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Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Jul 1952, p. 3

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ie rem" "This Region Guaranteed Best = "sumed greater importance in the lives ~ "to loek over the amount of building, "There will be g ball game between the - Maples and Pine Grove: .* = 'have charge of the Shutch service on "Aileen Skerratt; on Monday. le CL ar iN aay anne 2 20 ~ i H. Henderson Offers Peo ple of Wuehiyy - There is no. industry that. has as- of the Canadian public in the last few years - than the building industry. Never in the history of the country has- there been a greater need for 'building' and housing than in the past] . four years, . With the restrictions that were placed upon materials and: with. Bir added cost of these materials, the blic began to look upon the con- crete block industry as the answer to their problem, .. To say. that the in- dustry has met these demands is just of all kinds that has been and is be- ing déne with the concrete and cinder blocks. New materials are being constantly Blocks : : . © placed upon the market by such con- cerns as the J. H, Henderson Co., 168 King St. W., Oshawa call 38-4412; are in a position to give you information concerning them. They are manufac: turers of cinder and concrete blocks. The owner, Mr. J, H, Henderson has been identified with this type of busi- ness for years, and his firm maintains a prompt delivery "service anywhere within an approximate radius of fifty mikes of Oshawa. If you are planning any building on the home.or the farm, and they will be glad to go over your. plans with you and give you an esti- mate upon the cost of using their materials, Loe Pine Grove (orowded out last week) Mr. and Mrs. Bill Garlick 'and daughter, and Mr, Topper, of Mussel- : man's Lake, visiting. Sunday night with the Catherwoods. 1 Den't forget the picnic of the school - and Sunday School on Thursday this "week. Come and bring your basket. © Mr. Davidson, of Claremont, will Sunday next. visiting Sunday yu with Dip Mrs. Charlie Geer. _ Miss Jack Simpson calling on Miss Mr .Charlie Gourlie is confined to , Mr. Orville Gourlie and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gourile, visited Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie on Sunday. Roniafii] Rise, is staying with her grandparents for a time. : Kay Evans, John Syers: and" Walter Kerry attended the Junior Farmers Field Day at Guelph on Thursday. The July meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Groves on July 2. "Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Borck and Gail and Betty Handel, Mr. ,and Mrs. Lleyd Archibald and boys, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Wesdom, visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Handel, on Sunday. . ~, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Taylor, Mari- tetta -and 'William Stewart, Mrs. Jock Armstrong, of *Bad Axe; Michigan, Mrs. Albert Cleland, of Zephyr, visit- ing their cousins Mr. and Mis, Earl Ballard, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Woods of To- ronto, visited Sunday; and Masters {Annual Meeting ©. Jeultural: Societies, see or call the J. H, Henderson concern | - EXPECTING GUESTS? | OF LF IY Ng WV (ce 7; The Annual meeting vf lng No. 4, Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies, was held in the Recreational Hall, 'Blackstock, on Wednesday, June 18th, at 2 p. a, About 60 delegates were prageat: re- presenting 'most of-the Fair Boards in the District which'has 16 Active Agui- *Mr, Fred Christie, of Port Perry, Chairinan-of the Dis- trict, occupied the chair, The guest speaker was Mr, Jack Carroll, Dep. Minister of Agriculture. Mr, Carroll gave a deseriptive talk of his trip overseas last .year with the champion 'team of Ontario Plowmen. This talk was very instructive describ- ing farming "conditions in. England, Ireland, Scotland,~Sweden, Denmark, West Germaay, and dther Countries which he visited, = The chairman thanked Mr. Carroll for his splendid address, Mr, Fred Christie retired as presi- dent after 2 years of very active ser- vice, and Mr. Norman Down, Oshawa, was elected for the next two years. Mr. DC. Ross, Beaverton, was re: elected as Secrotary- Treasurer. - Mr, E. Mark, Oakwood, is Vice President. The next annual' meeting will- be held in Port Hope next Jie, Th¢ Woman's Division "held their meeting upstairs with Mrs. O. W. Rolph, of Orono, as guest speaker. Mrs. M. Davis, of Oshawsd, was was elected president, for next year, Mrs. P. Simmons of Oshawa, Secre- tary; and Mrs, H. Jose of Newcastle, Vice-President, A banquet was held in the Com- munity Hall at 6.30 when the Black- stock Women's, Institute served a very delicious dinner. After dinner Mr. N. Down acted as Toastmaster, Mr. H. Forder, Past President of C.A.S., ex- tended a welcome to the visiting dele- gates. Mr. Bill Weldon led community singing with Mrs. Lorne -Tliompson at the, piano. Jurko Bros, favoured with instrumental numbers on the ac- cordion and violin.. The banquet was closed with God Save the Queen, R bed" with pnéumonis. Hope he will Phil Clark and Glen Starkey of Port -soon be better. | Perry, spent the 'week-end at E. Bal- - Mr. and: "Mrs, John Rice and tant, lard's, A z : Zz | light of the afternoon was the swim- = compete for $500.00 in Cash Prizes. - Don't forget # PORT PERRY oy Photo Finishing Headquarters ENTER YOUR PICTURES.IN OUR Bo Snapshot Contest ; our STORE is offering | 'the following prizes; - - et : 1st Prize--ANSCO CAMERA AND FLASH GUN. LE LS 2nd Prize~KODAK C AMERA ADAPTABLE FOR' FLASH, 8rd Prize-~ONE 8 x 10 ENLARGEMENT of your favorite picture, : hand colored in oils, Spies in a mount, The prize-wihning snapshot or enkargement from out store will be' entered in Mercury Photo Service "Interesting Snapshot Contest" to ++ you can win both a CAMERA and a CASH PRIZE by Just leaving your films with us 'BRUTON' S: DRUG STORE AT ht. | CAR RAS "a nothing to buy. ONTARIO 1 ve Fast Rellable Service TEE EY "The die Jus Sa CAWKER'S "PORT PERRY Let Us Supply You || .- | WITH THE CHOICE FRESH || \ MEAT TO GIVE THE }| ~ PROPER-BALANCE IN now been cast" An American manufacturer was planning te open a plant in Canada, He considered various locations and found what seemed a likely site. He talked to: YOUR DLT : |" alocal 'bank manager, got facts i "about the community and its facilities. So-ey Some time later the company wrote to the banker: 'BUTCHERS YThe die has now been cast. It is our a fntention to locate in' S . . . We feel ONTARIO ] «that it is well suited to our particular Je operation, You have been of great Saintfield The Annual School Picnic was held in Port Perry Birdseye Centre Park on June 26. "It was ideal picnic weather, sunny and warm: - High- ning -pool.- The 'slide, swifigs and teeters were enjoyed also. Forty-five sat down to supper at a long table and 'it is almost impossible to beat Saintfield when it 'comes to suppers. This was topped off by ice cream and i Shoe Scramble--Ist Ruby Durward, 2nd Verna Wallace and Nola Hunter. Hopping Race--1st Eileen Durward, cor 2nd Myrtle McNenly. Clotheapins--1st> 'Mrs. Mrs. 'Faux, Mrs. Sinclair. i Ty "Rélay Race -- Lawrence Wallace, 2ud Sylvia Bell. Leap-frog--Girls won from boss: Eldest lady presetit" was Mrs. Blanchard (no we aren't telling fust | "~ how old) and youngest was Sandra aid to us. Your accurate and rapid presentation of facts necessary to reach a' decision was top-notch." Such letters show how a branch ~~ bank serves not only its own depositors "and other customers, but how, by- assisting business development, it benefits the whole community. AN McNenly, 2nd C. : with a. silver set, a tray, cream, sugar, strawberries, 3 rit 'An address was veod to Mrs. "Hun- ter by Eileen Dumward on behalf of. her pupils, She was also" presented ae | Want trio -- etoile -- higher taxes. government e the means by ~ higher prices. 5° higher Prices 'not a foolish one. cause of rising prices the HIGHER Taxes? ES "Don't be silly," you-aré likely to retort. But the question. is For if you keep asking the government to do things for you then you are automatically asking, for "1 * Government itself creates and posseses nothing. All it can do is to take something from the citizens and hand it ~~. 'back td"them--Iless a handling charge to pay the wages of * mplovags and cost of distribution. w Higher wages without higher piGdadtion per 'man mem" gnsfér payments are raised be- taxes must go up, too. If welfare now mean higher taxes. = Keep these facts'in 'mind when you ved about new State welfare proposals, or about new wage demands that are not aseippaTied by assurance of higher per-man production, ok Batik as a Public Service by STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED No HAMILTON - Plants at BRANTFORD - SWANSEA - - GANANOQUE - MONTREAL ich this transfer is made possible. Taxes are SA Thus : \ \ - - ' = BE \ EY -| Fellow." '| Dear Mrs. Hunter: | Durward, 2nd: Mrs. Kay Sinclair. pepper and-salt-from-her-pupils: Mrs: Hunter thanked them and then every- one sang "For She's a Jolly Good We do regret Mrs: Hunter leaving' us after four years deaching here. She will be greatly missed by parents and children alike. took a very active and personal in- terest in all their activiftes. We do apreciate "everything she has done for us and only swish she could be coming back again next term. We, your pupila'at Saintfield School are very sorry that you are not going to teach us again next year, You have always taken such a personal interest in each one of us and made our school Work so interesting and pleasant. We hope thab your influ- ence for good will be with us always. . As a token of appreciation for all you have done for us we would like you to accept this gift in the hope us' all. : Your pupils of Saintfield School. Races were run and many prizes given out, Girl's race 7 and undex--1st Isabel Durward, 9nd Lois Faux, Boy's 7 and under --- 1st Warren Thaxter, 2nd Gordon Wallace. Girls 11 and. under--1st Joan At- kipson, 2nd Ruby Durward. 3 Nenly, 2nd Earl Durward. Sr. Gils 'and Ladies---1st Eileen Sr. Boys--1sat Arthur Atkinson, 2nd Lawrence Wallace. Backward Raco--1st Arthur Atkin- son, 2nd Lawrence Wallace. Ballon Race--1st Leonard Wallace, Myrtle McNenly, 'Jamie Hunter. Shoe Kick--1st' Eileen Purward, 2nd Fern McNenly. #l Wheelbarrow Race---1st Earl Dur- ward and Fern M¢Nenly, 2nd Jamie Hunter and Nelson Atkinson, Wallace and Warren Thaxter, 2nd Evelyn Wallace and Marilyn Thaxter. Pony Race--1st Arthur Atkinson, 2nd Leonard Wallace, She that it will remind you frequently of | 'Boys 13 and under--1st Carl Me- |. Pie-a-back Race -- 1st 'Lawrence | Baseball July. 4--Stouffville at Sunderland July 7--Uxbridge sat Stouffville ay Jean Harper, just four months, : : hb "Visitors. to the home of Mr. and : : =, Mrs. Ross Healy last week were-Mr. This advertisement, based x Eh and Mrs. Wm. Healy of Toronto and * on an actual letter, is : €- TAYE) Mr, and Mrs. Peles Healy "of Gan- presented here by el p/ N Wes arigque: THE BANKS SERVING EE ah TA Pi ee WO ------------ : : ; BANK NAT LE ' el YOUR COMMUNITY 157 = TF Tri- County League| LY PLL LI BO SE July 7--Sunderland it Port Perry : July July 16--Sunderland at Sutton 17--Port Perry at Yn | duly ;18--Stouffville at Uxbridge HR July 9--Port Perry at Sutton July 18=-Sutton at Sunderland ECTI cDULE : WY ¥ JEST sper oN SCHED] : July 11--Sutton at Uxbridge - . July 21--Sunderland at Uxbridge ~ s July 11--Stouffville at Sunderland July 21--Stouffville at Port Perry July 4--Port Perry-at Uxbridge July 14--Uxbridge at Port Perry July 23--Uxbridge at Sutton July 26--Uxbridge at Sunderland July *26--Sutton at Port Perry PHONE 78° Enjoy. Paid-up Heat : Y NEXT WINTERS coal' Budget anthracite. Phone us now about our it 3c we 'blue coal' 'BUDGET PLAN Reesor Fuel and Lumber Think of a winter free of fuel bills] Think of paying for yous. ceal as conveniently as you pay your phoge billl That's how our 'blue an warks to make coal buying easier and to guarantee you the finest home heating with 'blue coal':--the: world's finest Start now and: your monthly payments will be' that much smaller. Port Perry, Ontario

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