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Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Jul 1952, p. 8

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va Remit Be, 2 EAS wt > "DEAD" STOCK . LECT Toronto Howard 6182, "sponsible position, cand cows? Ye streety . aAvin 1-1121. ~ "FOR within 3 weeks as CLASSIFIED ADS DEAD "and CRIPPLED FARM | ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPT- LY FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL. | « Telephone :Collect. « GORDON YOUNG LTD. © nov 80 ©. DRESSED TURKEY HENS ° 49e¢. bet pound Delivered Oven Re ady. ; SMITH BROS. TURKEY -~ Uxbridge, "hone 99 r n FOR -SALE--Ford COS, in good running order. Apply Jos. Hood, Port Pérry, phone 282-M, July 3 =.4 . Lall ONTARIO RENDERING COM- PANY for dead, disabled animals. Satisfaction guaranteed, Sunitary re- moval, Special week-end and holiday service, Call COLLECT" Port Perry 44. For fast service call direct COL: | may29tf HELP WANTED- wages to housekeeper Good home, good who wishes ré- Apply to Ross A. St, Ajax, Ont, bairley, 96 Exeter Ey julyd LIVE STOCK OWNERS--Why take less for your dead and cripple horses CPHE ONTARIO REND- ERING COMPANY guarantees you more: Simply phone collect, Port j Perry 44 or Oshawa 5-524, evenings 05-2214. : June2eif WANTED -- ReSident teal Estate Salesman for the Village of Brooklin. An excellent opportunity with a long * established firm with agents through- out. Ontario. Real estate not fowever, applicant should have u complete past know- ledge of farming and farm properties, and a desirable house the malin Interview Ly appointment D. H. McLéan, at Bald- . David McLean Limited, Realtors, Thornhill. July17 B.S.A. Racer. 192-32, - experience 'necessary on only. Call $45.00" Buys "Apply to Jerry-=--Phone d-speed SALE -- dining- room suite, in @good condition, also piano. Apply Morley Raines, Black- water, Ont.; Phone Port Pe rey 114-r-4, Nine piece 2b acres of mixed - must be taken off farm is sold, Phone 171-r:31 Port Perry, Fred Ballard, FOR SALE -- hay, standing ORDERS rot SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY . "will be pleased to serve you. Phone. 322W Port Perry for information. WILL TAKE aug2i-52 If interested in obtaining infor- mation 'regarding FERGUSON TRACTORS, phone * "JAMES DAVIDSON "Agent of Ferguson Tractors and Equipment Prince Albert Also For Sile © on Twelve-Mile Lake, USED FORDS from '49 down At. the time of writing we are sorry ; July 4 [to report Miss Wilma McCartney . EE very ill in Oshawa Hospital. Compli- TTI TL TTT L dntions! followed ab appendictomy. EXCAVATING Her many friends hope for her speedy CELLARS - DRAINS recovery. X : w : " 'C i d CQARPTIC'T Q Mr. and Mrs. . FK. Crosier an anny Donna visited. Mr; and Mrs." R. C. TIER piv ¥ | Moon, Raglan on Sunday. CLIFF BAKER, pT Mrs. Lee of Toronto was with her . july 17 "PORT PERRY Sand and Gravel Government Tested Sodding, Stone." Landscapihg, Loam; and Phone 88R Port Perry | septd Free Estimates, W. J. SYMES RY Tr | two 'wecks at the McKinzey cottage over the holiday week-end. Mrs. Dolly Roberts was in Toronto over the holiday. PANARANANPANINARNNIPI, DRINK cc Coll Te Th Dressmaking MRS. BARRON - "Phone 314M Ea a awe Apartment 1 in Catnegie Block] A opposite Libr ary. . de FOR SALE Two Cows, fresh and one cow due to freshen. Apply W. C.| Wilson, R. 4, Port Perry, phone 99-r-4, WANTED---Good Used Doll Car- riage (not metal), Phone 86 r 32, Port Perry: : ; FOR SALE ---1928 Chey. Sedan. Best effer. Phone 291 r 12, Port Perry, British Ontario Motors = Reconditioned Used-Tractors, Imple- nents, Cars and Trucks. "Ford and Case Tractors giom $450; G-row Potato Duster, $165. Used Cars and Trucks from $60.00 Lo, $1296, Easy Terms--Trade or Cash, BRITISH ONTARIO MQTORS "LEASKDAL E and UXBRIDGE. _ julyl0 Bulldozing and Excavating | By Hour or Contract Free Estimates Given. Sr on adrian very hour of every ay &a the telephone in your | home stands ready to serve bs ae © AN HOUR. Wha daily living me yet costs $0 li you for A FRACTION OF A GENT t else in your ans so-much ttle? Het a William Tripp R.AI-2, Port Perry. Phone Pp r 42 JulyAtf., FORNALE--Cook Stave, white en- amel, in gong condition. Very reason- onable. Phdfie 100 vr 42, 'Port Pogey- FOR SALE--8 acres Sng hay, mixed, Phone 265 v 22 Port Perry. FOR SALE--Canoe, $40.00. ~Alad- din lamp, $6.00. Portable double oven ' for gasoline stove, new, $4.00. - Bray's collage, 'week-ends, - Stéplhenson's Point, Scugog Island. _ july10 FOR SALE---New Holland Baler, 2 vears old, in good condition with bale loader attachment for wagon, and cover. Can' be seen working, Price $1600. New Holland Dealer, Lindsay. The Sale ig in Full Swing. ~ LADIES' SUEDE SHOES .. CHILDREN reas ME M RS GOOD WORK SHIRTS LADIES' LOVELY MEN'S-0VERALLS (denim) We have many good bargaj is the time to save money. QUEEN STREET Manchester The Women's Association will meet | at the home of Mrs. Arthur Fielding "on Thursday evening, July 12th at 80 'clock. The ladies are cordially in- vited to attend. * " Mrs. Grace Richardson of Toronto has heen the guest of Mrs, Dolly Ro- berts. Mrs. Cecil Ptolmey, Port Perry, de- monstrated Tupperware at the home of Mrs. Geo. Licach one day recently. Mrs. Denis' McKinzey-and Mrs. Me- Kinzey,' 'Sr. of Toronto spent the last called to order by the president, Mr. culture and its situation in the 1 wor and Canada today. HE GILBOORD'S STORE DRYGOODS and FOOTWEAR LIQUIDATION SALE Come in NOW--SAVE MONEY. You will be satisfied at GILBOORD'S. SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK : MEN'S GOOD WORKING BOOTS -......... irri N'S SHOES ..vovo....ooooo Ee S GOOD WORK PANT orients. DRESSES ... MEN'S WINDBREAKER SMOCKS Alix. Gilboord terse ansanene tecergiarisnnne "essere erserienanin i a 2.69 ins to choose from and NOW . PORT PERRY . : - a Forum Picnic On June 14th Ontario County Farm Foruin held a 'picnic at Greenbank. There were about one hundred 'sit down to a Setight ul picnic dinner. After the tables were cleared we were Russell Rodd. "After a few remarks hé called on Gordon Rynard who gave some very interesting facts on Agri- speaker, Mr, Dan Stouffer who is president of Ontario Province Co-Op. He too spoke on agriculture and its or- ganizations and how, only- through efforts of active Farm Forums throug- out the land can we make our organ- izations function to effective success. the need of organization and. yet it is the only way that our products will be properly marketéd. Farm Forums must be wide awake, Let us double our Farm Forums in Ontario County Mr. Rodd- then nroduopd our Vola It iis hard for some farmers to see Summer Sowing, of Vegetables It~ig: not too 'late for the summer sowing of many. vegetables, says Prof. culture, O.A.C., but a few Precautions should be noted. The land "should be watered both 'before and after sowing, - the ground further apart_than normally. Since small-sized geed "of certain types such as radish and turnip does not grow well under summer temperatdtes, such .seed should be screened out be- forehand. Prof, Graham points out that two types of sowing may be used. The seed may be sown continually in re- lays throughout the: summer season, or thé sowing delayed until as late a date as possible, so that growth will be completed in cogler weather after symmer heat has subsided. - The lat- ter type of sowing would apply to such vegetables as. spinach, broccoli, | and Swedes, which grow best under cool conditions. If radishes and beets are summer sown, only varieties with medium or short tops should be used, since these stand up better under summer heat. : . Specific vegetables and Varieties which can be summer sown are listed "in Prof. Graham's bulletin, "Veget- able~Garden- Requirements," obtain- able at the office of the Agrionirural representative. Se wpm Soil Conditioners The Soils. Department of the On- tario Agricultural College is investi- | gating the possibility of improving the physical condition of heavy" textured soils by means of a series. of experi- ments with soil conditiopers now being held tm Haldimand County. Farmers in areas of heavy clay have always lind the problem of "baking", a characteristic of the soil when it becomes very' dry. The soil becomes hard, and wide cracks occur in the sur- |face.- oil scientists have long known that the addition of organic: matter 'binds the clay particles together, pre- venting' shrinkage and cracking, "and the present cxperinfents make use of this fact. Soil cenditioners which have the ability 'to aggregaté the 'clay. into are being tried 'out on heavy clay. soil which is acid -and low in organic mat- ter, Results in the laboratory have been encouraging, but the practical value of the conditioners will not be known until extensive tests. are' com- pleted. : Elecirical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A "SPECIALTY: "METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground " and Serviced OXY-ACETYLENE and---ELECTRIC WELDING CAUSLEY MACHINE SHOP next year, brother .Mr. Jas, Masters and family TILLER The pause that refreshes William PORT PERRY REPRESENTATIVE Ernest Ridout Real Estate Limi CANADA'S LARG Prince Albert Road, - Port Perry. EST REALTORS « Heayn ted Phone Port Perry, - 174 r 12 (TPERCLEET- Canndinn Weekly En hee Newspapers Atha beauvitul oil painting: durin recent convention at Mau Kak: "Past _P xtidim ieft, atl Robert H. Saund Chavtan of The Hydro-Eleetric Powet Commission o Ontario, right. w ho was guest speaker, at the convention bantjuet UPPER RIGHT Ganadivn Weekly Division) posed Tor this P dinner witich was one of t convention at Wigwassan Lodge . Muskoka. I'ront row, leit - Viee=President, Paris Star; I Strath oy Age- Dis wilch: Chas. Nola! Trilnirie; Werden Leavens, Sooretary Sceond Row, left to right Davis, Elmird Signet; Barry Wenger, Wingham Advance; Jorry C raven, Ridgetown Dominion; George . Third Row, left to right-- William: James, anadian Statesman, "Hill, Direc tors; C layton Schaus, Chesley Entreprise, 2nd Vice-President. 3 - Featuring the annual convention of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assoc intion' (Ontario Division) was the presentation of 10bhies and awards for outstanding achievement in the field of weekly news per 4 ichmond Hill, was presented with the age in towns with po ulations 4,500 and under; Robert Wenger, § Pest all-round paper in towns with popula: ing Editor, Newmarket Era and Express, displays the Legge Trophy for the daughter, "Stella holds the: Aurora Banter vile = Bolton Enterprise; § LOWER RIGHT Winters left to right: Bam Cook, Trophy for theaveekly newspaper with the best front Editor, Mildmay Gazelte, winner of the Jos. T. Clarke John Meyer, Man best editorial page w hile hig five-year-ol tions 1.600 and under; "Retinng as Secretary-Mauager of "the Association (Ontario- Division) ufter 17 years outstanding service PRabwrt Gilles, Lachute (Que). W alchmén, was presente Vigwaszan Lodge, Lake Rosseau, 'Unt iio Shown with Mr. and Mrs. Giles are + i A. Spence, Strathroy QR nich, . Mémbers of the 1052 executive of. the Newspapers Association (Ontario hotograph during the -gala re highlights of their annual right--Jack Pickell, 1st" A. Spence, Past President, the "association's ers, C.B.E , Lake _Rosseau,. n, Prosi dont, Stouf- Manager, AS, Cadogan, Durham | Editor, The Liberal, femorial Trophy for Chronicle; Vern Farrell, Brac ebridge Gazelle, Directors: owmanville, and Col. k. J. Picking, Liberal, Richmond iting, F. Stephenson 'rophy for the best all-round weekly newspaper serving towns with a po ; lation 4,000 to 6,000. Both these awards were won by the Newmarket Era and Express. this ¥ Trophy for the best al x ~~ oar. Col. F. J. Pic ig newspaper ving towns of 1,600 tp 4, pl . Aurora Banner was daeserited with the Albert V. Nolan Memorial ut T. O. Grahani, Department of Horti- 5 1 should be rich, and the plants spaced' i granules instead of a_putty-like mass] Junior Farmers .| UNIOR FARMER FIELD DAY AT {gram of events got off to an early '| free with 'the compliments of 0.A.C. ----- 4 ©. DISTANT | Lakeview Theatre, Port t Perry, Ont. 5 Two. Shows Nightly 1 an snd 9 pan. : Bes THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT, JULY 34-5 'Gary Coopér and Marie Aldon =~ ~~ In the Record Technicolor Adventure Hit 1 DRUMS 7 ' Adult Entertainment MONDAY, 'TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, J JULY 7-8-9 - Yivien Leigh and Marlon Brando In the Gripping Academy Award Hit 5 » MA STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE" >. BREAD, BUNS, PIES, _GERROW'S PHONE 32W "FRESH BAKING DAILY . Fresh.-Shipment Gray Dunn Scotch Biscuits | Sy Cake Special "FRUIT SALAD LAYER CAKE" - CAKES and TARTS: BAKERY GM. GERROW ' as that of Merrick's Garage at Ux- bridge, phone 211. Often times we needed repairs and. are surprised to find - that they are 'ready to travel again in a few hours. The great deal of detail and equipment "and skilled workmen that are tequired to effect needed repairs on short notice are public, but. when we stop.to consider, we soon understand that a lot of fore- thought and monéy were expended to render us such service, department. whereby they render a complete service on all makes of cars, trucks and tractors, affording any- thing from a minor adjustment to a major overhaul job. Merrick's Garage offer our readers. a 24 hour towing service, equipped with a Holmes Wrecker this.firm be- longs to the O.M.L. Service and give real service at that, They carry a nfost complete. line of B-A gas and oil products algo. Dunlop and Fisk Tires, "This firm is thoroughly conversent with the automotive business and are rendering a real gervice, not only to Many people fail to appreciate the i; value to the community of a firm such |; take our car.to a garage with the idea | that it may require 'days to effect]: seldom considered -by the car-owning | Merrick's garage maintain a service | 'Xx Most Dependalile: Service i in Our Community Merrick' S Garage i in Uxbridge. ers as well, - ; dE We wish to congratulate Merrick's Garage on the satisfactory service they are fering the people of this the car owning public but to the farm- section, 0.A.C. GUELPH, SATURDAY, JUNE 21st, 1952 The Junior Farmer Field-Day was held at the 0.A.C., Guelph, under ideal conditions. The setting, the weather and the condition of the field all added to the enjoyment of the day. The pro- start and from 9.00 a.m. till noon the preliminary, events of the softball games, the girls' volleyball tourna: ment, and the Tug-0-War held the at- tention. | Lunch Whs served in the College Dining Hall and'the meal was provided authorities. dn the afternoon the Square Dance enthusiasts got a 'chance to show their paces and the standard, as could be expected from Junior Farmers, was of a high quality, The softball and volleyball competitions . continued throughout the afternoon and the final events were not played off until 7 p.m, 'To round off an excellent day of good sportsmanship and friendly gom- petition a street dance was organized and though it had been a strenuous- day for many the dance was well at- tended and thoroughly enjoyed.by. all, ~~ Ontario County' was represented in three events on the program. The girls' volleyball team after a tough 'fight lost 16-8 to South Simcoe. The boys' softball eam had some bad luck and sudewnbed to' Dufferin 7-4. The last upholdér of the County's honour also had to bow the knee and were , beaten after a hard struggle by Wel-, lington County in the Tug-O-War; Representatives of most Ontario County Clubs were present and pro- vided encouragement and. support to the County teams. . The Department of Agriculture at Uxbridge was repre- sented by A. J. Gill, Assistant Agri- cultura] Representative, v The winners in the various events were: Boys' Sooftball--Gray County. Girls' Softball--Brant County, Tug-0-War--Oxford, Girls' Volleyball--South Simcoe, Square Dince-=Wentworth, [

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