of the Federated Women's Insti- tutes of Canada recognize the troubled and confused situation among the na- ley, Mrs. Fred Middleton. Refreshments were enjoy by . is your local representative. . M . ' Phone LO 5229, Toronto MONTEITH & MONTEITH GROCERIES | CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS tinh of Bho SOFIA SOME 208 seventeen' ladies and a pleasant ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C. 37 King St. E,, Oshawa Whereas we believe this is due to | ¢Y¢NiNg ended. Wagstaffe's Bitter Marmalade, Ige. jar 39¢ . in attendance at my Pert Perry Gordon W. Richl, C.A. economic difficulties and struggle be- wa Aylmer Garden Peas, 20 oz. tin .......__. = office on Wednesday morning and Resident Partner tween conflicting political ideologies, . : Stokely's Tomato Juice, 18 oz. tin Friday afternoon of each week, wd, prcite Yat idoch New Regulations Grapefruit juice, 18 oz. tin .................2¢ 3 7s ereas we apprec Qe Yarka'e > ), . i OF by Pencluiment SAND and GRAVEL conditions cannot be ignored by think- M E ~ Clarkes . ork & Beans, 20 tin, 2 for S3e, 7 Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 | when and where you want it. Call [ing people, and, on eat xport : ! ulk Macaroni ................ 2 Ibs. 27¢ Th ROSS E. SANDISON Whereas We deplore the attitude of | py outbreak of hoof and mouth WALLPAPERS avioes, large ui, de askisatibiis prastdiisa: Ib. 25¢ 5G rie - Phone 121 r 5. Port Perry R.R.4|PCSImism and disconragenent AMONE | disease in Saskatchewan brought } Fal al . Phrift Pure Soap Flakes... . 3 Ib. box 58¢ 3 } a large number of our citizens, and, about immediate restrictions or SUNWORTHY, and SUN TESTED Rose Brand Margene 2 Ibs. 69¢ Se he Whereas, in the past decades we trade in Huestoel, meat Ma ont 29 | Old Cheese, coloured Ib 59¢ uo Homo and commana | FLECTIRIC. FLOOI SANDE hve suid sien through our E01 oth fo, on eer roland wp | OM Chee, coloured E Estimates given on Pei oy New or old urs und snd Thereforé be it resolved that the ew" Now the i Anal : finished, or waxed anc po 150 y Board of Directors of the Federated artment of e i X Wg wi : Re Bounde the square foot. Women's Institutes of Canada reaf-|! gricu ture has an. F. g. Y Electric Floor Sanders, or Wak-| : Ts ) | nounced certain modifications in d Polish for Rent. firm their faith in the future of our the'b thst thal t of these ers an iisners Zor hep country and in the value of democratic i py poi > >) , BE.UPHOLSTERY B PICKARD = [wovemmyunks wn Nethor Bio 3. vo | Porbicts fiom Copti . araen Phone 43 Port Perry | : and--RE-BUILDING ---- -- Phone 281'W, Port Perry, Ont. [solved that we ask our members to the United States oo Let hol 1d Chester } live according to their Faith in Divine : . 4 U3 Is-upholster your o tery Province and to express this belief Normally, consignments from field Suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. { 10. othois point to point in Canada often pass Other regulations apply to hay Phone and have our consultant call RE-UPHOLSTERY and says thal she believes that there through the United States. Ship- and straw shipped from Canada - - Ee ci I nd give you a free estimate. . is a new realization among thousands | ments from Montreal to the Mari- to the United States and meant to - pick-up and delivery. of people in the world today of the | time Provinces, for example, are used for feeding, bedding, ete. Phone 3344 collect. i Y xperts importance of spiritual things; that ofte n routed through Maine. This material must be stored in OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO.| ROUSSEAU UPHOLSTERY [women's groups, - especially rural Shortly after hoof and mouth di-|, approved warehouse at a port ANNOUNCEMENT 8 Church Street ~ Whith - Phone 483 women should be leaders in this. sease was discovered here, this of entry for at least 90 days, or 5 y ' type of movement was forbidden. {ug yp occ pa as directed by 181 ----. Now the new order states that he Chief of the Bur f Animal , "ald . "Animal b durla--hidex skins the C fel of the Bureau of Anima MR. RAY HOBBS, wishes to announce that he will . Alhe A Animal bypro ua, Industry". Bone meal, blood meal : rince er #00}, Trg? bonemsa, 130168, and alae must be Sunram ned continue to serve his many friends in repairing Cars, Trucks | ; : 5 CIC ~~ 5 ' . | for a similar period, or-*disinfect- f BASEBBALL MEETING THE GOOD NEIGHBOURS eked meaty Canadian engin, ed at the port of entry". and "Tractors; but will now be established in WALTER | : SERVIC CLUB'OF PRINCE |, asta, ond andl sent Shromh Glands, organs, ete., for pharm || owen ms GARAGE, MANCHESTER | All players or persons interested in Baseball are invited to Feng ; Service Clul United States territory for re-en-] aceutical purposes may enter the! ' : I'he Good Neighbours Service C if try into Canada". United States in tight containers PHONES --Days 320 r 23; nights 153 r 24 attend a General Meeting on THURSDAY, MARCH 27th met at the home of Mrs. Ben "Similarly any of these cominot. | and Jf they are consigned to an 8-1 ays 320 r 23; nights 1563 r 24. ' : Smith on Monday for their regular| * Serer i he United | approved establishment. Other : at 8 p.m., at the Star Office. meeting. ities originating in the Unite as » M H d Presid lent was in States may pass through Canada regulations concern cone itions un- -- -- : fs ; ; . rs. Hodgins, bond and seals and | der which certain other animal ees Anyone interested in playing but unable to attend meet- charge and opened tfe meeting Wier Sp . Aid sea sa products, untanned hides and} ------------------e een i ¥ . i, - with The Lord's Prayer. The] re-enter e ' : : : ) ing, please contact 1. A. Boyd, Star Office, Port Perry. i Sec.-Treas. gave the minutes and] Restrictions on. the import of | 7kins. wooly hair, and bristle may ---------------- 1 1 S00 1 a me - : ) be allowed into the United States. i 'financial reports. We were pleased | beef, veal, Ng Jah and Borg , to note about $43.00 was realized | from Canada into e Unitec In Canada, chief developement G ] d F - P fi 1 at the recent Telephone Euchre. |States have also been eased some-|in the situation during the past rassian arming: for I0 it As Spring is in the air and busy | what. ~ For the past few weeks, | week was the discovery of addi- a . } in xs , ~ HR on | days are just ahead, three mem-|the United States has aloe tional cases of hoof and mouth CENTRAL ONTARIO SPRING SHOW | bers offered their homes for an-| these products to enter only disease in three herds, all of them Cad ill Qn ai FAIR other Telephone Euchre this Sat-| they were in hermetically scaled | within the quarantined area. (Succeeding Quinte Seed Fair) 'ONTARIO COUNTY SEED urday, March 22. They are Mrs. | containers. Now the Bureau of . i EXHIBITION GROUNDS, Max. Heidt, Mrs. I. Stein, Mrs.| Animal Industry has made it > i PORT PERRY HIGH | SCHOOL Ben. Smith. known that cured and cooked meat PETERBOROUGH : H The tickets are selling fast for | with the bone out, will be allowed d . §#| the quilts to be drawn for during | into the United States if the meat | Saturday, March 22n it | Easter Week, at which time we|is handled in a prescribed way. M A R C H 26 - 21 - 28 --- 1952 : i$ | hope to hold a bingo in the School | These regulations include keeping | 9.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. * | on Friday, April 18. : the meat fresh and Nnitasen Bot i WED. 2 p.m.--Official Opening by-- - After considerable discussion|three days after the animal is \ Dr. J. I). MacLachlan, President, 0.A.C. PROGRAMME \ : regarding - Bingo arrangements, | killed; thorough cooking, or thor- "Why Grassland Farmin "A. M. B Prin 1, \ el ith dry salt or by \ rrassl 2, h arr, Principa : 1.3 f Seed set { judged. prizes, etc. the meeting closed with | ough curing with dry Kemptville Agricultural School. £2 : 9.00 am. to 12.00 noon--Exhibits of Seed set up and judge Mizpah benediction. soaking in a salt solution. ERR 1.30 p.m. to 2.00 p.m.--Addresses of Welcome and comments ' THURS, 2 p.m.--Panel Discussion, "Grass Silage" SER on Seed Show by Seed Fair Judges. J "Grasses and ( loners for Dasture, Hay and Silage" HT . 1m. ' .m,--Address -- "Grass Silage" by Tom Doug Parks, Kemptville, 3 RN ' 2.00 p.m LA Ottawa Dairy Farm. Mr. Dickinson is : New Grass Seeding Machinery, Prof. C.G.E. Downing O.A. C. Bl ' a well known authority on this subject. HOCKEY AME 8 p.m. Convert Siuoss ince Competition, open to 9 ULL ee ussion " rass Silage" vs. i 1 3 0 bat. Corn JL; Panel disens ¢ EB Memorial Gardens, Port Perry FRIDAY, 11 a.m.--New Colored Films, 1.30 p.m. Seed Sale & : = i FRIDAY, M 1st, at 8.00 p.m. LARGE DISPLAYS : NEE 8.30 p.m, to 3.46 p.m.--General discussion. » MARCH 21st, p Latest Machinery . Commercial and Departmental Sa All farmers interested in good seed and grass silage Port Perry High School Girls' Team, vs. Exhibits should plan to attend. \ Sunderland All Star Girls' Team : Contact your County Agricultural Representative for ARAN : This Seed Fair and afternoon programme is sponsored tr Toney Stecheson Further Details of Daily Programs. : : Admission--60c. Children 26c Troubadou y # by the Ontario County Crop Improvement Association. . , | ) 8 3 : Piper : ' on CBC Network at 6.40 p.m. hs ra ro ra rm ri !

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