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Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Jul 1952, p. 3

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ap oh f- or fo Ee FHT AA ws he LOR BL a EL Ol AS I Rf EE Vea i . s A i cad * shad 2 887 : Sil 2 > : = - : ; 7 : Pl PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY, 24, 1953 ¢ ; Beryl and Gordon Martin of Maple| FURTHER ANENT --° re ---- a . The 'annual! "Sunday Sehool plenia 'was held at Port Bolster on Tuesday 'tof last week with an attendance of " 1ever.one hundred parents. and children: A little shower of rain' didn't dampen 'the 'spirits of the children. - The pic- ,.. Bic supper was served in the pavilion] and all report a good time, © Mr. Patrick Traynor of Toronto, is spending sometime with Mrs. Murrell. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Medd and family . spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Catherwood in Whitby, : (Ee is Mr, and Mrs, Sparks have bought a home in Oshawa and will be mov- ing there in the near future. -- Miss Ellie Ferguson from Scotland is visiting this 'week with her cousin Mr. James Neeson.and Mrs. 'Neeson, at Spruce Hill, Mr, and Mrs. M, Lakey, Linda and Tommy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rogers. . Mr, and Mrs. Bill Linton and Billie of Toronté were vacationing last week with Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Taylor. Mr. Alpine Christie of Peterboro, is spending this week with his brother and family. Rev. Howard Veales and Mrs. Veales 'of Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. Donald Boynton, of Port Colborne, were visit- ing with Mr, and Mrs, Ww. Boynton over the week-end. 'Mr. and Mrs: M. St. Clair spent the week-end in Cobourg and Hastings. Mr, H, Shea of Toronto, spent the 'week-end with their 'children Dianne and David. Mr. and Mrs, M. Cracknell of To- ronto, were at their cottage fox the week-end, .1 Grove spent Wednesday of last week with Gordon's sister Mrs, Al, Christie and' family. Epsom friends" were -sorry to hear 'of the sudden passing" of Mr, Milton Goode on Monday of last week. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Goode and family, | "The Decoration service in the Foster Memarial Temple. Ww ill be held on Sun- day July 27th. « Rev. 'Harold Kennedy of Trinity Church,' "Uxbridge will be the minister, and the Presbyterian' Jr, choir of" 30 - voices "will provide the music, = © MF and Mrs. W. J. Beacock, Cor-|" rinne and Pauline, spent Saturday in Peterboro and Fenelon Fall. Miss, Blanche Luke and Mrs, Cecil Morrison spent Saturday with their mother, Mrs, P. Luke, Miss Shirley Anderson of Port Perry, spent Tuesday .with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Anderson. The regular meeting of the W. A will be. held 'oni Thursday afternoon, |. July 31st, at the home of Mrs; *John Millman." A special attréction of the afternoon with -be a recital of Mrs. Millman's music class "All ladies are cordially invited to attend, Mr, and Mrs, George Jordan and family spent Sunday at Port Bolster. Mr, M. Bailey spent Saturday in To- ronto, > Miss Judy Munro of Sonya, -is 'spending a few days this' week with ; | Miss-Corrinne Beacock. > Miss Pauline Beacock has taken a position in General Motors office, in| Oshawa. Sunday, July 27th, evening service at 7.30 p.m. Sunddy School at' 10.80 jam. ' LUM "OUR PRICES built to your specifications. Phone No. 15 SEE EI RE EE LILLIE EE ERTS EEE SOLES EERE SER ESRB ERASE COTTAGE AND HOME BUILDERS . . SEE US BEFORE PURCHASING . - #§ LUMBER DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER TO YOU-- : NO MIDDLE MAN Complete line of Building Materials of all kinds. ; CREDIT TERMS arrange over two years period in monthly payments for prefabricated garages, cottages and homes "T. A. Wilson Lumber Co. Lid. "CANNINGTON, 1181 i BER Sat ARE LOWER ONTARIO After Hours No. 104 "A PERFECT HOLIDAY" PORE 'by Editorial" in July 8rd issue') I've fust read--in. PROSE+ What the Editor knows About folks having Holiday Fun-- But, take it from me, 9) So I thought (a8 1d time) i There are vodles that he Has' only. 'about ONE- HALF done! 4 a pe I'd compose him a RHYME Listing some of .the things he had . missed: But ¢'en now'as 1 write Comes a blur on my sight: <F I can't find the confounded LIST! You see, as 1 read, There had passed through my head . All the things. that had happened to ME When we'd left on each jaunt To our Holiday Haunt, And I seribbled them down so I'd see ~All the things I could ad To the several he had Written out for the Port Pewy Star-- You know: Heater left ON-- No fresh duds to don For what Holiday Jaunts always : scar-- Or the 'phone 'off the hook-- 'Unreturned Libr'ry book-- Several calls each knew hadn't - made-- -Shaving-brush left behind-- - Rent cheque left unsigned-- Electric and gas bills not paid! Such, "for both you and wife, : Take the joy out of life-- But I LOST the list, hence can add 'em-- So, INSTEAD, let me say: The Ed. WINS THE DAY! Asa nian HE stand's FIRST-- LY bagging Adam! --M, B. McCausland (St. Christopher and Toronto) A" use Bo en ~~ > 2 SORERTES] COURTEOUS SERVICE + will be held at Greenwood Park on | Tuesday, July 20th, . Eveéryone-is in- vited to-attend. Bring picnic basket. and your own dishes: Meet at Pros- pect Church at 10,30 aim. and trans- portation will be, provided for every- one, The W:A. met on Wednesday, July 16 at the home 'of Mrs. R. Coates. With the president presiding. the meeting was opened with the motto, Theme Song and Praper.. Hymn 148, "Work for the Night is Coming" was sung followed by the repeating of the Lord's Prayer. "The devotional period consisted of the Scripture reading by Mrs' Harold Holtby, the Kbsson Thoughs by Mrs. Murray | oltby sand the Prayer by Mrs, F. noth The Minutes of the last meeting 'Were read and approved. Sixteen members Li 10 visitors answered the roll call, . was decided to send "Thank os notes to all the non- members who contributed to the bazaar. We were pleased to welcome Mrs, R, Corner as a member of our group. Plans were made to decorate the church porch, Mrs. Yeo has very kindly offered to sell home-made jam from the booth in aid of the W. A,, 80 menibers: are asked to leave their donations there. : We were more than fortunate in baving Miss Ruby Wilson as guest speaker. - Miss Wilson is home on furlough 'after three years service as a missionary at Mokwa, Nigéria, West Africa. Her talk was: both" interest- ing and in tructive. : Hymn 266, "Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross", and the Mizpah Benedic- tion tlosed an interesting meeting. The hostess and group in charge served a delicious lunch, _ Recent visitors at the home of Mrs. M. M. Munro included Mr. and Mrs. R. Fisher, of Geneva, N.Y. and Mr. Bruce Lindsay of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. J. Holtby spent. last ? Manchester Dr. Fletcher brought a splendid 'message on Sunday morning, wing for his theme "Prayer." In spite of showers, the ladies of {the W.A. realized about $85.00 from their home baking sale .on ¥riday afternoon. passed away on Friday, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. R. Ward, in Whitby. Mr. A. R. Roach is on a busines Jtrip to Detroit, Pontiac and Cleveland. EN il ih BS ii. A = OSE uo = | [Rl VFR, L UT [ARR : . . , pyre WAT in m o 23 | ET 13 /) ! ill itl A ii RY mH hi A a hg lik ih fi io nl Pit i)! 1 A Te A oe cu. 're @rend PAC yo p88 Prine = os PEP UNC Ire 0 32 02 aves LULA aes oe] 7 A ry You're alwdys fondy for harvest time with a Massey-Harris Combine ; Bonditions at haryest time for taking off the crop may 'be good or 8:7) $ad according to the action of the 'weather, But when you are mechs 3 amized with up-to-date combine equipment you'r fhe crop is right in good weather and you can ma e ready to go when ke the most of any favorable conditions during the difficult seasons. Combine haryest- is the easy, low-cost modern way to harvest under normal tions and in many tough years the combine method hos the day for farmers. tA modern combine, too, simplifies the harvest labor rola . many farmers handle their crop with little or no extra help at i [paxvest time. For years Massey feutstanding ability -- ~ #e give you full details about the latest models. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED => + Harris combinis have beh noted for thes your Massey-Harris local dealer will be glad Makers of high-quality farm implements since 1847 Mr. Torrance, of Kingston, was a week-end guest of the F. B, Johnson home. Mr. and Mm. Chas. Young, Toronto, visited Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Crosier on Saturday evening. parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hedges. at their cottage on Boskung Lake for three weeks, of Tottenham, a resident of Man. chester for many years. Mrs, Ver- non's brother, Mr.- Wall, and his wife and their daughter were motoring from Manitoba to visit Mrs. Vernon, when Mr. :and Mrs, Wall and their daughter were killed in 'an accident. The other three membrs of the party are in hospital somewhere in the U.S. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cochrane have re- turned to Atlanta, G., after visiting her brother Earl Mitchell, i Mrs. Dennis" McKinzey sails this week for Scotland where she will visit until October. Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Harrison and fhnity will accompany her. Mr. Ray "Hobbs has commenced building his new service station, south of the village. 'Mr. Herb. Toombs spent last week at Wasaga Beach, . A] « SCUGOG The July meeting of the Head W.A. man. The opening hymn was follow- «wd by the Scripture, The roll call wae answered with household Kfrits, 'The bazear is to be held on Bdtur- day, August 9th. Please bring your articles to the next meeting 'at Mrs. L. Martyn's, August 6th. Mrs. A. Martyn read 5, poein en- titled. "The Boy". Mrs, L. Martyn gave Sn om intetest ing reading Yalleg "The rouble with -Men." The roll call for the next meeting is, "How to Improve 'the WA, "a how I like it." . by Ms. Dyck; the prize a bar of soap. Mrs. J. Wilson's group served a de- lighttul luneh, - "The Prospect Sunday Sehool picnic week: holidaying in Northern Ontasio. |. Sympathy is extended to the fain : ily of the late. W. F. Thompson who. Staff 'Sgt. Robert Hedges, of Hail. | fax,' spent the week-end with his] 'Mrs. A. R. Roach and daughter are|. Sympathy goes to Mrs. Ella Veinen i was held at the home Mrs. 8. 'Rod- I. A contest of S0AD- NAMES WAS Won |' Pine Grove Mr, 'Donald Jackson and lady" friend of Toronto, visiting' Mr. 'and Mrs. H, Hill on Sunday. : Et Mrs. Johnston, of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Herb. Keeler, Jimmie and Janet, of Fort Wayne, .Ind,; visited Friday, and Mr, John Orlss, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mry. Jack Hill The W. A, will be at the' home of Mrs, R. Nesbitt on August 6th, Mr, and Mrs, Herb Hill and baby, attended the McPhaden picnic at Pott Bolster, on Saturday. : Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Catherwood and Freddy visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ballard, Sunday evening in Sunder land. Mr. S. Catherwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Cather- wood of Uxbridge. Masters Terry and Keith Archi- bald, of Taronto, are spending a few days with their grandmother Mrs. A. Handel. Last week Mrs. Handel spent the week<end in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, Earl Wilson and fam- ily visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Simpson, on Thursday. _Mr." and. Mrs. Clarence Albright visited Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Crosier and Clifford, all of To- ronto, visited Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Erchison and family visiting on Thursday with Mr. and. Mrs. John Albright. . There was no church-service on Sun- day on account of Mr. Davidson be- ing called. to his mother 'who is in hospital.. She is. over from England on a visit, . Rev. Mr. Kennedy of Uxbridge will be the speaker for next Sunday. 'Mr.-and Mrs. Talbert Evans and Kay visiting: her parents Mr, and Mrs. Red- shaw, of Claremont on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gourlie visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins on Thurs- day. Mrs. Collins is suffering trom a heart attack. Mr. and -Mrs, Beverley Starks and Bfrs. Starks Sr., of Toronto, spent Sun: day with-Mr: and-3rs. Hilliard Arm- strong. -~ Mr, and Mrs. Jack. Hill and June; CAWKER g PORT PERRY" Let Us Supply You 'WITH THE CHOICE FRESH MEAT 0 GIVE THE PROPER BALANCE IN _ YOUR DLT Mr. and Mrs. 'M. S.. Woods of To- ronto spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. E. Ballard. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ballard visited Mr. and Mss. Albert Cléland on Tues- day. Albert returned on Sunday last after a six months' stay in Hospital. Saintfield Mrs. Ross Healey went to Toronto for a couple of days. .She has her new glasses, which bave improved her eyesight wonderfully since her oper ation. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker ave visit- ing at Markdale' due to his brother's illness. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKinnon and Marilyn spent a few days at their cottage north of Lindsay. Miss Evelyn Wallace ran a pitch fork iifto her foot and brother Len had his arm cut, requiring several stitches to close the wold. Both are * | doing nicely now.' Mr. and Mrs. Stan Atkinson motor- ed to Midland on Friday to attend his aunt's funeral. Mr. Uxbridge and Mr. and Mrs, Jim Thax- ter and family spent Sunday at Beaverton. Mr, and Mrs. George Stone have x re- and Mrs. Howard Thaxter of | Offering a complete service, here is the place to save. When considering anything in the line of tires, it is not necessary to worry about tire trouble. At Staley"s Tire Shop at Uxbridge, Phone 219J, you have two choices, you can buy new tires and tubes as they carry the famous Goodyear Tires and Tubes or you can have your old tires recapped- or vulcanized,-and we ean readily say that the job done here will make your tires as good as new, and it.is done with a precision and thor- oughness that will more than satisfy. The cost is surprisingly low and they have tires of all sizes 'at remark- ably low prices. They "specialize on tires for trucks, tractors, passenger Staley' s Tire Shop Offers 'Excellent Tire Service to Motorists and Farmers i in out area 3 Cu ; 3 Lis =r very hour of every day the telephone | in your home stands ready to Serve you for a.fraction of a cent i ~ .- 3 | an _hour. What else in your daily living means « _ So much yet costs so little? \ mum SPARY OF CANADA hb ; OE EE LL a Sk £15 : \ 3! = ONTARIO J turned from their honeymoon in the States. Miss Noreen Baker has been .quite ; ill and in bed the last two weeks; We ~~ hope she will soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hooper and Mr. and" Murs. Carl Creamer; of Osha- wa, spent Sunday at Mr, and Mrs. 8° Atkinson's, : b, Quite w few farmers have finished i haying but in places there was much hay out in the raih. The rain has really made the gardens perk up. : TN - ih Albert : Little Miss R. Chitell, Oshawa, is enjoying a country holiday with her |, grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. 'M. Heidt. Visitors with Mvr.zand Mrs. J. .F. Vickery: included Miss A. Strickland, 3 and- Miss P. Glass, of" Oshawa; Mrs, Jas. Kirby 'and Mus, Kilpatrick, of -- Prospect. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martyn and fats ily accompanied friends to Port Bol- ster recently. Mr. and Mrs. B. Zellar ad Title, 'Donna, of Hamilton, wei Sunday din- ner guests of their relatives. Mr. and : ius N. Wilson, BF A Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas. Brown and two _ | sons, of Toronto, visited at the home of Mrs. Luke,: on Bande LJ ' ox y 148 ' £438 Ch hy LENA v De' LY RAR E77 SEY fx E20 oi Hyde wy i carg and farm implements, and it is Wi with these points in mind-that this re- SHEA liable firm merits your consideration 08% "for any and -all tire needs. 3) This reliable firm invites the peoplé 2 of this district to call in the next time HN in Uxbridge or phone Uxbridge 219) Eby and they will give you full informa-' pt) tion. : : £3 Ld al v 51% : a » » as 1 2 wt

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