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Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Nov 1952, p. 4

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. brated their ~~ helping his son=in:taw Mr. ded feature there will be a film. el Uxbiidge- : nti PORT PERRY STAR--THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27,1962 LOCAL NEWS 4 a and Mrs, Oliver Reader cele- 49th wedding anniver- gary Tuesday, Nov. 26th, 1952. Mr, Reader is in Oshawa Murray Oliver Clark build a garage. Mr, and Mrs. Waiter, Hood and " daughter Beverley, of Mimico, visited with: their aunt Mrs. Margaret Hood, . over the week-end! 3 On Thursday evening Nov. 20 a number of- Port Perry ladies surprised Mrs. Gladys Archer with a house- warming party at her home in Maf- 'chester. An erfjoyable evening was - spent playing bridge after which a buffet supper was served, She was then presented with flowers and a gift for her new home. The Ladies Night planned by the Canadian Legion tonight has been can- celled indefinitely because of the num- erous events scheduled for this even- ing. The spetial Turkey Night has also been postponed until Dec. 5. The next regular meeting will be held as planned Dec. 3 when the new slate of officers will be elected. Stan Francis, noted radio master of ceremonies, will be guest speaker at the Port Perry Businessmen's As- sociation dinner this evening in the Anglican Church Hall The members of the Men's Club of the Church of the Ascension have started work on a small addition to the church. "A vestry between the church and the hall is now underway. The cement foundation is" complete and the brick work is proceeding as the volunteer workers find time for .the job. Fornier PPHS student Peter Sul- man returned to his home town yes. terday with Toronto Ryerson Tech basketball team "and were handed a 65-61 defeat by the local seniors in a close battle. The December meeting of the LO. D.E. will be held in the Library rooms Monday, Dec. 1, at 6.30 p.m. The or- der of business 'will be preceeded by a turkey dinner. © The members are re- minded of the diaper appeal for Eur- opé--one- from each member' or "the equivalent in money. Also that the collection of good used clothing for Korea is still going on. > Mrs. Rob- ertson has a big box in the store wait- ing for your contribution." As an A 0 come along and 1) support your chapter. I UPPER CANADA BIBLE SOCIETY DAY - Rev. Johnson Turnbull, former Mis- sionary in Boliiviia, is to speak on be- half of the Society's work, in Port Perry, Sunday, Nov. 30, at the United Church morning service, in the even- ing at the Church of the Ascension. All interested are cordially invited to attend. gE SLE ENTERTAINMENT PLEASE NOTE Two Shows Nightly, 7.00 & 9.00 Matinee at 2.00 p.m. LAST SHOWING TO-NITE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27-- "RED- BALL EXPRESS" starring JEFF CHANDLER ALEX NICOL and for laughs we give you "FINDERS KEEPERS" starring JULIE ADAMS (= FRIDAY, SAT, NOVEMBER 7AARON SLICK FROM PUMPKIN CREEK" : Technicolor starring ALAN YOUNG and DINAH SHORE THREE BIG DAYS 'MONDAY-TUESDAY-WED. December 1tod "The Prince of Peace" starring GINGER PRINCE. Entirely in color This igea new motion picture of GREAT interest to all. decent 28-29 --y \ people of every religious faith. Sr arise tanat rr . - The e Churches = Obifuary DONALD McARTHUR, ey Sunday November 30-- 11 am.- 7 p.m.~--Church "The Psychology of Man's Soul" ii "IONN'S. PRESBYTERIAN . CHURCH - Rev. John. Riddell ~=Sunday isin ervice «| After an illness of several months Donald -McArthur, well-known Gréen- bank district farmer, passed away in Oshawa. General Hospital, Thursday, November 13, 1952, in his 70th year, The late Donald McArthur was born on April 28, 1883, in Reach Township, a son of the late' Neil McArthur and Mary Watson. On Febuary 28, 1912, CH Recto Nov. v RCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN = r: Rey 30--Advent Sunday 9.30 a.m.--W. A. Corporate Communion, 11 a.m.--Sunday School Tp. Preacher for Upper Canada Bible m.--Evening service Society . H, 8S. Swabey, M.A, B.D. The married Henrietta: Webster ,who predeceased 'him on' Dec, 14, 1937. Mr. McArthur was a life-long resi- dent and farmer of Reach Township, a member of the Board of S.S. No, 12, Reach from 1925 to 1936, and served on the Board of Stewards of Green- bank United Church from 1924 to 1929, The funeral took place from his late residence, lot 11 con. 10, Reach Town- 11 Tp Sunday, 10 a,m,--Senior Sunday School 11 a.m.--Primary and' Nursery Oshawa PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, Minister November 30th-- an.--Rev! Johnson Turnbull .m.--Mur. Stephen Saywell of ship to Bethel Cemetery, on Saturday, Nov. 15, 19562, service being conducted by Rev. I. Wallace and Rev. C. Chapin of Greenbank, : Surviving are 'one son, George An- drew, Greenbank, two daughters, Mrs. Ira Blair (loleen Mary) of Warren, Ontario, and Edith Helen, at home; and four grandchaildren, Donald Ellen and Neil Blair, and Brian McArthur. Sunday, 11 am.--Morning Worship 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic' Service Wednesday--Prayer meeting at 8 p.m. PORT PERRY. BAPTIST CHURCH P. Taylor, Pastor November 30th-- Two brothers, Dr. J, A. McArthur of Blackstock, and Dr. Edwin C. Mc- Arthur, of Ontario Hospital staff, at Whitby, and one sister, Mrs. A. B. Manson (Elizabeth) of Stratford, Ont. also survive, - HELEN B. CASSIDY The death occurred on Saturday, 11 [rida THE Sunday, November 30th-- 10 pam.- PENTESCOSTAL. CHURCH -Sunday -School a.m.---Regular Service 7 'p.m.--REvangelical. y,; 8.15 p.m.--Bible Study. Nov. 15, of Helen-B. Cassidy, daughter of the late John J. and Mary Cassidy, She is survived by two sisters, Mrs, A J. State and Veronica R. Cassidy. One 'sister, Gertrud J., and two brathers, James S. and Joseph J., predeceased "| her. Service at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Stanley Gerrow. All are welcome All Welcome. Pastor: W. A: Bowler Born and educated in Port Perry she -- | was a life long member of the parish SEVENTH. DAY ADVENTIST [of the Immaculate Conception of Port CHURCH Perry. ; Saturday, November 29th--, The funeral took place Tuesday, Nov, 18, Solemn Requiem Mass was offered by the pastor, Rev. T. Schoe- maker, with Rev. L, P. Woods, deacon, and Rev. C. Dougherty as subdeacon, To serve I'rida Mur. Perry, | friends and neighbours of Manchester, for the lovely gifts (table and lamp) presented to them at Manchester Hall, Card of Thanks Reach Electors "1 thank you for the opportunity to you another year, which promise to-do to the best of my ability. HOWARD 0. DOBSON and Mrs, Fred Warren of Por wish to thank their y, November 14. Willian Mark would like to thank many Assisting in the sanctuary were Rev. F. Caulfield, Rev, F. J. Flanagan, Rev. I'r. Coppens and Rev. Fr, CSsR. : Interment was in the parish ceme- tery, Rev. I. J. Flanagan, assisted by the visiting clergy, recited the preyets I at the grave. Service Clb Service club members with husbands as invited guests, held a most enjoy- able party at Port Perry Scout Hall on Iriday evening, November 21. Contests, games, euchre, rounded out the evening's entertainment. Rev. Mr. Wylie" offered -a- short prayer before lunch, consisting of Cunnerty; t | well as men's. '| kindly sent him fruit and cards during | Dyniond who attendéd him. all the. relatives and friends who so his--recent-illness--and--especially-Dr. Coming Events Hospital Euchre THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4 The Epsom ladies will hold a pro gressive Euchre, in Memory Hall, Utica, in aid of the Community Mem. orial Hospital, Port Perry, on Thurs- day, Dedember 4th, at 8.30 pm.. Ad- missiongo0 cents, p EUCHRE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28 - Euchre in Shirley School, Friday, November 28th, al 8 p.n. in aid of Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. Shower WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 "Tea will be.served at the home of Mrs, Noman Kerry, Queen stréet, from 3 to 5 p.m, and 7 to 9 p.m, on Wednes- day, December 3rd. by the Boy Scout Mothers Auxiliary, A shower of tea 0c towels is asked in aid of the Hospital. \ \ sandwiches, cake, tarts, ice cream and coffee was served. Our president, Mrs, Lucille Marks tendered-a-sificere-vote-of-thanks-to the respective committees, program and lunch, for their fruitful efforts in making November 21 a 'memorable evening. The last meeting of the year will be at the home of Mrs, Clara Martin on. December 9. RAMAN SE I -- Wedding ¥ GEER - ng A quiet wedding took place at the Baptist parsonage Claremont, Ont. on November 22,- when the Rev. G. Davidson united in marriage Nora Ivelyn, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.-Boxall Utica to Robt, George -Geer, eldest son of Mrs. D. Dikinson, Claremont, and the late Ivan Geer. The bride looked Tovely in a ballerina length gown of turquoise blue nylon net over taffeta with white hat and gloves, Corsage of pink carnations and fern. Migs Ilene Bartley of Greenbank was bridesmaid wearing green taffeta dress with matching hat and gloves, and corsage'of yellow poms and fern, The groom was attended by his brother 'Bertram Geer, Ont. Following the ceremony the hap- py couple left for Clifford and other points, == mE ------ ~ 83.ACT COMEDY PLAY "(Sponsored by Prince Albert Y.P.U.) Claremont, \ Austin C. A. Bathie DR. OF CHIROPRACTIC Graduate of Canadian Memorial 'Chiropractic College, Toronto: For appointment Phone 206R PORT PERRY, "Aaron Slick from Pumpkin Crick" '(presented by Burketon YPU) Prince Albert United 'Church Wed., December 3 8 pm Adults 50c. Children 26e. Pre- school Children Free 0 Laat -------------- A HONEYDALE -- The Honeydale Women's... Institute: was--held~at -the Lome of Mrs. Geo. Irwin on Wed., Nov. 12, 1962, The meeting opened with singing 'The Ode and repeating the Mary Stewart Collect and the Lord's | Prayer. 'The minutes of the last meet- ing were read, Thank You went te Mrs. Byrant's group for making an- other quilt.. 'The roll call was an- swered with "One step I can make to- ward world peace. The treasurer re- port- was 'given. - Thank You Cards were received from our members who have been ill. Some of the standing :| committees reported. Mrs, Cooke and Mrs. L. Honey, de- legates of the Honeydale W. I. at- tended the Fiftieth Convention of the Central Area W. L:in the Royal York last Wed., Thurs., and Friday morn- ing. More than 1200 registered dele- gates from 256 branches in Central Ont. Area, were present. A Stimu- lating program, packed with interest from beginning to end made this Fif- tieth Convention a memotfable one. Highlighting all sessions were dis- cussions centred around the theme-- "Women as Citizens in a Changing World". The delegates were wel- comed to the convention by His Wor- ship Mayor Lamport, who emphasized the importance of the exchange of views between rural and city dwellers. Mrs. J. G. Snider of Weston was chairman for the area. Mrs. J. E. Houck of Brampton gave the Welcome address. Mrs. Houck reminded the members that the W. I. are not a social, money making group, and suggested that it was about time the members realized that the W. I. was started as an Adult 'Educational Organization. Miss Sybil Bennett, B.A., Q.C., a practicing law- yer in Georgetown, Ont. spoke about the changes in British law regarding married women which have occured in the past fifty years. Some of the points mentioned-by Miss Bennett were the franchise, the right to hold property or sell property, to make a will, the right to sit in the legislature, Jury Service as it affects Women jn Ont. explained by Miss Elsie Gregory MacGill. It permits women to serve on juries in Ont. after Jan. 1, 1958. Ont. jury lists for 19563 should include for the first time, women's names as Miss Anna P. Lewis outlined the growth of the convention over the past fifty years. In 1902 there were about 50 Wo- men's. Institutes; in 1952--1,419 bran- ches and 'the total membership for Ont. stands at 45,849, - Mrs. R. G. Purcell, presdient F.W.I.O. spoke to the women on the theme chosen by the A.C.W.W. for the 19563 Confer- ence to be held in the Royal York, Aug. 14 to 21. Mrs, Purcell suggest- Jed "As an individual her first res- ponsibility is to her home, family and community. We are members of FW.I.0., F.W.C.C. and A.C. W.W." "The highlight was a Historical Sketch covering the ad-| vances of the W.I. over. the past fifty years. - Miss Ethel Chapman acted as commentator. The song: parodies in the sketch were written by Mrs. John Boddy of Elders Mills Institute and sung by trained choruses from Elders Mills Institute. Two teams on food and clothing were demonstrated. - The Well-Dreas-. ed Look by Rogean Lennox and Irene Mitchell. and Kay Prentice and Jean Samells- of Scugog Club with Good Breakfast the year around and Eileen Davidson and Marlene Stewart of Pe- We need to show faith | : and confidence in our young people. |/ OUTSTANDING TALKS FEATURE OF CONVENTION Agriculture and Canadian Indust- | vies-read by Mrs. C.-W, Marchant of- Schomberg said, farming is everyone's business. No one works unless they are fed, no-one is fed unless Agricul- ture flourishes; -Doris Risebrough 'of Uxbridge of Junior Farmers spoke of 1} BALLET Register for Classes Saturdays 10 to 11 __ Prineipal--Irene Harvey oe CR Bul! TAP a] some of the activities in their club as 'speaking & debating contests, church services, field days, box socials, par- ent night and bus trips, Mrs, John' Wallace, . Lindsay area convenor of Community Activities and Public Re- lations. said. "The 'theme for this re- port was we nim to build healthy and |. happy families, who love one another, understand one another and co-operate one with the other for the good of' all mankind". Some of the community projects were--A Greek Tractor, Food Parcels to England and many others. In some of the reports we noticed many deeds of kindness to the sik and shut-ins. © (To be continued next week) m---------- --- Jr. Homemakers Flect Officers Ten girls were present for the first meeting of the Scugog Junior' Home- makers "which was held on Saturday, Nov. 22, at the home of Mrs. Reg. Boundey: -- For - this unit "Working with Wool", we are pleased to have Mrs. Boundey and Mrs. Stewart Rod- man as leaders, The meeting opened with singing Lord's Prayer. The treasurer gave a financial report.: "The roll call was answered by each girl telling her fav- ourite colour for a wool skirt. The new slate of officers are as follows: ? President--Kay Prentice oh Sec.-Treasurer--Jean Samells | Press Repor 'ter--Rllouise Hoggard Pianists -- Donna Samells and Gloria Fralick. . ary procedure and pointed out the duties of each officer. - < - Mrs. Rodman gave a talk on "Wool" pointing out the difference "between waollens and worsteds as well as some hints on choosing our: patterns and materials. Sariiples of different wool materials were passed prouynd £ for the girls to look at. Following a dainty lunch, Bonnie Gerrow thanked our hostess for open- ing her home for our meeting. ~ For our next meeting to be held at Kay. Preitice's home, remember to have your material and 'pattern. The roll call will be "One way to distin- guish pure wool." TURKEYS for sale +--Place your order -now--- "Faith of our Fathers" followed by the | «Mrs, Boundey read the parliament- |- Pellets per good hea Super Teacher--Mary Brotherwood po Fr Waltz, St.*Mary"s, Ontario, ' writes: Three or four . each day to our flock all during the winter, Super Gieens Pellets seem to have the extra somethin & Tequired to keep the birds in th w. . They have been laying since last October and ht a steady 80%. We used to wet mash our flock at noon but Super Greens Pellets aré much handler and do a better job. FUL-O-PEP ozing and - Excavating 'By Hour or Contract "Steady 00% Production with Sa Grom Pellets" ds pF. Sv r Greens foun o pe ens hun birds have been ile laying heavily, = Greens Pellets Your Authorized District Dealer -- AVOID LAYING SLUMPS " BRUNTON FARMS HATCHERY On Highway 7A at Scugog Road and Sixth Concession. ------ PHONE 32W faa *, j aa iii i bo Get Your Christmas Cake NOW Any, size caké--~plain or almond iced. Also iced & decorated. Almond Paste already for cake--14 Ih. pkgs. Saturday Cake Spell "CHOCOLATE y LAYER CAKE" GERROW' S BAKERY G M. GERROW. DONO Sess 3 OUR OWN CARNATION MILK, 16 oz meal MAPLE LEAF LARD ASTOR COFFEE, ground fresh ....... MIXED PEELS--Mixed Fruits, Cherries, red or green, BLEND TEA, Ib. ....... Choice Christmas |; ete te ste sto ste ate a" so ate ae sto tase 0 0 2 3% 2232 FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES, dozen .................. FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, full of juice, 96' TURNIPS, 5c. Ib. sisesense WALKERS' SALTINES, 1602. «voor il : PABLUM MIXED BABY CEREAL, 16 oz. DOWNY FLAKE CAKE | MIXES, White and Chocolate see ..43c¢. 5 Both for 49c. sesseceree Pineapple, Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, for Xmas Cakes 8 Fresh Fruits and' Vegetables rion 2 for 206 8 iain opr fil .....2 Ibs, for 85c. § : ...Bbe. B 250 § EMPEROR GRAPES, 2 lbs. ait PHONE* 91 _ Tomatoes, Celery, Lettuce, Cabbage, at 'market prices E MERLIN DOWSON terborough showed "Salads in the Phone 307M, Port Perry FREE DELIVERY EVERY MORNING OF EVERY DAY Menu ou. | $1555 sae aesaes 5 re? will be held in BROUGHAM HALL, Attention All Farmers . . . ~The Annual Meeting of I SOUTH ONTARIO COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE \ * Wednesday, December 3 at 8. 30 p.m. : Guest Speaker from the Workmen" 8 Compesation Board. Films and Lunch will be provided hh RAN A ay So ap a Sy DO YOU oir "A SPOTLESS PICTURE? In daily activity, though you are neat, your cloth- ing picks up dust, paint, | ink and food stains. EN Perry St. North 'care ful but thorough cleaning methods remove' spots . leave the fabric! Phone 221M Our © SPEED - QUALITY - SERVICE SCUGOG CLEANERS ART SHERIDAN, Propsleior SE. Lb fsbo a bs oe pp SR ERAT 30 MENTE ORR, ch Sat. Dec. 8 Bree 25c 8 a.m, ; an 4 Port Perry Free Estimates Given, High School Gym "William Trip) ___|R.R. 2, Port Perry. Phone 109 r 42 July4ts, hE : 4 INT N gy ok py #0 Leg paid ARTY . SS Ms

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