Fe 2 pra 2 EE 23 Eo ls Ti - IA TARA TM ASR SR 4 N LEARY HET LR AR FR SE AA SR HI AL LARS \ x 0 TRUE Ee SRS at hte i hth his ah Le LL COMA CIA ARIE SORA Tal ie PR CE od pak . NE Pb - RST Ete wl WAR Gh Nv ie ire hE in _. ad Lot are Syperd/ CL ~ "SALADA TEA & COFFEE [ ANNE HIRST Your Family Counselor "Dear Anne Hirst: It is with a heavy heart that [| read your col- umn about 'Sue' and how she hates her parents becaiise she discovered they had to get married. "That has been one of my fears these past several years. 'My two daughters are 'in their teens, We are like three sisters, They are very popu- lar, and loved by their friends. I have brought them up clean of mind and body. They go to church regularly. They won't even tell a little white lie when it might be convenient. "I dread, and live in fear, that some day they might find out about their Daddy and me. 3 "Shall IT gather them together Whirls for Girls SIZES 4722 ts by Aan Arbors Subteen girl with the slip she wants! Two Fashion! Please your bodice versions. with built-up straps or with real grown-up straps. Two skirt versions--you ean combine plain top with plaid skirt, too. Panties in pattern. Pattern: 4722: Girls" Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. Size 10 slip, 13% yards '35-inch; 3% vards 4'-inch eyelet edge. Panties, % yard 35-inch. This pattern casy to use, simple to scw, is tested for fit. Has com- plete illustrated instructions. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (35¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) far this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYL NUMBER. Send order to Box 1, 123-18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. and tell them myself? Or wait and see what happens? "1 have often wanted to write to you, but I never had the nerve. Now, reading about how 'Sue' feels makes me sick all over. WORRIED MOTHER." Be Still * I share with you the tumult * that sickens you in this hour of * indecision, * Your first concern; I am sure, * is the effect such a revelation * will have upon your girls, * Youth can be brutal in its * judgment, Inspired by the high * ideals which you have inculcated, * they may be so shocked that * they would turn against you, * cven against their church. What * good can result from that re- * action? It could not even lighten * the weight of your guilty know- * ledge, for it would place upon * their young hearts a grief which * 1 do not feel they are mature * enough to control. * The possibility that later on * they may learn of it, [ consider * exceedingly remote. Those few * who may have _known it have * kept your secret well. Why * should they reveal it now? * If they should, by that time "* the girls will have learned more about human weakness, and will have acquired a tolerance and charity toward the sins of others, that would soften the blow immeasurably. You have been, and are being, - * dren. You have solved a parent's deepest problem--to win her chil- dren's confidence and develop the fine friendship which exists amon you all. Comfort yourself with that knowledge. Leave the future ta the. gods. * * . TO "JEANNIE": Why not marry this fine young man, and plan to _adopt a baby in about a year? There is, of course, no guaran- tee as to the ancestry of an ad- opted child. But how many of us know much about all our eight great-great-grandparents? We have seen plenty of homes where adopted childeen could not be worse than the little rascals born of too-indulgent parents. Talk to your parents (and his) about the idea. From what you tell me of both families, | think they would approve. And their opinions are important, * a - LOE EE EE EE JE IE TR SRSA ! LE EE EE EE a * - » Don't live in daily fear that a mistake you made long ago may come to light. Keep your secret until the day it must be acknow- ledged Anne Hirst under- stands, and will refresh your courage, Write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. PLACING THE BLAME Recommended to blabber-mouths is Henry Commager's version of Jonah and the whale. Jonah was so nervous in the whale's belly, it appears, that he paced up and down. "Can't you cut out that con- tinuous bouncing about, Jonah?" asked the whale, "you are ruining my digestion." "You're a fine one to talk," answered Jonah, "if you only had kept that big mouth of yours shut, neither of us would be in this fix now," - 8. Dry as wines 37. Vegetable 49. Shellfish 10. Luggage D 10. Swine carrler 11. Look closely 42. Before PUZZ F 17. Slight tasta 45. Started 20. Jon together 44, Decres 23. iroop 117. Portable . =r = 25. Tolerate shelters ACROSS 2. Wireless - 27. Poem 49. Falthful 1. Propogate 3. Upright 28, Sailor 51, Tax 6. Bird's beak 4. Feminine 30. Turf 63. gv 9. Pronoun ~ name 21. Make lace 54.8 12, Worm 8. Valley 33. Kind of tree 85. Old musleal 13. Make a mistake 8.Snuggle 34. Mouths hote 14, Bashful 7. Epoch 35. Get back 57. Turmerle 15. Utoplan T 14 I y 16. Kind of meat . Thus : 19. Salamander 3 21, Besame 22, Topers 24, Malt liquor 28. Consplire 29, Agreement 32. Room ina harem 18. Falled to renmmber "34, Trim 38. Anger 39, Delegate i 41. Bpeed contest 43. And not 44. Border on 48. Scrap 50, Ribbed fabrie 33 Jac ont 5 . Young hare 86. Wind J : instrument 8% Grow old 59, Rubher trae 80, Minimum 81, Beetle 82, Organ of hearing 43, Narrow roads DOWN NC -- ---- 5 ---- eo © © nr ! Rapture Answer Elsewhere on This Page v "a4 ! VY SERRA THR a wonderful mother to your chil- NEW and USEF UL Too Car Trip Crib This handy wrinkle turns the reag scat of youd car into a safe and 'comfortable playground © for the kiddies. Padded on sides and bottom, -strong resilent base and cushioned, plastic-covered mat, un- fold from an casily carried package to a wide car crib. Said to fit all makes and models of cars, mat is reversible with one side blue, the other pink, \Vet cloth wipes plastic- covered mat clean. A * * New Syrup sugar, new syrup bas same con- sistency as conventional syrups. Is «aid to be particularly useful with such foods as puddings, top- ings, and pancakes. : . + - Baby Frig Tiny refrigerator has one cu. ft. of cold storage space and about 33 cu. ft. of dry storage space, with 2 sq. ft. of shelf space and a 2l-ice-cube capacity. The unif is run by a 1/9 hp, hermetically "sealed motor. Measures 2814 by 191% by 16 in., weighs 80 Ibs. Ld * . Wire Tensioner Marketed for use in strand fence maintenance, new gadget is simply attifched to slack wire with a gal- vanized clip, reaches the clip and automatically secures. Tool is then withdrawn, taking up 4-5 in. of wire slack- ness. - . Ld * Name' Plate Light Electrically lighted push button holds mame plate lit by a tiny bulb housed in a clear molded I.u- cite plastic casing. Manufacturer claims installation is simple, re- quiring little extra wiring. ¥ J * Dry Dog, Cat Dip Dry bath for dogs and cats fea- tures "soft puffs of pleasant smell- ing lather," instead of old fashioned soap and water, The lather is gent- ly massaged into the animal's coat and then wiped. Said not only to clean, but also remove pet odors, one package will give five cleanings for the average dog or cat. Main selling point is "dry" feature which is chimed to eliminate the danger of pets catching colds due to bath- ing. : " * Wiggling, Wobbling Bait New lure for catching fish in weed beds and lily ponds has "wiggling and wobbling" motion said to attract game fish. Features wire spring on the underside for easy retrieving when in contact with weeds. Made of lightweight white Tenite, with realistic color- ing. Claimed t6 be corrosion-resis- tant and exceptionally durable, * * * Winter Air Conditioner Features one-picce construction, making unit gas-tight and allow- ing efficient and casy installation of controls and wiring." Comes in two models and cight dimensions. Run by 4-h.p. motor, Jiffy Set for Baby THREE OUNCES of baby yarn with one ounce of contrast for this inexpensive set! Iasy pattern stitch--alternate rows of double and single crochet. Jiffy work-- cap, jacket one piece cach! Pattern 734; crochet directions for cap, jacket and booties. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coing (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to Box 1, 123-18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. Such a" colorful roundup of handiwork ideas! Send tiventy-fiva cents pow for our Laura Wheeler Needlework" Catalog. 'Choose your patterns from our gaily illustrated toys, dolls, household and personal accessories. A pattern for a hand- bag is printed right in the book, Made from apple juice and cane. twisted until wire - Fairway Toddler--Walking in from a brisk "round" of golf little Linda keeps up with her daddy as she did all day, Linda was just eight months old when she launched her golfing career. Note the spikes on her golf shoes. v NC % ji SW dr i ame-- Ne -- 'HRONICLES FGINGERFARM by Gwendoline P Clarke Another week of "lovely" weather gone by--the kind of weather that makes the country more beautiful every day--although the need for a good rain is hecoming quite evi- dent. Except for trees and shrubs growth is at a standstill. We hate to lose the sunshine but we know a nice, gentle rain is what we ac- tually need. Fine weather brought us four visitors yesterday but it -also re- duced our regular family by one. That is to say Bob is away on a construction job north of here-- back to the job he likes-=as power shovel operator, working on a new road that is-in the process of be- ing built. Which brings Partner and 1 back to 'the Darby and Joan stage once agam. And then. this Joan took a dav off last I'riday to attend the W.I. Officer's Rally in Guelph. . This Officers Rally has become an cvent vhich few delegates like to miss. In fact attendance has ex- ceeded accomodation at the O.A.C. so that the overflow had to be boarded out at hotels in the city. Most W.lI. members will hear highlights of the cvent from re- ports by their own Branch ofii- cers so | confine myself mostly to personal impressions. My first impression was a realiz- ation of the interest, the loyalty and the strength of the W.I. in Ontario. Tow could one think otherwise when 1,100 women were willing to leate their homes at House-cleaning time? | was also struck with their intelligent grasp of the many problems that were presented and discussed... For in- stance, women were really inter- ested when Mr, Stothers, of the Public Relations Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. out- lined the way in which secretaries and treasurers should handle the business affairs of the Branch en- trusted to their care. A mimeo- graphed copy of his informative ad- dress will be available to \W.I. scc- retary-treasurers throughout the province. The test of the forenoon was taken up with group discussions of officers work and problems, fol- lowed by a panel discussion in the afternoon, at which the group leaders summarized their findings, _ and discussed merits and disad- vantages of the practices that had been discussed. ;One contentious question created a good deal of interest--""Should the District An- nual be used as a get-to-gether for anniversaries and for hearing guest speakers?" The majority ruled that the District Annual should be al- most - entirely a business meeting. So that's that, ladies--no more an- niversaries or speakers at your District Annuals! 4 In regard to Branch meetings it was agreed that guest speakers sometimes provided a stimulus but that having guest speakers too of- ten frequently created lazy mem- bers. To prevent this local talent should be developed to thé limit, for one reason the surest way to maintain interest among the mem- bers was to keep them busy. Re- ferring to the officers it was said "the president provides the inspir- ation and' the secretary the pers- piration." : A pleasing highlight of the af- ternoon was an address on "Leader- ship" by Miss Ethel Chapman, formerly women's editor of the I'armer's Magazine but now ap-. pointed to the staff of the Provin- "cial W.I. "Alntost everyone has some way in which she can be a leader," said Miss Chapman, "There are, of course, different types of leaders but most of them can be found in every local Branch. There will be one person who can make better pies than anyone else, an- other who is splendid at getting up a paper; or as convenor for ban- quets or programmes. Or in music, quilting or speaking--almost every person in every Institute has some special talent. Sometimes it is ob- vious but there are times when it has to be discovered and develop- ed." Miss Chapman thought one good way for discovering hidden talent was to provide more oppor- tunity for discussion at W.I. meet- ings. It not only brought out ideas but was good training "for think- ing on your feet." The speaker made other pungent ramarks--Op- portunitics for leadership often seemed greater in backward areas; in more thickly populated places leadership was often only the re- sult of @loing the job nearest to you; a leader should let her fellow- members in on her plans; the bet- ter types of leader is also a good follower; she tikes-and is interested in people, and she is never afraid to be friendly." - Miss Chapman mentioned that Rural service by the Victorian Or- der of Nurses was the result of good leadership in Lincoln County, It was a splendid and inspiring address--1 was not surprised to hear two women behind me say onc to the other--*Aliss Chapman is good, isn't she?" "Yes, what she says is so worth- while ahd she is always so easy "to listen to." I might add, they are my sen- 4 timeuts too. Trust MAGIC for sure-fire baking success! 1g tsp. WALNUT BUTTERMILK LOAF Mix and sift twice, then sift info a bowl, 214 c. once-sifted sifted hard-wheat flour) Powder, 14 tsp. bak und mace. 'Mix in 24 ic, lightly- packed brown sugar, 14 c. rolled oats and 1 c. broken walnuts, Combine 1 well-beaten egg, 1 c. buttermilk, 2 tsps. grated orange rind, 1 tsp. vanilla and 5 tbe. shortening, melted, Make a well in dry ingredients and add liquids; . mix lightly. Turn into a loaf pan (414" x 814") which has been greased and greased paper. Bake in a rather slow oven, "826°, about 1 hour. Serve cold, thinly sliced . POW pk and lightly buttered. pastry flour (or 2¥{ c. once- tsps. Magic Baking soda, 114 tsps. salt, ined with phi acid " = |_ Topsoil For That Garden, Of Yours Should Be Carefully Chosen The indiscriminats application of topsoil-is hardly an effective means --{- of improving soils which are basi- cally poor and unproductive. Be- sides the labor and expense involv- ed, there is often the likelihood that soil diseases and undesirable weed seeds may be introduced. In view of these obvious shortcomings, certain other disadvantages oi using topsoil purchased from outside sources must be taken into account, Despite the problems it may in- tensify, 'there are numerous cases in which the use of topsoil may be the only feasible alternative. It may often be employed in such operations as grading, and to re- place earth which has been lost through the normal process of 3 erosion, In fact, in many sandy lo- cations, especially near the seca- shore, regular replenishment of soil is almost a necessity because of the unusual conditions encoun- tered there. Then, too, many gar- deners want a supply of topsoil for spreading top-dressings. Beware of Weeds Since the composition of topsoil may vary very widely from one location to another, there exist few fixed standards by which the in- experienced buyer may be guided. Countless truckloads of material sold as topsoil have possessed the most unhappy faculty of growing the most luxurient stands of poison ivy, sour grass and assorted swamp flora. In such cases. the good earth may well prove more a blight than a boom. Users of topsoil in quantity, such as municipalities and land- scape contractors, have established minimum standards to describe the product. It should consist of a balanced mixture of no more than 30 per cent each of sand, clay and silt. The acid content should be within the pH range of 5 and 7, and a minimum of 6 per cent should be natural, decomposed or- ganic matter. Furthermore, it should contain no wood, rocks, large roots, or foreign matter of any kind. Only the upper layer, minus the sod is acceptable, Lumps of hardpan or subsoil are looked on- with disfavor. From the viewpoint of determin- ing optimum texture, the screen test is highly significant. When thoroughly dry, 99 per cent should pass through a one-inch screen, and not more than J per. cent should be retained by a quarter- inch mesh. From 40 to 60 per cent should drop through a sieve with openings the size of insect mesh. Visit to Source This is not intended to imply that the home owner must be a soil technologist in order to pur- chase topsoil. Nevertheless, some preliminary investigation is war- ranted before placing an order, If the dealer has a reputation for re- liability, a personal visit tb the source of supply may be sufficient. Earth dug from the tops of knolls and similar high spots should be avoided, for such locations may contain' shallow. deposits. with a high sand and gravel content, from which. much of the organic nutri- ments may have been leached out. Low, wet land should also make the buyer skeptical; it may have excessively sour soil, Topsoil is usually sold 'by t cubic yard, or "by the truckl with the cubic content specifically indicated, Since quotations - will vary with haulage distances, price comparisons should be made am- ong neighboring dealers. And when ordering, it should be understood that the soil is not to be delivered in a frozen or muddy state. . A little 'advance planning may save many extra steps and un- necessary work. The home owner should arrange to have the con- signment unloaded where it is both convenient and accessible. - This may mean laying out planking over which the truck may pass, or clearing away obstructions, Sol should not be piled near open drains, where it may wash away during a rainstorm, Neither should it be allowed to lie on lawns for any length of time, since the grass beneath may burn, Famous Beds "And so to bed . . ." often wrote Pepys. the celebrated diarist; and no doubt with the ending of his day's labour he suited the action to the word by snuggly tucking himself up in his spacious, canopied bed. There, revelling in the luxurious softness of his resting-place, richly hung with red damask, trimmed with fine fringes, the great man perhaps did dwell on the day that was past and the morrow to be. Tut-ank-Amen's consort, too, the lady Ankhesenamun, had a magnifi- cent bed. It rested upon a pair of finely carved enlongated heraldic lions, and had ornate drapings: of finely woven linen spread over a palliasse. No soft downy pillow for her; the lady preferred to sleep on a hard neck-rest of wood! Gold and white was the colour- scheme of Napoleon's Josephine's bedroom, with hangings of yellow satin and bed-cover of green. Visitors to the Ideal Home Exhi- bition in Olympia in London this year have an opportunity of secing per fect reproductions of these and other " historic beds and bedrc ims. Mr. Pickwick must have been blessed with some form of radar to find his way about in the darkl His bedroom is crowded with or- namentation and furnishings; the bed an elaborate creation of brass, with curtain of rich bottle-green silk and velvet. Providing a setting for this "splendour is a rich wallpaper liberally sprinkled with rambling roses and green leaves, Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking =~ ISSUE 21 -- 1952 we Crusty, Crunchy % ES dE A DINNER ROLLS ® They're really ritzy -- and no » trouble at all to make, with new Fleischmann's Fast Rising Dry Yeast! Gives you fast action -- light doughs -- and none of the bother of old time perishable yeast! Get a dozen packages -- keeps full strength without refrigeration! CRUSTY DINNER ROLLS ® Measure into a large howl 14 ¢. lukewarm water, 1 tsp, granu- lated sugar; stir until sugar is dis- solved. Sprinkle with 1 envelope Fleischmann's Fast Risin Dry Yeast, Let stand 10 mins., "THEN stir well. Add 3 lukewarm water and 1 tsp salt. Add, all at once, 31) , once-sifted bread flour and work in with the hands; work in 8 tbs, soft shortening. Knead on lightly- floured board until smooth and elastic, Place in greased bowl, Cover with a damp cloth and set in warm place, free from draught, Let rise until doubled in' bulk, Punch down dough in bowl, fold over, cover and again let rise un- til doubled in bulk. Turn out on lightly-floured board and divide Into 2 equal portions; shape each ' Plece into a long roll about 11," n diameter, Cover with a damp cloth 'and let rest 15 mins, Usi . & floured sharp knife, cut do into 2" lengths and place, well t, on unireasad cookie shee g Sprinkle rolls with A nd uncovered, for 14 hour, Brush with cold Aili Ro let tise another 1/4 hour, Meanwhile, stand a broad shallow pan of hot water in the oven and preheat oven to hot, 425° Remove of water from oven and hake the rolls in steam.filled oven for hour, brushing them with co water and sprinkli .cornmeal 'and