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Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Nov 1952, p. 6

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6--~THE PORT PERRY STAR--THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1052 Ridge Ramblings By Jamesine Willis , THE WORTHY HONEY BEES A big town .paper printed a head- line recently concerning the shortage of honey bees and told how the lack was serious, So for a minute or two perhaps we could doff our hats to the. honey-bee. ti "21 "Most people think of the "oe's as just oe os Coa 4 a pe hE yr "i A oh) - 25a en I RS - i Sa sat Ee bl a a ht ~~) gt oN , - ie ly Aa, he oR EN i oe ei i ROSITA CL: SN Bo Tea 7 ENC TE SRN RS = Na Caan a hr RC a SS a RRR ERNST another-insect-and ene to-be- avoided foaq the soil because of its ability to sting and so when {it actually.is a real benefactress 'we would do well to give it full credit where 'it is so worthy.. This is the only insect that man has been able to ~ domesticate or control and it does its " "tremendous business in an exacting way which would put most of we humans to shame. More and more responsibility is be- ing laid on the honey-bee., Govern- ments ask for an incréase in bee pop- ulation because there is so much to. be done; the world looks to the honey bee: to end the food shortage; the farmer looks to the honey-bee'to main- tain his income; the fruit grower owes his abundance to the workers in the hive; the vegetable man and the flor- ist all look directly to the honey-hee to maintain their businesses. Pollenization is the business of the bee. It has also been the business of many other insects but unfortunately as we cut down forests and small wooded areas, do away with swamp- lands, clean up fence rows, we are also doing-away with-the- natural habitat of native insects. . As we spray and dust for mosquitoes and garden pests ~ we destroy many, many insects and more and more burden of pollination is laid on the domesticated honey-bee. Commercial fruit growers distribute colonies of bees throughout their orchards during the blossom time to insure abundant set of fruit. who do own bees, rent them from an apiarist, Great care must be taken with sprays to prevent injury to the Those . hives; losses both in larvae and nurse bees which elaborate the pollen for consumption have been caused by bees carrying pollen covered with arsenical poison back to the hive, - Legume crops are the best pasture for honey-bees and are also the most éniportant crops in a sound agricultur- 'al 'scheme, These are the crops that by supplying nitrogen and when plowed under provide much of that all-necessary humus. Conserva- tion measures to insure the complete and permanent treatment of soils in- clude -the legumes --= the 'clover and alfalfa crops for which honey bees in abundance are necessary to produce good quality seed in quantity to make it possible to carry on an ideal con- servation program, Besides pollination being so import- ant we cannot overlook the fact that bees give us such delicious honey which has many varied uses, Then there is beeswax which is such a wond- erful preservative, Your treasured oil painting likely has a protective coating of beeswax. The Roman Catholic church burn candles made of bleswax 'because there is no smoke when bees- wax burns. These are merely by- products the pollination services are the important féhtures of bees. It is no exageration that for each dollar that goes into the beekeepers pocket, fifteen' to twenty dollars worth of pollination services are bestowed on agriculture, insure an adequate bée population is the apiarist. . The beekeeper will keep the degree of business which goes to only enough Yo supply the demands of the honey market. 3 The bees are dozing in the winter but in the warm weather look at them with an appreciation. of their industry, of their gifts' to the world, of the| example they can give to- humanity and more fully enjoy the dividends of the bee colony. Utica Mrs. N. Rusnell has left Utica to spend a month with her daughter Mrs. E. Simpson, at Kilworth, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs, Herman Walker spent Sunday at Peterborough." _ There will be. an election of officers for the Sunday School next Sunday, November 80. : Mrs. L. MacMillan of Seagrave, was visiting Miss. Ada Stephenson on Sun- day and 'Mr. and Mrs.. Herman Kerry were Saturday visitors, Mrs. R. Sandison, Walter and Anne Mra. 'R." Wilbur, Jim Wilkinson; Larry {- Kendall, Lois Sandison, Kae Philip, Sylvia Toogood, Patsy and Melvin Dit- trick and Dorothy and 'Hillis Wilbur were at the Port Perry Commence- ment Exercises Friday night. Congratulations to Chet Geer and Ralph Wilbur who have birthdays Nov. 26. Mr.- and Mrs. Bob Walker were in Georgetown on Monday. The Epsom ladies are holding a euchre in Utica Hall, Thursday even- -ing, Dec. 4, in aid of Port Perry Hos- pital. Every one welcome. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell celebrated their 35th. wedding anniversary on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. George Till of Green- ~ bank, and Mr. and Mrs. Rudling, of Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Philip, Sorry to report Mrs. Joel Claughton is not feeling so well. > _ Say Goodbye to Perspiration ""Hang-over'! Sanitone Dry Cleaning Gets Out All the Dirt] Yes, i re half-clean clothes with eu' better Sanitone Serv. ice! Spots out. Colors and pat- terns restored to like-new beau. ! ty. Fabrics come back soft and rich with original texture re. stored, No tell-tale cleanin vdors and perfectly Pressed al- ways. Call today! 2 EVELEIGH SCUGOG Despite rainy weather, several {s- land people attended the Commence- ment Exercises at the High School on Friday night, this island received certificates. Miss Mary Wilson, an outstanding student, received seven awards, including the Lions Club prize, and the award for the Public Speaking. Congratula- tions Mary on your achievements. 2 Mr, and Mrs. Jesse.Demera visited Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stone, Port Perry on Sunday. erly spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. .George Samells and family, Fort Perry. * Miss Kay Prentice was home from Toronto for the week-end, Mrs. Alan Martyn and Mrs. Kemp of Manchester, attended the Royal Winter Fair on Thursday. Sorry to hear Mrs..John Warren is in the Oshawa Hospital. -Everyone hopes for a speedy recovery. Sunday visitors at the_ home of Mr. Mrs. Alvin Coppins-of Cameron, Mr. and Mrs, Leo Henderson of Cambray, Mr. Harold Coppins, sons Charles and James and daughter Beverly, all of Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Demera attend- ed the Royal Winter Fair with Dr. and Mrs, Don. Christie on Wednesday. Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn attended the 80th. birthday party of Mr. W. J. Martyn at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Bert Wana- _| maker. Members of the Hunt Club had a social get-to-gether for their wives and friends on Friday evening.- A turkey supper was enjoyed by all in the basement of the Grace Church, | and then over to the Community Hall for cards and entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Aldred and family spent the week-end. Jn-Ofhs. wa, . Miss Virginia Valentine spending .a few days with her grandparents Mr. | and Mrs, Jack Valentine. = Don't forget choir practiée on Fri- day night at 8.00 p.m. Grace Church. Mr, and Mrs, Don Gerrow and fgm- ily spent Sunday at the honte-of Mr. and' Mrs. R." McRae at Ajax. The Farm Forum met on. Monday 'night at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Alan Carter, The next Forum will be held at the home of Mr. and' Mrs, 8. Rodman, Next week's discussion will be on "Why Price Supports." 3 'Mrs. 8, Rodman spent a few days in Toronto, .visiting her sister; there. :The Head W.A. wish to thank all the ladies who came from the Centre bazaar held: last week at the Head Church fea room. It was a great sue- '| cens in spite of a rainy afternoon, and the proceeds were $95.00, Next week is our regular W. A, Meeting at the home of Mrs, Joe Dowson.: Don't for- ZENITH 18000--OSHAWA . get your Christmas Gifts. » . --.. | ter Janet visited with Ms. "take the remed The factor which will | - Several Students from | ~Mr.-and Mrs. Doug Aldred and Bev- | and Mra. Russell Pogue were Mr, and}. Church and from 'Port Perry to the|. and. Mrs, L. Martyn Saturday evening. Honeydale The Christmas meeting of Honey- dale: Women's Institute will beheld Wednesday, Dec, 8, at the home of Mrs. Shunk, The roll call, "Sing or say one. line. of your favorite. Christ- mas Carol", A special colléction will be taken for Christmas. cheer, - Pro- gram committee is Mrs.. Shunk, Mrs, Whitfield, 'Mrs.. Bassant and Mrs, Goode, A demonstration will be given on Christmas gift wrappings. Mr. and Mrs.- Fred. Hunter spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. G. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coates, of Ux- bridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leahy, spent Sunday with Mr, and 'Mrs. Frank Whitfield and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Honey: -spent 'Sunday with Mr, gnd Mrs. Merv. Annis and family, at Brougham, Holliday and family, LUMBAGO (Lame Back) When your back is stiff and very painful and it's an effort for-you'to stoop or bend, puady that has brought swift, safe thousands--Templeton's T-RiC's. Don't suffer from the nagging misery of Lumbago a day longer than you have to. Get TRC today. 65c, $1.35 at drug counters 1-340 Mr. and Mrs, Ashbridge and Don spent 'last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison at Scarboro. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Baird and daugh~ Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Fred : Pine Grove Mr. Jack Hill and. Mz: Jasks Cross: ier attended the 116th reunion:in Oak. awa Saturday night. . Mrs, Herb Hill and new. baby. are returning home after spending a few days with Mr and Mrs: Jack Hill. Mr. Ray' Johnston took 2nd Pilse on his potatoés at the Royal Winter Fair, Congratulations, Mr. Lyons will minister to us. Sun- day next, ¢ The W. .A. will hald its Business meeting. at the home: of Mrs. J. HUVs December 8rd. 'Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evans: 'spent Friday' in 'Lindsay. : Mrs. Jack Johnston and Mrs, Evans of Uxbridge spent a.day at the: Royal last week, Mr. Clarence: Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. M, Long 'attended Ladies' night of the Kinsmen at the Guild of All Arts, Scarborough, Fri. night. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson spent Thursday in Toronto. s Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elford and: boys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack: Simpson, son calling Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Hillard: Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Gourlie, Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evans, and Mr. and Mrs. Ear] Ballard attended the Euchre at Mr. and Mrs. Dave Prentice in ald of the Community Memorial. Hospital Port Peiry on Friday. night. --- Also Mr, and Mrs. E, Stmp- : Mr. Ri Brown Jr. of Oshawa enters tained his parents Mr. and Mrs. BY Brown and Mr, and Mrs. 8S, McFarlane at the Guild of All Arts last Sunday. 'Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Davis, Gladys and Beverley and Mr, Ted McGogge| -and Mr, and. Mrs. M. "Found..all of Toronto, were Sunday visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. E, Butt, Misa . Enid 'Clements entertained several of her "friends to a dinner party Saturday' evening on the odea-| sion of hér birthday, ° Miss Jean Watson, Mr. Ernie Drag- er spent week-end at home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Watson, The 'Sonya Ladies Aid' had a very successful bazaar and supper on Wed- nesday evening, Nov. 18, Mrs. N. Jacobs opened the bazaar. Proceeds were very, gratifying $180. Mrs. 8, J. MacFarlane attended an +.0,D.E. tea at Whitby on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. Butt and family visited friends in Lindsay. Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wray, family of Toronto spent-week-end at Mr, Ken Wray's. _ '* Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Graham and Mr. and Mrs, Ray McGill attended the Royal Winter Fair on Friday. - Mr. and Mrs, Creighton Devitt spent Friday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Stinson. Mrs. Geo, Nicholson, Mrs. J, A. Me- Arthur Mrs. John Hamilton, Mrs. | Bateman, spent Saturday afternoon at the 'W.A, Sale in-Toronte. . Mrs. Wm. Van Camp spent the week-end with Mr: and Mrs, Ronald Drinkwater Ottawa... The L.O,B.O. held a Euchre party in their oom in the Recreation Hull "on Friday evening. - The Ladiss-Prize. gentleman's prize by Mr. Cecil Hill. Mr. and 'Mrs. Foster Ferguson' ited with h Mr, and Mrs. Herman Hooep. was won by Mrs, John McKee, the © MYRTLE day School, Mr. Downey will stead the convention for s Centre street 'Church - Ostiawa tai oT Kedron turkey supper last week; The vig~| lovely new church at Kedron ew 4rib- ute Mr. Blake Gunter visited his home: at Coe Hill last week. to the sincerity and country' Somramley; may' it. aly. Blessed. FASHIONS COATS and GOWNS DRESS SUITS EE WR 491-3-5°Danforth Ave., (near Phone--GE 1575 "UNUSUAL VALUES in Fall and Winter . "SHOP at ARDLEY'S with CONFIDENCE" ARDLEY FROCKS Toronto, Ont. Logan) fora. ~ lllustrated-- Dodge Regent 4 door sedan includeseerdain. ~~ % extra equipment ems, k with 'youn: restr iS dealer for information on Henddid fquigment / PORT PERRY dl whe. A i Nr A Be A yd drive the all-new When you drive a 1953 Dodge, you have the promise of the smoothest, softest, most. stable ride you have ever experienced Jin a car in the lower-priced field. 73 id ; i SE . Here's how this new ride has been a - new performance : : ! You'll like the finet-performance of! It's a steadier ride because of a wider frame, a lower centre of the new Dodge, its ease of handling: : 2 : ROE . when parking . . . its nimbleness In gravity, and the new positioning of the wider rear springs, heavy traffic or on the highway. It's a More room (1h eve fo dsuer and It's a more level ridé, the result of a apclironizsd springing 1g rie 2 Satay ar acaes and scientific weight distribution. 2 curved one-plece windshield and: : : : Sp wide, wrap-around rear window. It's a softer ride because of the new principle L ; : Oriflow shock absorbers, and hew, wider springs which absorb 1 -& most of the. small road shocks. IAN Be one of the first to experience this thrilling new ride. 'traditional dependability rrange today with your Dodge-DeSoto dealer Hl tell you: *'Y ! A ay Dependabliity." for a demonstration. And this 1053 Dodge has been en- gineered and bullt to maintain this DODGE REGENT "DODGE CRUSADER - ~~ enviable reputation, Thousands of extra. miles of trouble-free operation DODGE MAYFAIR o DODGE - SAVOY DODGE SUBURBAN Iola PAVRSAIY Grind, hours. less time lost n service and repalrs, Manufactured i in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited Ask Your DODGE-DESOTO degler about. i 75 new Jratures of the *58 DODGE: ) BEARE MOTORS LIMITED 130 Mr. A. Downey and MK J Cook: Myrtle: wis well representelab de: u

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