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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Dec 1952, p. 3

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fl oem sstoman RR pares THE STAR EDITORIAL PAGE A Sl SR BA PA. Se x3 a= iE A it! AE ed ho, *% superaitition. 'd However;-we doubt tht most people are free of superstitious beliefs MPéa-cup reading we are told is still'one of Fitiarfayourite indoor ota and ones r at a loss to find in d'wiio' will stoutlyde "on'thé basis of proved So and=So'told: us' Such and Such a and/aure : ned just as So and So said enough it ha it would." "With: such folk! ~ argue 'snd "explain . .-: one 'just "has 'to _ Hagy--ander your breath--"superstitious - And then again there is the ng through the nonsense." cult of character read The Commonwealth "Economic Conf "The Canadian Ptime Minister, the Hon. sJuouis 8t. Laurent is as 'most Canadians tknow now attending meetings in London, + - 1/Bugland, at which representatives from 21 ~nmember nations: andiccolonfes tare: seeking EE ian answer.to some very weighty problems. "IThe meeting, though' primarily: concerned with what to.do about the; light of those coutitiies in the 'stérling b _ "unusual significance for our own' coun ~ "Canada's position with regard to' "is hardly a happy one "With a strong: # blican - Party coming into' office in' the - TUnited States it is hardly likely that we will receive the same treatment that we Fénjoyed Ander a' Democtatic 'administra "tion. "Very strong clements in thé'Repub- lican Party are quite openly. opposed to any concessions to a foreign country where They areiquite! eon. vinced that it is: not in the. interests-of 'Ameritan business to enter into agree- ments that free the American market to competition from without. They are some- - vteade {8 concerned. "Mo dorn MW "In this"trotibléd world-of .ours 'we seem - *to*tind Httle that (gives-us:groand itotbe "proud ++ 4nd'yét, in the daily round of things, we observe that most people ave ~ proud: of 'the fact-that they-are free from and behaviour. . theri Fans it is useless to believing . ock has some pendency on within the. a fate: "sufficient tnteredp to' a*siifficient number of le that 'adai of the bigpapers. . You don't have to search very far before you find out'thiat moat peo superstitious . .. .black cats, house, ¢rossed forks, broken Thirrors, 'fall- ing pictures . . . all portents 'of 'dreadful things to come . ; "dreadful! things do come for us to go-on superstitious. "medium Sf hindwriting. = Now we 'confess -~that -we! have: fs a about' this "peculiar art but those" who'shoald know . claim it 1s "8hger "gu tition + . . That Japers «+ the Mrs dit o of yough"the stars . . . of columm appears fn'most people "Are 'Btill birds in" the . and-apparently enough but-of course, we aren't Fl erence : what upset too by the.present value of the Canadian dollar whose price, incidentally, 'began toifall when the results of the elec- ~tion'became known. 'We, are so dependent upon the States miow-that! St. Laurent and other prominent Liberals fear what may happen should anything! interfere 'with our trade :and ;they are quite sure that Ey will.happen when the Republicans forma ly take office. "Hence, 'our 8 ial interest in the Empire » Conference. Canada is looking: for some means by which7she can lessen 'her de- "the" States 'through trade Empire . . 'the érux-of the problem lies" inthe fact that 'though the sterling area -is willing and 'anxfous'to do business' with: us, they are financially! un- -able to buy our products. Therein lies the dilemma; it remains to be seen what the meeting in London can bring forth in the way of an answer. pronarS hin Ga ak THE PASSING 'SHOW ; by The Argo-Edmonton genie reéniirids us of a fine Churchillian:sonorism . never did so many pay 5 nich to vo 20 little, : 'e.8 Ye @ Vietor Hugo orico'sald that the man who fightsageinst-his 6wn country is never #'hisro . . .'he didn't know any- tiring Shout the infamous Senator Mc-. "ee 8 9 Travel'ts supposed to bring a broad- ~ ening of ond's horizon and toleration « «. but %he farther Communism travels the worse it seems to get. Re M.A.C." 2, Blak indeedls the probany in Bouth 'Africal ® oo © oo The Communists: are saying that Charlie Chaplin was lucky to achieve an escape from 'America . . but the Americans feel that they threw him' out, What we would enjoy would be to "hear" Rawhide do » take-off on Raw- -__coming driver, who for a few séconds hide. ® oO Ld [ B The play. Stage 58 did last Sunday night was 'well "worthy of the Lux Hour . . .'every bid as bad. © COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - Cash Donations Tote] previously reported .... " «1$8,097.04 a : Ri Cook; Mita A. asians 10.00 Women's Progressive Conservative: m; Pore Perry Sains 25.00 Epsom WA, vii - £6.00 Gréendenik W, A. : SN 100,00 : Pledges $14,868.00 "Total préviously reported THE PORT PERRY ST AR Established 1864 ~The Port Peery Star, 1a -publiahed 'by th Port Petry Weekly Smile Star Company * Limited, 'Queen street, Port Parry, v each Thursday. Authorid #4 'Besse Cikes TAY' dt Office Department; Ottawa, Mrs. 8. Faitter,'Prebident. W. A, Farmer, Vice-President. FA L A. Boyd, Becretary-Trousurer, SUBSORIPTION RATE $200 periytar itn. wdvatice, "$8.00 pOF yar olitélde Canada. Single copy 6 cents. Clipped Comments SOLUTION FOR GLARING 3 {HEADLIGHTS "One of-the worst troubles of night driving, and a frequent cause of fatal accidents -- especially the hit-and-run kinds--is glaring -héadlights, The St. 'Thomas Times-Jouinal points ' out. Every driver encounters the obstinate individual 'who "will 'not - lower Mis" ing 'the growth of clover or alfalfa. This addition of nitrogen also'enhances lights; evén when given a signal, but callously continues on his way know- ing quite well that his headlights 'Are "shining straight in the eyes of the on- at any rate, is blinded, and before they have passed-may have struck 'sofe- body, or gone Into'the ditch. The ma- jority of drivers have'never redd the Ontario Highway "Act. "If they did, they would probably be surprised at the number of things they don't'know about driving responsibilities. 'And one of them is that drivers must 1éwer their lights 600 feet from an appfdach- ing 'ear. Thére Wnust be many op- portunities 'for police action, but the law seems more Nondted in the breach" than'in the observance. However, hope comes from the! old' Country. Henry Spurrier, president of the Boclety of British Motor Manufdctu- rors, announces that the industty'as a- Whole 1s studying' the question "of glaring headlights, and while ithere are some snags to be overcome, British cars will in the near future be équip- ed with a phato-electric cell device'so- that when 'ears approach each 'other the icells will "autonfatically fusiétion and dim the lights. - If that is accomplished we have!no doubt the photo "eleétric cell will be- coma universal, 'and motorists évety- whére will iave'no tear of this déviger. It was springtime in England; 'and the Brooklynite visiting a London "park was overwhelmed by the number 4:9 bparrvis milling about the léwhs, tapped lightly on the shoulder 'of I Bralishiran standing hart ton "Hey, Mac, didja ever see so faahy "boldal" My good man", Wald the RLS arénot Wolds' The Brooklynite tched his head TES funny," he R.R. 2, Port Perry. Phone Pp rd2 mumbled, doy ehoips Jot like bods." 4 Saiyatt, thoughtfully, "Dat's for 'the ¢rops which follow. Dr. Lotta Hitschmanova (left), ex-| dian Pacific carloads .of powdered | -- eeutive director of the Unitarian Ser- ~vice Committee of Canada, is shown | at Gananoque, Ont., as she accepted | delivery of the first of threc Cana- church's ni | milk to be used for 25,000 Korean | { children during the months of Jah | 'uary, February and March under the ! "Milk -for Korea Fund. ul Port Perry, aman bn i aN bdrm medias x Ontario, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1962 Handing .over the neecssary customs | clearances and other documents is L. V. Gates, sales manager of Cow and Gate (Canaday Ltd., the suppliers. deer. Farm Tock: Crop rotations including grass and legume crops are of value on heavy clay soils for promoting a favourable soil structure, for increasing the sup- - ply 'of nitrogen in the soil and for controlling weeds. Experimental 'work at the Experi- 'mental Bubstation, Woodslee, Ontario, 'says J.'W. Aylesworth, has shown that continuous row cropping causes the physical condition of Brookston clay. to .deteriorate rapidly and 'economic re- turns from that soil soon become un- certain. The better crop usually contain one or two years of elovers 'or alfalfa. igumes perform an excellent job of sub- |' soiling, breaking up the compacted layer below plow depth and thus im- proving root penetration and acroation "Alfalfa which is allowed to grow for at least two years produces.an excellent phy- sical condition in Brookston clay. Nitrogen is also added to the soil dur- the yield of the crops which follow. A good stand of alfalfa which is cut for hay two or three times a year will aid in the control of persistent weeds such as-sow- thisle,-Canada thistle-and others. A thick stand of alfalfa is especially effective in controlling milk- weed which is resistant to 2, 4-D spray and which-is particularly troublesome where row crops have been grown to | a large extent on Brookston clay in southwestern Ontario, Austin C. A. Bathie DR. OF CHIROPRACTIC Graduate of Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto For 'appointment Plione 206R PORT PERRY. ,BALLET =: TAP . Register for Classes Saturdays 10 to 11 a.m. Port Perry High School Gym Teacher--Mary Brotheérwood Principal--Irene Harvey EE Bulldozing and Excavating + By Hour or Contract "Free Estimates Given. William Tripp rotatioh" ot Toronto in his 80th year. JLAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground From the files of the Port Perry Star, Dec. 2, 1937. Reeve W, M, Letcher and Warden of Ontario County, was presented with a gold wrist watch by his colleagues in County Council-in appreciation of his faithful and efficient [service -during 1937. Reeve Lyman Gifford of East Whitby made the presentation. I A native of Greenbank, Henry Bew- ¢ll, who spent a lifetime in education and financial work across Canada, died He was educated in Port Perry High School. Deep. rooted le- | Looking Back 15 Years Fire of unknown origin completely destroyed the shed on the farm of Wes Frise, Seagrave. Lost in the blaze was a steel grain separator and en- gine. » . * * be Thirty members of Port Perry Lions Club and eighteen from New- market were on hand for the first meeting of the new club at the Sebert House. Wilfred Duffy, the organizer, introduced the guest speaker, Past District Governor Harry Lambert who outlined the objects of the club. By Joining the club you have pledged yourselves to the promotion of mutual Whlersianding and public service." of Mrs, Ross Faulkner, elected president of the vice-president and Mrs. Secretary-Treasurer. will manage Oscar Josephson. are A. Jewell and Rev. I. I. DISTRICT DOINGS BOWMANVILLE--Some 337 babies, have been born at Mem: rial Hospital here this year,'a réport revedls. The surrounding townships have made the greatest use of the Memorial Hospi® tal's modern maternity ward with 185 new citizens arriving via Darlington, Clarke, Newcastle, artwright and Manvers, : SUTTON Lakd Simcoe fall fisher- men report some. excellent eatehes of whitefish. "So great have been the catches that market prices dropped to as low as ten cents per pound, The average catch has been 40 per day while the record for the season to date belongs-to Tom Porte of Dalton Road who landed 160 whitefish, STOUFFVILLE-- Conny Smythe, Limited, operated by the well-known hockey magnate, has appealed against the judgment of the Markham Town- ship Revision Court in connection with the assessment on his gravel and sand business property. The appeal will -- be heard before a County Judge. LINDSAY---Hunting was a real art in Victoria and Haliburton counties this year according to figures released 'by the Department of Lands and For- ests office here. The warm weather provided a good outing said District Forester A. B. Wheatley but hunter's were about 27 percent siccessful-= meaning one in four Norah out an A check at Norlind shows 2,424 hunters entered the bagged 308 bucks, 230 fawns, 16 bears and three wolves, UXBRIDGE -- Mrs. Kate Hodder Boultwood passed away at the home area and 113 does, Coboconk. on Nov: 15. Born_in England in 187 0, Mrs, Boultwood came 1912 and resided Blackwater until the death of her late husband, William ~ George: Boultwood in 1938. - : : CANNINGTON to. Canada in in Cannington and Hugh Wilson was @annington Frank Creher is Hugh Wilson Dan Woodward teany On the executive Kennedy. Minor Hockey Club. the * CONANT & CONANT BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS Gordon D. Conant, K.C. Roger D. Conant, B.A. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Sand and Gravel Government Tested =~ Landscaping, Sodding, Loam, and Refrigera ion fui prompt service on all makes, 'both household Estimates given on Installations. and commercial. Reg. Boundey REAL ESTATE Consult . J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS for complete Real Estate Service. Head Office, 366 Bay 8t., Toronto Phone EM. 38-0604 Port Perry 186J City and Country Homes _ Farms and Small Acreages. Industrial and Business Property. : LLOYD LEE = - 18 your local representative. Phone LO 5229, Toronto Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES'OF MACHINERY; ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS, A : SPECIALTY METAL LATHE WORK. and Serviced OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC . WELDING CAUSLEY MACHINE SHOP PINAAPAAANNAPNINPIANNANA, Air Conditioning Furnace Eavestroughing 'We 'sell and service DURO 'PRESSURE PUMPS SYDNEY G. BARNES BROOKLIN Phone 72 r 2 Offices: Stone. Oshawa, Ont., 7%: Simcoe St. 8. | Free Estimates. Phone 88R Phone 3-2227 W.J.8YMES Port Perry "Ajax, Ont., Phone 25 septd MONTEITH & MONTEITH EXCAVATING CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS| CELLARS - DRAINS 37 King St. E., Oshawa SEPTIC TANKS Gordon W. Richl, C.A. -GRADING Resident Partner CLIFF 'BAKER, Nunchestor a uly 17 'Phene 237 Whatever your Insurance needs DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST field Suite. RE. UPHOLSTERY and RE-BUILDING Let us re-upholster your old Chester. --- Satisfaction guaranteed, Phone and have our consultant call and give you n free estimate. pick-up and delivery. Free Phone 5-0311 Collect | OSHAWA UPHOLS STERY CO. 8 Church Street Queen Street Port Perry INSURANCE Are your- policies up-to-date? may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry DR.J.B.LUNDY | DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY ONTARIO | | Office Hours -- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phones: Office 68W. Res. 68J | PAINTING & ~ DECORATING Garry Venning Blackstock PHONE 187 r 2 PORT PERRY ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, K.C. in attendance at my Port Perry office oni Wednesday morning and |: Friday afternoon of each week, ELECTRIC - ---- - ih ---- OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Estimates given on of work. " WALLACE Port Perry all kinds EARL Phone 261 3 FLOOR SANDERS New or old floors. sanded and finished, or waxed and polished by 'the square foot. Electric Floor Sanders, or Wax ers and Polishers for Rent, "RPICKARD Phone 281W, Port Perry, Ont. | | Const the Viowas rants van CEC. KING AGENT or by appointment, Aug $2 Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Port Perry « Ontario and coach is-- Asphalt Siding, - " ni yr RR "5 Mi Sd - ep dE: tar REEF my ly hn aah Sr a C38 » de "1 "

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