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Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Dec 1952, p. 8

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8--THE FORTY PERRY STAR STHURSDAY DECEMBER 18, 1962 4 "parts black and white, $5. . Then ~All articles in. good condition. Company. .months PL," PD, 10/20/5000. USE ™E cassie Cm SI F/ED "WANTED: "Cattle to feed for winter Room for 25 head.. Phone Blackwater 8r12. Percy Adams. dec.18 LOST: Holstein heifer; about equal slight hollow in back, between two and three years old. About due to fréshen. All ex- ."ipenses paid. "Any information please * notify Earl Wallace, Phone 261, Port Perry. dec, 18 FOR SALE--CHRISTMAS TREES. Phone 322 Ww. Ellsworth Kennedy. Dec. 18 FOR SALE: Jamesway. 2040 Incu- bator, 0000 egg size, complete ventil- ating outfit, oil burning brooders, feed troughs and other poultry equipment. Reasonable. L.G. Hempel, Box 647, Whitby, Ont. Phone 2092, Dec. 23 CHRISTMAS TURKEYS -- Order your turkeys for Christmas now. These birds are specially fed for fla- vour. Heavy birds 10 cents per pound less than hen turkeys. Helen Honey, Phone 67-r-2,. Port Parry: Dec.11 FOR SALE -- Five White Chinese geese and one gander, pedigreed stock. Mrs. W. S. Croxall, corner of 47 and 12 highways. . Phone Port Perry 126 #4. dec18 FOR SALE--Skating Sweaters, two girls, one boys, size 8 and 10, $3 each; one pair boy's hockey skates, size 5, All like new. Mus, Gordon Tripp. FOR SALE--"Would you wash to- day's dishes in yesterday's waiter? why contaminate today's = air with yesterday's dust: - Phone 276M. Rexair Sales, Frank McCammond, FOR SALE--G-E Clocks, G-E Irons, steam and automatic; G-E Radios; G- 15. Kettles; G-FE Washing Machines; Floor Polishers; Television and Re- frigerators. Phone 275M. Frank Mec- Cammond, FOR SALE -- Pair Misses Figure Skates, size 2; and.one pair Misses' Skates, size 4, hoth white, Phone 344J FOR "SALE--Chesterfield, old rose, matching arm chair, $30; Chesterfield, dark green, two matching arm chairs, $60. -Tri-lite Floor Lamp, $7; Table Lamp $3, pictures, records, fruit jars (pints 'and' quarts), books, hockey skates, Cub Scout Sweater and cap. Pro- pane gas stove, $60. George Menzing, R.R.3, Port Perry, Phone 84 r-14. POR-SAHE -- BETTER CAR IN. SURANCE with service froni largest Premiums on easy six $8.60 100 Deductable plus fire and theft for $11.60 on 52-53 averdge car, used for business and pleasmre. "Age limit driver 21 to 69. Dirk Brinkman. In- surance, R.R.3, Burketon. Phone 82 r 2, Blackstock. decl8 & 81 FOR SALE--Blue net evening dress 'and riding pants, size 14; riding boots, size b; tuxedo, size- 36. ~ Phopg "Mpe. LOST-<Dog, White Samg: ¥T Stray, ed from the farm of Geuy) ® Acvwney, Cadmus. Phone Port Pefry 195 r 24, _or_Len Downey, Bowmanville 423, Bulldozing and Excavating By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates given WALTER KING Phone 86 23, Port Perry DEAD STOCK DEAD and CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPT- LY FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL. . Telephone Collect. Toronto--EM-3-3636 Port Perry--118- r-2. GORDON YOUNG LTD Dead wr Service Dead or crippled horses, cattle, hogs, picked up for santiary disposal. Phone collect: Port. Perry, 108 r 14; 'Uxbridge 92 r 14; Lindsay 4682. Head Office 16 r 11 Woodville. ED. PECONI Argyle, Ontario. . July 68 Dead Fam Stock _ PICK- up PROMPTLY Phone. Collect Bowmanville 2679 We also buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, TYRONE = sn dr ELECTION NOTICE The municipal electors of the Town- ship of Scugog are hereby notified that 'nominations- for the offices of Reeve and Councillors and Powaship School Area Board to find t cil of said Township £ will be held in the $wnship Hall, Scugog, at oné€ o'clock in the afternoon and in the event of a poll being taken on Monday, the fifth day of 9 a.m, and 6 p.m. RALPH MILNER, _ Returning Officer, FOR SALE --. Figure Skates and White Boots, size b, like new, $8; also station wagon coat, sand brown, fur trim, size 14,. Call 113r12 Port Perry, Darlene Christie LOST--Chow Dog, brindle colour. In vicinity of Inglewood Farm. Re- ward. Apply Inglewood Farm, R.R4, Port Perry. "STRAYED--From 'home o of F. 'Schell, tan and white female Hound with let- ter "YF" on flank.. Please Phone 130, Beare Motors,' : WANTED -- Baby's Crib for two year old. Phone 278R, Port Perry. HELP WANTED--Driver for cream route. Hospital Group Insurance, and other company benefits... Apply to Silverwood Dairies Ltd., Port Perry, Phone 164, ". dec23 WANTED--Drive to- Bracebridge, Wednésday, Dec. 24. WANTED --. Girl's White Figure Skates," size 8%; also used grama- phone, smal lIsize. Phone 129W, FOR SALE -- Two Border Collie Male Pups. Christie Brothers., 118rb, Port Perry. dec28 LOST--Lady's brown purse, on Dec. 7. Finder please leave same at Star Office, with short length of pipe--Cheap. Phone 85. FOR SALE--Hawaiian Guitar, com- plete with case, music stand, picks and steel 'bar. In excellent condition. $10.00. - Apply Lloyd 'Balfour at the Star Office or phone 148 Port Perry. Auction Sales J. Porter Estate, Lot 19, Concession b, Cartwright, on Friday, Dec. 19, 1952, 1:00 o'clock sharp. Four Horses, 3 Sheep, 14 head Cattle, Sow and Pigs, Implements, Hay, and Grain and Household Furniture, Public Trustee, Toronto. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. OIL BURNERS The famous Aero Silver Flame Automatic Oil Burner sold, installed and serviced 'by ROBERTSON ELECTRIC, Phone 179 or 371W, Day or night. oct23tf Custom Dressmaking MRS. BARRON Phone 279-R Apartment 1 in Carnegie Block Opposite Library WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM . ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry * for information. Nov. 2, 1953 Notice fo Creditors An pens having claims against the Estate of Margaret Corner, wid- ow, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, who died on May 19, 1962, are notified to send particulars to the undersigned on or before - December 31st, 1952, after which date the Estate will be distrib- ute th- regard only to claims of which th gmdersigned : shall then have notice, : DATED at Oshawa this 1st day of December, A.D, 1962, RUSSELL GORNER, Administrator, by his Solicitor, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, Q.C, 14% King Street East, OSHAWA, Ontario. xe quired the vote of the electors ie January, 19568, between the hours of Miss F. Hincks. FOR SALE -- CISTERN PUMP FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19--Charles d pes -------- EER features a completel new style features. . sweeps back from the grille into The 1953 Plymouth Cranbrook 4-door sedan' new. appearance, he new, low hood and one- piece constant-curved windshield provide excep- tional driver visibility. A chrome speed-line to be picked up again in the clean, straight- line ------Ti OR Quick Resurs ; rae mee grams with 34 the front fender, : PLYMOUTH | RESTYLED FOR 953 rear fender "emphasizin Chrysler. Corporation officials claim the new - Plymouth also has 38 new performance and safety features as well as 21 new comfort features.- An appealing selection of solid and. two-tone colour combinations with blending interior trims, avail- able in seven Plymouth body Styles for 1953. FRE as KL] RST SAT CLEAN 4 NA 9! the long, low look. a District Farmer (Continued from Front Page) Reach--Comrie Ward, Geo, Reare, Havold Honey, Les "Stith, Burnsell Webster, Wilmott Croxall, Wilmott Phair, Ted Croxall, Ry. Beare, Howard Dobson, © Armour "McMillan, Fred Christie. Sy Brock--Wm. Heron, Ross Miller, R. Gibson, Vince Beaton, Don St. John, Talmage Bryan; Chas. Hadden, Rennie, Dean Graham, Wilmott Miller. Thorah--W. H. Ross, Ross McMil- lan, Russell Morrison, Angus Grant, Thomas Harrison, Geo. Chambers, Russell Windatt, Clifford Ross; Clar- ence Ross, Clarence Hewitt, J. Brown. Mara--Frank Davis, Pat Duffy, J. Warren, Don. Munro, Jack McFaden, Grant Windatt. Rama --- Laurence Cooper, McArthur, Mike Duffy. 44 New Book At Gordon (Public Library 'Forty-four new books for holiday reading are now in circulation at the Port Perry Public Library, it is an- nounced by the hoard. Among the new shipment are 11 new hooks for. boys and girls, 17 fiction novels and six general books including some out- standing adventure stories. The library will be closed on Friday, Dec. 26, which is Boxing Day. The new books are as follows with author's names in brackets-- Fiction 3 They do it. with Mirrors (Christie), The Hunted Woman -(Albrand), For All Your Life (Loring), Boy in the House (De La Roche), Terrace in the Sun (C, Roberts), Last Englishman (Weenolsen), Hidden Flour (Buck), Smoke and Big Muddy (O'Rourke), Shadow Marriage (Norris), Deadlock (Fenisong), Never Bet, Your Life (Coxe), Old Man River (Hemingway), Ever After: (Thane), Light Heart (Thane), Doctor Takes a Wife (Sei- fer), The Utmost Island (Myers). General The Great Adventinre (Dickie), Que- bee in your Car (Mackenzie), Adven- ture in Two Worlds (Cronin), Explor- ation of Space (Clarke), Incredible Gentleman (Hutchinson), Venture to the Interior (Van der Post), Boys and Girls Mystery of the -Hidden Village (Turngreen), Black Stallion Filly (Farley), The Forest is My Kingdom (Carruthers), Chipmunk that Went to Church (Bromhall), The Mouse Wife (Godden), Five Little Monkeys (Kep- es), Stripe (McClung), Here Comes Dirk (McKim), The Dragon of -Blue- land. (Connett), Kodrn the Monkey (Smith), Bright April ¢De Angeli). Foe Selection of HOUSE PLANTS For Christmas AZALEAS, BEGONIAS, 1 CYCKRAMENS; POINSETTIAS i Algo pans of assorted lants. Cut Flowers are also vailable. Graham Florist Fnniskillen We deliver Phone Bowmanville 2468 OO OO Ivan Vanish in an Instant (Millar), Gun | Elect M. Briataell President of S-Club The December meeting of the Ser- 'vice Club was, held at the home of Mrs. Claire Martin. Lenore Wilson opened the meeting with the singing of Silent Night, the scripture was read by Eileen Birkett and a Christ- mas Story was read by. Marg Gohl, Our president Lucille Mark opened the husiness part of our meeting. "Several girls volunteered ' to take their turn in helping to look after the Nursery which has been recently formed by 4he Service Club to enable mother's with children three and under to come to 'Church, This venture has proven quite successful and there is a hope that the membership will nora, The Service Club has also undertaken the responsibility of the Cradle Roll. The Treasurer was asked to see that a cheque for $20 is forwarded to the Women's Missionary Society as our | contribution for 1952. E The eclection of officers was very 1 ably conducted by Thelma: Beare and | the following is the slate for the year i 1953. Honorary Fresident -- Mrs. R. H. Wiley; Past President--Lucille Mark; President--Marie Brintnell; Vice-Pre- sident -- Della 'Swallow; Secretary -- Marie Taylor; Assistant Sec'y--Aud- rey Geer; Cor. Secretary--Marg Gohl; Press See.--Helen Willard; Treasurer --Claire Martin; Superintendent of Nursery -- Hazel Crawford;" Superin- tendent of Cradle Roll--Joan Godley; Reépresentative to Hospital Auxiliary -----Audrey Walsh; Visiting Committee ---Rdna Starkey, Marge Honey, Hazel Crawford, Margaret Burnett, Doreen Butson, Mary Enge, Thelma Beare, | Norma Forder. --We-extend-a-warm-welcome-to-our new oxecutive and wish for them a very successful year, Our meeting was closed by our president and a tasty lunch was served by the com- mittee. (Our first meeting of 1963 will be held at the home of Dora Dow- son on Tuesday; January 27. At this meeting a bale will be packed to send to United Church Missions. Come to Church next Sunday and bring. your small children out to the Nursery. ---- al, nm --_-- | i] Christmas SEALS! Do your part in helping T.B. "Prevention work throughout * Ontario County. Your contribution may be sent to:- 'CHRISTMAS SEAL FUND i ~{.c-0-Bank of Nova Scotia, 156 Simcoe St, North" i OSHAWA, ONTARIO. 3 (Sponsored by Oshawa Kiwanis Club) decl8 imum. BT ---- Hasna FLOWERS All kinds of cut flowers and . plants for the festive season ORDER EARLY PLEASE CORSAGES may be ordered through. MERLE DOWSON'S store or the Greenhouse at . Prince Albert Port Perry Florist (Charles and Myra Grainger) Phone Port Perry 174.r 11 RC ---------------- 6) = + ; : > _ NOTICE - NO GARBAGE COLLECTION on "Thursday, December 25 (CHRISTMAS DAY) but collection will resume on Friday, December 26 The same will apply for New Year's Holiday FRED- WARREN rot ine akeview Theatre, Port Perry, Ont Two Bhows Nightly--7 and 9 p.m. ™ THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY , DEC. 18-19-20 - Gene Autry, Elaine Riley and Champion In His Exciting New Outdoor Story "THE HILLS OF UTAH" - COMEDY, SPORTS; ETC. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED, orca Lon McCallister and Bill Phillips CAE In the Gripping Drama IR RN Ra R EE "A YANK IN KOREA" = + wi 'COMEDY. and SHORT FEATURE. 5 a en aa eas oe on ot estate Fo FL FLEE EEE 'D0 YOU MAKE Hi A SPOTLESS PICTURE? In daily activity, though Sak you are neat, your cloth- - _ ing picks up dust, paint,' ink and food stains. careful but thorough . spots '+ Phone 221M DAILY PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE SCUGOG CLEANERS WALTER HARMER, Proprietor cleaning methods remove .. leave the fabric! Our a Last Minute Christmas Suggestions ; CANDY CANES, MIXED NUTS. CHRISTMAS CAKE, GINGER ALE, and CANDY. Satirday Cake Special "FRUIT SALAD LAYER CAKE" 7 GERROW! 5 BAKERY PHONE 2w G M. GERROW 'BELLEVILLE LIVESTORK SALES Sales Every Tuesday commencing at 2 p.m. Buyers will find a wide variety of Butcher, Feeder and Dairy Cattle (Sprigers); also Feeder Pigs, (all sizes), Veal and Young Calves, and Horses. Sales Arena heated in winter. Air-conditioned in Summer.. PHONE BELLEVILLE 1828 . "For "LAWRENCE'S 1 "FEATURE GIFTS = EVERYONE CAMERAS-- Baby Brownie ...... rtriirrsing ; Target 620 ..... sisssekTe ve svisesvares Kodak Reflex ................. Kodak Duo Flex . STNIRRIARY BILLFOLDS-- - Hawkeye Flash Outfit complete. "ease sees nere Leather Bill Folds, of Fine Quality $1.98, $2.50, $3.25, $4.25 and $5.00 Coloured Plastic Bill Folds . 'ELECTRIC SHAVERS Remington, Ney-Typs § 60 ... " Philishave "12" . Phra unenanane 98 eaves inns eer $34.95 29.75 een ® 3.30 . 16.75 ° FOUNTAIN PENS-- Sheaffer Craftsman .......... Sheaffer Admiral .............coeev000000. 87.60 Sheaffer Life Time Models ......$13.50 up Sheaffer Sets, ................$8.75 to $25.00 Fineline Pens, Stand. or Ballpoint $1.95 isterbrook Bookkeeping Pens ........$4.10 BRUSH, COMB and MIRROR SETS-- Prophylactic Lucite Sets-- 85.00 $6.60, $7.95, $9.50 and '$10.95 Beautiful Design Metal Sets - LUGGAGE-- ' Ladies' Train Case .................. - Man's Zipper Travelling Bag . Hi $12, 50 $16.95 and $28. 50 $12.95 3 * COSMETIC SETS-- : BOOKS-- Adrienne, © Lentheric, Tiffany. BONS ay ops} EEL y y 4 Fan Woodbury. Pricds range $1.00 to $10. Dot and Dash, © Penny Parker, - > GIFT WRAPPED CHOCOLATES-- ' : Buddy Books, 'Kay Tracy, DL bd Neilson's Aristocrat .......... ed Ib oh Popular Reprints... i iS Ls, S18 YE w Fiction .........cociviviiiininn u Neilson's Homemade hi Hy % Children Story Hicks p _ Neilson's Masterpiece Hi wel 1h. $1.50 Painting Books, Etc. Betty Ann .....c..cccnnviiienee id Ib. $1.10 'BOXED STATIONERY-- ] i , 2 Ib. $2.16 Lord Baltimore and Lady Windermere Famous lines of Siptionery®in smart COLOGNES-- lo BOXES ...v..ooociniiiniin B06 tO) 8. 60° Tweed iin $1.50 and $2,00 SON LIGHTERS-- Bali Bali .......cccooeeiiins RR Lh lar Models at ........$6.50 and' 18.30 ifahy Hidaka $1.60 With Syached Cigarette Case ....$15.00 iil Ee A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 PORT PERRY. 4 oe 35 8 T= ar ai] *3 5 ool

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