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Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Jan 1953, p. 2

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A AY FIT) 2 ™ RH A3% HE ies Ro i ts i A . =" _.No "Dear Anne Hirst; Recently. "you~ printed- a letter from a woman who is running around with a married man. (I.enclose clipping). I am" positive that I © am the wife of that man, The woman had the nerve to say her see him,' ° My husband's sweetheart told me the same' story! | "Her own husband is so blind he can't see what's going on. I've: known for two years, 1 am heartjroken, and ill from it all. , . . "She pretended to. be my friend, and often we entertained them both, Midny times I begged . her to stop seeing my husband; he would be at her home several hours a day, neglecting his work., She said the two men were good friends," and no one could break that. "We have three children (as }X she has) whom my husband lov- ed. Somehow she has turned their father against them, and "me. Now I've heard that the two of them plan to run away! "Is there no punishment for the wicked? Please I beg you to print this letter, T know she reads your column. UNSIGNED" NOT YOUR HUSBAND * I am not surprised that you In Larger Sizes! Large 4865 WAIST UN by tone Alas Want a casual tweed or "after- five" faille skirt? Choose Pattern 4865 -- it's especially with side panels, smart hip flaps | _more_.. "what-shall-I-wear'-- worries--team it endlessly with blouses, jerseys, jackets! Send now, sew several versions! Pattern 4865: Women's Waist Sizes 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 inches. Size 30 takes 17% yards 64-inch. This pattern easy to, use, sim- ple to sew; is tested for fit. Has complete illustrated instructions. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS ~(35¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. : Send order to Box 1, 123 Eigh- teenth St, New Toronto, Ont, that he 'made ° slimming concerned your husband, for . . LJ * However, :it is not so. I have * looked up the .woman's orig- * inal letter; it came from a town * thousands of'miles' from yours, * half-way between your city and * Vaneouver. Also, this woman * has no children. : * I she reads .this column, the .* advice I gave that erring wife "* is exactly what she needs ta- * day. * If she does not heed it, - * she shows herself. as an un- * scrupulous, wicked woman who ® is so determined to have what * she wants that she will wreck * two homes, crush a loyal hus- * band and a heartbroken wife, * and involve six innocent chil- * dren, * She will be punished, rest * assured, That may be empty * comfort for you, but never * doubt that life takes care of "sinners, id * Hold on to your faith, and * continue to pray that she and * your husband will. find the * courage to turn to the right, ® and realize that permanent * happiness is only found at one's * own fireside with those they * promised to cherish, " ~ You have all my Ld * Ld HIDE YOUR HEART .* "Dear Anne Hirst: I am 17, and after two years of, knowing a nice young man, I find myself in love with him. When I was ill recently - he was very atten- tive, but I haven't seen him often since, "Now I hear he is going with sympathy. from the nice boy he was, I want to help him if I can. Don't you think that knowing that I care would do that? ANXIOUS" I understand how you yearn to use your influence with this waywafd lad, but I hope you » LJ Lo ® [J * to reform, he-will make the ¢ grade without your help. *~ It is possible, you know, that * his attentions during your ill- * ness won your heart, (We are * so susceptible then!) But he ¢ may have been only kind, you ® know; confessing 'your love J ¢ ly. ¢ Things may work out for you La * other friends, and at least give * 'the impression that you are * entirely happy as things are. EAN VR RTE BS [3 If you are facing a cricis, hold on to your faith, and know that life has a way of evening up the score . . . Anne Hirst stands by to comfort and guide you. Write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. TINY BABIES The opossum is not very well developed wher born, Some idea of their size dt this stage is in- "dicated by the fact that an or- dinary teaspoon will accommo-= date a lifter of eighteen newborn babes with a little room to spare. "Those who may doubt the auth- --enticity- of this statement may re- - fer to a picture in the August 1930 issue of Nature Magazine . wherein there appeared a piec- ture showing a teaspoon contain- ing eighteen tiny possums. . 5. Japanese sash 81. Birds' homea CROSSWORD :nisiii "Hi 1. Hold back "34. Thrice 8. Greek portice (comb. form) PUZZLE 9. Done again 26. Striking an 10. Be Indabted attitude " - i Foal tumor 39. Shaking tha z 7. Nerva 19. Transits shoulders Lh network 2 EH kd dollar Hy Etoty B. Differences DOWN "bill. 44. Reside . - 9. Line {. Worthless 15. Repetition 45. Dillgeed 12.0 (BIb.) 26. Afresh 40. Present 1. Culture 27. Three-banded 47. The wallaba - 13. medium armadillo 48. Loose it 3. Persian falry 28, Bathe. 50. Spanish iB en point 4. Type of ear 29. Foreword article "inalde SE | WE FR 7 [es 9 [io In i: Cage : 18. Operatic solo oY a) a BE TTR a You | BT FE EAE] RLY -- } . At no time 4. Old Irish capita . roe Hign 20. Haxculine ckname 31. Emanation of am tt Expedition 365. Brolar : i 3 Footie part moisture 18. Paper A . believe the letter 1 printed the circumstances are. similar, . the wrong crowd, and changing . will restrain yourself, If he is' might embarrass him extreme- two-later on. Meanwhile, date |. known as '"card-dealing." In this; Modern Etiquette Q. If a man is wearing a very soft felt hat, is it really necessary for him to tip this to a woman by removing it from his head -- all right in this case? A. A man who merely touch- es the brim of his hat is just "going" through the motions" of courtesy. To .be- correct, he should 'take his hat by the crown, instead of the brim, lift the hat slightly from his head, and then - replace it. : Q.* What. should. the. bride groom and his best man do, with their gloves while the ceremony. is. taking place? A. The 'bridegroom removes his right glove and holds it in his left-hand. The best man does. not remove his gloves. ! \ Q. Is it necessary that a guest unfold his napkin entirely when. placing it on his lap? A. Thi. is neither necessary nor proper, It should be only half unfolded. Q. Is it necessary that the bridal couple acknowledge a tele- gram of congratulations receiv- A. This does not necessitate the usual note of thanks-required by a gift, but the first time either of the couple meets the sender of the telegram, a few words of appreciation shod be ex- pressed. - 2 Q. Is it all right for a person _ to insist upon giving a tip in a restaurant - which observes the "no tipping" rule? -- A. No. It is not only unnec- essary to give the tip; but it is inconsiderate to the management for one to insist upon breaking: rules; dorian _ Q. "Should a guest smoke at the dinner table in a home, if the hostess has not provided ash trays? ; A. It is better to refrain from any smoking until ash trays are put on the table, It may be that the hostess objects to smoking at her table--and most. certainly you must never be guilty of flicking . any ashes on her din- nerware, Q. Is it good form to address a wedding invitation to "Mr. and Mrs, John J, Smith and Daugh- . ter?' . A. Never, If the daughter ig/ old enough to be invited to the' wedding, she is old enough to re- , ceive a separate invitation. Q. Should the dessert spoon or fork be placed on the table with the rest of the implements that are necéssary for a meal? A. - No; they are brought in on the dessert plate after the other dishes have been removed from the table, Do You Possess That "Sixth Sense"? When Mr. Winston Churchill - was a war correspondent during the South African War he- was taken. prisoner by the Boers, He escaped, and made his way by night through enemy territory towards the British lines.' Finally he was driven by des- perate need to approach a house * for food and shelter. The house' ~ he selected proved to be the only, "ong in the entire. community "where he would not have been 'handed over. to -the: enemy. What strange power helped to 'guide him to "a friendly house that night? It could 'have been a coincidence, but Mr. Church=- ill himself does not think so. It was more likely to have been that faint and elusive quality -which scientists call ESP -- Extra Sensory Perception. This is the little-known faculty which can guide lost animals home across hundreds of miles:of un- known . country -- the misnamed "sixth sense," and the explana- tion of a good deal of intuition. In many laboratories, both sides of the Atlantic, a great many normal, average - people have been tested for their ability to identify hidden objects -without the help of their normal senses. One of the. standard tests 'is the subject is asked to identify as they are removed from a hid- den pack. En : that anything more \than 'chance is at work. But the experiments are so carefully controlled that the spectacular scores which are * made from time to time can be produced only by other than ESP. The results of these tests, con- firmed) by one laboratory after. another in dozens of experimen leave no doubt that some people have this strange ability to guide themselves to the right response 'without the use of the senses. 7 So far, most of the proof for the existence of ESP has come from animals. Without any great powers of reasoning to confuse them, they can follow blin "the path of 'instinct, often wi results that human beings find . or isn't merely touching the brim | ed on the day of their wedding? | the order of cards one by one | Often the results of these tests | _are barely good enough to prove | oh SETA SL EH, Ahh re 8 Sree LTA Sv HRONICLES 7GiNGER FAR) It. seems only a few months ago since' 1 was writing New Year greetings for 1952 aid here I am again wishing you another happy new year, but this time for 1953 . . . and I hope it will be a Happy New Year for every- one, with all the good memories _ of 1952 earried-over to "53, and all the unpleasant memories for- gotten -- that is far the better way, isn't it? Perhaps last -year - was a hard year, and yet, in spite of upset world conditions, 'and of our own personal problems, we all have some pleasant mem- ories that we can wrap around garments against the winds winds of life. Some of my pleasant mem- chilly Christmas greetings that come to me from many readers of this column, some of whom send their good wishes year after year 'as regularly as Christmas comes around. It gives me a great en- couragement and I am very that is taken in this column. And so, dear reader-friends, in case I do not get a- chance to write to each one of 'you person- ally, yill you please accept my thanks for all your kind thoughts -- and I hope you will let me visit you in your home each week for yet another year. I suppose most of you people either went away for Christmas and New Year's or had your family visiting you. We had Daughter and her husband; Bob, ing with us. Just a nice little family gathering. But I will tell' . you mgre about our Christmas = ae $40 ' One Nice Form---Jean Paradise, _holds a form that places many _ harried taxpayers in a condition that they descfibe by other terms solidated Income tax booklet for 1952, which Is being distributed it impossible to imitate. ~ by the US. te all taxpayers. <, other Gwen who is staying with" --just wouldn't settle down -- we ourselves like warm, defensive} ories are connected with the | be friendly again. He tolerated ~1~ showed his displeasure by -sulk- grateful for the kindly interest - - effiusive doggy welcome!" . That, recently home from Alberta, and --two friends, who ave still stav- | ot you with her pleading spaniel alert look -- in fact, she does | A VERY HAPPY. NEW YEAR. than "Parcdise."" It Is the cons later on, It may be old news be- fore you get it but it doesn't do any harm at all to stretch .out Christmas memories for at least a few weeks into the new year. Christmas and New Year's are, "too good a time to be celebrated and then forgotten overnight. About a week before Christ- mas I spent the better part of two days in Toronto while the us kept house. When I got home | almost the first thing I heard: was this: "Next time you go away you had better take your' blessed kitten with you. He was all over the house, crying and looking for you everywhere. He didn't Rave any peace at all!" And yet some folk would have' us belive: that cats are incapable : of showing affection for anyone, Or course, after being so lone- - some, you wauld naturally sup- pose that: Mitchie White would be completely overjoyed when I | returned. Not a bit of it, his' feelings were too deeply hurt for | that. I had gone away and left him so he took his own time to being stroked © and -petted--but ing and refusing to purr the way he-generally does. It was not un- til the next. day that he was really. friendly. again. The other Gwen says she had a cat who used to act the very same. "Very different from a dog," says she, "no matter whether you are away a day or.a month, a dog never sulks -- he is always glad" to, see- you back and gives you an I must admit, is true of our. dogs also, Tippy and Honey are a funny - pair. Tippy would leave a juicy bone rather than be left behind if any of us were going out. Honey, if she hap- pened. to be out, would forsake - all her friends, if she so much as heard a dish rattle.=She looks eyes as if she had the most soul- ful - thoughts and all the time . you know very well all she is worrying about is her stomach. So, one only "has'to give her a few table scraps and:she is your friend: for life. But she has some interesting little habits too. - We generally have the evening paper 'delivered at night -- just thrown out somewhere near the mail- box. . We just say to Honey, 'Fetch the paper" and away 'she. goes, down to the road, looks first. this way and then that un- til she finds it. Then away she paper held firmly in her mouth, She brings it proudly to the house and waits for her reward -- a little dog biscuit, -We-call|- these biscuits "cookies" and if anyone mentions cookie in her presence, her ears go up -- as much as a spaniel's can -- and her eyes take on such a bright, everything but speak in human language. 12 ; Well, that's all for now, ex- cept once again 'to wish. you all OSTRICH KICKS OSTRICH TO DEATH Visitors to London Zoo :know nothing of the queer ways. some of the Inmates there sométimes. meet thelr. deaths. An ostrich | : was kicked to death 'by another " ostrich last year, says a report. |: of the Zoo pathologist. A fium-: ber: of Spanish burrowing voles : burrowed. so. thoroughly that they went clean through into the Zoo's. water supply--and were drowned! une ¢ But last year's most "shame- ful" death, according to the pa- thologist, occurred when a visi-"~ tor jabbed at a hanging . fruit '| furred :tortoiseshell; i unknown, Experts have noted; 'la: 'Fighres shown in The Royal Bank of Canada's 1952 Annual Statement just issued, again seta ~ new--high records: in" the history of Canadian banking, remark- able gains having been achieved il a number of significant areas of the bank's business. Total assets gained by more than $176 million to reach a total of $2 © 691,456,874, which is over double the figure of ten years ago. ." Total deposits also show ano- table increase. over the record _ figures of a-year ago. Commer- cial loans are at the -highest point in the (history of the bank, reflecting the steadily increas- ing -tempo of Canadian business and industry during the past year. Profits are higher, permit- ting a further transfer of $3,- 000,000 ; to, the bank's Reserve Fund. This is the third consecu- - tive year in which transfers have "heen made, Thé fund's total how stands at $55,000,000. The - bank's paid up capital is $35, 000.000, Deposits have now reached the impressive total of. $2,527,- 510,437. This represents an in- crease of well over $177 million for the year and a new high mark for Canadian banking. In- terest bearing deposits by the 'public again increased substan tially, the 1952 figure being $76,- 061,082 over the record of a year. ago. The total under this head- ing now stands at $1,199,784,873, almost three times the figure of ten years ago. Public deposits not bearing interest rose by $99,- 810,044, to reach a total of $1,- 185,527,241. 3 The statement reveals total loans of $982,177,916, a new high figure for Canadian banking and an increase of $134,157,088 over the figure for 1951. Commercial -Joans in Canada -now stand at $719,010,194, an increase of $96,- © 727,467 for the year, short loans in Canada gained by $8,471,308 in 1952, and similar "increased by $31,231,236. Cash -assets total $534,087,803, which is equivalént to: 20.5% of "This Pussy Has Permanent Wave Bah FTE -How would you-like your cat to -have 'a natural permanent wave and curly whiskers?' Such queer crinkly coat--the fur is less than half an inch long. in: any cat breeders all over the world. - This strange cat (unlike the sad-looking tabby about) has a wild animal look and walks with a stealthy lope, It is believed to be the only one of its kind. 'It was one of a litter of five born kittens were normal-coated, but THE cat was, in the words of a famous cat geneticist, "born wavy and . has" never altered." Like curly-headed people, his hair is much more wavy. in wet weather than in dry. : 'The woman who owns him is keeping her name secret because she does not want to part with him. Cat breeders hope they will producing .the crinkly-coat type. The cat's mother was a normal- the father that the cat is much more fierce than other, types of cat. One has --suggested that he may be a throw- back to a type that. existed in Cornwall centuries ago. Royal Bank Sets New 'Deposits Over Two-an d-a-half Billion --of the bank's" 'assets are Dominion and Pro- '$6,325,000 was provided for Do- 'minion 'and Provincial taxes which showed an increase of $1,- | Call and "1 loans elsewhere than-in-Canada-- : a cat exists. It belongs to a wo- | |-----man_living-in..Cornwall,. and. its...: place--is exciting the-interest of-|- some months ago. The other four | ~be -given--the 'opportunity of re- | High, Record -- the bank's public 'liabilities. Liquid assets amount to %1,710,- 921,620 which is equal to 65.8% ) * liabilities to the - public, Included. in these liquid vincial government securities totalling $851,068,062. ..° Profits © are higher. They amount to $14,745447 as. com-" pared with, $12,983,066 ' for the previous - year, Of this .amount 049,000. In addition, $1,201,363 was charged for. depreciation of bank pre gs. After the deductions; the net profit was $7,129,085 as compared with $6,- 306,115 in 1951, Out of net prof-. its $4,376,000 was paid in divi- dends, and $2,754,085 carried for- . ward to Profit and Loss Account resulting in a balance of *$3,780,~ 239, From this amount $3,000,000 has been transferred to the bank's Reserve Fund which now stands at $55,000,000, leaving a balance of $780,239 in the Profit and Loss Account. \ &/ "What a shame! Died of starva- tion, 1 suppose. Hemingway should write a story about it." For Quick Cough Relief ~~ Mix This Syrup In Your Home " Thousands of Canadian house- wives have turned to this well known recipe for relieving coughs due to colds, It's easy to prepares, and gives you four times as much for your money. ie - Your usual drug counter cam supply you with a 2% ounce bottle of PINEX CONCENTRATE. Pour EP this into a 16 ounce bottle and fill "up with granulated sugar syrup, _6r honey or maple syrup. To make "the sugaf syrup, simply -mix-2.cups. "of sugar with one cup of water... no cooking needed, and it takes but ~ a minute. Now you'll have an ample supply of fast acting, effective cough syrup for the whole family, 80 pleasant tasting the children f will like it, - - : PINEX -- a concentrated blend of proven ingredients--must help or your money refunded. Get a bottle today! + PINEX FOR COUGHS--EASY-- ECONOMICAL Z Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking dL S|9 3A [INN NAIR HY * v LL) I~) <x! WW OQ IO 2(Q{V gq olL lV 3 Jd Z| [§ ~~] 3 7 W Vv 3 El J / < 2] 1 ajajo : ISSUE 1 -- 1953 2 & is a very bat with his lighted cigarette. = Junky Donkey.Dime Store--A walking fen.cent , by Housewives in Seville, Spain. They flock fo pick and cheose 5 . from the bargains dangling on the decked.out donkey's 'back. ' The proprietor is 'plaased with his L rent is no problem. Also, the patient colorful tourist attraction and. tourists make good adn " gustomers, tii : a" store is appreciated four-legged store because Andvulasian beast of burden

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