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Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Dec 1952, p. 5

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on 4 : SPORT S REPORT & : * . . by 8iit Fitseh SERRE T------ " : -- RACQUETERS IN PORT PERRY fat SHE ~ Yes, the racqueteer 'mob' has taken over in Port Perry---for an- '© other season. Meaning of course those enthusists" who "delight in ; = ~~ Bwatting the bejabbers out of a 'bird' before they bat the same out " 7 of themselves. * Thanks to a touple of sporting gents named Sam-- $2 "Naples and Cawkeér by name, and faithful followers the Port Perry i © club has organized for another. ' This year the locals, same of whom are growing old in'experience and - short on wind, have: called on the assistance of neighbours and together with Blackstock will form a more formidable entry. Other entrants in the loop include Clareniont Uxbridge, Brooklin, Whitby and the cw strong Oshawa airport ch ». The single schedule 'which is already underway, calls for 10 games, Squads will be limited to 14 players, : a healthy number which will allow each team to work in a number of A . newcomers which are needed to keep the sport thriving. . , . Being a : participant sport more than a spectator sport, the above 'may not be of interest'to others than those who get bitten by the badminton bug. < However, should be interested in the game we know the local club ~ will welcome you. 1 v MOSTLY ABOUT SPORTS-- Bill Gibson snipped one of two Lindsay goals as that junior squad went down to an 8-2 defeat at the hands of Belleville Hawks in a rough game Friday night. Don Cochrane was held off the scoresheet but he : did pick up penalty... Badminsters from Port and Blackstock drop- « ped a 20-4 decision to Whitby in the 'false start of the Whitby and jie District league. Blackstock players garnered all four points for the . losers, The match will go down as an exhibition and be replayed next week, The club played in Oshawa last night. Sam Cawker is the i= local representative in the league. Others are: Brooklin, Allan Kivell; . Claremont, Grace Cooper; Oshawa, Murray Powell; Whitby, Mary * Stanlick, and Uxbridge, Pete Jamieson , . Harry: Marks of Port Perry Dairy "Lucky" Strikes" set a new high single and top triple marks at King Pin Lanes Tuesday night. His.343 without 'handicap wiped out Charlie Popert's mark dnd this three game total of 694 beat the score . chalked up by Frank Hastings on opening night, Marks markmanship in the first game gave his team a score of 1,241 and took the only two points of the night from Port Perry Star . , ; Hilltops handed: Whiz- HE _ bangs a,6-2 set back on Tuesday to tighten up the league race , , , <Oshawa Grads' visit here last night was the last game of the basketball "schedule until the new years. . Tri-County hockey schedule which : appears. on page 7 is only tentative, we learn, and has yet- to be ap- .. . proved by'all teams + + « WHOOPS, it's Christmas shopping time. - gr ~ Notice -SCUGOG : CALL' FOR TENDERS-- Tenders| The official dates for the Christmas ! will be received by the undersigned up | concerts are as. follows; *. to December 20, 1952, for the repair| Dec. 12, Friday; Centre School -- at : and completion of the dwelling situ- Grace United Church, ated on the corner of Shanly and Perry | Dec. 16, Tuesday, Foot School -- at streets in the Village of Port Perry. Grace United Church, . Lowest or any tender not necessarily | Dec. 18, Thursday, Head School -- at accepted. Hugh Strong, R.R.4, Port Head United Church, EE Er ee ia, year and entered league competition. - -| by downing the Knitters -7-0. A Sr---- S------ [last night. ped home a total of 33 points, nine on Meteors took some of the wiz out of the front-running Whiz-Bangs last week by taking the first three points away from Charlie Popert's stalwarts in men's league action at Wes Stata's alleys. (The well-balanced Hilltops continued -the trend Tuesday night by banging the W-B's 6-2). The slim 4-3 'margin left the leaders out in front with 26 points, just four up on the Mudcats from Silverwoods who have taken five points every week. Dodgers are third with 19 while the rest of the standing looks liké this: Lucky Strikes 15, Has Beens 14, Hill Tops 183, Stars-13, Meteors 18, Sevenaires 12, Blow Kings 10, Peels 9 and Knitters 6, \ Dodgers took the only clean sweep Lucky Strikes edges Hilltops 4-8, Stars bow- ed to Mud Cats 5-2, Has Beens bounc- ed Sevenaires 4:3 and Blow Kings peeled Peels 6-2, Hilltops took the high individual honours with Ivan Parkinson "hooking" a 731 triple with handicap and team mate B. Pollard striking for a 277 high single includ- ing a handicap of 15, High triples per team: A, Luke 630, | R. Hutchinson 607, G. Carnegie 636, Garn, Palmer 677, Stan Bruton 640, Jim: Heayn 6578, Hap Bentley 6583, Storey Beare 634, Reg. Boundey 672, Irving Boyd 673 and Clarence Graham 689, : In the ladies' lawn bowling league Atoms league with 15 while Duds and Saucers are tied with 10 and Bombs are in the cellar with five points, Mrs. wd GRIFFIN SETS MARK IN VAIN Jack Griffin set a new season's mark. and.eame within one basket of the all-time record for the Oshawa and district league but Port Perry Lions dropped on 81-70 decision to the lead- ing Oshawa Simcoe Hall Grads here with 21 points while Risebrough sank 16 and Bob Booth and Perry 11 each. The score was all even at 18-18 at the end of the first quartér but Oshawa led 38-32 at the half and édged Lions : 43-38 in the last half. The young playing manager whip-| ¥ , a? free throws to come within two points of Pat Sheehan's top mark. Playing both guard. and forward Griffin came up with a fine two-way game and held his check to six points, Bud Warri- ner clicked for 15 points and Mae Christie and Jack Owen sank nine each. Other scorers were Ron Wal- lace with three and Bob Storry with one, = t oughout the district at five cents per copy: Port Perry = I. R. Bentley and Frank Smith; Sefigrave -- 0. J. 'Boe's; Saintfield -- G. R. Healey's; Greenbank Harry Phoenix's; Man- chester--Manchester Grocery; Black- stock--Saywell's Store, - Ante ain Va Port Perry High School ANNUAL AT-HOME Friday, December 19, 1952 at 9:00 o'clock IN THE HIGH SCHOOL, i Dress Optional. v -Sevenaires Orchestra * Admission $1.25 per person. DONALD HADDEN, | Vice-President. MARY WILSON President, Student Council - Summer Fresh all year round pp am® ~~ FANCY QUALITY = FROZEN FOODS . . . ® FISH © MEATS 7 © POULTRY "Custom Slaughtering R.8, Irwin, a sub-on-Atoms team toll: ed the high single 193, and high double 378, of the week... , . There's a close race in the Ladies' Wednesday Nite loop with Amazons leading with 10, Marigolds in second with nine and Zippers and Tulips tied at eight apiece, : : "The Family Butcher _CAWKER BROS. + - PORT PERRY PHONE 29 _. Nick "Mroczek paced. the... winners. §-- THE PORT PERRY STAR is now |} on gale atthe following seven stations | PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1952 -- § 0, : PN - 3 NEI Fa A cement "It is with regret that I announce my retire- ment as an' Automobile Dealer. . artes A A RAM PPTs TUR Pr Th 3 TE ~~ Annou ~ Medical advice obliges me to take this step, but I am happy to say that I will continue in a. sales capacity with the new Dealers, Bryden Bros., who have purchased the premises of Williams Motor Sales; - : To thoseé*friends and customers who have helped to make my business a success, my sincere --thanks and appreciation ~G Murray Williams, WILLIAMS MOTOR SALES I rin PO) -- -- : Stouffville Arena THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11-- 7to11 pm.--T.H.L, - 4 ~ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12-- ; = Doubleheader Ro ' Ci - 4:30--0.M.H.A.--Newmarket vs. Stouffville 9.00--0.R.H.A.--Peaches vs. Brougham. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13-- = 12.30-3.00 -p.m.--Skating Club - 3-5--Public School Children. = Skating 10 cents. 8-10.15--Public Skating. vid MONDAY, DECEMBER 15-- ) y O.R.H.A. DOUBLEHEADER. T.4--Woodbridge vs. Brougham. - 9.15 Peaches vs. Agincourt. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16-- Pay : % 7-13--T.H.L. i a WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17-- : He. 4-5.30 p.m.--Public School Children--Skating Free. 8-10.15--Public Skating. Christmas Shopping | TOYS -- LADIES WEAR -- SLIPPERS SHOES -- DRY GOODS -- GROCERIES entre -- FLOOR COVERINGS -- WALLPAPER - 4 | ™~ A Supersilk HAMPTON : : : Ey j ; i fh Cotton Gold Cloth and Crepe, ies GIFTS FOR THE HOME = $1.50 and $1.75 $7.95 and $10.95 MARBOLEUM Jie Ci 206 each ; BL GRURE olor a $1.50 : GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUM ...... sorssnsnne +10. 90C, 8q, yar vas: rs eh Sv p WE ow, v 'VENETIAN BLINDS ........... rvsernnsenneinnnnn $4.95 each 00. GUURE «ooo, Fos tis anions aserisin $1.75 HAMPTON TAFFETA DRESSES ....... crn. $10.95 WALLPAPER, ore 190, roll and up 51 Gauge, outline heel .................. $1.75 SHE CRE IX DRESSES, one and two piece, asia -- BLOUSES lie Brie Metal To CALDWELL BOXED TOWEL SETS .o...$9.19 each : GROCERIES a NYLON rs ovally Blribe, Metglis Lig Bath "Towels, Guest and Face Cloths to match, J LORE Pleo Yih ace Eh Ly ; ' $6 95 Floral Designs, His or Hers and Solid Colours--. : : Flamingo, Emerald and Buttercup. Xmas Gums, assorted.......................1b. J9c. mer. ae rie 4 9 DIT 1 Tel ABU A h] vy " ; PARTE TA CRIT. 43 Cor $7.75-88.50 BATH TOWELS, $1.29 to $2.39, GUEST TOWELS 75c. : "i Chocolate Drops, assorted... Jb. 49. : TAFFETA SKIRTSBlnck, Green, Copper; $7.75.$8.5 (0 $1.19, FACE CLOTHS 25¢. to 45e, © French Creams ...........c.....1b. be. MONARCH FAIRY PRINCESS SWEATERS 107% BATIN CUSHIONS. Gulf, Green, Wine, Bite, dl $05 Lg Xmas Special--Chocolates, Gums, Nylon. Blue, Blush, Mauve, Beige, Black. $5.65 BATES BED SPREADSNRose, Blue, Green, ne 3 gir Je dn tb, 49c. pullovers, short sleeves ...............coiinivnins Lg \ Sih ; $8.95 - $9.95 : , ) I TIN \ Cardigans ................... FARR REA RAS RR 6. Vb IDERED PILLOW ¢ SES .. $3.45 ane nt te Guo 1 PS I SY Sl Ea Xmas Stockings .........c....each 25c, WATSON'S RAYON GOWNS, Pink and Blue, BRR BE Chora toon iii FER na $3.59 Chocolate Animals, Ctackers, Miniature " Medium and Large SHRP TS INNIS N 1% |: | ; : Mix, Holly Mix Re ey BED JACKETS, Rayon with Lace Trim .............$2.45 it : Mixed Nu i Ii: bag ph hansen dT "WOO! JACKS ....vvorsisiiire onsen STR rss $4.36 GIFTS FOR MEN ; amond Walnuts... dbs 49¢. : ; i & ; Rg - McC. Bungalow Chocolates, 1 1b. box 85c, v0 CHILDREN'S FANCY SILK PANTIES, 80c. and 6c. - Agi . , © +. Xmas Serviettes, 30 to pkg. ..............18¢. . ; : 3 So y foil TOOKE SHIRTS, as 150, $4.95 : Xmas Table Cloths, size 54 x 96, each 35¢. gti : -- FOOKE TIES ........$1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 : 1b, 37c. TR RS ; NYLON SOCKS, ...$1.00, $1.50 and $1.85 Peanuts in shell ................coocnninnndb : : SOCKS, ...$1 Eating Figs in pkg. ..........c...2 pkgs: one. i : BROC iia & SON DIAMOND SOCKS, fine wool, $2.50 "Ground Suet dh 25e ; : K i | MEN'S SUMS voi $49.50 and 59.50 il (Smkist Oranges, 220's ,........4ogen Se, if 30 . | MEN'S OVERCOAT 300 $49.50 ts GEBDES ...oovcovvsvnisiissinsisssi ches 200. t : : : - MEN'S LEATHER WINDBREAKERS ae -- I bunches 29¢. 4 ~ Ls : : ; Sloeschide olours hon Cea ii i enn $24.96 : pro anllle (OCs : : MEN'S CARDIGAN SWEATERS, Monarch, ....... $4.95 , & "5 ' one Mincement os Die, size... 408, D epar tment Stor e GOODRICH RUBBERS FOR ALT, i . i $ - g = : ' , : or Bye pa : 3 5 . -- > : > Ar "pet Pg er i AT he los i ties' 2b ihe eT Send <r? or », Lp ts . pam, : ep ¥ Ft 2 Tot a

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