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Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Aug 1952, p. 8

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#4 A ey FATT "decorated. » CLASSIFIED ADS -- S---- "DEAD STOCK | DEAD and. CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPT- LY FOR:SANITARY DISPOSAL. Teléphone Collect. 'GORDON "YOUNG LTD. nov 80 DRESSED TURKEY "HENS 49. per pound Delivered Oven Ready. "SMITH BROS, TURKEYS Uxbridge Phone 99°r 21 ) DRESSED CHICKENS FOR SALE 6 to 7 pounds. © Apply Roy Goode, Phone 189 ¥ 82. "aug 14 RASPBERRIES Pick your own. J. W. Forster, Phone 92 r*2, Port Perry. aug 14 4 . FOR SALE -- J3dsacres, more or less, about 100 acres under cultivation, good buildings and wells. Possession March 1, 1953. Lots 1 and 2, Con, 8 Scugog. Phone 117 r 23 Port Perry. aug. 28 YOUNG ROASTING TURKEYS 58¢. per 1b.--6-10 lbs. Delivered Oven Ready SMITH BROS. TURKEYS hone 99-r-21_ Uxbridge, Ont. Sept. 4 LOSTP-Tuesddy, August 5th, sgme- where on -No. TA or 7 Highway, be- tween Bethany and Guelph, small suit- containing clothing, jewellery (valued as keepsake) and superannu- ation certificate. Will finder please contact Rev. J. E. G lover, Madoc, Ont. Re ward. = Custom Coin and. Tilling PROMPT.SERVICE Apply to Bob Cawker, Phone 122 » 22, Port. Perry. case FOR SALE--"Mr. Chips",-1d "Vv" Bottom Sport runabout, 14 HiP, Ev- 'inrude "1951 Model, windshield, spot- light, steering wheel. equipped. Apply C. L. Davis, McFer- ran Lodge, St. Christopher Pt. A REAL BEAUTY ~ PORT PERRY. Here is your op- portunity to secure a real family -home, containing 6 lovely rooms, large summer-kitchen, 3 pe. bathroom full. basement; oil heated, continuous hot water, excellent well, beautifully _This home is situated on Ontario Street "with 140 ft. frontage by a depth of 180 ft. on a corner, barn, hen house, berries, fruit trees, cedar hedge with large maple trees, Oshawa Bus passes the door. Apply Mrs. R. H, Frise, Port Perry 307-W COTTAGE FOR RENT -- Sce Mr. Chris Ruhl, R.R. 4, Port Perry after 7.00 o'clock. poly WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to sérve you. Phone 322W Port Perry for information. re 'aug29-62 | EXCAVATING . CELLARS - DRAINS _ SEPTIC TANKS . ° GRADING CL IFF BAKER, Manchester july 17 PORT PERRY: Sud and Gravel Government Tested Landscaping, Sodding,. Loam, 'and ~3e Store, Free Estimates. t ' Phone 88R W. J. SYMES Port Perry > . : septd Completely Bulldozing and Excavating » By Hour or Contract Free Estimates Given. A - - J Ll] William Tripp R.R. 2, Port Perry. Phone 73 r 42 July4tf: Dead: Stock Dead or crippled horses, cattle, hogs, picked 'up for santiary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry, 108 r 14; Uxbridge 92 r 14; Lindsay 4682, Head Office 16 r 11 Woodville. ED. PECONI Argyle, = Ontario. - July 653 4 WANTED---A white kitchen range, coal or oil burners (oil preferred)-- reasonable. ~ Also a' baby's sleigh in good AL Phone 367]. aug2l HELP WANTED -- Experienced pressor on men's clothing, Apply at Scugog Cleaners, Phone 221M, Port Perry. ; NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: 'I, Alexander Sutcliffe do hereby make known that on and after August 14th, 1952, T will not be held respons- ible for any "debts contracted in my name unless written = permission is given by me, : (signed) A. Sutcliffe, aug 28 STOLEN--Would the parties who so-ably removed from a locked, parked car on concession 11, north of Port Perry, on 138th of July, a Remington 104A, "12 gauge Pump Gun, #133780, belonging to Stanley Gerrow, Port Perry, please return same. It was a keepsake. .- Reward. aug2l 3--Child's commode chair, walnut finished 6 inches (new). Phone 246, FOR S Child's thilet seat, bed, frame size 4 ft., Apply Mrs. C. Ptolemy, 'Port Perry. ' Notice to Creditors In the Estate of William Francis Thompson, late of the Town of Whit- by, in the County of Ontario, retired. All persons having claims against the estate of. the above-named who died July 18th, 1952, are hereby noti- fied to send YH the undersigned par- ticulars of. their claims op or before September 18th, 1952. Immediately after September 18th, 1952, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which' the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 7th day of August, 1952. ; HARRIS HARRIS & WALLACE, Port - Perry, Ontario. Solicitors 'for the Executors. : Aug, 28 Auction Sale * TUESDAY, AUGUST 19--Auction Sale of Farm Stock & Implements. Having received instructions from the owner, William Locke, the under- signed Auctioneers will sell by Public Auction at Lot 18, Concession 6, Pick- ering Township, % mile North of | Brougham on Brock Road -- Cattle, Pigs, Horses, Poultry, Hay & Grain, Harness) 'Himplements, ete. ~~ Sale. at 1.00 p.m. Terms Cash. No Reserve as Farm has been sold. £ KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Markham, Auctioneers cq SAE Phone 86 r 2, Port Perry. = ' GORDON SWEETMAN, Seagrave Agent for Joba Deere (Quality Fam Equipment hn R.R. 4, Uxbridge' TTT | -------- NOTICE OF PROPOSED BY-LAW ~ TAKE NOTICE that at the regular meeting of the Council of the Town. ship of Cartwright to be held at the Council Chambers in the" Village of Blackstock, on' Monday, the' First day of September, 1952,"at 8 p.m, a by- law will. be proposed and submitted to. the Council for the purpose of stop- ping up and conveying to W. G ron the following described "right-of: wa ALL AND SINGULAR "part of Jan. registered in-the Registry. Office or the Registry Division of the West Riding of thé. County.of Durham on the 3rd day of January 1912 as num- ber 56 Deposit Index, more particu- larly described as follows: COMMENING at the south-east angle of lot number 9-as shown on said plan, Thence south 83 degrees west to the south-west angle of the said lot, thence southerly in a straight line 16 feet to the north-west angle of lot Number 10 as shown on the said plan, Thence north 83 degrees east 119 fect to. the north-east angle of said lot number 10, Thence north 20 de- grees east 16 feet to the place of be- ginning as shown on a plan and sur- vey dated December 21st, 1911 made by W. E, Yarnold O.L.S., And for the purpose of opening a public 'right-of-way over-the féllow- ing described lands: ALL 'AND SINGULAR part of lot number 9 as. shown on a plan duly deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of West Dur- ham on the 3rd day of January 1912 as number-66 Deposit Index and more particularly describéd as follows: COMMENCING at a point on the casialy limit of said lot number 9, which point is 'south 20 degrees west 13. feet from the north-east angle of said Lot number 9, Thence westerly in a straight line to a point on the west- erly limit of said lot number 9, which point is measured southerly 13 feet along the westerly-limit of said lot number 9 from the north-west angle of said lot number 9; thence southerly along the westerly limit of said lot number 9 twenty feet, thence easterly in a straight line to a point in the easterly limit of said lot' number 9 which point is measured northerly 47 fogt along the casterly limit of said lot' number 9 from the south east angle of said lot number 9, thence north 20 degrees east-20 feet to the J place of beginning:- Any person who claims that his linds will be prejudicially affected by the $aid by-law and who applies to be heard, will be heard by the said Coun- cil at, "the time and place of the meet- ing aforesaid. DATED at Blackstock, Ontario, this 17th day of July, 1962." - Homey hainnsons Clerk Pioneer Profit Cash. "PRINCE ALBERT . NOTICE. ._ | - " Aarabifisneasc hs EE On Friday night last, a shower was held: in. Memory Hall, for Miss Pa- tricla Wilkinson who is to be married this week. After some hours of dancing to music supplied by local musicians, Pat. and her fiance Géorge 'Bagshaw were called to the front. As Miss Aileen Skerratt read: the finish: |' ing lines of the presentation 'address, Judy Philip and Ann Sandison brought in'a wagon loaded with gifts,. These were opened by Pat and George as- sisted by Rose Philip, Ailéen Skerratt | An' enjoyable |; and Lise Mitchell. evening was concluded by the serving of lunch, The corner at Utica has seen quite a change this week-as 'Mr, Frank Mac- Gregor is having the gas pumps mov- ed from their location in front of the stare to a place just east of it. Ross Sandison is getting, this new location ready. Also Bert McKercher is re- pairing the roof of the barn owned by Lakéy & MacGregor. _ Altogether the corner is a busy-place, Don't forget Sunday School at 1.30 and church at 2.30. Plans are being made now for the anniversary during the latter part of September. "It is nice to be able to report that Mrs. H. Skerratt is home after a long stay in the hospital. Mrs. J, Crosier spent the wok in Windsor with her daughter, Mrs, Ww. Scott. Miss Edith Litkiy of Toronts, was visiting her brothers, Mr: C. W. Lakey and Mr. T, Lakey this week. Mr, and Mrs. "Arthur Seaton and Mary of New Zealand, and Mr. and Mus, S. Prizeman, of Toronto, called Mrs. N. Ackney one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Geer were visit- ing Mr. and Mrs, Fred Thom, of Ux- bridge, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell were in Sunderland. on. Sunday-visiting Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Ballard. . Visitors at Mitchell's a week ago were Mr, and Mrs. John Moore, of Oshawa. 2 Recent visitors with Mr. Tony Lucigno were Mr. and Mrs, Harry de Vries and family, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Luciano, of Toronto, and Mrs. K, Bushell, of Toronto. Mr---and Mrs.. Hugh Rogers and family. of Bowmanville, have been holidaying with Mr. R. Harper; "IT'S IN THE BAG" "WHEN YOU FEED- = FOR POULTRY, HOGS and CATTLE - Feeding contract for Broilers, Hogs 'and Turkeys can _be arranged if credit reference suitable. HEAYN'S POULTRY FARM Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. William Proven Feels 5 Liberal discount for : Phone 174 r 12 -- gr = Philp last week were Mr, and-Mrs. G Jeffxey,-of-Brooklin, Mrs. White; and: Mrs, Ecclestone, of Aoronto. » last week. north, Montreal. Mrs. Jim Mitchell v was visiting Mr. last week. Mr, and Mrs. and Hillis 'Wilbur, 4 Cartwright Council The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Cartwright met in regular session on Monday, Avgus 4th at 8.00. p.m, ~ Several delegations of Lake Shore Cottagers were present in conmection Protection. After long discussion the Council decided to pass a By-Law setting up a fire Area described as -{ follows: Both sides of County Road starting at - Caesarea School and following Cartwright and Manvers at View Lake and from Caesarea School west to Lake Scugog and all ,that portion of the Township of Cartwright be- tween the County Road and Lake : Scugog from Caesarea School to View Lake. The Township will also purchase fire cquipment for the Fire Area and same will be stationed at .Caesarea in a new fire hall which Caesarea has offered to erect. The cost of Equip- ment 'to be paid for by Residents of Fire Area on a flat rate. Henry Thompson, Clerk. -- -- "Mrs, Alfred Fisher of Ashburn was |B visiting Mrs. Frank Kendall one day > Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Macdofiald and 5 family have returried from a trip 2 .Mr,'and Mrs: Dave Greves and fom: 5 : ily enjoyed a two week holiday in|% and Mrs, "Walter Mitchell of Kinsale ; Ralph Wilbur and |§ family were in Newmarket on Sunday i : visiting Mr, 'and Mrs. Gordon Vickers | & with Roads, Street Lighting and Fire ] County" Road to Boundary between. - a -- Takia ERT ST ee Perry, Ont. Two Shows Nigtily--~7 Jad'$ pus ES a. Pe T THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AUGUST W-15-10 41 Loretta Young' and Richard. Greene SLE In the Glorious Technicolor Horse Racing Story "KENTUCKY" COMEDY * °° i Tig Teen o ' MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1819-20" David Wayne and Jean Peters : In the Heart Warming New Techhicolor Hit "WAIT 'TIL THE SUN SHINES NELLIE" SHORT PICTURE : GERROW:S PHONE 32W "YOUR BAKER TO-DAY " SUPPLIES VARIETY IN FRESH BREAD and PASTRY '--one of the cheapest sources of food energy Saturday Cake Special . "CRUSHED PINEAPPLE LAYER CAKE" BAKERY GM. GERROW ------ Meeting BROCK AND PORT PERRY .4- H. GRAIN CLUBS HOLD JOINT MEETINGS IE The July meeting for the Brock and Port Perry 4-H Grain Clubs was held at the farm of Mr. Ross Miller, R.R.1, 1 Sunderland; on Tuesday, July 29th at 8 p.m. with twenty members presents The meeting was held in conjunction with the Ontario County Crop Im- provement Association. Test plots of four different, oat varieties were inspected, and Mr, Ken Fallis, Crops, Seeds & Weeds Branch, Toronto, discussed the characteristics of these varietics. The varieties on test were as follows--Abegweit, Ajax, | Beaver, and Lanark. .The plots show- | ed up very well and some very useful information on tlie newer varieties was obtained. ~ Mr. Tom Lane, "Soils - Department, 0.A.C., Guelph, gave a very interest- ing talk on soils, fertilizers, and gen- eral soil management. = On the sub- ject of plant deficiencies 'Mr. Lane showed some excellent slides on diag- nosing the field symptoms of de- ficiencies of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potash, and Boron. To round off the evening's s program there was a film show in the barn. ¥ ' - ¢ Cockshutt 30 LUCKY DRAW PRIZES. EE Ai COCKSHUTT MACHINERY DEMONSTRATION at CHRISTIE BROS. FARM, Manchester on FRIDAY, AUGUST 22nd, at 1 ra FEATURIN G: "The New ew Cockshutt 20 Trattor 'Cockshutt 40 Tractor Hydrolic 2 and 3 Furrow Plows "with three point hitch = OTHER COCKSHUTT MACHINES ON DISPLAY BOY SCOUT REFRESHMENT BOOTH TED JACKSON, Cockshutt Dealer, Tractor PORT PERRY, ONTARIO wr 3. D. TAYLOR * Phone 83-4222 -- "104 King St. East, Oshawa In another .step. in its expansion program in Canada, the Prudential Insurance Co. of America: announces the appoint- ment of J. D. Taylor as its representative in Port Perry. A native of the District, Mr. Taylor has long given wise and experienced life insurance counsel to the families of nearby communities, A thoroughly trained life insurance advisor, he now brings Prodeniisl service into Port Perry. Why not talk over your life insurance and Sickness and Accident needs with Mr. Taylor TO-DAY? He can help you _ provide for a secure TO-MORROW for youand y your family. : "THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY oF AMERICA' "Serving More Than One Million Ctmadian Pollcyholders: CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE --- TORONTO ae.

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