{id NE he ViIRS xf oad TNL ET BEY Nr TR 7 ARS YET Na ATR Ef ty TRE pred Freda BK Th ¥ ? 7s BEF An RA Pari £3 4 ks gro Vy Grads A Fh wd Fal AR Apratis Edy vine FAL nS Ad i ¥ ; ' i THE PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 10881 » 'N Li Q So ih Jugal ¢ Mrs. Murrell, Mrs. B. Bailey Taylor offered to help in| Greenbank"! * Honeyd ale W. I. Pine Grove iy the work in the hospital on Thursday, NE Seen. - (Held over from last week) | GREENBANK W. A. the 27th, Mrs, Johnston, Della, and sister, and NN 8 ¥ "Mrs, A. lease, Renee poi The regular monthly meeting. of =n taken by Mra, | Miss Mae Mitchel, visiting Sunday 0. NE : \ esearch and | the Woman's Association was held in evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill, Na 5 eT, sald there were 185 | the basement of the church ob Tues len reed: = Mrs. Johnston Della and sister, and "© compiling Tweedsmuir history books. 1 Bhe spoke of some of thie roll calls : "such as An' .important. date in--Qanay-- Es Me "rep "dian history and Till thé year. you phigh A 2 Lind he ust wed saat: As W Smith and Mrs. F, Real. a 3 Wha L | With Mis, G. Beare presiding the ua ¢ are You Leaving meeting opened by all singing "Make. i J & What are you leaving 4 as you: go | me a captive, Lord." PRT 3 ng youd 3 orld i Seripture Reading: , Proverbs 16; to Naw, York when she and Mr. grr 5 Won you have run your eanthly race taken by Mrs, F. Real. * "Mrs. Q: Beare son. accompanied , their daughter Eilat gave a reading on the Topic. The! Ruby. to New. York before her return live whe you have passed away Topic "Self Discipline" read by Mrs. |p. to,Nigerie, Africs. Te make your little earthly stay / That which will count in life and soul'| \: Smith and was prepared by Rev.!! Mrs; Medd read the story of The Wallace, JHouse by the 'side of the road. And * While time shall last and ages roll + If you 'will leave the best in thought | - TWo Duets were rendered by Mry. | Mrs: Blight sang. Pogue, and Mrs. G. Ward, accomp- The best in truth you should have Miss Mae Mitchell, visiting day | evening with Mr. and Mra, Juek Hill, "Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Catherwood] * and family had supper Tpeaday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Simpson, Uxbridge. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson and \ family, had supper Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Simpson - Mr, and Mrs." Willbank and baby, Mr. Orville Gourlie and Geo. Rice, of Toronto, spent 'Sunday with Mr, 'and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie. Mr, and Mwg. Charlie Gourlie spent [a day in Toronto last week. Myr, 'Halburt, of Uxbridge, will take the services Sunday next, Mr. and Mrs;. Don. Ballard and son, day' afternoon, Nov. 25, with about forty in attendance. hai dit aan ER aad Group. in charge: Mre. GQ. Beare, Mrs. G. Ward, Mrs, R. Rodd, Meo. N. followed by al Tepeating {he Orged in funison. Mrs. I] : of Brooklin, a former 'member of our W.A., sang "Take Up Thy Cross." Mrs, J. P Wilson, of Ux- bridge, was the guest speaker; and shose. aa her Jopls,. o Misalon-Forelgn {and Home, She also. told. 'ns: of her Don't | ot \ 3 a. * # ®, anyone . taught The Dest that you can say and do i The best for other man to view. : If you'll but live the Christian life i: And help to rid the World of strife How great to meet the record of air And Heaven's peace and glories share. Mrs, E. Knott of Meaford convenor of Citizenship and Education said that all branches had a Memorial service for 'the. late King. New Canadians werd 'warmly welcomed in many W.I. * Some of the W.I. had swimming les- sons, sewing classes for children. Also ' thef@iwere bus .trips to General Mo- tors, Qucker Qats Peterborough and the 0.A,C. Guelph, ete. . Donations were given to the Blind, Cancer fund, local hospitals and many-others,- She closed by. saying "A person who never makes a mistake, never makes any» ening - tension services available by the W.I. "Mrs, Jou: Hoffman, Havelock con- venor of Home Economics and Health reported everyone should take: the ex- * branch and. home economics service. Mrs. Hotfman ended by repéating ['Y . Verse: So long as there are homes where fires burn and there is bread. So long as there are homes where "lamps are lit and prayers are said, ~ Although a-people falter through the dark and nations grope. With God himself back of these little "homes, we snre have hope. W. H. Canston, publisher of the : Midland Free Press said Canada as a "+ pation is 'largely in 'its teens' with - all 'the"vim and vigor of youth and with youthful disregard for the sign- poate which our forefathers planted guide our way. Don, Henshaw speaking. on HorizonsUnlimited, sug- gested how-to keep the young people in: Ganada on Farms. Deputy Min: ister of 'Agriculture C. D. Graham "brought greetings from the minister of his department. Congratulations to Brooklin W. I in winning first prize in the Salada Tea quilt compe- tition, The Edgley- Institute put on a beautiful display of dolls. ross the World. -.Various countries were branches of the A.C.W.W, -- This portion of the meeting closed |: not shrink", Hand ac-- anied by Mrs. Croxall. Reading entitled "Jane Brown" ably given by Mrs, E; Parish, by all singing "O for a faith that will The President; Mrs, E. Hook, then took the chair for the business part of the meeting. Minutes were read and adopted and the treasurer's re- port given. Mrs. E. L. Hook was Instructed to purchase a plant for decoration of the church on Sundays. Partial list of the election of of- ficers are as follows: President--not filled 1st. Vice Pres.--Not filled 2nd. Vice Pres.--Mra. C. Pearson Secretary--Mrs. N, Smith Mrs, ding anniversary contest, which was won'by Mrs. Walter Rogers, : -+Two~members: of our W. A; eele- Mrs, Elmer Wilson; 9th, . Congratula. tions And beat wishes were offered by the: members, 4 Mrs; Millman and Lois Ashton play- edn 'plano duet, a hymn was sung and the meeting closed by all repeating the Mizpah Benediction, Mrs. Wagner moved a vote of thanks toMrs. Bailey, Mrs. Wilson and Group five and to-all those who had taken part in the program, i | 6 served a lovely lunch, and a pleasant i | social: hour was enjoyed by all, 'A - 1 Christie conducted a wed Cathorwoud, dvwallding anniversaries on the Mrs, "Wagner, president, 84th, E, Ballard. new can DRINK (ecu Group | visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. hy Mr. and Mrs. George Tomlinson, of Humber Bay, visited Suhday with Mr. and'Mrs, Hilliard Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crosier, Mr. and Mrs. "Lloyd Clark and family, spent Saturday night with 'Mr. and Mrs. * Miss Della Johnston is- sporting a 20 7 BE REFRESHED / "DOWN DAIRY LANE" ~ Listen 10 this programme on Wala » 95 10 9:30 p.m., E.S.T. over the Bomfaion Network of * 40% Huron Street Butter has graced the tables of mankind throughout history, Yast sums of money have been speat in attempts to equal . butterfat--to match it in taste, texture and composition. But only the cow --no machine. or laboratory --can make butterfat. That's why first grade Canadian butter remains supeeme on the dining tables of the nation. : -- "Many wonderful new recipes are contained in Marie Fraser's new butter recipe booklet. "Just send + your name and address to Dairy Foods DAIRY FOODS a SERVICE BUREAV ervice Bureau, 409Huron St, Yoronta, Toronto, Ontario Core ® * --_-- Asst. Sec"y--Mrs. E. L.-Hook Treasurer--Mrs, E, Gibson ig Press Sec'y--Mrs. James Lee Cor, Sec'y--Mrs. H, V, Hook Pianfst--Mrs: E Till Asst. Pianist--Mrs, E. Phair A vote of thanks was given the Fi: delis Class for some equipment' they bought for the church. : It was moved and seconded that the W. A, give $100 toward the Port Perry Hospital. At the close of the meeting a lunch was served by the group in charge. GPE ---- Epsom W.A. The regular meeting of the W, A. was held at the home of Mrs. Malcolm Bailey on Thursday afternoon, Nov. 20- with 28 members._and 4 visitors present. Hymn, "O For a Faith" was sung, followed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved and the collection taken which amounted to '$8,76, Coin cards were also handed in amounting to $32.00, This collection will go to the Miasion- ary and Maintenance Fund, ° Mrs. Wagner, president and Mrs, Kerry represented Epsom W.A, at the hospital meeting at Port Perry last week and gave a brief report, Mrs, Ray Medd will represent Epsom as member of the Hospital Auxiliary. It was moved that we pay our pledge of $26.00 to the Hospital treasurer, Mrs, aig . ---- > The Canadian Bank ale of Commerce os 1342 ied (o WHY PAY MORE? Let's take a good look at this whole. business ofnew car pricesand values. After all, when you buy any new car you want a full dollar's worth of good solid value for every dollar you invest--and that's exactly what you get in a Pontiael In the Fleetleader Series, this big, "beautiful, spectacular performer ' has a price tag that takes it right "down into the lowest-priced fine car class. And, of course, the wonderful Pontiac Chieftain is a leader in its field, yet costs'a good deal less than 'the lowest-bracket models of WHY TAKE LESS? No car--in any price class--offers more downright goodness for every dollar of yonr new car investment. When you buy-a Pontiac you are buying one of the most respected names in the automotive world! You are buying a éar that will give you years and years of wonderfully dependable, wonderfully @conomi- ' cal driving--and be a very desirable used car when you want to sell, Let's not get all confused about car - prices--remeniber this ome simple thing: Dollar for dollar you can't beat a Pontiac, in any price clase!- lvstrated --Fleetleader Special 2-Door Sedan Dollar for Dollar '® YOU CAN'T BEAT THE BEAUTY Cy ® YOU CAN'T BEAT THE FEATURES ® YOU CAN'T BEAT THE PRICE ® YOU CAN'T BEAT THE VALUE > Come In and get the facts and figures that show you how easy it is to own o great new Pontiacl = 3) ARCHER MOTOR SALES PORT PERRY PHONE 57 Lo