$2.00 per year. PORT PERRY, ONT. T., THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 Single Copy Se. feck ors | [Peel's Acclomation| 21st Consecutive For Village Reeve Port Perry stayed true to form last week as Harry: Peel was acclaimed Reeve. for 1958--the 21st consecutive acclamation for the Reeveship of the village. As result of this acclamation Mr. Peel became the 14th man to head the local council since 1907. The record for the longest term as Reeve goes to W. M, Letcher who held the honoured 'position for 18 years, almost twice as long as the late George Gerow who was Reeve from 1911 to 1917. Ac- cording to reports Mr. Letcher was' the last man to contest the Reeveship, when he 'opposed' Robert Somerville in 1982. A successful hardwareman, Mr. Peel, in taking over the chair, has an experienced group of ¢ouncillors who have a variety of experience in various businesses in town. "Looking Elect Only One Newcomer; P-§ Bd. Unchanged Dénpite the most outstanding slate of council candidates in some years, only "one-third of the .1,150° "eligible electors in Port Perry exercised their franchise Monday in the village elee- tions for four council and three school hoard positions. The Vote in Port Perry Treas. Upited Office Church No. 3 Libary Total FOR COUNCIL -- Gordon Carnegie 45 75 DR. M. B. DYMOND 82 88 J. J. Gibson 19 G8 Sam Griffen Hh 38 G6 A. L. McDERMOT'Y 96 105 HUGH SANTER 88 104 GRANT TEASE ! 69 72 FOR SCHOOL, BOARD. © WoT. HARRIS 190 260 167 159 319 280 216 109 105 121 335 CEC IL KING 126 102 133 --J61 D. C. MacMAST ER 138 116 134 J88 Jack Starkey as : 33 4 -- 95 Approximately "400 turned out - at the three palling divisions to return 1952 councillors Hugh Santer and Grant Tease and elect ex- councillor Dr. M. B. Dymond and newcomer A. ffi I. McDermott. There was no change icia YY )pen ew in the race for public school board | S h dt Jo. with the present trustees Cecil King, D. C. McMaster and Tom Harris be- ing returned as first-time candidate staff and nurses assistants Mis. Gwendolyn Nott and Mrs.--Fowler. -- Jack. Starkey polled a light vote, McDermott Tops Poll . - | doy dary ory BW h Port' Perry and district's new $150,- Nominated for council almost every 000 32-bed hospital will hold official over Monday's. ballot one sees one merchant (Hugh Santer), one manu- facturer (Grant Tease), one physician opening: ceremonies on schedule, next Wednesday (Jan. 7) despite the prov- ince wide "shortage of nurses whic *h Mus. Helen Campbell of Nestleton will assist part time in the operating room. year since the mid-thirties, popular funeral director and furniture dealer, Archie McDermott polled' the most Mrs. Wendell Holmes 'has heen ap- pointed cook and Miss Nora 0X, As- sistant Cook and" Miss Donna Nelson, Ward Aid. The caretaker is Norman Kerry, - "Mrs. Dorls Watson is the bookkeeper, votes for council, 319, Mr. Santer who led the polls last yenr was second with 280 and Dr. Dymond third with 260. Mr. Tense was returned for n second yenr as result of 216 support- ers, which placed him fourth, just 26 votes ahead of Gord Carnegie. J. I. Gibson polle d 167 votes and Sam Grif- fen 169. (Dr. Dymond) and-one funeral direct- or (A. L: McDermott). Even the de- feated candidates have considerable 'business experience, Gordon Carnegie heing.a hardware merchant, J, J. Gib- son a poultryman and Sam Griffen a builder and.a merchant. Mr, Peel and his new council will be sworn in to their positions a week from Monday, Jan. 12 at '11. a.m. and in the evening of the same date the inaugural session will be held. It Is likely that at this meeting the chair- manships of the varfous Hepartuients will. be announced. - SH will delay acceptance of patients for the present, --Photo by Dave! Enge. $160 - was completed 'recently by the well-known Canadian artist Bighert Cr: Read who was commissed by Cities Service to draw the featured persons of the radio program "Patriarchs and Papers" which was heard over CFRB. Ho Wylie of the United Church (left) and friends and neighbours joined Mrs. Moase (seated) for the special presentation which was made by Ar. chie Farmer (right) on behalf of The Port Perry Star and the Cities Bep- vice' Oil Co, The portrait, valued at 'Santa Claus' ale a *apécial visit to the home of 'Port Perry's oldest resident on Dec. 24 (last Wednesday) when a life-sized charcoal portrait was presented to Mrs. Susanna Moase at her Bigelow street hume. Rev. R. ERY The Community Memorial Hospital board in making the announcement of the official opening, sent out a cordial invitation to all citizens of the village and the district to attend the short Program which starts at 2,30 p.m, Major-John Foote, V.C., Minister of Reform Institutions of the Ontarjo government will head the jst of dig- nitaries and Premier Leslie Frost and the Hon, Arthur Welsh may also at- tend. - Start Residence in Spring © Present plaws call for the nurses residence ta be started in the spring and decording to one report $32,000 Mr. MeDermott gained the highest has been allocated to renovate the | total hy sweeping every poli. He pol- present structure. Until the residence | led 118 at No. 1 (Treasurer's Office), © is completed the nursing staff,- who [ 96 at. the smaller No. 2 polling divi- don't. wish to live out, will be provided gion in the basement of the United accomodation in the hospital. "| 'Church and 105 at No. 3 (Public Lib=-- "| Total cost "of the hospital will he rary). Mr, Santer ran a close second approximately $160,000 which is be-|to Mr. McDerinott in all polls except ing" financed by debenture fssue of "No. 1 where Dro ~Dynrimil polled 96 $34,000, proviricial and federal grants votes, In the public school hoard con- arora County TR of $64,000, county. and municipal | test Mr. MacMaster Jed. the vote at No i Cp rants of $9,000 and 8,000 from sale | each of the three polls.~ In Public Speaking | [i of old hospital, the hoard points out. Veterinarian Dr D. (: McMaster The balance is to come from. local | amassed the largest vote of the elec- Port Perry and district will be rep- donations which have not yet heen | tion in the four-man race for the three resented at the oné-day conference of fully Subseribed. i positions on the school heard with Junior Farmers in the King Edward The $4,200 grant from the Atkinson | 388 votes. Cecil King, the 1962 chair- '| Hotel, Toronto next Tuesday. This Charitable Foundation and donations | man was cecond with 361 and Ww. T. conference is part of the Annual Meet- from the municipalities of C artwright, | Harris third at 3356. Mr. Starkey .in ing of the Ontario Federation of Agri- |: Scagof, Reich and. Port Perry have | his first attempt to gain a seat polled culture, : A very full and interesting program enabled the" Hospital to he equipped | 95 votes. has heen lined up for this conference, A with the most modern equipment in- | Election Day Quiet : cluding a resuscithtor, anasthetic mn- Except for Ken Spears sound-truck and it {s hoped that many Junior Far- | 'mer and.Junior Institute members will chine, oxygen ten, operating which helped get out a percentage of - light, cauterizing unit and autoclave the late vote with a special appeal; he-present. --The-program-gets under-|- | for ste rilization and the latest cubicles | elec tion day wns very _quiet with no way at 9.30 a.m. with registration in and incubator for the nursery. unusual ine depts i reported. Through!" the King Edward Hotel on the 17th Although nearly every. detail is ex- | out the day it was indicated the vote floor. ~ Highlights of the morning are |. pected to be in readiness for Wednes- | would be light despite the favourable addresses by C. A. Milligan, Presi- day afternoon and evening inspection, | weather and- Monday and the enth. dent, Ontario Federation of Agricul- i tou carly this week revealed that | singm shown ut the previous week's ture, David Pelleterio, President, Jr. officials, staff and assistants were nomination meeting. Polls closed at Farmer Association of Ontario; Romeo very busy completing various tasks, 7 p.m. and Deputy Returning Officers Leroux, Agricultural Representative, Shining kitchen equipment had just | R. 1. Harper, Joe" Allen and Cecfl Sudbury, and Jean 'Holmes, Perth arrived, a few fixtures were yet to be | Heayn retired to the municipal office County, installed, some floor covering yet to for the count Which way released by After lunch a panel-:discussion on be laid and bedding materials most of | Returning Offi¢cer John Raines short- "Rural Urban Relationships" "will which Is to be handled by -the hard- | ly after 8 p.m. Mast of the Candi- take plage, This will he follawed by working ladies auxilinry throughout | dates and' interested citizens crowded Don Small, Elgin: County, with a talk the district, yet to be placed. into Frank Smith's smoke shop and n "Looking Abroad", ° grin the day the Provincial Pub- CLUB ENGAGES FORMER LEAF |TO INSTRUCT HOCKEY MINORS re Walter "Turk" 'Broda, one of the | ¥ 2:3 ; in most, publicized hockey players of this V - Gl te era, has heen engaged by the Port ote at a ance Perry Hockey club to instruct local | COUNCIL: minors from 12 to 18 on -the finer| McDERMOTT points 'of the game, BANTER ... i DYMOND. ES Et ad x Sw 8 SR Ne Aye fiom k Scugoy Township {1 Acclaims Reeve, i) = Council, Trustees iT jot There will be no election in Scugog iH i Township next Monday. ; i f Reeve John Sweetman was re-elect- "ed by acclamation for the third term - and ast night (Tuesday) clerk Ralph Milner informed from: his Brooklin "office that the 19562. council had been acclaimed.. Milton Demara, the only - newcomer nominated to council, did not qualify and councillors George Smith, Angus Wilkinson, Anson Ger- row and Cecil Fralick were returned by. acclamation, It was the same story for public The ceremonies will Le held around tthe spacious verandah entrance of the _ The announcement was made yes- terday by. the secretary of tha club, Reg. Moorhead, who has been working on the arrangement for some weeks. As a result of the dea)', the former Toronto Maple Leaf goal keeper will instruct local bantam, midget and ju- venile players for three hours each week starting this Saturday. All school board as the island electors | players who have registered with the 0 acclamations to Morris Fralick, Hocal club will be eligible for the ses- Joe--Dowson;-- Douglas -Crosgier; ~Glen | alons-which-will-be-held from 10 a.m: Hood, and Charles Reader. 'Secretary [to 1 p.m, Treasurer of the board js Don Croster, Salesman Wins Special Fike A pecial Port Perry Snir. man, Ivan Kerry, his won a special award for his salesmanship efforts as a representative of Toronto Elevators in the new Maritime territory, The son.of Mr, 'and Mrs; Norman Kerry, Mr. Kerry. joined the Toronto firm last May after some years with Griffen .......; SCHOOL, BOARD: MacMASTER ............. tir itsiieis KING .........0.0oo0. HARRIS .. Aa ih TAL 8 ara 3: rar "r i a yi rm. room THE VOTE LAST, YEAR: (For Coun- cil)--Santer 293, Hastings 261, Peel 266, Tease 230, Cox 144, Taylor 69. (For School Board)--R. Carnegie 302, 'One of the greatest pay-off netmin- | S. Beare 206, N. Heayn 217, Miss ders of his day and the most popular | Fennell 169, Leaf in years, Broda retired from ac- | % * tive play this season and has been | coaching the Torontg-sponsored Wes- Former Port Perry Man Hurt in Crash ton Dukes in the Big Six OHA Junior "B" loop. Having played with and A former resident of Port Perry escaped with mjnor injuries in a against some of the top talent in the National Hockey League, "The Tur- motor accident during the Christmas season, key" as he is' affectionately known, . Ross Clark, son of Mr. and Mya. |, is expected to impart some of his Charles F. Clark, of Port Perry, was | { hid MAJOR JOHN FOOTE, V.C.% hospital which is finished in white and blends nicely with the winter {and scape. Inside, visitors (who attend in the_afternoon or in the evening will find a. most ultra modern building with the latest equipment in pleasant surroundings. The interior is decor- ated in pastel shades with attractive floral drapes and all the modern furn: TY CII eA ta Capa a gi wealth of knowledge on hockey funda- mentals and insfde tips to local minor players, Local goalers should espe- However from the time one enters "spilled" out on' the main street but the modern waiting room inside the | the crowd quickly dispersed after the door and tours the bright corridors announced, Fy i, iy Port Perry Chick Hatchery 'before and | cially: receive some fine instruction, after service in the R.C.AF, Work. ing from headquarters in Moncton, N.B., he met with very good sticcess in opening up the new territory for Mas- ter Feeds products. On Monday his efforts were rewarded when the com- , pany announced at a sales meeting in 'No financial details were released by the club but is expected that the ORHA senior entry, which has sup- ported minor hockey: for some years, is backing the new set-up which should give the teen-age hockey classes the blggent shot jn the arm in years, sitting in the driver's seat of his half- ton GMC truck on an Oshawa street. when a car coming from the other di- rection crashed into the parked ve- hicle. 'The truck was moved back a number of feet hy the force of the the windshield and cut his head." He sustained other minor, bruises but was lie Speaking Competition will take place, tive at this event will be Catherine Ontario County's representa- Martyn, RR, 3 Port Perry. This is the second year that Mrs. Martyn hay represented Ontario County at Toron- impact and Clark crashed through to. The finals of this contest will take place during the evening, ishings. harmonize to give a very pleasing effect, Must Await Nursing Staff "The hospital will be opened for patients as soon as a full nursing staff is obtained," a spokesman for the board announced. , Superintendent Frances @. one could see that Port Perry and dis- trict will soon be enjoying the services of one of the most unique and best cquipped small hospitals in the Do- minion. No wonder the hospital board is. both pleased and proud with the generous support of the citizens and to invite all to the official opening. final tallies were Academy Local Pupils Dance: At Christmas Tree 'Harvey Dance gathered at the Oshawn The pupils of the Hincks said the shortage of nurses is serious. "The salaries offeredsare higher than what is héing paid by hospitals of similiar size but the response has been discouraging, [ad only Ww handfal of applications. have heen received," Toropto that Mr, Kerry had won a sk for the highest sales of ; ¢htion nby: any. Canadian: Sales: : The Oxford and Wellington Junior Farmers are presenting a one-act play entitled "The Clod" and to round off the day, Ripley Junior Farmers will give a Square Dance Demoristration. "A 'dance will follow in 'the Crystal Ballroom. All Junfor Farmer and Junior In- Hundreds of citizens are expected) to take the opportunity to inspect tie fine building, Besides the hospital hoard of ¢Mirman Herb Brooks, Sec: | dechrated with a Christmas tree apd a. retary tronsurer Gord "Reesor and fireplace with Rudolph « dnnding gard, representatives: Earl Martyn, Alvin] Phe dancers from Miss = Mary- Bruce, Robert Tetlow, Joe Dowson, | Brotherwood's Yori Perry class who Allan Suggett, Bruce Heaslip, Mrs. | made thi journe v' South to take part C.RA. to present "a program of Christmas dongs and dances for their parents, The stage was beautifully nday night's senjor hockey prac- | back to work after a day's rest. Dam. "was called off and. Wands night's | age to the truck. was estimated at | schedule game with lle post- | $500. . \ ¥ "when it that| The other car, owned by Allan W. lH] flrs ne not sufficient frost under) Dummit- and driven--by- William - I; new surface which was first flood- | Willis, also of Oshawa, smashed d on Baturday, A good cold spell is | through the guard rail at the north end of the CNR Bridge, on Ritson Rd. Eight nurses will be required on the "ing egg show, with five dozen broy "petition was keen as thera was an in| Market Fair, BE, L.: Ont., won top hononrs in an ou eggs. Egg show consisted of displa bg Green | nk, | y wi 8 n Kom gould have the ice ready by the of brown and white eggs shown by ex- |. : efore skating, hockey pract- | games can be started but th a little more frost fcemaker Bev. to the tracks, i South. The left rear fenders of the vehicles locked preventing the car from going down the embankment on- hibftors from four townships. Com. | crease of 86 per cent. above last year. | The judges were from: the Department | of Agriculture, Toronto, © Mr, Hook, who opergtes a chicken | hatchery and: poultry plant, has in the last few years developed a dual- purpose 'breed of chicken for top exe production and meat type. Among other prive winners at the Air werg persons who purchased their baby chigkes from him, which indi- 'the tie of poultry he raises. » o Our Readers oO ny THE PORT PERRY STAR The Management, Staff 'and Correspondents stitute members should plan to attend this conference on Jan. 6.- Congratulations . Congratulations =to-- Mr, and -Mrs, Arthur Leighton, of Blackstock dis- trict, who will mark their 40th wed- '| ding anniversary on New Year's Day, Thursday, January 1st. The ha Py couple, who came to Canada in | | uary, 1918, lived on Scugog Island: -_ Utlea district before moving to Cart- wright. The'first day of the new year will be a special oceasion for two rea- sons as the Leighton's grandson, Allan Bailey will celebrate a birthday on that date. staff but only a few appointments have been made so far, Among those accepted are Miss Margret Stewart, of Port Perry, on the regular nursing Neil Malcolm and Leslie Smith, ex- reeve and 'secretary Ernest Hayes, new 1953 council and other villages |. and district' citizens will attend, and the Community Memorial Hospital | fund henefitted as a local Sunday School 'class sang carols from 'door tq door' on Christman eve, Ble 'nding their sweet, young 'C 'aWmlian voices in such time<honoured carols as "Good King Wenchelas" and "Oh Little Town of Béthlehem" the girs, members of the Church of the Ascension classy of Mrs. I. 8. Swabey toured the village bearing a symbolic lantern, Residents fourteen homes enjoye i the C hristmas songs of the youthful carollers generously total of $12.83. towards supplying baby's bibs. for the nursery at the new hospital, Mrs. Swabey's group of songsters included Patsy Midgley, Blizabeth King, Susan King, Anne King, Cynthia Haddon, Patsy Clarke, Jean Bell, Doris Popert, Lynne. Swabey and Nancy Kight, were: Beverley and Diane MeNeill, Carolyn | Beryl Palmer, duel aval Donna Samells CAROL SINGERS AID HOSPITAL | The old English custom wag revived | of some singing Christmas arrived with candy, days, but wiv ing Jr Me 26 Diane Dave 'v, Nancy McDonald, Laurence Clark, Jean Bright, and', Diane Tease, with at the piano, 2 Miss Irenie Harvey's pupils from Jshawa studio of the H.D.A, presented of Ballet, Toe "and Tap 'ook," Dances in colourful costumes, Miss Mary Brotherwood, herself, contributed 'a gave two pleasing numbers which were ul i ' The money will go | much appreciated hy the 'audience, Finale the cast. joined in songs until Santa his speck "TN {1 The classes op ' AGENT In the are rn | Port Perry - Ontarlo