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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Dec 1952, p. 6

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ps LY 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1962 Ridge Ramblings By Jamesine Willis* CO-OPS IN ONTARIO COUNTY Over one hundred years ago a group of humble and uneducated weavers in Rochdale, county of Lancashire, + England, pioneered in a movement, that of co-operative way of life, which has become very en well knows to our own county and growing steadily in popularity... T he Rochdale principles are the same principles which govern our co-ops and are namely, open membership which allows anyone who is willing to abide by the by-laws to join the co- -0p; democratic control is perhaps the most important regardless of the amount of capital a member. invests he still has only one vote; political, religious and 'racial neutality to make it' possible for everyone to satisfy their'needs in the co-0p way. Continuous éducation and expansion fro also part of the principals which influence co- operative bygine : The last few years Ontario County has seén rapid Sipaision of the €o-gp moyement, ~. Are united to serve themselves, Just like any business a'co- -op pays taxes and is subject to Government regulations just the same as any. profit business but a co-op business is. owned and controlled by the people who use it's services. The co- -operative movement is a living philosophy, a practical method of combining. freedom and economic * democracy, The first co-operative business in this county was at Beaverton, It is a farm supply co-op. The next was at Uxbridge where they have a mill, farm supply, and now general store. The third was the Ontario County Co-operative Medical services; and there are many more now. How does a co-operative get started Well, take for instance the Medical Co-op which deals with hospitalization. It was first discussed in farm forum groups until the number interested warranted advance, The Federation of Agriculture gave a donation which aided in county wide organization. ~ From that a provisional board way elected and' the Co-op was on its way, The charter for the new co-op was granted in June and the first membership became effective the first of August with. groups start- ing in Sinclair's Corners and Greenwood Farm Forums, At the present time there are over ore thousand, seven hundred covered by _ this co-op which had its beginning the winter of 47-48. In December of '62 it came under the Department of Insurance which 'means it is under Government supervision as an insurance ' company. Previously it was under the co-op section of the Depart- ment of Agriculture. . The Medical Co-op is one in which all should show. an interest; all should know what it is that is being offered in the way of protection in the plan, It provides hospitalization benefits at a rate rarely equalled. None make a profit, and if there is any money left over it will be turned into greater benefits back to the patrons or whatever idea agreed upon by the-members of the co- -op themselves, It' is a * prepaid hospital plan which ¢osts so little that "ou don't feel it a burden, and if you are fortunate enough not to use it yourself you ~ have the joy in knowing that your-fund is helping someone in Ontario County; very likely someone you know. | a special W.A. card and that $6.00 be |and' group, Mrs, Argue, Mrs. Archer | Quade, Cadmus, were the Wedngsday Hundreds of citizens. in the towns and on the farms : | High School. This co-op is young; but it is, financially speaking, doing excellent- ly. No one needs be afraid it wou took a few stout hearts to begin b 1d fail them. _Jt is a project which ut many, many have already bene- fited and more will as the days pass. A new plan was started this fall, separate and entirely on. its own. The surgical plan is getting on its feet but it soon will be striding along like its big sister did a few years ago. Co-ops are not perfect, they are run by human beings but they life ¥y 'spreading purchasing po sumers and other patrons. operative business has for you. jdo offer u real solution to some of our problems, measure of security against exploitation, Investigate and learn. They provide a They contribute to the full wer widely among farmers, con-.. See what co- BLACKSTOCK On November 12, Mrs. John Carter attended the Remembrance Associa- tion tea and bazaar at Old St. Andrews Memorial House, Toronto. Mesdames B. Heaslip, C. Wilson, G. Thompson, and Miss Ruth Proutt, helped at Community Hospital 'repre- senting Nestleton and Community. Blackstock organizations. were repre- sented by Mesdamés R. Taylor, M. Byers, George Nicholson and P. Van- Camp, ~The Burketon-Dramatic Club-put on their play Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick in Community Hall. The con- cert was sponsored "by Blackstock "Badminton Club in aid of Community Hospital. Henry © Thompson took "charge at the door and Mrs. H, Short- ridge did not charge for her work at the hall. $40.00 were realized and the club are very grateful for tha combined efforts of all, __The W.A. of St. John's Church held its November meeting in the Parish Hall, on Thursday. evening, Nov. 20, with the president, Mrs. J. McArthur presiding. 'Mrs. Nicholson based the devotional service on the worship con- nected with the last chapter of the Study Book "Looking South". This chapter was taken-by Mrs, T. Smithy _ THIS IS LET US SHOW YOU HOW MUCH BETTER OUR SANITONE DRY CLEANING REALLY IS ® All dirt removed @ Stubborn moved (GOD) ® Perspiration removed [J Better press lasts Once you 've, discovered our amazing new Sanitone Service Jou 'Il never go back to old. shioned dry cleaning again! - Call us today! EVELEIGH CLEANERS .NO TOLL CHARGE ZENITH 13000---O0SHAWA and was entitled "You Can't Do It By Yourself" of the begining of Evan- gelical Youth Conference in South America. Onward Christian Soldiers was the hymn sung. Interesting items from the monthly bulletin were read | Upshaw and household 'soon: became - |a nightmare. by the Secretary. The birthday box received a donation from Mrs, Ira Argue. Mrs, Nicholson reported the G.A. Girls had entertained the branch from Bowmanville and a very enjoy- able evening had been spent.- It was decided that all future floral tributes to' deceased members be replaced with sent to the Memorial Fund for the Women's Auxiliary." 'The' was closed by. the Rector and refrésh- ments served by hostess Miss Eva Parr and Mrs, Langfeld, Rev. C: W. and Mrs. Hotton, Black- stock, "and Mr, and Mri. Oscar Mc. evening dinner guests of Mr. anid Mrs, Ernest Gray, Janetville. Later' they attended a presentation for the newly married couple Mr. and Mrs, Stewart McQuade (nee Verna: Gray), Rev. Mr. Hutton was chairman and the pro- gram consisted of piano solos by Brian Gray and Mrs, Ed, Lawson, readings by Mrs. Jim Gray and Mrs, Jewell, duet by Misses Joan Venning and Jean Thompson, solos by ~ Mrs. Lorne Thompson and Lloyd Wilson. Mr. Jim Gray read the address and Mr. Jewell and Mr. Dave Wilson, pre- sented the happy couple with a green velour chesterfield and chair, also 'a mirror, and other miscellaneous gifts. Lunch was served and the rest ofthe évening was spent in dancing, Quite a number from Blackstock were! pre- sent as Stewart and Verna made many friends while attending Blackstock ' Mr. and Mrs, Robert Paisley, of Dunnville, 'spent the week-end 'with| Mrs. Wm, VanCamp and their son, Mr. Gordon Paisley. ment on Thursday and 'Friday were two evenings of- splendid 'entertain- ment. The early p rt of the evening wis taken up 'with' songs, drills and athletic stunts. The rest of the time with three act play, "The Eager Miss Beaver". Mrs. Gazella Upshaw, & widow with a son and daughter, had been left an estate by her uncle, con- sisting of a musty old mansion, which is reported to be haunted. Murder had been committed .there,:and ghosts of the slain were reported to haunt the mansion frequently. Life for Mra. Cast of Characters Mrs. Gazella Upshaw--Marjorie Mc. Lean; Doreen'Upshaw, her daughter-- Irene Emerson; Harland Upshaw, her Sms rial Hamilton, Tillie - Tooth. ti Brown, the cook--Jane. Pas. sant; Hank Peters, gardener--Clifford Qrchard; Bunny Beaver, Gazella's cousin--Shirley Hamilton; Beasley Scudder, widower--Harvey Graham; Verbena Van Wych, very aristicratio-- Joyce Reid; Prentis Prouty, a'lunatic barber--Alan Jackson; The Faceless Fiend--Bennie Hooyer. FASHIONS COATS and GOWNS DRESS SUITS ov 4913-5 Danforth Ave., (near Phone--GE 1575 ---- > UNUSUAL VALUES in Fall and Winter "SHOP al ARDLEY'S with CONFIDENCE" ARDLEY- FROCKS . Toronto, Ont, Logan ) 1 @ EXT EF ® AIR CONDITIONS ® HUMIDIFINS ® VACUUMS | ® WASHES: AND WAXES FLOORS ® VAPORIZIES SICK ROOMS NPR IXY Costs No More Then Ordinary Vacuum Cloner! | SPREE" Year's Supply of Floor Wat With Each Unit! (Limited Time Oniyf) . ! REXAIR SALES & SERVICE QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY, PHONE TT6M' FRANK McCAMMOND Big "Manchester : Blackstock High School Commence- | Everyone did their parts well and with the ghosts flitting off and on the stage, although the hour was late, the children were either too excited or too frightened to go to sleep. "Mr."and "Mrs, 'Déan" Hale, Toronto, called on their aunt and uncle, Mr: and Mrs. Jack Rahm, on Saturday evening, - Sher skis d ir = rea 1H + Mr, Fred Ormiston, of Brooklin,-a lay minister, will be the guest speaker here next Sunday morning in the ab. sence of Dr. Fletcher, who is preach. Ing at a'special Service in. the: United Chureh, fir Bath. "Miss C. "Cowan, Toronto, was with 'her sister, Mrs. 'A.'Roach and family, over' the week-end. "There was a goad attendance at the Community Club last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred: Lamb and Mr. and tee in:charge.. Eight tables of euchre were played, and Mrs, C. Coombe, Pott Perry had ithe high count for ladies, and Mr. Harvey Rowe, for 'gentlemen, Consolation prizes went to 'Marleen Rowe and Buster Stevens. Lunch and coffee were enjoyed following the daneing. The next meeting on Dec. 12 will 'be in charge of Mr, .0. Croxall, Mrs, -G. 'Franklin and Mr. Murray Holtby, who are planning a hard time party. Larry, Bobcaygeon, called on friends 'here 'on Sunday. ge Mr, and- Mrs. Roy Moon, : 'Raglan, visited Mr. and Mrs. W F.. Crosier, on Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Conlan, of Toronto, have purchased and moved into 'the house 'formerly owned by the late Joseph Flewell, Mrs, Jones, 'Brooklin, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Murray Wilson 'and family, over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Barfoot, Wendy and John, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs, A. Roach, on Sunday. PROSPECT Ww. A. - The Woman's Association will meet at-the home of Mrs. J. Mosienko, on Thursday, Dec. 11, at 2.80 p.m. Visit- ors are cordially invited .to attend. 'Kindly note change of date. "i 3 be Mrs. Hugh Strong' were 'the Commit- |. "Mr. and 'Mrs, 'Belfry, Maribeth and Seagrave Mr, and Mrs. Jack Forster of Sea- grave and Mr. and Mrs, Carl 'Cowie of Sunderland 'attended a Euchre and Dance at the Veterans Hall, Markham | on Wednesday evening, The event was sponsored by the Eastern Star, Miss Willows, 'Miss Coultes, Rev. -| Wallace, Mrs. EB. Clements, Miss Mat- thews end Mrs.' H. Eagleson' attended a talk by Edna Jaques at Pefferlaw on Monday * evenlng. Al enjoyed. it greatly. Mriand' Mrs. J, Forte viated with a "cousin 'of Mts, 'Foriter's in'Peter- borough on Tuesaday, - ° Mr, "Bruce McCoy had" his tonsils removed in Bowmanville Hospital on Wedifesday morning. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Bruce McCoy had an emergency - appendectomy in Oshawa Hospital. Bruce was able to return home Thursday evening. Miss June 'Wade dad Miss J Broad "of Toronto were wi guests of Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bruce mily ried vi Ms" ad on. Sh son of Bowmanville on ) Mrs. T. Rennick and son Mr. Em. érson 'Reniniek of "Toronto visited Mr. and 'Mrs; B, 'Wanamaker on Sunday. Mr; "Ivan Bruee of "Toronto home over the week-end. : Mrs, H. Wanamaker spent week-end at home of her.son Mr. Glen 'Wana- 'maker, Mr, sad Mrs. Ross Dowson, Port On what you decide entire winter's heating--with all: that He means in healthful comfort, less furnace . attention and greater economy. So before you buy! any how you can get steady winter heat at less cost with 'blue coal'! Reesor Fuel wd Lorber : ~~ Port Perrys Ontario PHONE a The world's firiest anthracite is éoloréd blue | for your protection. Phone us today. 'S FINEST ANT now depends * fuel-at-all; findiout RACITE 'exchange. December 10th is the date set for the opening of our new Blackstock exchange. commence serving 350 subscribers in the Cartwright Township area who are now served by rural lines from the Port Petry It will then "Work installing the coniplex eqalpmeént in "the éxchiinge building itself is now well 'ad.' 'vanced. Outside, | constriction crews 'are 2 dompleting the extéfiaion and re-afrangement of our lines throughout the area to conneet with the new exchange, New lines are be- ing built to provide individual or 'two-party service in 'Blackstock; to rediice the itiiber of 'parties on congested rural lines, and to provide service for new subscribers, °° "~All this work is bringing more telephones to more people dnd helping us provide faster, * more dependable wervice throug Sit The Port : Perry and Blackitock areas. "Mo mensiigrent. 'er telephone value to every user. A A. GILLESPIE, Manager A list of the hew' Blxckstock némbers wll SHR tS $385 vusueriiesia Wid Sa kolodt and Port Peery arian vim, HEH "™the new exchange in 'opened. \ a

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