son in the chair; 3 i mation for Reach in 1968, 1954. Relief Administratrix Crosier pre- . sented Relief Account for November. which was discussed and ordered paid | " amounting to $146.60, Owing to the Disabled Person Pen- sion the relief account has been bene- fitted. Several large accounts were assed to be paid after December 16th. "High School Area .. "Public School Area bal, L Union Scliool Sec. No. 14 .. County Tax ns 21 08°, » Fire Protection Port Perry : and Uxbridge Hospitalization, .......... . Medical Board of Health Legal Fees (for 1952 . Road Account for Nov. ........ Sheep killed ....... SAREE i" Printing Salaries and . Bundry Ace. .c.niivnniie ~--------------For-1952-the Township --of- "Reach 'will receive from the Maple Leaf Fire Insurance Co. $342.50 to aid in fire "protection in the Township. By-Law 1582 was recinded and a new By-law_passed naming a board of Trustee's to Hillman and Kendall 'Those appointed--Thos. 17 '¢emeteries, Gibson, Wes, Ackney, Wesley Page, Ray Medd, Delbert Ward and J. T. Crosier.' Council adjourned to meet on Mon- "day, Dec. 20 at 1.80 p.m. ~ Frank Kendall, * The regular meeting of Reach Coun- i .. ¢il was held on Wednesday, Dec, 8. a Al members present with Reeve Dob. | Ba All members of the © 1962 Couhcil were elected: by sala, = sunell for 1968, - : Board were deve ected by. acclama- i tion for ext two years. 1. : Mr. and Mrs. Briscoe. ippoared be- fore the Council stating that the 18th ~ con., west of the highway was in very bad state and asked the é&ouncil to put some gravel on same. i Mr. Stanley Croxall building in- spector gave a report on the number of building permits he had issued in % 1952. He also told the Council that * geveral new houses would be' built in The Council were invited to make an inspection of the Community Me- morial Hospital at Port Perry which they accepted and gave a good report of the new Hospital. Mr. Stewart J. McFarlane one of the High School District representa- tives from Reach gave a lengthy re- port on High School matters, He in- formed the Council that debentures would be issued in 1958 to pay for the Public School in Port Perry and Reach will be asked to pay their share 'in deaivininn $16,821.24 Prince Albert (held over from last week -and-familya few days recently, - Grant and Bryan Beacock,. day last' week. enjoyed having their uncle Mr, Hamil- ton 'of Saskatoon for a week, : * Better health to Mrs, Art Brown who is under doctor's care, also Mr. Norman Wilson, Miss Margaret Craddock of Ham- oVer the week-end. Mrs. M. Davey, Toronto, Vialted at the home of her mother Mrs. M, Smith last week, There was a very good crowd out to hear the Play, by the people from Burketon on December 3. All enjoyed a good laugh and their program was much appreciated. Pine Grove (held over fypm last week - Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hill and family of Uxbridge visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill, The W. A, met at_the home of Mrs. Jack Hill on Wednesday. All Officers were returned for another year. The program was a duet by Mrs. J. John- ston and Mrs. R, Nesbitt, Jr. A read- ing by Mrs. R. Nesbitt, Sr. and a pia- no solo by Mrs. J. Hill. The next meeting will be at Mrs, H. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barton of Wil- lowdale visited Monday afternoon with Mr. and. Mrs, Jack Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson and family had dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Cook of Blackwater. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Albright spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Albright. - Rev. Mr. Eyre will have charge of the Services next Sunday, Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Lehman of Claremont visiting Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evans. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Syers and Mrs. T. Evans were in Toronto on Thurs. Mr..and Mrs. Eldred Catherwood and Freddy had Supper Sunday: even- ing with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ballard of Sunderland. Mr. and Mra. Charlie Gourlie visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gourlie of Quaker Hill. Mr. and Mrs, Hillard 'Armstrong, -Mr.-and-Mrs. Eldred Catherwood-and Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evans were en- tertained to an Oyster Supper at Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie's on Friday evening. - Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Geer, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey and Allin, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Crosier, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skerratt, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Geer spent Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs. E. Ballard. 7 day in Toronto last week. ¥ 3 Amazing Offer 'LIBERAL ALLOWANCE age or condition Beatty Stainless Steel Tub Washer The only Stainless Steel Double Tub. Washer in Canada. - Will. never Rust, Chip, Tarnish or Corrode. _ Beatty Patented Human Hand Washing Action. - Washes Faster, Washes Cleaner, Easier on Clothes. TRADE-IN for your OLD WASHER regardless of on a NEW NO RUBBING -- NO PRE-SOAKING ~ NO BLEACHING NO BOILING Feonomiasr 'Mechanism, only fine moving parts; Giant Press ' Wringer gets more moisture out of clothes. : Come in und ask us about this amazing offer! CARNEGIE HARDWARE 'Phone 61 Port Perry , Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Robertson, Omemee with Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter Miss Barbara Devitt, Oshawa has been holidaying. with her cousins Don, Mrs, Earl Martyn in Toronto one Miss E. Vance and brother Wilbur ilton, Ont, was a guest of Mrs. Like 18 members Way". ner, Epsom W.A The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. was held on Thursday, Dec. 11 at the home of Mrs, John C,-Hill- with |- present. Mrs. Wagner opened the meeting by reading a poem "Thoughts by the. Hymn "The First Noel" was sung folléwed by prayer by Mrs, Wag- Minutes of the previous meeting | were read and approved and reports given by the secretary-treasurer and the calling committees, pondence was read by Mrs. D. Asling, Mrs. H. Kerry read, the Lesson Thoughts and prayer. : The election of officers followed with Mrs, J, C: Hill presiding. The. officers for 1963 are as follows: President--Mrs. H, Kerry 1st Vice-Pres,--Mrs. F. Millman The corres- Seagrave (Too late for last week) _ Y.P.U, met on Tues. evening with Ronald Wanamaker in charge of the meeting, Meeting opened with hymn and prayer by Ronald Wanamaker Scripture lesson read by Isabel Stur- man and a very inspiring Christmas topic given by Miss Willows, During business session-it. was decided to hold next meeting - Dec. 18 when election of officers will be held. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Sleep of Lindsay visited Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Sleep on Sunday. 1 Mr, and Mrs. Nichols and Mrs, Hoar of Pleasant Point visited Mr. and Mrs, 0. .Boe Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Bryce McGillvray and Brenda of Sunderland visited Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bruce Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, H; Taylor, Mrs, L. Wagner; 7th - Mrs, D. Prentice, Mrs. E. Wilson; 8th - Mrs, F, Munro, Mrs. G. Prentice. Hymn "Joy to the World" and the Mizpah Benediction, Group 1 served a lovely lunch. Mrs, Christie moyed a vote of thanks td] thé retiring officers and Mrs. Wagner moved a. vote of thanks to Group 6 and to Mrs. Hill for her hospitality. same until January meeting. Club on Friday evening, report a good time. Nearly all came in "Hard fipts for year to date $1540 and ex- Times" dress and the committee in charge spared no effort to entertain with games 'and contests. lunch "there was round and square dancing. Next Club Meeting Dec. 26, Concert in the Hall on Thursday ev-- ening December 18 2nd Vice-Pres.--Mrs. A. Christie Sec'y--Mrs. C. Geer Treasurer--Miss D. Taylor . Cor, Sec'y--Mrs. D, Asling Flower Committee -- Mrs, Neeson, Mrs. Christie and Mrs, Bailey. Parsonage Committee -- Mrs, W. Armstrong, Mrs. H. Ashton. Missionary Convenors -- Mrs. C. Geer and Mrs, A. Christie Planist--Mrs, E. Wilson Assistant--Mvys, J, Millman' Visiting=Committee--6th - Mrs. R. Auditors--Murs. M, Bailey and Mrs, R. Medd. The meeting closed Note -- Group system will he the me Si ae. -- 'Manchester Payne on the birth of their son Dec. 6 in Oshawa General Hospital. XxX xX Xx The Seagrave Hospital committee met on Wed. evening Dec. 10 at Mrs. Boe's. Port Perry Community Hospital Bd. was present and gave a report on the hospital and reported that the open- ing date was set for Jan. 7. Mrs. Boe also reported on the hospital aux- iliary. tray wagon and with the balance of the hospital fund a donation be made to the auxillary. Previous to this the Seagrave community had furnished the Matron's Room, =. Congratulations to Mr, 'and Mrs. Ross Dowson (nee Fay Boe) of Port "by singing { Perry on the birth of a daughter Dec. 9 in Oshawa General Hospital. The December W. A, met on Tues. | evening in 8. S, Dec. 9 with Mrs. Rey- nolds in charge of worship service. "Hymn Joy to the World was sung and prayer by Mra, Reynolds. . mas story from Luke 2: was read by Mrs, Eagleson interspersed wth every- one singing the Christmas carols by candlelight. Mrs. Harding and Mrs. Fishley and a Christmas address was given by Miss Willows. - During the business session which Mr. A, Bruce, a member of It was decided to order the "The Christ- Readings were given by Those who attended Community was in charge of Mrs. Sleep, the treas; Mrs. G. Wanamaker reported. the re- poh es $1402.00 and sum of $126.56 received at this meeting. A motion After | was passed that $609 being the pro- ceeds from: turkey supper be turned over to the Board of Stewards of the church. Mrs. Sleep the retiring pre- | Remember the Christmas Tree and sident thanked everyone-for their loy- 'al support during her term as presi- : Siri dent and election of officers resulted Mr, and Mrs. Theo. Stevens enter- | as follows: tained a number of friends on Satur- day evening, : President--Mrs. E, Butt Vice-Pres.--Mrs. B. Wanamaker . Mr. and Mrs. E. Ballard spent a} - T.V CONSOLE, large screen, simple tuning, beautifully styled in walnut, mahogany or autumn $479.00 T-V large screen table, model. "Make this Christmas "TV" Day! with PYE Picture Master Television The Yuletide . . . an ex- "cellent time to begin the lasting enjoyment that a television set will bring » to .your. home. Select .from our large showing... | Features easy Tuning, steady Pictures, smart styling, LOW PRICE:..............ouuvvunee - $369 Credit Terms Atsanged. SPECIAL TRADE-IN OFFER. ASK US! PORT PERRY ELECTRIC | PHONE 177 "WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL h = a pe Secretary--Mrs, Clifford Short * Ass. Secretary--Mrs. O. Boe Treasurer--Mrs. G. Wanamaker -- Corres, Sec. --Mrs. J. McTaggart Pianist--Mvrs. C: Scott, Mrs, Tobin Sick Box Committee--Mrs. Thomp- son, Mrs. McTaggart ; Parsonage Com,. =~ Mrs. Eagleson, .- Mra, 'Crosier, Mrs. E. Clements, Mrs. Keen Visiting--Mrs. Sleep, Mrs. Nodal age Mrs. A. Bruce Auditors--Mr, Grose, Mr, Eagleson With new president in chair it was decided to send Xmas boxes -to' sick and shut-ins, Rev, Mr. Wallace closed meeting with prayer. A social hour followed with west group serving re- frehments, Mr. E. Drager and Miss Jean Wat- son of Toronto at home of Mr. Frank Watson over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hooper, Keith and Fay of Wick were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs; E, Clements. vice was conducted Sunday morning Ass, Treasurer--Mrs. M. Bruce A very impressive white gift. ser- |. THE FORT PERRY STAR---THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1952--7 1 ' when the junior members of Sunday, and Mrs. F, Chidley in Little Britain. School under the leadership of Miss| Co-Workers and friends held a par- Nativity in-ecstume; word and song: | My. and Mrs, Chas. Hayward. The white gifts are sent to the Fred Neighbors offer sincerg sympathy Victor Mission in Toronto from thet, Mr, and Mrs. Phillips in the recent Sunday School. : death of his father Mr, E. Phillips of Next Sunaby, Sunday School will 'Aurora. ; meet at 11° a.m. and. at the church Myo and Mrs. Ross McLean made a service at 7.30 in the evening the business trip to Tornto during the young people 'will present a Christ- past week, Wilows is visiting her sister at ows arsonage. Mzs. 0. J. Boe is spending a fow ingham and childrén of Toronto and days in Port Perry with her daughter Mrs. Rois Dowsor. Mr. and-Mrs. A. Wallace of Bolton, Mr, Laird Standish at present of Colborne spent Sunday with his father | - Canada's record for rabies is small here . : A hereas in the United - Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. inl pitty an ve Hates the 3 and Mrs, J. C. MacTaggart were Mr. . and Mrs. Martin MacTaggart and nla aan Senses AN anuoal $5,000,000, children and Mrs. Art Moase of To- ronto. "Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Moase and sons Callers at the home of Mr, and Mrs. -- ra ree tl PG ee xX X Xx In '1951 Canadians spent $2,400.00, 000 on food. spent Bunday the evening with Mr. "Resor PHONE 73 | Maks te Rie Year after year you're faced with the same © big decision--and only you can make it. This year, before you decide to buy any fuel get all the facts. Learn how 'blue coal', colored blue. to -guarantee the quality, assures you of better family health, more fu) SoHo steadier warmth day and nigh - -- Make the right declslon--phone us today. Fu u of and Linibor-. Bint Port Perry, Ontario sense spoil your Holiday? holitay happiness for yourself or for others. : Christmas and The New Year again usher in a seascn of festivity and good fellowship. As in the past it will also be marked. by increased dangers -- more traffic, mo~- "rs of darkness, slippery roads, and halid« and impatience. I appeal to Ontario citizens to overcome "these added hazards by greater care and common when walking or driving." \ Don't let an accident spoil wa' Willows dramatized the story ofZthe| ty in the recently redecorated home of ~~. ol under. the direction of Mr." Robt. Nodwell visited his par- ; a 3 | ents in Callander over the week-end. "- Keen were: Mr, and Mrs. Howard Bill- :