IR ET I ATR ET A CE a EN Te % SRE hie } J - . ES 'PORT PERRY, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1952 : : iG : ; -- ry + : . a p : x 1 Manchester ie Prospect "Mr, a Mrs, George Leach enjoyed The Prospect W.A. has been extend- a motor trip to ke Huron and ed an invitation to meet at the 'home Georgian. Bay. last wee las of Mrs: Fred Toms, of Shirley, on Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Hedges visited | Wednesday, August 20th. We are friends in 'Toronto on Monday. hoping to have a guest speaker at this Mrs, Clinton' Midgley, and' daughter meeting. Visitors are cordially in- 'e 55 3% HOUR SERVICE ~ | | Serve Coke cold A. Shrment picked up in 'morning will be delivered the 'afternoon of the following day. WH vited to attend. ih : ARR : Carol 'and Mis. Wheatley are visiting ALL TYPES OF DRY CLEANING. : 1. Use ? relatives in New York, ~ Mgs. F. Vernon, Newmarket, is visit- ER eli und Hig) = sn i bi Mr. aud Me, Rex. othe, Glayia and ing. at the home of Mrs. MM. Munro.|® ~~ u tt WER 2 arity 5 : £5 fl NR --| David, Mr, a rs. Walter Howsam, : : : Ne : Mr. and Mrs. Theo Stevens, Jimmy "Mr, and Mrs, W. Kinsmap visited PES :¥ - omy - the Including Federe! Taxes | Coke is at its delicious best whe nN served ice cold. Keep it in th coldest spot in your refrigerator. 73 Coke" Is a Lire trade- ak The annual-track and field meets, the ncet on Exhibition 30, and Canadian National Sturdag,: -August will be well greats, To date, Mal Whitfield, 800 metres champion, Andy Stanfield, 200 metres gold medal winner, and Rev; Robert Richards, pole vault record setting champion, have accepted invitations to' compete "at the "EX". More of United States great track and field team are expected: and further lod with Olympic word will be known for sure when the, team arrives back at New York. Meanwhile, sports "director of the CNE, George N. "Duthie, is seeking to bring the Olympic champion eight oared crew of 'the U.S. Navy College to meet Argonauts and Buffalo West- sides. The latter, champions of the Canadian Henley. for the past three years, fell apart at the U.S. Olympic "Trials to--finish-third--in-their--heat. | Now they want a crack at both Argos and Navy and if it is possible to do busy sports executive they'll. be on hand. What a race it will . bé if 'Navy should accept the invitation. The champions meeting two crews that ran into tough luck just when it counted most-to have Lady Luck rid- ing wtih you. ESPEN To Plans to kecp the car, bus, street car and pedestrian traffic flowing smooth- ly in and out of Exhibition Park have been worked -out by the police and CNE officigls---but their success will depend on the @o-operation of the hun- dreds of thousands of visitors who will | poration which administers N.H.A. [all had an enjoyable evening, : enter the Park from August 22 to financing will have a city block of| Mr. and Mrs, Stan Atkinson and Sept. 6." - bungalows, storey and a half and two- | family are visiting for a few days Space for more than 10,000 cars-- more parking space than fro before will be available within easy atcess to the Park.. Within the grounds them- hn mean:more parking space. The easi- 'est eheapest and most comfortable way to bring your car to the Exhibi- '|'tion is to approach via Sunnyside and park in-the: large free parking areas there. Shuttle bus kervice brings you into the grounds without. any driving worries, If you want to bring your car into the" groundsyzthe charge is $2.60 for car and driver up to b pan, and- $1.60 after that time. - But past experience shows inside parking is generally fill- cd before noon: Extra cash registers will be set up at the western: éntrances, but 'drivers | are advised to_ bring correct change with them to avoid delays. At both eastern and western entrances will be loud-speakers trucks to direct motor- ists as they approach the Park. Start- in-the mor ning 1 near the entrances, the trucks will move further cut as park- ing spaces fill near the grounds. _For_bus and taxi service, -new-routes- have been provided which should make for easier entry and exit, Parking Commercial vehicles will = use Strachan Avénue gates, as will agri- cultural exhibitors, Commercial ve- hicles wishirg to enter the: grounds after 10 a.m, each day will check in at the pass control hooth ¢ on Strachan AY enue, * * »* ARE YOU PLANNING BUILDING? Information about: . planning and building a house under the National Housing Act provisions can be ob- tained at the Canadian National Ex- hibition, August 22 to September 6. Central-Mortgage and Housing Cor- storey houses--in miniature--. on- dis- play at the CNE. Nine models of new house designs will be featured in the exhibit. = The lawns, flowers, shrubs, trees, retain- ing walls and driveways. C Information on NHA financing awill be distributed in a booklet entitled "You Asked About the National Hous- ing Act," and a staff will be on.hand to answer any questions which re- main to the potential home-builder, Floor-plan 'sketches of the house designs exhibited are placed above the models to show the interior room ar- rangements. A revolving turntable featuring three of the designs will give spectators an ample opportunity 'to inspect the house from all angles. ." Saintfield Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gibson and family motored to Bowmanville on Wednesday evéning. __Miss Marion Healey has returned | from spending a week of her holi- days at Kingston and surrounding 50, Mr, Duthic_ will have the three-|arens will not interfere with publie/| points, - .- 4 some at the "EX". Westsides nnd | transportation services, since separate Mr. and Mrs. Willie Stone and fa- _Argos have 'definitely assured the | roads have been provided. mily spent Sunday at Orono. Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon spent a few days in Toronto- last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ewen and daughters spent Sunday at the home | of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thaxter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Gibson and family : of Columbus visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gibson on Thurs, 2 On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Willie Stone gave a surprise party at their home in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Blakely,~ it being their fifth wedding anniversary. There were 18 guests present. Mr. and Mrs. Blakely were presented with a lovely gift and in Powassan. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Moore of New- market-spent Sun. renefting old ac- quaintances here, * and Walter, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach at their cottage in 'Haliburton one day last week, The Woman's Association met at the home of Mrs. Howard Franklin last Thursday afternoon with an attend- ance of twenty-six. The meeting opened in the usual way and Mrs, Dick 'Steer conducted the Devotional period. Miss Doréen Johnson *'showed three films, which were entertaining and in- structive, President, Mrs. J, E. Holtby; conducted a short business session. Several "Thank You" notes and cards were read by the Secretary. Treasurer Mrs. Grant Franklin received.a very POWER PACKED at the home of Mr, and Mrs, H. Web- 'ster last week. Miss J. Carruthers, Bowmanville, |: spent a few days last week at the Bruce Holtby home. Seventy-one people, young and old, enjoyed the Sunday School picnic at Greenwood Park, recently. Pine Grove Mrs. Talbert Evans and Mrs, Jack Johnston spent Monday in" Toronto. with Mr, and Mrs, Jack Simpson, __. Mr. D. Zylstra and lady friends of ] Belleville, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, W, Zylstra. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark and fam- ily visited on Sunday at the E Ballard home, The :W. A, will meet at the home of Mrs. Syers next month, Sept. 2nd. SCUGOG CLEANERS Phone 221M PH Perry St. North Proprietor. LC -- a JO "ART SHERIDAN, | r Let Us Supply You WITH THE CHOICE FRESH MEAT TO GIVE THE The Canadian Woollen and Knit] Goods Manufacturers Association. is the largest single section of the vast Canadian primary textile industry, this 'country's "leading employer of manufacturing labour, irrigated. The St. Mary's River irrigation pro- ject, now nearing compeltion in Al- berta, embraces 220 miles of main canals and 2,200 miles "of smaller canals yia which 400, ,000 acres will be Radiant new color Powerful, economical 130X interesting letter from Miss Ruby Wil-| © My and Mrs. Roy Quantz visited on Authorized bottler of Coca- Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd, son in reply to a donation of money Friday evening Boy On and M¥s. Robt. PROPER BALANCE IN in appreciation of her kindness in en- | gourlie Wednesday evening, with Mr. - YOUR DIET 'UXBRIDGE BEVERAGES LIMITED rie fe ee Le Cl : with a talk on her work in Nigeria. Mr, Ivan Storie, Mr. King and ady TE : After singing the Ode and Prayer, friend, of North Bay, and Mr. and EN Uxbridge Phone 205W Mrs. Franklin and Mrs, J. Dobson, Mrs. Mervin Boxall and family, of : Ses assisted by Mrs. Steer and Mrs. Grant Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. 3 Franklin, served a delicious salad and Mrs. Mervin Storie 0, . TF } : =z i "I plate lunch and all enjoyed a Pleasant Ry B C AWKER S - BUTCHERS ' ay mpm selves, demolition of all, but four of | models are scaled one-half inch to one | 54cial hour. . Mr. and Mrs, Walt Thomson and h Exhihition News Stanley Barracks buildings and the|foot and are set in street .formation . Sharon," of Markham, 'spent Sunday PORT PERRY Tt ONTARIO - : y grading of the resultant space will [complete with landscaping, including : Sige = £ harmonies inside and ous high-compression engines : » tise's fa Silver Streak st is Horsepower has been increased in both the Pontise "6" and . gr Pohtisrs fade than ever! There's Air hei "8", Each of these two great high-compression engines gives of beautiful glowing exterior colors, Interiors are yon this extra power and stepped-up performance without any rich and colorful--and, in' Fleetleader and sacrifice of economy. And, of course, Pontiac éngines have long . - : Chieftain Deluxe models, even the steering wheels been f for the dependable, trouble-free operation which : AuSlaateatbeut prucle asm utes with the eve two-tone interior color ensembles, ated from thelr superior design and craftsmanship. Your choice of completely eso and a host of other features automatic transmissions : ei} : ; : DUAL-RANCE HYDRA-MATIC DRIVE® For the driving pleasure of your life, get behind the wheel of a Pontiac ; . Driving 'a Pontiac Chieftain with Dual-Range Every single model of the exceptionally wide range of 'Fleetleaders and he + -Hydra-Matle Dive is like having two entirely Chieftains is packed with features designed to add to your motoring comfort, ; herent Power Plans, slays vig or Sageraiy -. safety and enjoyment, Featiires like GM "Shade-Lité"} tinted glass all have iiiatant response and flashing acceleration, In Cruising Range, you glide : around, which filters out dangerous and unpleasant, glare and heat, and / over the miles so smaothlz, s0 pri it's almast like coasting. : includes the exclugive shaded windshield. : : : * Whateyer the model you decide to try on the highway, we confidently : eksutors sori) | ensures is So BLIGE 09 0 magi soci is cete || "fally-proven automatic transmission in the low- . - distinctive Silver Streak styling, the atmosphere of taste and' luxury reflected = - cloud field von. enjoy an unbroken ow of . in every single appointment, inside and out. } o eratrtindbrl rman Epon iibdin fn So don't delay. Come in soon . , . prove for youreelf that this amazing : y lee, with f And it's oil cooled f Pro ' a con raed for Pouties athe most beautiful thing on wheels... tho most bewutiful buy ofall PO Ce Eitan al Dollar for Dollar and : i og : Feature for Feature... you can't beat i Y4 Joint, . T UF ONtane DEPARIMENE. OF md ~ Archer Motor . ales | aaa ' 'a x % k i : ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ou 1 8 : 1 : : 4 Loi GEO, H. DOUCET, Minister . | PHONE 57 PORT PERRY, ONT. 5 % ~ 7 3 A} . m-------- 2 ? » ed al . » a SER ' -- '