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Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Dec 1952, p. 8

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8--PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1052 Us| PP. | Seassirie Lakeview Theatre, P. Tvs. Shows Nightly? ad 9 pa ,8r12. Peréy Adams. C. Howsam, Phone 189 r 18. ~ Whitby, Ont. . Phone 67-r-2, Port Perry. © Mrs. W. © 12 highways. 2 WANTED: Cattle to feed for winter Room for. 25 head. Phone Blackwater dec,18 WANTED: Boys junior bicycle. Phone 316R LOST: Holstein ter about equal parts 'black and 'white, slight hollow «in back, between two and three years About due to freshen. All ex-' Any information please old. penses paid. _ notify Earl Wallace, Phone 261, Port | Perry. : dec, 18 FOR SALE: One pair of -ladies skates and white boots, size 7. Phone Port Perry, 109r11, "FOR § SAL E: One Grey Congeleum rug, 9 x 18%; nearly new; one bed and spring mattress; one single bed. Mrs. 2 FOR SALE: One electric broodet, capacity 125 and one baby crib. ™ Phone 206w. FOR SALE--CHRISTMAS TREES. ~ Phoné 822 w. Ellsworth Kennedy. Dec. 18 FOR AL: LAA 2940 Incu- bator, 9000 egg size, complete ventil- ating outfit, oil burning brooders, feed troughs and other poultry equipment. Reasonable. - 1.G. Hempel, Box 647, _Phone 2992, FOR SALE: ..Guitar, new, reason- able. Phone 11275, after 7 pm.- WORK WANTED -- Baby sitter available, Patsy Wariner, phone '162J Port. Perry. FOR SALE-- Two- choice building lots on Elma Street, Port Perry. For information phone Whitby 2426, "FOR SALE--One Grey Congoleum rug, 9 x 13%, nearly new; one bed and spring mattress; one sinyle "bed. Also six good young pigs, 16 weeks |- old. C, Howsam, Phone 189-r-13. . FOR SALE--Christmas geese, 10, alive: or dressed. Phone 99-r-22, "FOR RENT--House on John Street, all conveniences. Newly. decorated. : Phone 367J. : FOR SALE--Two Yenrling Leicester rams. Apply Cawker Bros., Phong 29 Port Perry. HOUSE TO SHARE--9 rooms furn- ished; four bedrooms, also utility and washrooms, Situatdd on Water street. Apply Box 20, Port Perry Star. CHRISTMAS TURKEYS -- Order your- turkeys for . Christmas now. These birds are specially fed for fla- vour. Heavy birds 10 cents per pound less than hen turkeys. Helen Hong, Dec FOR SALE -- Five White Chinese geese and one gander, pedigreed stock. 126 r 4. dec18 FOR SALE--Two Holstein Calves for vealing. Phone 174 r 31 Port Perry HELP WANTED -- Waitress for week-ends., Apply Green Thistle Rest- aurant, Port Perry. - Bulldozing and Excavating By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates given WALTER KING Phone 86 23, Port Perry | Watson, Seagrave, Dec. 237 S. Croxall, corner of 47 and | Phone Port Perry OIL BURNERS " The famous Aero - Silver Flame Automatic Oil Burner sold, ingtalled and - sérviced by ROBERTSON ELECTRIC, Phone 179 or 871W, Day or night. oct23tf HOLSTEIN HEIFER, nearly all black, one-year-old, from ranch, lot 24, concession 13, Reach, Vaccination tag in-right ear, TB tag in left ear, Please call 116 r 21, expenses paid. F. H. decl1 FOR SALE -- One 1951 Gendron baby carriage. ~ High priced model. Apply or phone Hilliard W. Stoughton, 76 r 23, Raglan. decll FORSALE--Quantity of elm wood, in cord--wood lengths. Apply A. B. Cawker, Phone 29, Port Perry. Auction Sales FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19--Charles J. Porter Estate, Lot 19, Concession b, Cartwright, on Friday, Dec. 19, 1952, 1:00 o'clock sharp. Four Horses, 3 Sheep, 14 head Cattle; Sow and Pigs, Implements, Hay, and Grain and Household Furniture. Public Trustee, Toronto. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer, British Ontario. 'Motors Reconditioned - Guaranteed TRUCKS | -- r 51 Mercury % ton Pick up 51 Morris % ton Panel 50 Ford 1 ton Pick up -2- 38 Ford % ton Panel . CARS 53 Henry J Coach--New 51. Kaiser Manhatton Sedan 50 Morris Minor--Green 49 Morris Minor--Maroon TRACTORS 52 Ferguson Tractor--New 51 Waterloo Tractor 48 M., H. Tractor 48 TFord- Tractor Simplex Garden Tractor "Buy now while prices are lower : + Easy Terms -- Cash or Trade British Ontario. Motors Morris & Kaiser Cars " Ferguson Tractors Leaskdale--Phone Uxbridge 162-r-15 or contact our local representative Jim Davidson -- Phone Port Perry 265-r-12 For Parts - Sales-- Service Custom Dressmaking- MRS. BARRON Phone 279-R Apartment 1 in Carnegie Block Opposite Library DEAD STOCK | vu. rake orosrs ror DEAD and CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPT- LY. FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL. Telephone Collect. Toronto--EM-3-3636 - Port Perry=118-r-2 GORDON. YOUNG LTD. Dead Stock Service 'Dead or "erippled horses, cattle, _hogs, picked up for santiary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry, 108 r 14; Uxbridge 92 r 14; Lindsay 4682. Head Office 16 r 11 Woodville, ED, PECONI . - Argyle; Ontario. July 68 Dead Farm Stock PICK-UP PROMPTLY Phone Colleet Bowmanville 2679 We also buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, : TYRONE t weptly § 58 SAND, -GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry . for information. Nov. 27, 1968 Notice to Creditors "All persons having claims against' the Estate of Margaret Corner, wid- ow, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, who.died on' May 19, 19562, are notified to send particulars to the undersigned on or before - December 81st, 1062, after which date the Estate will be digtrib- uted with regard only to claims 'of which the undersigned shall then have notice, DATED at Oshawa this 1st day of December, A.D, 1052. RUSSELL CORNER, - Administrator, by his Solicitor, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, Q.C,, 143% 'King Street East, OSHAWA, Ontario. : dec. 28 _|-which-it "was: carried out. Port Parry Man (Continued from Front Page) 'paration of these daily broadcasts, but in future the Ontario County Junior. Farmers at leait will have a good idea of just what takes place before the slight . Scottish brogue of Norm Car- riock announces the weather and farm market reports, The winners of the various County awards were presented with their trophies at the Banquet by H, L. Fair, and A. J. Gill, of the Department of Agriculture .at Uxbridge. These winners were as follows: Live Stock Judging Competition 1. C.N.E. Shield--Ralph Chambers, Wilfrid; 2. Dairy Cattle Trophy--R. Chambers, Wilfrid; 3. Swine Trophy-- Tom Duff, Port Perry, R, 2; 4, Ar- thur Percy Showmanship Trophy-- Scott Calf Club--Hugh Baird, Black- water, R, 2; Junior Farmer Public Speaking Trophy --- Mrs. Catherine Martyn, Port Perry, R, 8. Junior Farmer Field Day 1. High Boy--Herb Fawns, ridge, R. 2. 2. High Girl--Jeanne Pearson, Ux- bridge, R. 2, \ _ 3. High«Club--Uxbridge," * °° 4. Boys' Softball--Uxhridge 'Junior Farmers. 5. Girls' Softball -- Port Perry ar. Institute. " 6. Tug-O-War -- Usbridge Junior Farmers. 7 7. 1-Mile Race Trophy--Hugh Baird Blackwater. National Food Team F.W.1.0O. Trophy -- Kay Prentice, Port Perry, R, 3; Jean Samells, Port Perry. . Ux- J International Plowing. Match Plow Trophy--Hugh Baird, Black- water, R. 2; Donald Dunkeld, Clare mont, R. 2, Following the Banquet a very suc- cessful Dance was held: ih the Beaver- ton Town Hall with Music by Bob Walker's Orchestra, Port Perry. : The Executive and Committee of the Ontario Courty Junior Farmers Asso- ciation are to!be warmly congratulated for the splendid programme they pro- vided and for the efficient manner in [CoUNCIL BRIEFS A COMPLA T from William Gra- ham regarding¥trailers and a lean-to on Alma Street lots was discussed and the Reeve: promised action would be taken. The Clerk informed that Chief George Holmes had already informed tenants that the trailers were con- trary to the corporation by-law. ON THE - SUGGESTION of the clerk it was decided to hold the final meeting of council on Dec. 80 to "clean up late accounts'. This will be the thirty-first Meeting of the year for council, 7, TOM HARRIS, village solicitor, acting for the High School Area Bd., waited on council and pointed out that four annual debenture instalments to- talling-$6,767 remain owing on the ex- isting public school. Council granted his request to sign an agreement showing that they will continue to as- sume the responsibilities of the debt. ON FRIDAY the: council approved payment of their own salaries for 1962 in the amount of- $5687.60 -- $100 for each of the four councillors and the balance to Reeve Hayes. It was also decided. that caretaking be. $36 per month and the rent $26 for the hydro office, Council approved the purchase of all office supplies by the new hydro clerk, excepting a typewriter, . - ™) - 1 1D OM OR BUY Christmas SEALS! Do your part in helping T.B. Prevention work throughout. Ontario County. Your contribution may be sent to: 5] a i ihe Sidi : Brothers Purchase John Wayne ¢ and Nancy Olson Inthe Sharla New Achod S50. © (Continued from front page) | .. "BIG JIM McLAIN" erated Jewelry stores in Niagara |B. : i SHORT PICTURES Falls. Arthur Bryden is a vetern of | i. I REDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, DEC. the navy, having served as a Chief | Vernon was'in the general auto repair | business in 'Toronto before the war. |¥ * Brydens will continue to sell Shell products, Case farm machinery, Mof- fatt Stoves, Crossley Shelvador refri- | fave gerators, DeLaval equipment and | ecesorvorsrorsceosn Phillips and Rogers Majestic radios CoMEDY and CARTOON. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, DEC. ek -John Sutton, Helen Gilbert, Paul Henreld' In the Thrilling Technicolor Adventure " "THE THIEF OF DAMASCUS" 7 and television. \ "In retiring as an automobile dealer Mr. Williams brings to a close a very successful career in the business dat- ing back to 1929. For many years he was member of the staff of Archer |§ . Motors and opened his own garage 1a six years ago, . Just who will take over the open Ford agency in the district has not been announced but it is reported that W. 8. Croxall who is erecting a new service station across from his Ux- Spring Farms building at the junction of 7 and 12, is rumoured as the suc- cessor. Order Your | ERAS STORM DOORS} and SASH NOW before |] 3 the cold weather is here. THREE WEEKS DELIVERY - PORT PERRY 'Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited Phone 240 w \ Tw = | PHONE 2W - -- GM. GERROW Smiles' n Chuckles: Candy Sa s in attractive Christmas boxes from. Apes to '$3.00 'BE SURE TO ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE EARLY, SATURDAY SPECIALS "BANANA LAYER CAKE" and "MINCE PIES" GERROW'S BAKERY ~ Port Perry High School Friday Dec. 12 © commencing at 2 p.m. 'BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK SALES ~ Sales Every Tuesday ale YOULL TAKE PRIDE IN GIVING YARDLEY'S;- MELODIE; SHUL- CoN TON'S FRIENDSHIP GARDEN. PRICED from $1.00 to $4.50 Colognes and Perfumes Toiletries # 50~ .and $2.60 WATERMAN'S PENS PEN, and PENCIL SETS, PLAYING CARDS, doubles, GAGE'S BOXED STATIONERY $8.50 to $10.00 $5.00 to $16.00 nt' GIFT SETS BY YARDLEY, MAX FACTOR, SHULTON'S, CUTEX, and MANY OTHERS: $1.50 to $10.00. YARDLEY'S LAVENDER $2. 00 ° and $3.50. YARDLEY"S DUSTING POWDER $2.00 and $2.50 8% HAZEL BISHOP LIPSTICK TRIO $2.00 Stationery " $1 85 and $2.50 . ELECTRIC RAZORS Sunbeam Shavemaster $31.95 . Packard Diplomat ........$29.50 NEW SCHICK 20... ALLA L] $29. 95 YARDLEY' S TOILET SETS $2.36 to $4.75 -- - SHULTON OLD SPICE SETS $2.00 to $4.60 BILLFOLDS, .......$2.50 to $6.00 SHAVING BRUSHES, $1 to $5 CIGARETTE, 60's - i Popular Brands .......... oni 0Be, wp 'CHRISTMAS CARDS, Boxed Read ¥ Phone 16 To: Greeting Cards Assortments, .20¢. to $1.50 MOIR'S CHOCOLATES won ieeen $1.00 to $3.00 CADBURY'S MILK TRAY ...........ccoocoreressrr0r00n75¢. ANA $1.50 % BRUSH, COMP and MIRROR- SETS, crn $6.80 and $7.18 _BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE PORT PERRY NOTICE TO / ue Re Unsatisfied Judgment . : Fund Fee . collected from each person to whom is issued a 1953 license, before the end of the fiscal § year (March 31, 195 3). ed ot GEO. H. DOUCET, FEY « FA : ' Iromonto, + : December 4, 1952 - re-- a - - va ol tte bo 1 1 SLANG RS hein" THRT A Lae Ru ONTARIO "MOTORISTS ~ ----Notice is hereby given, that pursuant to the Highway Trafic Act and effective with the issue of 1953 motor vehicle operators' and chauf- -feurs' licenses, an Unsatisfied Judgment Fund Fee of $1.00 will be This increase in fee is required in view of the fact that the 50 cent fee heretofore collected has proven to bg ifiadequate to meet the demands for payments out of the fund, Since 1947 when the fund was created * ' payments out have exceeded $3,000,000. 'During the current year it has been necessary to obtain an_ advance of $300,000 from the Treasury Department in order to make the payments required. A further advance will be required to meet the payments anticipated A detailed statement of the Fund may be obtained by writing to the. ? Registrar of Motor Vehicles, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ont, 9pm Buyers will find a wide variety of CHRISTMAS SEAL FUND : LL . Butcher, Feeder and Dairy Cattle (Sprigers) ; also Feeder c-0 Bank of Nova Scotia, Sponsored by N-Durham League Pigs, (all sizes), Veal and Yeung Calves, and Horses, 1s Simos 5 Roth team of Port Perry Baseball La Sales Arena heated in winter. 5 bots Kumite OI5E Club. A Air-conditioned in° Summer. 3 (Sponsored by Os awa Kiwanis or : : PHONE BELLEVILLE 1828 ; : TT 1 (oo . ------------------------------------------ i ; Ts ONTARIO ] 7 : " § rg fp a

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