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Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Apr 1952, p. 4

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vv fas £o, i w v XS -- ur FE % iy Tr ry Fy ee 4 TS 3 Le ~ Cl a A wl i er os . or Pia "i on Re ~ I Sa > aod or ¥ a a Gn RT RN YY a po - LOCAL items to the Star As courtesy and service to local readers we offer this column in mentioning your guests and items of interest. NEWS | Send your . Mrs. J. E, Jackson and Mrs, Flor- ence McClintock attended the 14th an- nual Convention of the Ontario Registered Music Teachérs' Associa- tion held insthe Royal Connaught Hotel, Hamilton, April 16-17-18. Mrs. Jackson was delegate for the 'Oshawa Branch of the O.R.M.T. = Re Film Council The second meeting on the above subject will be held in the Anglican Parish Hall on Tuesday, APRIL 29th at 8.00 p.m. : Please have your representative at this meeting with, if possible, power to vote. The National Film Board has an alternative proposal to make at this meeting. The meeting is not restricted to re- presentatives only. 1 shall be glad to see anyone that is interested, If you did not receive a report of the pre- vieus meeting, please ask for one. G. E. SULMAN. a -- Card of Thanks Mr. Fred Christie, Mr. and Mrs, Grant Christie and family, wish to thank all those who sent floral tri- butes and for acts of kindness during their recent sad bereavement. - > ------- Death At her home Seagrave, Ontario, on Wednesday, April 16th, 19562, Flossie Blanche Buck, beloved wife of Leon __W. Standish, inher 61st yea BN - TTT a Scugog -» Mr. and Mrs. Allan Martyn, Miss Kay Prentice, and Mr. Don Ashbridge were in Guelph Sunday attending the 0.A.C. Conference, Mr. Ed Prentice is in Toronto tak- ing a course at the Chicago Vocation- al School. Many summer residents braved the bumpy roads to visit their cottages over the week-end. Miss Beth Travell, Oshawa, and Miss Janis Beach, Maple Grove, visit- ed Mrs. Stewart Rodman over the week-end; Misses Yvonne Milner and Sondra James returned after a three day visit to the annual Junior Farmer Confer- ence at Guelph. The Conference was held on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, April 20, 21, 22. . Master Ted McGuire from Willow- dale, Ont., visited Master Dan James on Sunday, April 20th. The fine weather has enabled the farmers to continue with their spring work and already some sowing has been done, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Rev. H. S. Swabey, Rector. The Church i e Lhurches Ag} ST, JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN eo , ; Eo%® CHURCH 'RAPE "~~ wt Rev. John Riddell, Minister. a3 S 'E 3 hr All services will be on Daylight' TE Bo S > E Saving Time & 3 qa ® a Sunday, April 27th-- 5 & he 3 5 11 a.m.--Sunday School a S CS 7 p.m.--Church Service. < § © 3 hd Subject--"Faith of the Future" & be 8 es TES 2 EES "FOR "the By-law the By-law i AGAINST Now is the time to look after your children's future. MARK YOUR BALLOT as shown below and make sure that] they have a good start in life. Friday, April 26th, at 8 p.m, Confirmation: The Bishop of To- ronto, , Sunday, April 27th, Easter 11 11 a.in.--S8Sunday School. 7 pan.--LKvening Service. Ashburn Mr. John Hamill and daughter Eileen, of Manilla, spent last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. Routley. Miss Glenys Stephen returned to Whitby on Sunday aftér spending her Easter vacation with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Fred Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stiver, of Unionville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kerr. Mrs. G. Briggs, of Oshawa, spent the week-end with her parents Mr, and Mrs, Robert Parrott. Mrs. Wes Routley and Miss Glenys Stephen attended the O.E.A. conven- tion in Toronto on Wednesday. Master Philip Doble returned to his home in Weston on Sunday after spending a week with his. grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Doble. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ashton and fam- Wednesday--Prayer meeting at 8 p.m. | ily, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Sutherland, a : --| of Utica, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, Ashton. Mrs. E. MacCarthy returned to her home last week after spending the past month with her daughter Mrs. P. Scott, of Sarnia. 3 The Young People met in the base- ment of the Church on Sunday the 20th, whén Miss Chrissie Simpson, of Brooklin, was the guest speaker. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, Minister Sunday, April 27th 10 a.m.--Sunday School, Il am--*"0On Choosing a Vocation" Guest soloist at the morning service will be Mr. Allan Clark of Toronto. 7 p.m.--"The Power of Influence" PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH P. Taylor, Pastor Sunday, April 27th-- 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 10 a.m.--Sunday School. THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, April 27th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.an.--Conmununion Service, 7 p.n.--Evangelical, Friday, 8.16 p.m.--Bible Study. All Welcome. Pastor: W. A. Bowler DAY ADVENTIST ~ f CHURCH Service at 2.30 p.m. at the home of SEVENTH Air Conditioning Mrs. Stanley Gerrow. All are welcome Saturday, April 26th-- ice Furnace . Subject--"Behold the Man" Lavestroughing We sell and service DURO PRESSURE PUMPS SYDNEY G. BARNES BROOKLIN Phone 72 r 2 Aug 62 Thea STYLE ENTERTAINMENT Austin C. A. Bathie DR. OF CHIROPRACTIC Graduate of Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto For appointment Phone 206R PORT PERRY. Uxbridge All seats reserved. PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL present "MAYTIME MERRIMENT" Thursday and Friday, Mayland 2 | Admission 50c. Two Shows Nightly--7.00 and 9.00 Saturdays and Holidays 6.30 & 8.830 Matinee 2.00 p.m. LAST SHOWING TO-NIGHT-- THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, "STRANGER ON A TRAIN" (Adult Entertainment) starring FARLEY GRANGER and RUTH ROMAN Tickets on sale now. FRIDAY-SATURDAY, APRIL 25-26 WOR. "SMOKY" © ---- nt ------ ot § a oh LS ~ Bridal --- Phone--GE 1575 . SEE OUR COMPLETE ARRAY OF Suits, Coats, Dresses Outfits "SHOP at ARDLEY'S with CONFIDENCE" ~~ ARDLEY FROCKS 491-3-6 Danforth Ave., (near Logan) Toronto, Ont. starring FRED MacMURRAY and ANNE BAXTER Technicolor FRIDAY-SATURDAY, APRIL 28.29 "GOLDEN GIRL" Technicolor starring MITZ GAYNOR and DALE ROBERTSON WED.-THURS., APRIL 30-MAY. 1 "WEEK-END WITH FATHER" starring VAN HEFLIN and PATRICIA NEAL OUR SUMMER SHOW SCHEDULE will be two shows nightly--7.80 and 9.80 commencing April 28th, Research on Fish, on Frog. | Eggs of fish and frogs are now taking an important place in cancer research. In the Department of Zoology of Western University, Dr. Helen Battle has for some time been using eggs of the brown trout, the zebra "fish, and frog to study the ef- fects of cancer-producing substances on the growth of cells and' the develop- ment of body organs. . These eggs have proved particularly valuable for this type of investigation because they may be obtained in large quantities, and can be obsérved in the living con- dition under the microscope. Those of the brown trout are made available in the autumn from the Ontario Pro- vincial Government Fish Hatcheries. Zebra fish, native to India, are populay as aquarial fish and lay their eggs every 'two weeks, Eggs can be ob- tained from frogs at any time during the winter after pituitary glands are injected into the body cavities. One of the two students assisting Dr. Battle is Lenore McLeese, a science graduate of the University of New Brunswick, who is working for her Master of Science degree at the University of Western Ontario. Miss McLeese is studying the eoffects of urethane on the egg cell of the zebra fish. Urethane has long been used as a narcotic, but its power to induce lung, cancer was discovered less than a decade ago, It is also used as a treatment for leukaemia. Donald Mc- Millan, B.Sc. of University of Western Ontario, who is also studying for his Master's degree, is testing the effect of urethane on the development of the frog, with special reference to its effect on the breathing organs. This work is basic rather than applied, and is an attempt towards an understand. ing of the fundamental action of ure- thane on living tissue, The vital benefits that come from research cannot be estimated, It's a long and costly business, Part of the funds contributed during the April Campaign of the Canadian Cancer Society will be allocated to research in many parts of the province, fel THIS WEEK IN BRITAIN No Reserved Tickets for Cor- onation? Britain's Ministry of Works announces that no applica- tion for tickets to view the Coron- ation of Queen Elizabeth II can be entertained at present,nor can any list be compiled of those who send in such applications. If and when it is decided to provide reserved accommodation, ample notice will be given to all concerned. * * ® Super Hitchhike: Acting Sub Lieutenants J. M. Phillips and D. F. Walls, Royal Navy, hitchhiked ed Kingdom a short time ago. They were given permission to find their way from Japan to the U.K, where they were proceeding to-do 'their Sub Lieutenants' Courses at the Royal Naval College, Green- They crossed the Pacific in HM.C.S. "Sioux", got a "flip" in an R.C.N, aircraft from Tacoma to Montreal and went on to New York for .5 days. Returning to Montreal, 'they hitched a ride across the Atlantic in an R.AF. aircraft. - Sporisored hy BLACKSTOCK UNITED CHURCH WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION Friday, May 16 Community Hall GOOD PRIZES Contestants wishing to enter contact Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Burketon, Ontario, Phone 191 r 22 Port Perry, N b4 : : ds BINGO . "Sponsored by the "7 Port Perry Lions Club Friday Evening, April 25th. at the Port Perry High School GOOD SELECTION OF VALUABLE PRIZES. A draw will be made for a WRIST WATCH, or any article of equivalent value, donated hy CHURCHLEY CREDIT JEWELLERS, PORT. HOPE, ONTARIO. Tickets for draw--10c. each or 3 for 25c. All proceeds in aid Hospital Fund. r--e re--- cosvecsnse their way from Korea to the Unit- | § ALL YOUR DRUG NEEDS rapid filling of Pharmical needs. We stock a full line of Vitamins. BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE | Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. PORT PERRY Phone 16 Amateur Night ~~ SPECIALS GOLD MEDAL PASTE WAX, IS .....cccovvvvvnn eeiiorinods .38¢. WESTON'S MARSHMALLOW BISCUITS, 1 1b. ...... ern 39C. DONALD DUCK ORANGE JUICE, 20 oz. ............2 for 27c. MARGENE Margarine ..............coocoveiveoemosissnsnns than gresoy ..37¢. GOOD LUCK Margarine ..........cooovouonn.nn.. oid eerrrenn 380s DOMESTIC SHORTENING ........... dosent p hers stained BC, INTERLAKE TOILET PAPER ........ FE wi...d for 44e. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TOMATOES, cello pkg. .................. TERIOR Hod srsinsrerissirns S10, BANANAS, Golden Ripe ........cccocoeurvvvreevrcinniinn, won dbe 19¢. DUTCH SETS ................... ater pr rE PARLE a weeds 25¢, MULTIPLIERS ........ Aniline abd eresiiitied RECTEROIN | JL. To BOXED PLANTS--Spanish Onions, Cabbage, etc, E. MERLIN DOWSON WE DELIVER--PHONE ©1 FOR SERVICE Thursday, schools. Everyone is urged picture before they vote on PUBLIC MEETING to be held in HIGH SCHOOL at 8 p.m. on The purpose of the meeting is to review the fabts con- cerning the great need for increased accommodation in our THE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. April 24th to attend to learn the: true the By-law on APRIL 28th. YOUR 0 EYES REQUIRE ATTENTION? " See G. T. BAK BENTLEY'S JEWELLERY STORE Hours--Tuesday 9-12. Thursday 2-5 7 'LATEST METHODS -- MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT at - NOW IS THE TIME TO FIX THAT CEILING OR' WALL. We have on hand: SHEETROCK--4 x 7; 4 x 8; 4 x 9. PLYWOOD, %"; %" SPRED SATIN, Ideal Paint Finish for sheetrock. Ask those who have tried it. em - Lake Scagog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited Phone 240 w at PORT PERRY i PAINTER and DECORATORS in all branches of the trade. sees nies Sitti OUR NEW SAMPLE BOOKS NOW AVAILABLE. i Our years of experience to help you in choosing the proper papers for your rooms. 'We Sell and Service Venetian Blinds ~ M. ST. CLAIR and SON ; Phone Port Perry 118r 14 HH HR TL SESS SES 00 £00 S20 SLL SLLLLLLL000002 2000000000! POO III Peat iieti ost tesitotncsntstisstionsie

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