~p jul Broadcasts, CBC School now in their tenth year, provide in- National teresting information for young stu- dent and- teacher alike. Each pre: classroom nceds at times when stu- These school substitutes for, but supplement dents can best hear it, programs _arc¢ not classroom teaching, -- Port Perry' s Oldest. Continued from front page) lots to do on.farm of three and four - hundred acres." "In 1866 Rev. N. S. Scott of Sea- grave, married the then Susanna Ro- gers and John Moase at her. Mariposa township home to start 62 years of wedded bliss. tion farmed there for 18 years until they moved to 'Port Perry where: Mr. Moase took up carpentry, «The jour- ney here was by horse and sleigh in mid-winter. Twenty:five miles in an open Sleigh was just a short trip-in those days and the roads were a lot! --different-and-the-snow-n-lot-deepers" Despite her: affliction Mrs. Moase is very cheerful and thankful that she is as well as she is. Her most hap- y A Jl SET FOR FALL WITH COATS [os LOOK LIE HEW--THANKS TO \ SARITONE DRY _CLEANING!, © More Dirt Removed , ® Spots Gone * ® Colors, Patterns, Texture Restored ® Odorless Join the thous: winds who have < found this wonderful way to bring new life.to old coats. With all dirt removed--the- miracleSanitone way; colors, patterns and texture are re. stored "like-new." Call today! EVEL E IGH CLEANERS NO TOLL CHARGE ZENITH 13000--O0SHAWA the teacher's efforts with dramatisa- tions of history, descriptions of na- "[casional teacher at Lampton- Kingston Public school in Toronto, tunes in on one of the programs for Peggy Ni- chols, who has recently come to Can- rict .come to her This happy combina- ada from England. EE: PLATTER WAS rb A piest occasion each year is when her nephews and nieces numbering upward {of 20, mostly from the Oakwood dist- home for a birth- duy dinner party. The Star hopes her relatives and friends will be able to join in extending her good wishes for many years to come. Ta AP Mark Release Continued from front page) warmly welcome at this rally. To further mark this gecasion 'a special display of old Bibles and Bible materiald will be open to "the public during reading room hours on Sat- "urday, Monday and Tuesday; Sept. 27, 29 and 30, in 'the Uxbridge Public Library: wo -->r-- "Pits Albert Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martyn and son Bruee enjoyed: notoring in north-west=" ern section of Ontario a few days last week. spent a Sunday recently with her sis- 'ter Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt and Bar- bara in Oshawa. ™ Mr. and Mrs, M. Heidt attended the funeral of a friend in Toronto on Mon- day. Last Monday evening "The Good Neighbours Club" assembled in the home of Eva Hunter. The president | : : | business items. Myrtle: Hodgins presided over a few After discussing our trip we finally decided--our funds would allow us to charter a bus to Toronto Sept. 30. More exciting plans are sprouting for the big day. Sec'y Olive Brown reported our pro- mised amount of $500. is ready to hand over to our new local hospital. Meeting closed with eightgen mem- bers and one visitor repeating miz- pah benediction. 4 Hostesses Fay Stein, Eva Hunter, Grace Beacock served lunch while the rest chatted. ; Miss McKee of Toronto spent two weeks at Mrs. MacGregor's with her sister Mrs, Towne. Mrs. Foster is at present a conva- lescent at Mrs. MacGregor's agest home. SE Mrs... W. Somerville was in Toronto last week attending the funeral of her nephew Mr. Stanley Pogue. We extend sympathy to Mrs, Kin- caid and family in the sudden death of Mr. Kincaid on Thursday night. The funeral was held on Monday from the McDermott Funeral Home with interment in Pine Grove Cemetery. Mrs. S. Pogue of Toronto and sister Fre, S. Gerrow, visited their aunt Mrs. Somerville on Monday. FALL RRA, VI . ARDLEY FROCKS 491-3-5 Danforth Ave., (near Logan) Toronto, Ont. | Phone--GE 1575, SEE THE LATEST * i FASHIONS of Dress Suits, Shortie Coats and Gowns : "SHOP al ARDLE Y's wlth CONFIDENC" [ ture study, and character studies of important Canadian personages. Above, Mrs. Margaret Eckel, an oc- Mr; and Mrs. 5 Beno and boys T Be annual meeting and election of officers uf the Central Ontario Liber- al Association was held on Saturday afternoon and eveening, Sept, 13, at Owissa Lodge, near Athérley, Dele- gates from fourteen ridings, from Kingston on the East to Rufferin- Simcoe on the West, were in attend- ance. After a revie w_ of the political sit- 'uation in each Riding by the various Riding Presidents, elections of officers for the 1952-63 year were held. Lorne McDonald, Kingston, was re-elected President, with Mrs, Eriel McNabb, of Barrie, as Vice-President for the Western Division and "John. German, Cobourg, for the Eastern Division, Hugh Gibson, Kingston, was elected Secretary of the Association, with. Alex. Forbes, of Orillia as Assistant Secretary, Western Division, and Dr. D. McVicar, of Deseronto, Assistant Sceretayy, Eastern Division, Pat Seoflard of Peterboro, was re- Slected asurer, i Frank Kelly, of Gravenhurst, Fraser Ross, of Béaverton and John Lay of Pickering, Mrs. Effie McCabe, Belle- ville, and Mrs, Wanda Miller, Brace- bridge, and Mickey McGuire (Young Liberals), of Bond Head, were elected representatives of the Central Ontario Liberal. Association on the Board of Management of the Ontario - Liberal | Association. The dinner following the' meSting was addressed by Hon, Lionel Chev- rier, Minister of Transport, = After reviewing the progress made by Can- ada under seventeen years of Liberal "Administration, he referred to the new St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Developments: as possibly the greatest step forward™in all our history. Re- gardless of certain minor dislocations to_small_areas or groups, the overall value to our whole economy cannot be over estimated, With a. General Election --&linost] certain to be held before the end of 19563, Mr, Chevrier expressed his be- lief that the people of Canada would again declare "their confidence in Prime Minister St. Laurent, and called Lon_all Liberals to prepare themselves dt once for the. 1953 Campaign. Manchester Mr. John Cowan of Haliburton spent last week with his daughter Mrs, A. Roach and family. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Holtby atgended the funeral of the late Mr." Frank Gregg last Friday, 'Although the 'attendance was not as large.as hoped for at.the dance last Friday evening a nice' 3um was realized for the hospital. The quilt wag won by an Oshawa resident. are grateful to Mrs. H. O. Dobson who so kindly donated the lovely quilt, which raised nearly $126.00 Mr. Elgin Collins has bought a lot from Mr. Hugh Strong on the Port Perry Road. and will build a house in the 'near future. . Mrs. N. Woolley and Miss Louise Howarth, Toronto called on Miss Don- na Woolley Friday evening, Blackstock - Wedding: bells rang out in our little village on Saturday, Sept. 20, when Miss Dorothy Wright became the bride- of Mr. James Marléw. They were married in the United Church by Rev. C. W. Hutton, H : Many from the village attended Lindsay Fair this year; but the oc- casional showers spoiled their usual good time, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. H. Wiersta on the birth of a son, bn Sun- day, Sept. 21st. Miss Jessie McArthur's Sunday School Class presented her with a cup and saucer on Sunday morning and little Miss Francss Staniland read an address, telling her how much they would miss. her. Jessie left for To- ronto on Sunday evening to be there for opening of college on Manday., . The Junior Teen-agers held a corn roast on Friday evening in the vacant lot next to Hoskin's Store. The early part of the evening was spent in sing- song and games. But the most en- joyable part was the plentiful supply of corn and pop and other good things that came later. 2 Scugog street is a very busy place these days ag.the Bell' Telephone Co. are putting in their underground cables prior to opening the New Tele- phone Exchange here. We are glad to report that little Brenda Forder, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. 'Howard Forder, is recovering from her serious illness, and hope she will soon be her little smiling self again, Wel Central Ontario Liberals Prep For General Election i in 1953 fal Mr, and Mrs, Percy VanCamp and family, Mr, and Mrs, Stanford Van- Canip 'and family, Mrs, Wm, Van- Camp and daughters, Mr, Jack Van- Camp, also . Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Bailey, motored to Listowe] to sui- prise Mr. and Mrs. Norton; AfanCamp on their twentieth wedding anniver- sary on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Johnston have moved to their new home in Port Perry. : Mr. and Mrs. Howard Saywell spent | Saturday evening in' Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hoskin spent: Monday afternoon in Orillia. a Ed Mrs. Maud Tennyson, of Toronto, called on Mrsy N.. Askney one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sutcliffe spent Sun- day at Niagara with Mr. and Mrs. Bray. Visitors at the home of Mr, and Mr, Mrs. Boyle, St, year of Trenton; Mrs, Milt Parkin and Milt Jr, Mr."and Mrs. W. Mitchell, of Kinsale; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grey and family, Port Perry; Mr. Henry Davis, and Mr, and Mrs, Bert Mitchell and family. Misses Dorothy and Arlene Dyrland have come to Toronto to stay wit their father. 'Mrs, Jarndahl was at her cottage for the week end. Quite a number attended the shower held in the hall Saturday evening for - Mr, Luciano), Mrs, Harry de Vries oF children are spending a week with her father Myr. Tony Luciano: 'Members of the W. A. met in the church Tuesday afternoon and paint- : ed the . basement woodwork making quite an improvement. : There are a number of new cars in the neighborhood. and Mrs. F. Boyle and family, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall on Sunday. Don't forget the Anniversary Ser- | vice on September 28, next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Kennedy of Uxbridge is the speaker.- The Epsom girls' choir is featured with Mr. John Pierce of Port Perry United Church Choir, as soloist. _| Sunday school .at the usual time, . Mrs. Wm, Bell spent last week-end visiting in North Bay. Mr. David Wilson of Raglan was home for a Sunday visit with' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crosier. Mrs. W.-Ross and Evelyn and Mrs. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Coulter and family of Prospect. have moved into the neigh- boorhood, - Mrs. N. Rusnell attended the Trick- Hooper wedding at- Oshawa on Satur- day, Sept. 18th. The groom is her grandson, os Miss Lou Ward spent part of her holidays with her mother, Mrs. George Ward. : Mr. and Mrs. Tom Homes spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Tom Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Nelson spent a week's holidays at St. Catharines and back north. The - September meeting of the Utica W. A. was held in the basement of the church on-Thursday, Sept. 11. After the usual business, a discussion was held regarding the-Turkey-supper to be held here on October 11, The next meeting .will be at the. Parson- age, Epsom. : "Utica | Mrs. Jim Mitchell on Sunday were: ! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Val- and Mrs. Al Landry '(nee Jesin Mr. and Mrs. R. Pearce of Toronto, | The time is 2:30 p.m. standard' time® A. Sutcliffe attended Lindsay Fair on |. Farm Facts (Continued from page three) Milk is the best mixer, _using two parts milk to one part mash. -If milk is not available, water may be used but meat meal should be added to | make up ten per-cent of the mash, _ Angther important' factor in fatten- ing i8 the length of the fattening period, 'Three to four weeks are re- quired for pen fattening compared to two weeks for.crate fattening. * The the fattening quarters is in the after- Toon as there is a tendency for them competition is, keen it is advisable to place birds of a uniform size in each crate, The cockerels should be treated for lice before moving to fattening quarters. All feed should be mixed several hours prior to being used to give the soak into the mash, The amount of feed should be sufficient to enable . birds to clean it up in twenty minutes, In order to keep their appetites keen any remaining after this time is re- moved. When marketing birds in: the dress- ed condition proper killing and pluck- ing is just as important as proper finishing from the eye appealing standpoint of the product. | Pi 2 ine Grove Mrs. A, Stubbins of Toronto, visit- ing with her sister; Mrs. J. Hill who , is still' under. the doctor's care. We | hope she will soon havé normal health } again, Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Geer visiting Sunday evening with. Mr. and Mrs, J. Hill, Mr. and: 8. Jack Albright attend- | ced Lindsay 14 'air on Friday. = Mr. ang (rs, Jack Simpson visited her brotligy Mr. Glenn Elford and Mrs, Elford, in Welland, on their return l'trip. Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Elford of Wel- land, visitng Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, best time of day-to Move cockerels to | to be quieter and easier to catch, As. mixer--{milk)--a-chance-to-thoroughly Mr, and Mrs. Roy Quants visiting with Mr, and Mrs. C. Gourlie on Wed- nesday evening, Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie spent Saturday in Toronto. George and HJulie Rice returned home with them for the week-end. Mr, 1, Cathérwood had supper Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Arm. strong. 'Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Clark, Philip * and Pamelia visited Sunday with her parents Mr, and Mrs, E. Ballard. 'The W. A. will meet at the Dome of Mrs. Robert Nesbitt, Jr., Wednesday, October lst. FIND, QUT HOW MANY YEARS "TIL _ Left Face Jt! av 65 YOU'LL NID SL A RETIREMENT INCOME. It's human to ' put things off, but planning a retirement Income now costs you less in the long runl A Coanadlan - Government Annuity Is a positive savings program. At 65 you can receive a regular monthly Income for life, guaranteed by the Government of Canade. No medical exam required. If you miss a payment your contract won't lapse. PLAY SAPE.', . FOR SECURITY... INVEST IN A GQVERNMINT ANNUITY! HOW 'MAIL. 10: The Diraclor, Fiadian Gevetnment Avmalier, Please send me information boning how a Canadlan Govérmment Anwity can bring me Shtaisid at low cost. LITTLE IT COSTS YOU NOW! . (Postage Free. CANADA "My name is tui _ (Mr./Mrs./Mise) DEPARTMENT Ive at o OF LABOUR + Date of Birth : : Ago when Annuity to start... we | wndeniond that Information oven will be held confidential. PRP Telep \ PHONE 73 \ | get all the facts. night, Year after year you're faced with the same big decision--and only you can make it. This year, before you decide to buy any fuel Learn how 'blue coal', colored blue to guarantee the 'quality, 'asstires you of better family health, more fuel economy, steadier warmth day and Make the right decision--plione us today. gor Reesor. Fuel and Lumber Port Perry, Ontario . Ei hour of every day the: telephone in your home |. "stands ready to 'serve you or. a fraction of a cent an | _hour. What else in your daily | living means so much 'yet costs so little? Seay ™ BELL TALEPHONA COMPANY oF CANADA