ORR 2 -- THE PORT PERRY STAR --THURSDAY, OCTOBER $th, 1958 _ their pedigrees, members of Ontario County 4-H Baby Beef Club visited spe, of the-larger ang better farms in York County.' It . was though that a tour: of this na- ture 'would be of great interest to the club "members and would also provide # suitable climax to the 'club year. "The arrangements "for the tour were : under. the direction of the Department 'of Agriculture, Uxbridge. George Redanz's fin m at Ringwood was the first to be visited. On arrival at the farm we were met by Mr, Iron- side and Mr. Lord, who look after the 400 head Hereford herd at Ring- wood Farms. The barns which are laid out on the loafing pen system, aroused considerable interest. Some grand young. bulls which were being fitted for show were seen and Mr, Ironside gave some information on Part of the herd was visited at pasture including the senior herd sire. An interesting creep feed- ing arrangement for the calves at pasture was seen-while a field of Su- dan Grass which had been grazed by some of the herd was commended up- on by Mr, Murray Lord. Mr. Lord ex- plained that Sudan Grass fulfilled an important role in the emergency ,pas- ture plan at the farm, From Ringwood the tour turned south to the home of the famous Klaymer Shorthorn herd at Unionville. Joe Easton, herdsman and farm man- ager conducted the group around the farm. The show cattle for the com- ing annual sale were viewed in the beautifully kept barns while' in one of the paddocks near 'the barn the sale} heifers were grazing. 'A wonderful show of cattle" were the' comments of some of -the group as we left the farm. At the end of the lane we stopped to view a field of cob corn. Mr. Easton One of the most "interesting fea- tures-on. the farm is a test track built to test all new types of farm ma- chines before. they go into production. %& combine was driven over the track for our benefit and it was evident that if these new machines do not stand up to oydinary farm usage nothing will. The track: is so designed that all parts of 'the implement are riguoorsly test- ed for strains and strebses. tual measurement of these strains and stresses are taken by means of elec- tronics which are studied by experts. On the road to the béef barn we stop- ped for a minute to view the con- tour strips laid out to the north and west of the farm. At the beef barn we were met by Mr. John McWilliams, herdsman for the new Shorthorn herd. In good Scotch brogue John gave us the pedigrees of his charges. Here again the loafing pen arrangement is favoured with small loose boxes for the cattle which are to be fitted and showed. Another feature which drew attention was the silo unloader. Many of the lads thought this was just what they needed at home to simplify chores. The ac: | BEEF CLUB MEMBERS TOUR YORK COUNTY FARMS Last Thursday, September 26, the) were at Bert McKercher's on Sunday evening. The anniversary service at Utica was quite successful. Rev. Mr. Ken- nedy -preached a thought-provoking sermon and all enjoyed the singing of the Epsom Girl's Choir and John Pierce's twd solos. them, Mrs. Rosg Sandison is riow teaching fusic in Brooklin and two other East Whitby Schools. Mr. Roy Harris of Edmonton, Al- berta was visiting at Sutherland's and Kendall's one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Kendall and Larry were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hart on Sunday and attended Bethesda an- niversary, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kendall of Is- lington, Miss Edith Brooks of Port Perry and Mr, and Mrs. Earl Williams of Toronto were recent guests of F. Kendall's. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Mark. of Montreal were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Our thanks to} Wm. Philp. Mr, Mark is a nephew of Mrs. Philp, a THE TELEGRAM DAIL) WEEKEND os Don Head Farms at Richmond Hill was the last farm to be visited! Mr. Redelmeir, the owner showed us round the Jerseys and Angus herd. He also gave us an interesting outline on the farm and the cropping. Beside one of the dairy, barns 'Mr, Redelmeir pointed out anulti flora rose hedge he had planted. ' It seems that this bush - wil not entirely eliminate the fence post and wire in Canada as Mr. Redelmeir explained that he thought the winters a bit too severe for satis- factory growth. All the club members who took ad- vantage of this opportunity voted this an excellent trip and at least prefer- able to school. een WP -------- with all these Ligear extras. .. EXTRA RIDING COMFORT of Improved. Knee=Action_ Chevrolet's farmed Unitized Knee-Action - ride is' now smoother, softer than ever. New QuickAReflex shock absorber action 'EXTRA SMOOTH PERFORMANCE _ EXTRA STRENGTH and --COMFORT-of -Fisher-Unisteel Construction Steel welded to steel -- above you, beneath you, around you--to form a one-piece unit of massive strength and rigidity. You feel GM SHADE: LITE" GLASS _ Reduces' Glare, "Heat, Fatigue Chevrolet offers "'Shade-Lite" glass with exclusive, shaded windshield 'tinting for your extra protection. "Shade-Lite" glass all 'round reduces glare aad heat, helps you drive more safely and comfortably. (Optional ac extra cost). --+------ had just told us that the corn here} === ~ GORGEOUS NEW COLORS _had been planted around the middle of [2 Utica R tt +43 : May and a few days later clover seed J Choose from a wide chose of rich new had been sown between the rows of M colors and two-tone color combinations . corn. The corn certainly jqoked good | Mrs. Frank Kendall and Mrs, Bruce but of course the results of this no| Beare attended the celebration in hon: colormaiched o the exterior body colors (ie"solidnces of Fisher Body every mile in rubber-(o "acrec out: vibation from Rives dnstent -and'e , ipting con) ig il ma wy [riot be; our of the 40th wedding anniversary . for new color harmony inside and out. you drive. 3 driver and passengers. trol--levels the ride, gentles the bumps. nown until the yield 1s en: of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wheeler of : ; » ; 6 . TT . iii "Agincourt. . : : : : The Massey-Harris farm at Milli- Mr. and Mrs. FP. Connaghan and : - ken, just west of Unionville, was thé {| fami]y have moved onto a Lot near ; of Centrepoise Power Here's power so sicoth you'd hardly know the engine's in the car! Engine rides flex- + ibly suspénded--cenired, poised, cushioned r. and Mrs. Jack Crosier, Mr, and the mose wonderful in Chevrolet's field. Distinctive new" De Luxe interiors - are EXTRA SMOOTHNESS of POWER &ledle next stop. Here we 'found modern] Port Ferry. Pos equipment of every type, excellent] Mrs. Jack Crosier et Mrs. R Wil trad : Automatic Veansmision ; barns, a wonderful herd of Holsteins, | bur attended the Teacher's Conven- ad Hg 44 Aptis power team with , .extra-powerful Yelved -in-Head engine, Aves: matic Choke and EconoMiser axle. of Powerglide in its field is oil- imooth, cooled. Optional on De extra Cost. together with the nucleus of a herd of | tion at Cannington on Friday. Scotch Shorthorns and a flock of Suf- Don't forget the turkey supper to' folk sheep. . Bill Hauseripflug, farm |be held in the church basement this manager, was. on hand to show us| Saturday night, Oct, 11th. , around and explain;the layout of this Mrs. Bert Mitchell visited Mrs. Jeff model farm. In the Dairy Barn we] Holt of Port Perry on Sunday. viewed the excellent herd of Holsteins Mr, and Mrs. J. Grose and Mrs. under the care of Mr. Ed. Jones. - A | Birkett of Stouffville visited Mrs. - EXTRA PRESTIGE un of Canada' s Most Popular Car Make your choice 'Canada's choice. Enjoy the satisfaction of owning the car chat leads them all in popularity, year after year. EXTRA STEERING EASE of Centre-Point Steering EXTRA STOPPING POWER .. of Jumbo-Prum Brakes Bigger brakes give more leverage, for more stopping power with less pedal effort. Chevrolet Jumbo-Drum brakes have exura Ae C H "HE \Y/ Tle) L ET T "MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROMETS it | THAN ANY OTHER CARL Control is centred between the front wheels . giving a smoother feel to tering on road bumps or ruts. You steer, park and grinder-mixer which is em trial cre-| Ackney on Sunday. - large 11" drums. Bonded linings last up manoeuvre with wonderful case, little Nationwide preference for Chevrolet con- ) : ; ated mueh interest and undoubtedly| 'Mis. R. Wilbur spent Saturday in|. twice as long, white effort: ; i firms your good judgment. A OENERAL MOTORS VALUER : : " when on. sale will prove a boon to all Orillia visiting Mr. and. Mrs. E. King. = : WEE SEER FRE rye Sy : hdd a live stock men. "Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilbur of Courtice i % od P sone Chevrolet " lowest priced i n its Fe felt! MOTORISTS! | LESSTO Hl ~ DONTRISK LOSING wsDRIVER'S LICENCE worn HET HES Tite iY. 52. ~~ T LOWEST PRICED IN-1TS HELD} _ This beautiful new Styleline De Luxe 2-Door Sedan_ lists for less than any comparable model in its field. (Continuation of standard' ' .. equipment and trim illustrated Is depend © ent on #vallability of matetial) 5 A al » ~ 1.7 = VDEN MOTO a PHONE 21 w PORT PERRY, ONT. 3 Over 17,000 eons were suspended in 1951 Think SAFETY - Drive SAFELY ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS GEO. H. DOUCETT : MINISTER RA AAA