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Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Dec 1952, p. 6

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6~THE PORT PERRY STAR--THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1962 Ridge 'Ramblings By Jamesine Willis Ontario County has an organization called Federation of Agricul- ture, part of 'that larger group the Ontario (Province) Federation of =. Agriculture, in Ontario, it is the only way farmers or agriculturists can adequately deal with their problems and bring them to the attention of the proper authorities within the government itself. Every farmer should show an interest in Federation of Agr jeulture and so it naturally amazes 'an enthusiast to see only a meére handful. al un annual meeting. One thing alone compensated, the largest 'representation was from the Ridges and north, smart people on the - Ridges; like I always say, EH Other groups and together in unions and' organizations to deal _- realistically with the probleras relating to 'their society and so -the farmers too, have this federation to b ing together all agriculturists in a sense of unity to work out the problems of the country folk. The-annual meeting. is for the purpose of, reviewing the year with 4 the Federation and to plan for the next. "The directors are elected at. this 'meeting and from then on the directors attend to the business of the Federation. The Federation is the parent organization of all community groups "and directors are appointed from these groups as well ag from the Women's Institutes and Junior Farmer groups. It was the Ontario County Federation of Agriculture which did the work last year when the poultry producers voted on the marketing scheme. This was an example of the work done and proves the point "that the people who are interested are the ones who have the last A Lean ow > Sic aa -- a SPE Co o Zon Sh oe 3 17 word. hr : alrss The Federation promotes Co-op Auto Insurance, still a new in- ak « surance around our county but one finding great favour, for any stéady 7 JH driver with a good record the co-op brings reasonable car insurance. § corse f=g farmer has a legitimate complaint against a road change, al hydro, ete, the Federation is a good place to have something done about it.- There is real power behind you when you are backed by the Federation of Agriculture. The Federation can approach the Government on any resolution they wish drawn to the attention of parliament and they have done much to improve and influence legislation to the benefit of - those: interested in agriculture. At the present time you are reading and hearing much<about synthetic inilk products, the Federation is be- ~~ gmning to act in this regard, watch the progress and judge for your- self whether or not the Federation of Agriculture has Anything to offer the average farmer, - While I have taken some time to point out that each farmer has Hei to gain by showing interest and giving support to the Fed- eration an the country there is still another aspect even more im- portant, that which we gain individually; that is the working out of = overall problems of the industry. It is important that we work with other groups in our society, we must understand and be prepared to do something for other groups in such a way we come to know each others problems and to give support with sympathetic understanding. Iederation of Agriculture also is able to help in our education of groups on the other side of the fence, the consumer groups, We are anxious that consumer groups anderstand our problems, so also we need to khow what difficulties they face in order that we should be able to weigh the problems which confront us and them and so arrive at a reasonable solution. "If there had been a crisis in the industry of agritilture doubtless the hall would have been full the other night. If a farmer: does not want to ve-bothered showing interest in the 'Federation how can he- expect the Federation to go to the bat for him when trouble comes. 'The industrial unions have proven that there is great strength in unity. - W hen will the farmers find the true value in what is offered "theth in Fe derature of Agriculture, Church services were held on Sun- day in Grace United Church with the Rev. J. D. McKinnon delivering a mes- 5 ih sage in keeping with the coming R4msuy in Toronto on Friday. Chi inias tine. Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Demera visited 'on Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Donald Christie .of Manchester. i Mrs. A. McPherson of Lindsay spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Alan Martyn. TT Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs; Milton Demera were Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Vaughan, Misses Bernice and Dorothy Vaughan, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Cook and little Patricia Ann, all of - Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Luther Bone of Osh- awa spent. Sunday with Mrs, Reta Burnham. A euchre was enjoyed by the foot couples on Saturday night at the home Mi. Neil Lamont spent "Wednesday in. Toronto with his father Mr. John Lamont. Mr. gnd- Mrs. Douglas Aldred visit- ed Mrs. James Morrish and Mrs, Wm. The monthly supper was held 'last Wednesday, with a good attendance. | "The ladies held their W. A .meeting "in 'the afternoon, and elected the new - officers for 19563. Mrs. Russell Pogue was clected President, Mrs. Douglas Aldred as vice-president, Mrs, Doyg- las Crozier secretary, "Mrs. Doni Crozier treasurer. A hospital com- mittee was formed and the committee consists of Mrs. Keith Crozier, Mrs. John Burnham and Mrs.- Cameron Al- dred. Mrs. Robert Tetlow is the or- ganist. Mrs. Maurice Fralick read the seripture and the text was the Christmas story in the book of - St. fi ! FF : 8. mond Fralick. Matthew. Mrs, Donald Crozier gave of 'Mr, and Mrs, Rayniond : 3, Willi lentine and the yearly financial report, and our| | Mr, and Mrs, William Valen 3 ¢ hala Tain v is rom little Virgina of Toronto spent the bank balance certainly is promising. ivickend. with thild varents: Mis. ahd ' Friday night, the centre school held ae rat nd p y their Christmas concert at Grace Uni- | M185. Jac eg x My, and Mrs. Cameron Aldred visit- ted Church, Miss Una Sleep, the th M : : di R r. and teacher, and all the pupils worked very | ¢d in Oshawa on Sunday with a Mrs. William Hope. hard to prepare the program and a record crowd enjoyed all the items. 3 3 : Lhe lems. wes i Good old Santa Claus arrived in time | "3 : to give wt the children a treat. Pro- : : ceeds for the evening were $39.40. The Federation of Agriculture represents every farmer 1 Pine Grove Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill attended the Annual Banquet sof the Lands and Forests in 'Aurora Friday night. Sorry to hear of Mrs. Jack Crosier misfortune of Breaking her wrist on Friddy night of last week. Mr. aiid Mts. Herb Hill and daugh- ters and supper Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hill. r The Xmas Tree will be held in the chuich Friday, Dec. 19. Pine Grove entered a Float called '| "The - Night Before Christmas" in Claremont's Santa Claus Parade last. Saturday. ) Mr. and Mrs, Jack Johnston and Mr. and Mrs, Talbert Evans spent Friday in Oshawa. Mr. Davison will take the church service next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Talbert Evans had supper with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Rabt. Redshaw Saturday. --Miss Della Ballard and friend Mr. Fred Guy visiting: Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Catherwood. Mrs. Biuce Syers visiting Mrs. Charlie Gourlie on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Eldred Catherwood, in Toronto on Wednesday calling on Mrs. Green who is very in. -- ee Fneom (held over from last week The Annual Christmas Concert will be held in' Epsom United Church on Thursday, Dec, 18. The W.A, Meeting will be held on Thursday, Dec. 12-at the home of Mrs. Hill. Ladies are cordially invited to attend. s Sunday the 14th a White Gift Ser- vice is being» arranged by the Supt. and teachers, You are invited to come and join with us, : The euchre held at Utica Hall in aid of the Community Memorial Hospital Port Perry was well attended. 33 tables of cuchre were played. Murs. Kerry won the 1st prize for ladies and Mr. €has. Geer 1st for the gentlemen, Consolation prizes were won by Mr, Delbert Catherwood and Mrs. Robert 'Taylor. Mr. and MrsaA. Christie and Dar- lene attended the 26th Wedding An- niversary in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown, it Greenbank on Sat- urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Brown were present- ed with a cabinet of silver, "White Orchid" pattern by the family. i Their neighbours presented . them with a--silver tea service and oiler gifts, Miss Beth Ashton spent the wk end with Marilyn Brown. = Murs, Gordon Taylor is in the Osh- awa "hospital for observation and treatment. better health. : Mr.- and Mrs. Reeves entertained several of their neighbours on Friday of last week. : Mr. L. D. Christie and Lulu of Osh- awa visited relatives in the village | on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Rogers were at Ash- burn on 'Monday visiting Mrs. Rogers' nrother, Mrs, M. Ashton, who is ill. Mr.- Kent Elliott of Toronto spent the week-end with Mrs, Elliott and family. Miss Blanche Luke of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Hooper and Faye of Saint- field with Mrs. P. Luke on Sunday. Es ct x Er, er ------ The history of gold mining in Can- ada dates from 1664 when Louis XIV of France granted a concession to Nicholas Denys to mine gold in Nova Scotia. X xX x A rhetorieal question is one which does not require an answer, ny a _ - Port Perry's Newest 4 TAILOR SHOP ® CUSTOM TAILORING ® REPAIRS ® ALTERATIONS ® PRESSING "JOSEPH FRANSSEN (Side entrance, Port Perry Star) . |'uNusuaAL VALUES i in Fall and Winter FASHIONS COATS and GOWNS. DRESS SUITS | | "sHOP al ARDLEY'S with CONFIDENCE" Gn |" ARDLEY FROCKS . '1491.3.5 Danforth Ave., (near Logan) | Phone--GE 1575 Toronto, Ont. i > R "Truly a M iracle" » SPQTS OUT EVERY TIME ® NO CLEANING ODOR © LONGER LASTING PRESS ® COSTS NO MORE THAN ORDINARY DRY CLEANING 'EVELEIGH CLEANERS NO TOLL CHARGE J "7 ZENITH 13000--0SHAWA Warm HES AI TY RARBG ARH ERIC SARS con = i sc d y > a 'NO INTEREST MENS OVER OATS WHY PAY MORE -- WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF OVERCDATS -- IN THE STYLES AND MATERIALS a YOU WISH. © Priced from $2050 Up b YOUR CREDIT We hope she will soon be enjoying | DUNN'S | STATION Aion COATS You ¢ can't go wrong with a wind: breaker Stadium or. 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