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Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Nov 1952, p. 8

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A Aas Hof tah lh cit va eh ns LY BARS RIE LL NEL WARTS RSET x SE EY PRISER ER SERN ANOMR IAM SS ad SA RIT EA PEPE NANA BS IAL A ELS Aah ALTER TE { 8---THE PORT PERRY STAR---THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1062 inlaid ' NOTICE-- Any quantity of water can be drawn to your premises by "7 Webster's Transport at any time for your convenience, Phone 339J, Port Perry. 3 nov27 "Go in Busiitess 454 Simcoe street, Store will be vacant for yourself at South, Oshawa. as of Jan, 1, 1963. See H. V. Bate- man, 410 Athol-Street, East, Oshawa. . nov6tf SKATES. SHARPENED--Right next to. rink. H. J. Sintzel. nov27 FOR SALE -- House and Lot, six rooms, sun porch, back kitchen, hydro, well and cistern, In village of Sea- grave. $2,000 cash. Apply H. Short, Seagrave. novl3 FOR SALE---Household goods, Gen- eral Electric refrigerator, chesterfield, beds, tables. Eight-inch skill saw, 8" bench saw and motor. Some building material. Apply Frank Hudsoyp, R.R. 3, Port Perry (Scugog Island), phone 84.r-14, WANTED--Ten head of cattle to feed for the winter. Apply E. Mack- in, Saintfield. : FOR SALE--Dressed chickens for sale from 6 to 8 pounds. -- Gordon __Shunk, Phone. 189.r-2, Port Perry, Nov. 217. FOR SALE -- Guerney Oil range cook stove in good condition, reason- "able. Apply Mr. Norman Mairs, Sim- coe St., Port Perry. Angora Wool Non shedding Angora wool in 100 per cent Angora for sale, at $2 per oz. 60 per cent angora and nylon at $1.36 per oz. All colors. E. Audrey The famous Aero Silver Flame Autoniatic Oil Burner sold, installed and' seryiced : by ELECTRIC, Phone 179 or 871W, Day. or night. oct28te . HOUSE FOR SALE -- Bungalow, storey and a half, hardwood floors, four-piece bath," full basement; fur- nace, Further particulars --- phone 342W. -oct2tf FOR SALE--Mixed Baled Hay, ap- ply J. L. Dobson, Highway 47, phone Port Perry 126-r-16. nov, 27 FOR SALE--Or will rent for winter frame house, double garage, Prince Albert, Ont., good location. Apply Mrs. Margaret Regan, 142 Browning Ave, Toronto. FOUND--Two small side racks for truck, on Oshawa Road. Owner can have same on identifying then and paying expenses. Phone Port Perry Beverages, 47. FOR SALE -- Two Holstein bull calves for vealing. Apply Roy Scott, Phone 291-r-22, Port Perry. FOR RENT -- Furnished house in Port Perry. Four bedrooms, four other rooms, Available Dec. 1. Apply Box 19, Port Perry Star. ; Will store piano for WANTED: use of same. Phone Port Perry 102- r-2, . FOR RENT---House on No. 12 High- way near Greenbank. Ux-Spring Farnis Ltd., Phone Uxbridge 2b or Port Perry 1251-4. FOR SALE -- Twelve foot Wire Gate. Cheap. Apply to Bruce Beare atthe Star Office or phone 367-W. : OIL "BURNERS First Ceremony ROBERTSON | oH x "xy 3 Lo PATIL 25 br IAT oa AR rd Continued from front page) <The following are the names of the ones who paid the supreme sacrifice during World War I and World War 1 I. ; L World War I 1914 - 1918 Lieut. Chas. Tupper Bruce Pte Arthur Clark Lieut. Arthur B. Doubt Cpk Gordon Hood Pte. Russel McGill Pte. William Midgley Pte. R. D. Midgley L-Cpl. Gordon Parrette Pte. I. Thomas Raines Licut. EB. D. Wallace® | Pte. Howard E. White World War II 1939 - 1945 P.O. Wm. Aldred Pte, Fo A. Andrews Lt. R, 'S. Hillier Pte. T. C. Hayden P.0. T. W. Leahy I".0. Geo, Mulligan F.0. J. G, MacMaster S.P. W. R. Willard Members of the 1962 Council of the village are: Reeve Ernest Hayes, and councillors Harry Peel, Hugh Santer, Frank Hastings and Grant Tease. Caretaker of the public school is Stanley Ploughman. - His assistants are Mrs. Stella Heayn and Mrs, J. Pargeter. _ "The complete program is as Tol- lows: '0 Canada' Chairman's Remarks--Cecil King Prayer--Rev. John Riddell Placing, .of document box--Storey Beare, Board member. Introduction of Miss Eunice Harris by R. H. Cornish, Principal, '| Laying of Stone--Miss Harris. Dedication of Stone--Rev, H, Swabey 'Presentation of Silver Trowel to Miss Harris by Norman Heayn, Board member. 'The. Maple Leaf' Remarks by Ernest Hayes, R Reeve of ~ Kent. Phone 58. nov. 20--dee. 4 Bulldozing and Excavating By Hour or Contract Free Estimates Given. William Tri 'R.R. 2, Port Perry.-P Julydtf. Dead Farm" PICK-UP PROMPTLY Phone Collect Bowmanville 2679 We also buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, TYRONE sept10 53 WANTED TO RENT--In Port Perry, house or apartment. Apply to Bill IFitsell, Port Perry Star. FOR SALE--17 roomed frame house attached garage, furnace, continuous hot water, 4: piece bath. = Apply at Star Ottis, Custom Dressmaking MRS. BARRON Phone 279-R Apartment 1 in Carnegie Block Opposite Library , Dead Stock - Service Dead" "or crippled horses, cattle, hogs, picked up for santiary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry, 108 r 14; Uxbridge 92 ¢ 14; Lindsay 4682. Head Office 16 r 11 Woodville. : ED. PECONI Argyle, Ontario. July 63 WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry for information. . nov 21, 1962 : Yond at the barn. Bulldozing and Excavating By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates given WALTER KING Phone 86 23, Port Perry & McKEE FARM EQUIPMENT Factory you Service manufacters of | PNEUMATIC HAY HARVESTERS-- (t load hay in the field and will un- Ideal. for one man to operate, Harvest 10 to 15 tons per day, alone. : FORAGE SUCTION BLOWERS-- that will unload chopped silage or hay casily and efficiently. One man ean use it. HAY BLOWERS -- that will shred and blow long hay into your barn. Note--this blower can be quickly con- verted to a suction blower. Also supplied with a conveyer. WINDROW TURNERS-- that will turn hay, grain, flax, clover-seed, etc. Will not shell the crop. Save your crop! . Increase the yield! Easily at- tached to your tractor. SIDE RAKES---a great new imple- ment! Ideal for seeds, grain, hay, eto. No gears or chains: .It is driven by the crop itself, will work on rough, un- even land... Write us before purchas- ing a rake. Order early so that we can obtain the right mount for your tractor, BATTERY-POWERED GREASING EQUIPMENT--just connect it to the battery on your tractor or combine, and' you can grease. your equipment _jundér 'pressure up to 12,000 pounds. Operates on 6 or 12 volts, Ideal to lubricate bulldozers, power shovels, trucks, ete. WATE R-BOWLS -- for horses, cattle, hogs, chickens, turkeys. En- tirely automatic! Each bowl has its own float compartment. _ Contact us about these products, n 'obigation. See your dealer about al products listed, except the Pneumatic direct. Off-season discounts apply to some ese machines. 'McKee Bros. Limited, Office and Plant, Elmira, Ontario. Eastern counties, contact--A. M. McKee, 9 Franklin St., Stith Falls, Ont, : 'nova DEAD STOCK DEAD and CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPT- LY FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL. Telephone Collect. 'Toronto--EM-3-3636 . Port Perry--118-r-2 "GORDON YOUNG gr 2) C. W. L. Euchre & Dance, Hay Harvester, - which is only sold|" Port Perry. -| Remarks by A. Archibald, Inspector of Public: Schools. : The National Anthem--God Save The Queen', : Fae R. H. Wylie. i PPO |New Books Arrive At Public Library "The Library Board met in the Lib- rary Thursday afternoon, Nov. 18, with six members and the Librarian present. - "To any one not in the habit of visiting our 'library it would repay you to spend.an hour there!' said a member of the board. = "You will find a comfortable room and an efficient and pleasant Librarian in charge." There is a splendid array of Can- adian and American magazines and in the last year two-English magn- zines have been added '--\ "Woman's Magazine and a pleture magazine-- The Picture Post. A shipment of new books has just arrived, among them: The Glitter and the Gold--C. V. Balson Men at Arms--Evelyn Waugh - East of Eden--John Steinbeck The Far Country--Nevil Shute Bread from Heaven--H. Buckmaster Giant--Edna Ferber - Lilace in the Dooryard--Marion Keith The Silver Chalice--Thomas Costain Lorena Telford--I. Hughed Singing Sands--J. Tey Reputation for a Song--E. Grierson Summer for two-L. C. Rendine Murder Maestro, Please--Delano 'Ames The Cloud 'Above the Green-- * Philip Gibbs The ' Mountain of Adventure-=Enid Blyton The Ship of Adventure--Enid Blyton . The Library Board are g the Council for their donation of 'sev- eral cords of good, hard wood. - This will be a great help in their finances. WAN - DRINK SHOP REFRESHED | 0ES Chapter téful to | (Continued from Front Page) presented with 'a beautiful boquet of Mums from Mr..and Mrs. Tom Harris and Miriam, and Billie Chapman, son of the Matron Elect, by Mrs. Laura Carnegie member of Blue Ray' Chap- ter. Miss Langmaid also sang---for the Chaplain "Bless This Chapter" while she was being Installed. Mrs. Martha Dunlop, P.W.M. of Sunbeam Chapter Oshawa assisted by Mrs, Georgeen Carnegie in her charm- ing and delightful manner carried out a very splendid Floral ceremony which made a perfect ending for the Instal- lation. Mrs. Mabel Chapman our new Wor- thy Matron for 1953, gave a very cor- dial welcome to all and thanked the Chapter for the Honour and privilege of being their Worthy Matron for the ensuing year. At this time she had Miss Mildred Palmer and Mr. Elgin were presented with their Past Mat- ron's and Past Patron's Certificates. Mys, Mabel Chapman, .W.M. -then in- vited Mr. Geo. Palmer, brother of the Immediate Past Matron, Mildred Pal- mer to approach the East and with a few well chosen . words pinned -her Jewel on her. The Past Patron Elgin | Hutchinson will have his Jewel pre- 'sented to him by his wife Mrs; Jean= ette Hutchinson at a later date owing to the illness of Mrs. Hutchinson, Ma- bel Chapman, W.M, received a lovely evening bag from her new chore of | officers presented to her by Mrs. Jeanne Dymond. ; Congratulations are extended.to the refreshment committee for the deli- cious buffet Lunch which was much enjoyed by all. A special thanks to Mrs. Georgeen Carnegie and Mrs. Jessie Slater for the beautiful table centre arranged by them. ® The following is the slate of offi- Hutchinson approach the East, they . Thirty Distrigt (Continued from front page) ing 'Miss Hincks, Mrs, E. Hayes, and ies on a toyr through the hospital, ary. Twelve dozen sheets were dis- tributed among the various commun- ity organizations; to be laundered and pressed in preparation for stamping, so they may be sent to a laundry in future, Each auxiliary member was appoint- ed one afternoon to send four ladies to assist Miss Hincke with various jobs around the Hospital. With the willing combined efforts of all the ladies, the opening day of the new Hospital will be speeded to a closer date. Port Perry Native Dies in N-Dakota A native of Port Perry, Mrs. Chas. Drew, died at her home in Forest River, North Dakota, on Friday, Nov. 14. "The "former Violet Mundy, Mrs. Drew, was a well-known former res- ident -of -Oshawa.-- She _was_horn_in Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Mundy and a sister of the late Chas. M. Mundy. The lat- ter was for many years president and publisher of the Oshawa Reformer and Oshawa Times. - Mrs. Drew spent her early years in Oshawa and on her marriage to the late Chas. Drew, who predeceased her two years ago, went to North Dakota where she resided ever 'since, She frequently visited Oshawa and had a wide circle of friends in that city. There are no surviving children, cers for 1962-1963: 3 Worthy Matron--Mabel 'Chapman Worthy Patron--Leonard 'Colbear ° 'Assoc. Matron--Jeanne Dymond "Assoc, Patron--Dr.-M. Dymond Secretary--Jeanette Hutchinson Treasurer--Pearl Gerrow Conductress--Jessie Espie Assoc. Conductress--Marg, Cornish | Chaplain--Margaret Carnegie Marshal--Helen Colbear' Organist--Myrtle Palmer Ada--Mavrion Sandison Ruth--Jessie' Richardson Esther--Ethel Nottingham Martha--E]sie Tease Elector--Adelia White Warden--Anne 'Levinson Sentinel--Hugh Espie succeeded. are many more in our store.) FOR MEN-- PLAID SHIRTS . WOOLLEN SOX .. BLUE DENIM SMOCKS.. FINE SOCKS .....: OXFORDS, Good Value | RUBBERS DRESS SHIRTS $2. 89 CHAUFFEUR CAPS $1.25 FOR BOYS-- TWEED PANTS, $2.95 - PARKAS, $7.76 JEANS Be iin: FOR LADIES-- SHOES, good bargains, $2.99 NYLON HOSE 99c. Adults 50c. -- 15 RATE os v The Y.P.U. of Cannington U. C. : fl : . presents THREE ACT COMEDY 'Welcome Home Jimmy GREENBANK HALL | Wednesday, Nov. 26 8.16 p.m. Auspices of Greenbank YPU ---- Children 25c. CARDIGAN SWEATERS, $3.75 BOYS' UNDERWEAR, several lines, and BOYS' BOOTS and OXFORDS, to clear at new low W prises! Gilboord Drygoos and var EF) ® NOTICE 10 'the PEOPLE of PORT PERRY and VICINITY DUE TO ILLNESS we are forced to give up our business, We | have been trying to sell out to one buyer but so far we have not So we have decided to CLEAR OUT as much of our MERCHANDISE as possible from now until Christmas at DRASTIC LOW PRICES as we are definitely closing our store after Christmas. > WE INVITE YOU--to call and compare our merchandise and prices and you will not be disappointed. (We mention only a few of our LOW PRICED articles but there FOR WINTER AND CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS SER ER hea or To clear, $2.29 LEN Ral To Clear .69 BLUE DENIM COVERALLS with zipper Rhy BLUE DENIM OVERALLS ..... i REAL STRONG WORKING BOOTS ... .. LEATHER HOUSE SLIPPERS, w with h zipper he 'SPORT JACKETS $6. 75 DRESS PANTS, 3.99 LEATHER MITTS $1.16 MEN'S, LADIES' and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR Several Lines To Clear at Remathably Low Prices LEATHER MITTS 89c. SPORT JACKETS $4.95 RUBBERS 99c¢. HOUSE SLIPPERS $1.49 Mrs, Neil Malcolm conducted the lad- ; which wads most gratifying... The |g group then' returned to the meeting {$8 room and our President conducted the | ¥ opening and business of the first |g meeting of the new Hospital Auxili- |g | Lakeview Theatre, Port | Perey, Ont. Two Bhows Nightly---7 aad 9 pm. THURS, FRL, SAT, NOV. 20-21-22 ~~) Sherry: Jackson, Bob Steele, Steve Cochrane In the Glorious Colour Outdoor Adventure "THE LION AND THE HORSE" "COMEDY, ETC. © =~ 'MON., TUES., WED., NOV. 24 - 25 - 26 Mickey Rooney and Anne James | In the Sparkling All Color -Army Musical Comedy "SOUND OFF" (2ND FEATURE--Chas. Starrett and Smiley in os "PECOS RIVER" : Last Complete Show Starts 8.80 p.m. -- Fresh Danish Pastry Tues. & Friday PHONE 82W GIVE THE FAMILY A REAL TREAT. WEEK: END SPECIALS "ORANGE LAYER CAKE" "CREAM GOODS" GERROW'S BAKERY G M. GERROW Port Perry the daughter of the late} Te "Get Ready for WINTER! Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Coy, Limited Order Your . ... STORM DOORS and SASH NOW. before the cold weather is here. THREE WEEKS DELIVERY PORT PERRY Phone 240 w Pater LESS "cost Dear Sirs: For the past five years I have ted * other-- ell known feeds but have never been as pleased with my egg roduction as I have on Ful-O-Pep Mash and Ful-O-Pep Super Greens Pellels. The Ful-O-Pep feeding plan is very =. ~ economical to follow with its provision for feeding more home-grown grain. -- Production has kept at a very even level over periods of extreme weather "conditions. Be (signed) J Carmen Philp Reduce your cost per dozen eggs With FUL-O-PEP 20% EGG MASH Your Authorized District Dealer- BRUNTON FARMS HATCHERY "On 'Highway TA at Scugog Road and Sixth Concession al I 1 3 £3 £5 SEAT BTV Utica Hall, Friday Nov. 2 114i tir, oT Paice FOR NAY Aovirngey or PICTURE py) The television news of the year! Every fine feature is included «+ + +» @ full complement of tubes, super-powered chassis, turret tuner -- ready for UHF, sharper Flex-O-Matic focus. Durable mahogany cabinet resists burns, scratches and stains. Thisis e-~ limited offer . . . only a few available, Get yours today, to- morrow they may be gonel ; - PORT PERRY ELECTRIC PHONE 177 In Aid of Community Hospital

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