INARI RD PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1952. de a To Wish Youa ~~ & Wonderful j Uiristmas --nged of Happy Days, Por Parry Coal & Ice HUGH SANTER Here's wishing you a lot of Christmas cheer and also, a very happy New Year. Gordon Sweetman - Seagrave d iat EEE A wish of good cheer from Santa and us. "Thanks for your loyal patronage and Mer ry Ch rising, Under your Yule tree "we all hope you find happiness for the sea- son to come. Merry = ==Chr ristmas -- Happy "New Year. d 3 | BE i Ra 4 d 4 g Port Perry F lorist (Charles and Myra Grainger) 8 ada LE We join with Santa in his wish for a Hap- LD pu Holiday for all. 6 35 Je, Je I 4 4 2 2 Ww 8 2 9D ~ \ ik : 2 Ee Code Tomiie Sriiadindin di didandi doa d 2 aC 1 1 + This prayer we say, ENE CRE ORY emir hal your Christmas #4 be a merry one for # you and those you : hold dear," away or ~ near, A. L McDermott - | En 4 To Wish You a Wonderful CHRISTMAS _ and a Happy and Progormns NEW YEAR ax Heide Ean 8 8 8 g -~. 1 8 : 8 Al i Fl ' ¢ Fl I Eb. dé ' #4 Fl # Make C, hristmas CHRISTMAS LECTURE , . , 'Now this is a Christmas tree," big brother appears to be tell- ing the toddler. "It grows in the living room only once' a year, and it always has & lot of ufce presents under it." Games for All Family Party Christmas is the time for family get-togethers. One of the best ways ~to make these gatherings memora: ble for all concerned is to engage ir games which the whole group car play. A nice one to start 'off with would . be a Sugar Plum Hunt. Have ane member of the family hide Christ. mas candies ahead of time in vari ous iooks and corners around the «house, At a given signal everyone starts hunting and gathering the pieces. The one who gathers the greatest number would be given a prize. ; ~' The Christmas Puzzle is another good one to get things going. Look through some magazines, which are filled with -pictures of Santa Claus at this time of year. Cut out enough of these to go around, paste them on .stiff cardboard, and cut them --into-pleces, Then put each group of -- pieces In a separate paper bag. At -tue--signal;- gether. The .Xmas Scramble Contest is good for a group with older children in it. This is simply a contest to sce who can unscramble a group of wards the fastest, Just for fun, see if you can work out the following-- astna, * erireden, ehsgil, dynca, gosiknet, erte, trepesn, hupne, alsore, and niborb, "A A Rid on ays Sloningn ht A ins Alderson. - Klas 3 Best Meyer AST YEAR a. festival in Den. mark paid tribute to one of the greatest helpers Santa Claus ever - had. He was Hans Christian Ander. son, fairy tale writer, and composer of many, Christmas sories, His works have sold more copies than any other book, except the" Bible, and' have been translated into 35 languages, Including Arable, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, and (Greenlandish. Since 1875, the' year that he passed away, visitors from all parts of the 3 world have come yearly to the towr : of Odense to see the home of the writer of such tales as 'The Little Match Girl," and 'The Ugly Duck- ling"! Anderson's fairy tales, released - just before Christmas each year, : _ brought him rmorney, fame and the - attention of princes, as well as adoration of children, Once he received a United Sta dollar bill, enclosed in a letter written by w young American girl. 1t JFead: "Papa says that the dollar is 'my own, that he does not suppose you are in particular need o! but. I owe yo b is -everyone--opens--a--bag--|- and starts putting -the puzzle 'to- - Bate &-- 8 g ¢ :: g g 2 May a glorious Christmastime be yours, and 'may good fortune be with You always. Our sincere apprecia- your welcome patran- age in the past year. A very merry Christ- * mas. : Terminal Grill Mr. and Mrs. G. Sieffe Prot g AIRS It is owr wish that HD this Christmas brings with it a new light of . peace on earth. Del. Restaurant Ivan Haugen : | | | | 2 fc The phrase may be old as can be ... but our Merry Christmas you 18 expressed with most sincerity. Brunton Farms arta fo ale 4 eg k HERA Wherever you are, whatever you do, may this holiday season be "a happy. one for you. i Cam tion and thanks for enn Acasa Rk SATA ASAT i MAAR cea ens } Lngland Oe Gorda 'ance, of Christmas was once. for- : hidden «During St.Francis Made Fitst Crib in Cave to have originated the custom of * displaying the Christ Child in a - crib at Christmas time. to one of his followers: celebrate holy Christmas night with you. In the woods near-the clois- "ter you will find a cave "whére we shall arrange a manger filled with hay. We shall have an ox and an ass just as at Bethlehem. 1 wish to see how poor and miserable the Infant Saviour became for us. . lan village of Garcia, in-the year 1200, St. Francis and his followers 1 sang hymns in honor of the Christ Child, : Clunistmad Oldervanss 'urd you know that 'the observ. in England-+«the Jme of the Yule Log, the Carol "singer and" tne. wascailers? : the Reformation ~many betteved the undue jollity of Christ. mas day was sacrilegious. Parlia-- recent, on December '24, 1652, or. dered that 'no observance shall be held of the five and twentieth day ot December, commonly called Coristmas day; nor any solemnity used or exercised in churches upon that day in respect thereof." This edict proved to be very un. popular with the masses of the people. It was not until many years later, nowever, inat Christmas was ounce agaiy *egarded as a holiday. x Xx «q St. Francis of Assisi 1s believed Ee He is reported once to have said "I wish to con i So at midnight, in the small Ital- rated mass at the cave and , AN AGE-OLD STORY RETOLD brought to Frankenmuth, Mich., from Bavaria shortly after Frank. enmuth was founded as an Indian - mission, has been calling the con- grégation of St. Lorenz to Christ. - mas: eve services for more than a 100 years. dents of the small community are 'members of the church; the village the title of 'the most Christian ,community in the United States.' crime of violence, and, as far as residents can remember, no one has been jailed over a period of 25 years, The only visitors to the - lockup were transients d d do 4 d 4 t ¢ dow a . + + "She brought forth her first. born Son, and wrapped him In swaddling clothes, and. laid Him '0 a manger." Seu Summon Vittage A" pair of ancient 'church bells, é Ninety-five per cent of the resi- earning * Frankenmuth has never had a given a L 4 'night's lodging. ' Ypnio us Al child § | 1 born: NEWBORN KING Ring Time « o + ---- s,s > eo! | | & Bevis , 8 e Ho NIC He HEME Hie Be WBE WH HAPPY HOLIDAY! ke] iad 0 WE EWE WW OWE ORE TW OW alc to wish every one of ac a 3 dow OWE TW TW TW TW WE CW PEW SE \& # The Canadian H. Ww Gossard Co, Ld; ae WISHING YOU A MERRY CH RISTMAS ee a BCE Sr ES I SCS AND . 7 A HAPPY NEW oe ig " at " | | ; ab | i te : Mr. nl Mrs. §. | Levinson May the serenity of Christmas foretell the = = apirit of joy for all your to-morrows. Port Perry Beverages We re. painting the SAE town with our -good- wishes for a Merry Christmas to all our friends. A 3 i oT er Morrow Farm Postpent "Tis" an old holiday custom we follow with ¥ great joy and that's Cyou Yaletide "happi- ness. x _ Char-N ell Shoe Store RW WWW WW RR TR SW OW --and our sincere 'hope that the holidays bring only joy and well being for you 'and yours, Knitting Grant and Norm Tease May the welcome light of holiday hos- * pitality and joy shine for you every fey of the ear. "May your holiday tree be laden with the good wishes we send your way. A Merry . Christmas from wus . 'all. || i Port Perry hela