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Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Oct 1952, p. 4

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Q 4--PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, QOTOBER 2, 1963 LOCAL prin N EWS eB et ren -Scugog Chapter: +0.D Ho regutar meeting"will be held Monday, Oct. 6, at 8 p.m. in the Library rooms. Come and support your chapter. -, have . returned to their, Baltimore, Maryland .homé after with Mr. and Mrs, R.R. 4, Port Perry. Miss Eleanor DeNure, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred DeNure, of Port " Perry, has commenced her third year at Ontario' Agricultural College, Guelph. Miss Miriam Peel, also of Port Perry, is a fellow student -at 0.A.C. Miss Edwards of Toronto and New- castle, started this week as hairdres- sor in charge of Pat Mulligan's Beauty Shop. She succeeds Mrs. Ann Spears who left abaut a-month ago due to illness, © M#. "Mulligan recently had his-barber shop and beauty par- eee drs --TETIOVAtCd ANG TE decorated dim pleasing yellow shade. - Congratulations to Mrs. R. S. Long . + of South Myrtlé who marked her 89th + birthday Sept. 23. A great great grandmother, Mrs, Long posed for a five generations picture with Mr. Clarence Harrison of South Myrtle, _ baby. Donna. Tippet and her mother . Mrs. Arthur Tippett of Halifax, N.S. and grandmother Mrs. W. H. McCart- _.ney of R.R. 4, Port Perry. Rev. Herman Moes of First Christ- ian "Reformed . Church, - Bowmanville, who. established a church for Dutch speaking Capadians in Blackstock United Church in 1949 left recently for Nova Scotia. There he:will con- "duct a survey of Dutch families before "taking up his new post in Peterboro. Mr. Mrs. Ernest Hayes, 'local 'athlete, joined the staff of The Usnadian Bank _ of Commerce, here, 'this week. : Grant Christie, G Patrick Hayes, son of Mr. and On Saturday evening, Mrs W. KE: i ,. Hall was pleasantly surprised when her family. gave her a party on the occasion of. her birthday. Together with the immediate family, the out "of town, guests included: Miss -K. Spe nce, and Miss Thelma Spence, - ? i 'ronto;" Mr. and Mrs. H. L. 'Spence, Willowdale and Miss Nell Soemes, of _ Montreal. 2 ik "The W.M:S.'E vering Auxiliary of the United 'Church' will hold'its imonth- Mrs. Wm. Chapman at 8 p.m. Michell, president, will haye charge of the opening services, after which Mrs. Heard and Mrs. Rowland will conduct |: the study period and program.. Every member iry and come out, : Qiao Dr. and Mrs.' A. Graham Christie | vacationing | _and well-known To-}- ly meeting on Qct, 8, at the home of- Mrs: The Churches ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH : Rey. John Riddell Minister 10 a,m.--Sunday School 11" a.m.--Holy Communion, . Preparatory Servicé Friday, October 3, 8.30 pa Anniversary-- October 19. C HURCH OF THE ASCENSION i ~ (Anglican) Rev. H: 8; Swabey, M.A, B.D. October 5th--Hgrvest Festival. 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. 7 f.in.--Evening Service, " PORT PERRY UNITE) CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, Minister Sunday, Cctober 6th-- 11.00 a. am.--War orld Wide- Communion | Service. 7.00 p.m, --*1 Read It In My Calls" PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH P. Taylor, Pastor Sufiday, Octobér 5th-- 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 10 a.m,--8unday School. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wednesday--Prayer meeting at 8 p.m. THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, October 5th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 aim.--Regular Service, 4° p.m.--Evangelical. Friday, 8.16 p.m.--Bible Study. All Welcome, Pastor: W. A. Bowler "SEVENTH DAY --~ADVENTISP-- CHURCH Saturday, October 4th-- "I Service at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Stanley Gerrow, All are welcome Engagement W AL LACE BE ATON Mr. and Mrs. lawrence Almer Wal- lace, Blackwater, 'announce the en. gagement of their daughter Doris, to '| John Leask Beaton, son of Mr. W. Vin- cent Beaton and the late Mrs. Beaton, the marriage to take place Saturday evening, October 18, at 7 o'clock. 3% ine ig the Memorial Hospital "Bog peal will be launched Oct. 15'to raise $60,000. Families of the entire coun- ty of Durham will be asked for sup- port so that the accrued indebtedness of $34,086.67 owing to the contract- ors on the new hospital building could be paid off as well as repayment of a $16,071.02 bank loan. { UXBRIDGE -- Congratulations to '| Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Watson, Marsh Hill, who «elebrated their golden wed- ding anniversary, Wednesday, Oct. 1. STOUFFVILLE -- Ed. Ferguson, local farmer residing about one-half mile west of here, produced a giant mangold which weighed close to 20 pounds. Known as the "Globe" var- iety, the huge root measured 34 inches in circumstances. .. LINDSAY--George H. Wilson, 95- Lvenr ald publisher of the Lindsay! Daily Post and the weekly Thursday Post died at his home here Sept. 23, Born in Port Dover, he founded the Times there and later moved-to Port Hope where he established the Guide. The late Mr. Wilson moved to Lindsay in 1892, purchased the Canadian Post, and tliree years later established the Daily Post. A son, Roy P. Wilson will carry on as publisher. SUTTON--Some402 residents took advantage of .the free chest X-Ray in the first day here. ~At Pefferlaw 321 were X-Rayed and the totgl in this district is expected to pass the 1950 mark. The surdey is handled through Central Ontario by National Sanitar- jum - Association which is supported by Christmas T.B. seal' fund. CANNINGTON -- Joe Allen and partner of Port Perry took fifth prize -in-the-doubles-tournament here, Two. Peterborough pairs.~won, first and second prizes, pared Births "CARTER -- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter at Oshawa General Hospital, Sina, Sept. 27, 1952. GRAY_--Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Qisy (nee Lucille Mark) wish to announce the birth of a son, on Sunday, Sept. 28, 1962, at Oshawa General Hospital. Austin C. A. Bathie DR. OF CHIROPRACTIC 3 Coming Events mest] > : WED., OCT. 22--TURKEY SUPPER Under the auspices of the Evening O'Neill announces that a financial ap- |- . Wedding SWEETMAN-TAYLOR Chalmers Presbyterian Church, Ux- bridge, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, Sept. 20, when ary.Loretta Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Milburn Taylor and 'Nor- man' Ross Sweetman, Scugog, son of Mrs. Arthur Sweetman of Uxbridge, exchanged marriage vows. Rev, RE K, L. MeGown _offi- ciated. + XE For the double ring ceremony the bride 'was given in marriage by her father, she chose a gown-of white lace over net fashioned with a fitted but- toned bodice, stand-up collar and long sleeves. Her finger-tip veil was held with a coronet of seed pearls and she carried a boouquet of red roses and white mums. : Her maid-of-honour, Jean Yake of: Uxbridge," wore a gown of mauve tulle with a"fitted mauve brocade bodice and mauve flowered headdress 'with matching gloves and carried vel- low roses. Flower girl, Joan Millar, cousin_ of the bride, wore a floor length dress of pale green taffeta, with' matching headdress of flowers and carried a nosegay of mixed flowers, - 1 Mr. Herbert Sweetman, brother of the groom, was best man. Keith Sweetman, Port, Perry, nephew of the groom and/ Robert Millar, Toronto, cousin of the bride, were ushers. Miss Margaret Oliver played the wedding music and Mr, Chapman sang "I Love You Truly" and "I'll Walk Beside You." Ater the ceremony a reception for seventy guests was held at 'Martin's Hotel, the bride's mother received in a grey -taffeta dress?with navy acces- sories and cor sage of pink roses. The groom's 'mother assisted, wearing a gown of black lace with matching ac- cessories and corsage of pink roses, For their wedding trip to the United States, the bride wore a gold wool Jsuit with matching hat and brown ac- cessor ies with corsage of yellow roses, Mr. 'and Mrs, Sweetman will reside 'in Uxbridge. Death SWEETMAN--At his home Scugug Island, on Wednesday, Sept. 24, 1952, George ~ Clarke . Sweetman, beloved husband of Sina Savage, in his 83rd year, father of John L., Scugog Is- land; N. Allen; Myrtle (Mrs. David Miller), G. Luzerne, Toronto. Funeral service was held: from the | McDermott Funergl Home, Port Perry, Saturday, September 27, and .inter- Albert : : | Sunshine Greets (Continued from Front Page) formerly of | ment in.Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince k ra R.R. 2; 4. Hugh Baird, Blackwater R. R. 2; 6. Jim Blackburn, Uxbridge, R. R.2; 6. Betty Powell, Port Perry R.R. 1; 7. Keith Thompson, Uxbridge R.R. 2; 8. Neil Taylor, Uxbridge R.R.2, Dairy Section. "1. Ken.. Wilson, Uxbridge. "R.R2; 2. Yvonne 'Barton, Uxbridge .R.R.2; 3. Jimmy Noble, Uxbridge R.R:2; 4. Barbara Banks,. Uxbridge R.R, 3; 6 Mabel Banks, Uxbridge RRS... ~~ Showmanship. Showmanship--Beef ; 1, Hugh Baird; 2. Arthut Dowson, Dairy' -- 1 Ken Wilson, 2. Yvonne Barton. Arthur Powell, R.R.2, Port Pers, placed sixth in the dairy section in the junior calf club standings." Walter Kerry, R.R.1, Port Perry, was tenth with his Lanark Oats in the Uxbridge Junior Farmer Grain Club and fifth in. the Scott Potato Club standing. Complete results of both fairs will be carried in next week's issue Announcing . LAWRENCES REXALL One Cent Sale "OCTOBER 15th, 16th, 17th, 1h NOTE--On One Cent Sale Week we close Tuesday at 12.30 p.m, and remain Spey Wednesday | until 6. 00 p. m. ~ YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO 'STOCK UP ON HIGHEST QUALITY MEDICINES, VITAMIN TOILETRIES, COSMETICS, STATIONERY, FIRST AID SUPPLIES and GIFT MERCHANDISE. PREPARATIONS, ~ = dn: > = er Service Club The service Club held its regular monthly meeting in the United Church Ladies Parlor, with our president, Mrs. Lucille Mark presiding, The meeting ry M. LAWRENCE opened 'with a hymn, followed by the Til's Prayer. Mrs. Emily Badour read a religious story, "Fishing on Gospel Waters." Scripture reading, led by Mrs. Audrey Lee, was read re- sponsively, Mrs. Marjorie Honey was named - convener for Afternoon 'Tea, being held at tlie Annual United Church Bazaar, on November 8th. Our next meeting will be at home of Mrs. Bernice Kent. Conveners are: Mrs. Thelma Beare, Mrs, Hazel Craw- ford, Mrs. Stella Birkett, | Mrs. Bernice Kent, _ A tasty lunch was served and the meeting closed with thes Mizpah Bene- diction, Cards of Thanks "POGUE=In--the-midst_of our sc sor- row we wish to express our heartfelt' thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness" and 'messages of - sym- Phone 179 0 IL BURNERS Sold - Installed - Serviced THE 'FAMOUS AERO SILVER FLAME | Automatic 0il Burner WILL SAVE TIME "AND MONEY "THIS WINTER. We install them properly to ensure SAFE, Economical PY ER : : 'Operation, "WE SERVICE ALL MAKES PROMPTLY: ROBERTSON ELECTRIC - __ Day or Night Phone 371W pathy from our many relatives and friends, shown during our bereavement of our dear husband and father. * Mrs. Stanley. Pogue and familys Mrs. Henry Collins and her family wish to thank Prince Albert United Church, Port Perry Baptist Church, and Port Perry Pentecostal Church for their prayers and the flowers sent during her recent illness, and also the other organizations and friends for of kindness. In Memoriam MILLS--In -loving memory of my dear brother, passed. away -Octobier 1, 1951. One year has passed since that sad day, -- © When one 'we loved was called 'away. 'God took him 'home, it was | Hig, will; 'Within oui héarts he liveth still." Ever 'Féemembered by Mildred : and Roy, away, October 1, 1951, * Loving.and kind in all his ways, Upright and just till the end of .his days; Sincere and kind in heart atid mind, What a beautiful niemory he left be- hind, --Lovingly remembered by- his : Mother;and Father. * LANE---In loving memory. of our Oct. 4th, 1947. God alone knows how we ated: him, And now we miss him more each day; Home just isn't homé without him, No matter what we do or say. years we trod, Harold C. W. Mills, who MILLS In loving memory of our| son, Harold C. W. Mills, .who passed |, deur son--Stanley, who passed Avay * Looking back with temderness o'er. the Giadunte of Canadian Memorial 'Chiropractic College, Toronto For appointment Phone 205R - PORT PERRY. "Auxiliary of° WMS, at Port Perry United Cliyrch, served from 5 p.m. on. Adults $1.25, Children 76. QOct.16 WED., OCT. 1 -- TURKEY SUPPER (Fair Night) at Blackstock United Church, 6.30 p.m. Admission: adults $1.25, Children 60c. . Sept.26 Rexx AMILY STL ENTERTAINMENT Uxbridge PLEASE NOTE Starting Monday, Oct. 6 Pwo Shows Nightly, 7.00 & 9.00 Matinee. at 2.00 p.m. ¥ : LAST SHOWING TO-NITE THURSDAY, OCT. 2 "HONG KONG Starring Ronald Reagan and Rhonda Fleming Technicolor FRI. & SAT, OCT. 3-4 "BATTLE AT APACHE PASS" UTICA TURKEY DINNER SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 at Utica United Church, 6 p.m. until all are served. Program of pictures. Adults $1.26, children 7bc. -oct9 BAZAAR--SATURDAY, OCT. 26 Watch for the annual bazaar pre- sented by the Evening Guild of the Anglican Church on Saturday, Oct. 25. Greenbank Turkey Supper and Play \& SEAGRAVE Wednesday, Oct. 2 | A Friend, Port Perry re EF 3 Total Pledges previously reported pledges have been received. person for that purpose. made, "COMMUNITY HOSP TAL Harold R. Holtby, R.R. 4, Port Perry Mrs. Norman Kerry, raffle of quilt .. Legion, Port Perry .................. st viires BE TT TPT PT PTT RT PEP PY TTT PT PY PTY RTPA Total Cash Donations... =f. ressesesrees ee 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000d flowers, cards and other expressions |' « $4,834.04 . $13,668.00 As furnishing and equipment are now being delivered and pay- ment for same will be required shortly, the Hospital Board requests that those individuals and Organizations who have made pledges, send amounts collected tothe Secretary-Treasurer by cheque made payable. to the Community Memorial Hospital. Gifts to the Hospital may. be included as charitable donations when filing Income Tax Returns and receipts will be issued to each Visitors are welcome at the Hostital to see the progress being A number of these on Practically i Brand New! Yes, it's really wonder- ful to see what our ex- pert dry cleaning and pressing can do . for your--clothes.-- To--re- juvenate. your clothes, call Port Perry 221M. PRESSING WHILE YOU WAIT, Perry St. North 'SCUGOG CLEANERS ART SHERIDAN, Proprietor a Cn y h, We bléss the years we spent with hin Starri Jeff Chandler--and NITED CHURCH na i . ~-- and leave the Test to,God. NE rr a ; ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 2: £ Each time we look at' his picture, sof ; - i : S d 0 { 1 ir ? young, so Joving. and true, SARE : Qeimeolor ti un ay, C Ah No wonder. elirshegrts are broken and | -. : rw SURCAY te OFFERING 40 longing dear: Stanley for you: : MON. & TUES, OCT. 6 & 7- Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Gr "Too dearly loved to ever be foi- « k ' SPECIAL MUSIC 7 bs gotten--Mom, Dad, Brothers and ORD AND Music. 7 SCUGOG CHOIR iy Sisters. ; tring Audy vatland' an - GUEST PREACHER: fl Gene Kelly fa LANE--In loving memory of my Technicolor . R R. T: Ch i Gr dear brother Stanley," who passed a ev. ap In, 3) away October 4th, 1047, : bid xr . GREENBANK 7 : God gave me a wonderful brother, WED. & THURS, OCT. 8.& 9 ° (i Fi His memory will never grow old, Ye 9 ik : He fashioned his smile out of sunshine, HIS Rp OF NOMEN G9 BA 5 A A R ry He moulded his heart of pure gold. Starring Jane Jtussel, an x 150 'He needed a new star in Heaxen, ht ; y ; i 4 A beautiful light to shine, : /~ Robert Mitchum WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 i, So out of this old world of sorrow, 4178 COMING SOON regi uey; 7 He chose that dear brother "of mine, |! "BELLES ON THEIR TOES" 3 Greenbank «Sadly missed eand: lovingly re; Po by pwin brother Stuart COMMUNITY HALL BROOMS, 4 strin see saiisnen # GRAPEFRUIT, 96's % GRAPES - NEW iu JEWEL 2 Quick-Mixing Speed % Super Shortening Power 34 The smoothness and biandness of costlier shortening than pt 7c "SWIFTS ALLSWEET MARGARINE . : SWIFTS PREM, 12 oz. ......... SWIFTS CHICKEN, half $1.35... ASTOR COFFEE, ground fresh, Be te xyz asanaen sei es ..36¢. XL STRAWBERRY JAM; 24 0z, .....c.o000.. KINGS BRAND CHOICE TOMATOES, 28 0%. ..............23¢. FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES COOKING ONIONS .......ccouiue Votes wirnninananacond for 29e, BARTLET PEARS - E MERLIN DOWSON PHONE 91 FREE DELIVERY BYERY MORNING OF EVERY DAY" AUSPICES SCUGOG 1 "Fall Fashion Show and Tea! * CHAPTER '1.O.D.E. arrisierane Let Us Supply You WITH THE CHOICE FRESH MEAT TO GIVE THE PROPER BALANCE IN CAWKER'S - - BUTCHERS. | ----fn the fa RED orton i «.37¢. srldeianrsnnane rrr Whole $2.39 ...39¢. COLLIER wrens 10 1b. bag 59¢. APPLES, ete. fer Ready. for WINTER! Order Your... .. ahd SASH NOW before the cold weather is here. : ST ORM D00RS | THREE WEEKS DELIVERY Fo Lake Sengog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited PORT PERRY Phone 240 w Oct. 8. ome Proceeds in aid of Community Hospital

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