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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Dec 1952, p. 4

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ir basement, 4 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1952 LOCAL N EWS __The Evening Auxiliary of the Unt. | ted Church will hold its December <meeting on the tenth in the church President, Mrs. Michell, will be in charge of the opening ser- vice and Mrs. Peel's group will follow vith the devotional and program per- iod.- *Let's have a full turn out." The Mission Band of the United Church -will, hold a Christmas meét- ing in 'the Sunday School room on Thursday, Dee. 11, at 4,15. Parents are invited to enjoy this meeting with their children, Mr. Frank McCammond, of Oshawa, and a resident of Port Perry for a year and a half, has been appointed Rexair Sales and Seryice representa- tive in this area. Mr. McCammond also handles all types -of electrical appliances. - ERS ; Engagement HARDY-FRANKS The engagement is announced of Winnifred Lee, daughter of Mrs. J. H. Hardy (formerly of Perth), now of Port Perry) and the late Dr. J, H. Hardy, to Mr. Vernon Vincent Franks, son of Mrs. H. R. Franks, London, and the late Mr. H. R. Franks. "The wed- ding will take place in Montreal, at McGill College Chapel on Saturday, " December 20, at 2.30 p.m. Card of Thanks Mrs. A. _D. Peters .and family ex- press their gratitude to everyone for their kindness, sympathy and flowers during their recent ber 'eavement. I sincerely avpreiiate the honour of being: re-elected Councillor for the Township of Reach by acclamation. 1 shall continue to strive for the ad- vancement of the Township and the bést interests of all%titizens. ELMER J. GIBSON. Birth DOYLE -- Irvine and Elma Doyle are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Richard Irvine, at Oshawa General Hospital, Saturday, November 22, 1962. In Memoriam ~McCOY--In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Stewart Mc- Coy, who died on December 8, 1951. -We often sit and think of him When we are alone, For memory is the only friend That grief can call its own: Like ivy on the withered oak, When all other things decay, Our love for him still keep green- And never fade away. : Sadly missed by Wife and Family. / PIR IE CHOLLI a PLEASE NOTE Two Shows Nightly, 7.00 & 9.00 Matinee at 2.00 p.m. THURSDAY-FRIDAY, DEC. 4-5 "SHE'S WORKING HER WAY THROUGH COLLEGE" starring VIRGINIA MAYO and GENE NELSON Technicolor !! ONE NITE ONLY !! SATURDAY, DEC. 6 "ROSE OF CIMARRON" starring MALA POWERS ; Technicolor MON. and. TUES, DEC. 8 and 9 "SKIRTS AHOY" "Technicolor Starring Esther Williams and Barry Sullivan - AY WED. and THURS, DEC. 10 and 11 |" "LOVE IS BETTER THAN | EVER" Starring . Elizabeth Taylor --- PLUS "THE RACKET" Starring Lizabeth Scott Adult Entertainment " MY SIX CONVICTS" : 1S COMING SOON i The Churches ¥ ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN : . CHURCH "Rev. John Riddell Sunday; December 7-- : 11 a,m,--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Church Service, Subject--"Man and His World" CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rector: Rev. H, S. Swabey, M.A., B.D. Dec. 7--2nd Sunday in Advent 11 a.m.---Holy Communion 11 a.m,--Sunday School Rector--Rev. H. Swabey, MA.,, B.D. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, Minister Sunday, December 7-- 11 a.m.--Morning Service--Beatitude -- (Blessed. are they which do hun- ger and thirst after right living for they shall be filled). - 7 p.m.--Evening Service. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH P. Taylor, Pastor Sunday, December 7-- 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 10 a.m.--Sunday.- School. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wednesday--Prayer meeting at 8 p.m. THE PENTESCOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, December 7-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Regular Service _ 7 p.m.--Evangelical. Friday, 8.16 p.m.--Bible Study. All Welcome. s Yastor: W. A. Howler DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH z Saturday, December 6-- Service at- 2.30 'p.m. at the home of SEVENTH Mrs. Stanley Gerrow. All are welcome On Monday, Nov. 24 the Local A.Y. P.A.-held a meeting in the Parish Hall of the Church of the Ascension. . - The meeting opened with a prayer by Rev. H. Swabey followed by- the Lord's Prayer, President Anne Lav- 'meeting. The new members were then put into the respective groups. It was decided that. the Club's name would be the Alpha Club. The mem- bers were asked to have ready some names. for the groups at the next medting. [It was decided that we ask Blackstock members to join us in our meetings. The next meeting was planned and will take the form of a Christmas Party on Dec. 8 with Osh- awa and Brooklin A.Y.P.A.'s as our guests. It was suggested that the club should have a monthly service in the Church and also attend as a group one of the morning communion ser- vices. The group would like to sincerely thank Mr. G, Hookings who is moving from this parish for his generous as- sistance in organizing our group here, "A number of games .organized by Doug Hayes and his group were played and the meeting was concluded with a lunch also provided by this group. "P.P.HS. presents ; m Evening of Plays FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 8 p.m. in the gym 'Adults, 10c. Students 26c¢. NOW OPEN! Port Perry' 8 Newest * TAILOR SHOP ®. CUSTOM TAILORING ® REPAIRS ® ALTERATIONS .._ ® PRESSING . \ JOSEPH FRANSSEN - (Side éntrance, Port Perry Star) a "the very basis of culture . ender read the, minutes of the last' _ 4 # Must Sell (Continued from Front Page) tion of the people , . . Democracy is a. very tender bloom and can only tt flower where there is a strong, vig- orous and full middle class." He de- clared Italy could well become a Com- munist country. Rev. Jackson rapped the ich upper class fn _Ttaly where there is much cor ruption and many escape taxation, He pointed out that thie United States was pouring more money: into Italy than the country was producing. "Is a country like that worth fighting for or saving?" he-asked. Later in his address the speaker pointed out that in the eyes- of God everyone was equal . .". and worth helping. He told of his desire to see a Com- munist country . . . and recalled the depression days of Canada, "I know what suffering, grief, sorrow and anguish: of heart the ordinary people went through . . . You see I wad a little 'left of centre' . , and I wanted to see a Red Country . . . and see if it was the answer i. . I got my pic- ture of Communism . . . It is not the answer, It is one of the most dan- gerous philosophies of our days.--I say to any man who espouses Com- munism . . go live in" a Communist country for two months as an ordin- ary Sitizen and .you will change his tune." His first picture of Communism was on entering Yugoslavia where he saw some B00 trying to get on a train, "1 was surprised at learning there were three classes of travel. There was first class for members of the party, second class for travellers like my- gelf and third class for the flotsom and jetsam. The conditions of the people and the stench of their stink- ing bodies was something awful." He told how some 400, mostly old people were left behind at the station and he realized that under Communism there is not room for the old and the weak and the feeble.- "They forget site of God every indivilual is pre- cious . . . everyone is. made equal." Under Communism the individual must be always ready to be sacrificed on the altar of the State." Mr, Jackson said: that accros Eur- ope there is no race so industrious, energetic, keen and able as the Ger- mans who are working so hard to re- | store their devastated country. "There is also no race so hated . . . The Ger- mans are hated, despised and feared." He said the damage of -Cologne was pointed out that the city lost 81,000 civilians compared to 65,000 in Bri- tain, "However Great Britain is living - today like they lost the war and Germany like they won. After all they went through that is pretty hard to take." Hb said food in Bri- tain is dull and monotonous and some think life is not 'worth living. "There is discontent across the whole of Bri- tain . . . and a strange figure (Be- van) coming across the land . . . who is going to trade on discontent. "If Bevan gets in. power anything can happen," Ite exclaimed. "One comes back thankful that God saw fit to place him in a free, oveér-sbundant and happy land," Rev, Jackson con- cluded. Pagt-president Jim Crane in a most able way moved a very hearty vote of thanks to -the speaker whom he commended for his talented delivery and clear observation. During the business Treasurer Ernest Hayes moved that the club donate $25 to the Institute for the Blind. It was also approved that the Lions scholarship be increased from $10 to $26 next year. Lion Bert Hutcheson delighted the members with a humorous French- Canadian poem. +. In the something to behold the eyes .and | Name Local Man On F.C Commitiee On Tuesday, Nov. 2b, the last meet- ing ~of ~the * Ontario- and-¥ork- Film Council "was held at St. Andrew's United Church in Markham on the in- sor, comed as new members--Balsam, the School, and Locust Hill Sunday School. Mr. Clave Keevil gave a very inter- esting talk on his recent trip to Pem- broke, He was chosen as a director to the Film Pool for the coming year. ~The next Club meeting will be held at John Ashton's home in Pickering, on Wednesday, Dec, 10. All members and friends are asked to bring a gift- ceéd the value of twenty-fivé€ents. Miss Mildred Ward will be in charge of refreshments. Mrs. Welsh has for this meetings. The nominating committee for the election of officers for 1968 were ap- pointed as follows: Ken, Morley, Pick- ering as convener; John Ashton of Pickering, Gordon Reesor of Port Perry and Clare Keevil, Claremont. Mrs, Les Lye reported for the an- nual dinner committee--the dinner to take place on Tuesday, Jan, 30 at meéting, nominations will be called for President, 2nd Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer. Because this is the annual business meeting and en- tertaiinment combined, all membets are urged to purchase tickets from the local chairman and turn out in num- bers to make the meeting a success. Mr. Wentwort Perry Masonic Lo by Mr, Sulman and welcomed by the President, Rev. Mr. Monkman, The schools are using two blocks of films per month from the Department of Education. : Three very good films were seresned "Inside Newfoundland"; "The More 'We Get Together"; and- Designing Women." The excellent lunch, which was provided through the kindness of Mrs. Wicks and her helpers, was en- joyed by all. Mr. Gordon Reesor gave a vote of thanks on behalf of the mem- and for the use of the church, After beautiful addition to the chureh. Coming Events Hard Times Party FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1 Dee. 12, 8.30 p.m. Games, Contests, Euchre and Danéing. Penalty of 10¢, for those not in costume. SATURDAY, Rng >; 18 A home-baking sale under -the auspices of the Women's Association of the Church of the Ascension, will be held in 'the new Carnegie Block, Saturday, December 18, in aid of the Hospital Auxiliary. ary Notice CALL FOR TENDERB-- Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to December 20, 1962, for the repair and completion of the dwelling. situ- ated on the corner of Shanly and Perry Lowest or any "tender not necesparily In daily cleaning spots : SPEED - Perry St. North : DO YOU MAKE A SPOTLESS PICTURE? activity, though ; a 11 you are neat, your cloth- Sad ing picks up dust, paint _ink and food stains, ( "careful but thorough leave the fabric! ° Phone 221M QUALITY SCUGOG CLEANERS - Our methods remove SERVICE ART SHERIDAN, propre i | vitation-of Fred Wicks and Don Ree-| Three new schools 'were wel. | Base 'Line' 8chodl;~ 'Frenchman's 'Bay. wrapped parcel which should not ex-| some very interesting films lined up|' Claremont Baptist Church. At this| Watson: of Port]. : e was introduced bers who were present, for the lunch; the meeting, Mr, Wicks showed us the || to be held in Manchester Hall, Friday, Home Baking Sale | accepted. 'Hugh Strong, R.R4, Port Rod and Gun Club Outdoorsmen turned out in record numbers to hear Dr: A. J. Jackson of the Department of Lands and Forests | asthe. Port Perry Rod and Gun Club |¥ held their anpual, banquet at the, Scout ~ Hall, Friday: 'nights, 3.0 Milton Butson, thé sks nt acted: 'ag' chairiian of thé evening's program. A very pplénidld tiirkey dinner 'served Las 12° wild ducks presented by Mr. Osler of the Osler Estate; * Dr. Jackson gave a very informa.' our wild life. He warned against the over. use of chemicals: which destroys the undergrowth which is necessary for the protection and preservation of smaller animals, The speaker. also plant. growth and gmaller Bah hn the lake water, An interesting chinese auction sale was conducted by Secretary Ott Ham- ilton and showing of Conservation films followed. : --- BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Do you gasp, wheeze and fight for breath; 80 you can't get proper sleep? Templeton's RAZ-MAH capsules help you to breathe easily, relieved of wheezing and gasping. They loosen tight-packed . phlegm in bronchial tubes, so'it ¢omes away €asily. Sleep and :wark In comfort, take RAZ Choice iid B --Place your order now-- Phone 807M, Port Perry by Scout Mothers was enjoyed | as well |! tive 'talk on fish and wild life' and | outlinéd the precautions to preserve |] explained . the: necessity of having). » MAH today. osc, 31. 3881 drungiets R35 13 i: CRANBERRIES ...... | Hillop Bars (by Sondra: Juien) = = Ay the | gy ianRstam wi was in dador| ated. with "Coloured 'streamers a clieers [ful atmosphere: was added to the Fall Prom, put orf by the: Literary Society on Friday; November: 28..: The dance danging to the music of Wes Jackson.' Thus a well planned ended-. success- fully. ; SBA se was well attended and all enjoyed |: matists are certainly growing enthus- iastic as their big evening°draws near, performances. On. Friday, Dee. 6 three plays will be presented in which The Port Perry High School Dra. when the actors will put-on their play . "These will prove to be. both drama: an enjoyable - eyening, The Richmond Hill of P.P.H.8, on Monday, Dec. 8 frpdes 1 1, 12 Li sects) sommes , : naskit ball ; teams will be: 'thé guests of the teams PHON E s2wW Get Your Christmas Candy NOW! Beautif ully, Wrapped for Christmas SMILES'N CHUCKLES _ CHOCOLATES; BULK CANDY and NOVELTIES. SATURDAY SPECIAL - "GOLDEN DATE LAYER CAKE" GERROW'S Em 4 G M. GERROW 8 STOKELY'S HONEY POD PEAS, 15702. \eviriieen, ; $s MIXED : PEELS, CHERRIES, PINEAPPLE, "WALNUT, % ALMONDS, BRAZILS and everything for your Xmas Cake § MIXED. NUTS IN SHELL "......cciciiinnens Casey 1b. 49¢c. & dg XMAS CANDY, Hard Mixtures... ¢! . FRESH FRUITS AND. VEGETABLES Qo. + EEE ; EMPEROR GRAPES :; FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT .. Ro - WAXED:TURNIPS .. FREE DELIVERY EVERY ' BRODIES CAKE MIX, White or or Chocolate rmbt Le "and Cake tin Free § STOKELY'S CORN, 15° OZ, isilvdarnnss dniriii senses sancess FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES, 350° E MERLIN DOWSON PHONE 91 .. both for 49¢c. § wdc. 8 segesanens vn for 29c. ...2 for 39¢. " 1b. 35c¢. re isree sereneensosns ie 1 Tb. ple. 850; MORNING OF EVERY DAY i: vv doz. 25¢. &- desnsesene 1b. 5c... 3 PRCA WREST IR i : phone' i79 "77 sl ROBERTSON ELECTRIC "ALL KINDS OF TOYS FOR GIRLS AND BOYS Ho | Day. or Night pe et BPH fo oe | COME IN.AND SEE THE LAO SELECTION = ROBERTSON sso. Ee Phone mw tic and humorous and should make up ;

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