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Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Dec 1952, p. 5

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- SPORTS RE-PORT £x by Bilt Fitsell cen Fala BOWLING IS FUN , ¢ YY] Harris the only league player without a handicap rolled a 632 while Captain Popert slammed 629, Other high scorers with handicaps: Ron Gohl 689, J. Brintnell 674, Bill Beare 618, G, Rodd 718, G. Mark 711, reme Court. Crown witnesses showed that the fire was caused accidentally," said Chief Justice Pickup in 49ashing the convie- 2 REAR RIS ARR ou i "All the evidence of the Bruce Beare 700, Irving Boyd 690, C. Graham 706, Mort Marks 673, B. Jeffrey 604, J. Cook 686, Jim Cox 617, Are "Having dbf in a special North Pole <oialnie from the ar man himself that. it is impossible this Christmas to. order a couple dozen 'strikes' and as many 'spares' for next year's bowling season © we luckily came face to face with a handy booklet. (which' doesn't produce our brand béverag Produced by a Spting) this little pamphlet has a number of tips on 2 how to crash the , five and ten-pin maples. However, we passed up the Better Bowling el : we prefer, Pure -. suggestions as to the grip, stance, approach, delivery, straight 'ball and .- "hook; for an intriguing back page section listed under 'don'ts', Having * © been subject of the usual number of "Don't Do 'This' since realizing there was a Santa Claus as a youth we thought this would be right down our line. _ that 'hit' us. To which we reply "Ha". "Don't try to-master it in a day," was the first rule 'Next was do not use too much speed" and knowing we have trouble tossing the 60 feet we 'passed on to-----"'Don't throw the ball, roll it." trouble. tell us). has left your hand." And to think all the "Don't deliver ball with right foot in front." "Don't try to change the course of the ball after it Yup, that must be our (Now they time fellows like Reg 'Moorhead and John Christie had some kind of a radar control at- tached to their feet. head pin." isn't all the "Don'ts" but there's one more we like. (Hooray) couraged," (How?) ~ "You can learn." "Don't expect a strike every time you hit the 'Who can hit the head pin everytime? Of course that "Don't get dis- "Any "able bodied person with ordinary nerve (that's us?) and good eye (we got two) can become proficient with a little practice." Boy, just 17 weeks to go! SENIOR HOCKEYISTS UPSET-- - Port Perry Rurals, off ice fo by Brougham Monday night as month at least, were carried away y filled in for Woodbridge in an - exhibition game at Stouffville arena. The Brougham team which has been playing weekly rolled to an easy 12-8 victory over the locals who are scheduled to open the season two weeks from to-morrow in Sutton . Bob Carnegie and Bill Cornish, two Port Perry. 13-year- olds have beer practising with Brooklin bantams in Stouffville and hope to make Cliff Johnson's squad and qualify for the King Clancy Series later in the season , . . Thanks to Roy Scott we took in our first senior game in Oshawa last week and saw the powerful Smith Transporters become ruffled in the last period and take a 4-2 win on two 'man-advantage' goals . High School cagers will be inactive until early January (the PPHS gym floor {s being re-coated) and the locals kept in shape a bit by' playing Whitby yesterday Blackstock players showed the way again as Port Perry were out- cfassed by Oshawa Airport in the badminton loop last week, The Cartwright contingent accounted for all five points. as the Motor City squad rolled up 19. win from Claremont and Uxbridge whipped Whitby 15-9 , Starkey joined. the Port Perry Star men's bowling team "George" . Tuesday night and opened with a 212 single . . . In other league play Brooklin took a 20-4 . Jack Glen VanCamp, who . "played a number of games with Lindsay Junior B's, is reported after his release to play here, regularly. Incidentally" local fans can see Which means genial "Harry" prefers playing Bill Gibson and Don Cochrane in action when Lindsay plays Oshawa in Bowmanville on Monday . + One week to go! - « '«}. Bowling in the men's league next MEN'S LEAGUE STANDING-- Mud Cats .......c.ccoocvnininiinnnns 27 points Whiz-Bangs -. ...27 points Has Beens ..... «21 points Dodgers ......... ....19 points Hilltops ..... 18 points Stars .............. 18 points Sevenaires ..........oieeiiiiivens 17 points Blow Kings ..........occcvieiniennns 17 points Lucky Strikes ..........c.ooe 17 points Meteors ........uiinininns 16 points Pella: iii 9 points Knitters .......oviinininierensinens 6 points A seven point sweep by Mud Cats over the 'highly-rated Dodgers and Hilltops 56-2 win against 'Whiz-Bangs sent the Silverwoods crew into a first place tie with Popert's. gang in the men's loop last week. Carnegie's Has Beens continued their improved play by clipping Peels 7-0 and moving into third place with 21 points, two better than Beare's: points each to remain tied for- fifth spot while three teams locked for the seventh position. - Sevenaires, Blow Kings and Lucky Strikes all have 17 points with Robertson's crew making the biggest gain, with seven points over the game tail-end Knitters, Highlight of the week's trundling was the new record set by Harry Marks who led Lucky Strikes in their effort against a shut-out by Stars. Harry reeled off a 348 first game, 233 in the second and 197 in the final for an 813 high triple or 698 without handicap. . The high single enabled the Dairymen to wrack up a 1,241 for their first- game and take two points. Gord Heaver was really heaving as Hiltops tamed Whiz-Bangs, He came through with a 760 trio including handicap and had a 298 single without handicap. Lloyd Humpherys of Blow Kings hit 304 with aid of a full handi- cap and compiled a' 684 t triple. Tom high two games total of the week 387 Hilltops and Stars picked up five, Norm Tease 614, H. Knight 631, Art Panabaker: 636, T. Eden 689. ] week and New Year's week will be postponed until the end of the first: half of the schedule, LADIES' LAWN BOWL ING LEAGUE In two close games last week in the ladies lawn bowler's section, the Saucers edged the leading Atoms 3-2 and last place Duds nosed out the N Bombs 3-2, Atoms now have 17 points four more than Saucers.with 13 while Bombs are close behind with 12. | Duds have eight points, Hutchinson rolled the high single score 208, and second in" high doubles with 362. Mrs. R: 8. Irwin compiled the with one high game of 202. Mrs. A. Cox rolled a 177 single and Mrs. Tom Harris was third in high trio at 301. STOUFFVILLE--Sentenced by Ma- gistrate Ebbs at Oshawa, last Sept- ember to six months definite and six months indeterminate on a charge of arson, 17-year-old Garry Evans of Claremont won an acquittal this week in an appeal before the Ontario Sup- BOWLING HOURS - ALLEYS CLOSED Mrs. E. H. ae and Open Bowling as usual WISHING YOU THE MERRIEST and many "Strikes" and "Spares" King Pin Lanes ECRUANGTON VAST for the "HOLIDAYS CHRISTMAS DAY BOXING DAY DECEMBER 31 NEW YEAR'S DAY after holidays. "OF CHRISTMASES in the New Year ia MR. and MRS. WES STATA AND STAFF PORT PERRY The "PORT PERRY "Summer Fresh all. year round : FANCY QUALITY FROZEN FOODS | .. CAWKER BROS. ® FISH Go ® MEATS ® POULTRY Custom Slaughtering Family Butcher PHONE 29 _ THE PORT PERRY STAR---THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 19525 LINDSAY--A Manvers Station man 24-year-old Korea veteran Stanley McCabe, was married last Saturday to his fiance Gertrude Horner in the chapel of Peterborough Civic Hospital where he is recuperating from knife wounds suffered in a brawl at his wed. ding reception. Central School during school hours. BOWMANVILLE--Four new 'silent policemen' signs have been purchased by the Bowmanville Lions Club and are placed as a Warning to motorists near the Ontario Street School and. the [7 Ve WEDNESDAY-- 8 to 10.15 p.m.--Public Skating SATURDAY-- 12.30-3 p.m.--Skating Club. 3-5 p.m.--Sr. "B" HOCKEY-- Bellville vs. Stouffville, MONDAY-- Yerurs ~ ORHA DOUBLEHEADER : 8 7.45 p.m.--Peaches vs. Brougham. 9.15 p.m.--Markham vs. Agincourt Stouffville Arena FRIDAY -- HOCKEY DOUBLEHEADER 7.30 p.m.--OMHA--Stouffville vs. Richmond Hill 9.00 PM~--ORHA--Peathes vs. Agincourt -. PUBLIC SKATING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25--CHRISTMAS NIGHT ! - . OVERCOATS -- TOYS - GIFTS - DOLLS - LADIES & MEN'S WEAR - SHOES - GOODRICH RUBBERS - JOHNSTON'S SUITS & Ld a Ve n fl -------- ------ A AA li A A tt tnd] 1 : Wk il oo - i ( > Port Perry High School . ANNUAL ATHOME | 1, Friday. December 13, 19% at 9:00 o'clock | b IN THE HIGH SCHOOL, } Ta Dress Optional, Sevenaires Orchestra ak Admission $1.25 per person. | 0) MARY WILSON DONALD HADDEN, | i President, Student Council Vice-President, § Bf - or FI A TAA 4 wr bt ------ Bg php & P oi ENE 3 mo IA Se Eg oh, Era Lantos? ore dar gn ay ve oo hs as KE om Sui ~ na rt EA Xv < TEA ol AG nf eg 3 Yl : fi? LADIES' WEAR MEN'S WEAR ~ GROCERIES | i a a Men's Lined Leather Gloves, $2.85 - $4.50 Fresh Pitted Dates, Ib. ...........cccooooonirins 5c. | 3) HAMPTON. DRESSES - Wool Gloves ............ $1.98, $2.15, $4.25 Australian Raisins, 1b. ......c.c.coooriiinn. 23¢ © Barbara Joyce Silk Crepe Pooks ig in Pyjamas .......... S005 Mixed Peels; 2 1b. .ccoooiiiininiiiinninn 20c. i $16.95, $19.95, $22.95 "lannelette Pyjamas ......................... 5.25 ; Ae Cy A3c. YH Taffeta ...........cc.conuennns $10.95 and $11.95 Tooke White Shirts and coloured M. L. Mincemeat, large can ... e. | pi $3.95, $4.50 and $56.75 MEX Nuts, lI, ccodumiirmimminon mips 47¢. i ~ Martha Washington House Dresses HOB sss pitas orion $1.00, $1.50, $2.50 : " 0a 248 $2.95 to $4.50 Brophey Belts, Brown and Black, $1.45, $2. Diamond Walnuts, Ih. cocci. ene dc. Ak " Plaid Flannel Shirts ........ 3.35 and $3.75 ; d Shelled Nuts, glass tumbler, 59c. No TAFFETA SKIRTS, Black. Green, Copper 'All Wool Sanforloin Socks, Diamond Assorie . i i <1: $7.75 and $8.50 PRAUBIR 1s nsisimasirersnpossosssic pair $2.50 Eating Dates, Y2 Ih. pKguv cooooeee cocci 18¢. | NS NYLON BLOUSES, Short and Long Scarves, Wool and Rayon $2.50 to $5.25 Layer Figs, ........mmsissnssenninnsis 2 pkgs. 29¢. | je © Sleeves ................ eriitiare $6.95 and $7.35 : "i 'haenls 1X : oF Xmas Candy Mixture, Chocolites, { Silk Scarves, Squares and Oblongs, | MEN'S LEATHER COATS,..........$34.50 CHAINS, JOY, 10. ronson ie. | A Flowered and Novelty Prints, $1.35 MEN'S HORSEHIDE WINDBREAKERS Chenin Drops, di centres, Ih. iia : '$3.76 each 24.50) 'rench Creams, Ib. ...... PINE FON RPRE ERP O he. § : o areas " $215 Satinettes, Peanut Butter Filling, Ib. 49¢. Plaid Ski Mitts, pair cocoons $1.69 MEN'S-NYLON OVERSHOES ......$7.50 HEE THREE Tb. ores remembers rmnnne he ; Angora Hats, pink, White, and Blue _. Bridge Mix, Ib, ............ccoitlummmsrersinens 5c. % $1.98 and $2.45 IL ADIES' NYLON GOL iii 1 " Tangerines, Jose hire Jasin on iy ot : ~ $7.95 to $11.95 Mandarins, Japanese Oranges, dozen 4dc. iy ER Te oT Q Sunkist Oranges,............dozen 59¢. and 39¢. 1: GIOVES .....ccconcicccivniiririrmmrivenren pair $1.95 LADIES RUBBER OVERSHOES 0 CE CAN 5 Tha, 29. {i : : UE EP IN iii eeniiin 1d) : v AT ? ] Bananag, 1b. iin, 19¢. % Hand Bags, Plastic and Leather, brown, 'S RUBBE OVERSHOES Zh Fresh Cranberries, Ib. ..........ccocccccoccoun 39c. Like GIRL'S RUBBER : | oh black, green, wine, red, $3.75 to $12.50 Fur trim . Be RL $56.9 Canadian and Imported Lheese in stock. AR - : ; AJ - J - \ ---- 4 \ A fdas ; 2) RAYON SLIPPERS .....cooooonviiniriisniisisiniisiens pair $3.35 : H ~ LINGERIE SLIP P ERS "CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS ........ pair $1.69 and $2.50 'BROPHEY UMBRELL AS Loe ih LADIES' VELVET SLIPPERS, with fur trim MEN'S ROMEO GORE SLIPPERS hi Apper ; ' a. Satin Slips, with lace trim ... ssh 3.85 NE ; : Fastening--Burgundy, Brown .....:$4.95 to $7.95 3 Un pe. with lace trim. me Blue and Wine ....0....cimimninn, 33.95 | FELT SLIPPERS o.com ien pair $3.50 Plaid and Plain Colors §2 98 $4 75 Svan Slips with Nylon embroidery trim nn $4.75 PLAID FRI nr a aa es pair $2.86 BOYS' ROMEO SLIPPERS ....ooooovvreiiviioninnns pair $4.15 | . . © Satin Gowns with lace trim, white, pink, blue, $5.7 ted. : ¢ | 8 Nol ova Dk wd St 98-03 F. . BROCK & SO GIFTS FOR THE HOME : Nylon Panties with embroidery trim, pair ...........81. i OR Shona i ir | "ne LINOLEUM TILE -- VENETIAN BLINDS TR Supetsili Nylon Hose, 1 28020 PRE rept: D t St WALLPAPER -- -- CONGOLEUM RUGS aN ao srs soni s sone even snes eso +2 60 gauge, pair §,1.7 epa r tmen or ee AXMINSTER MATS -° -- DRAPERY, ETC. 8

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