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Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Jan 1953, p. 7

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? Aaa ' Things Best Remembered From The Year Just Past » " are some of the things I'd like to see: Terry Sawchuk in the Detroit Red Wings shut-out games in thé Stanley Cup series; Sugar Jim Henry, the Boston Bruin goaler, making his last galiant stand against Gap- ose ecto adians in. the Cup. series, with his broken, his eye-lids mere slits that had been carefully pried o before. the game; Rocket Richard scoring goal No, 325 for a new National League record, unaware that nis final shunt had sent the puck rolling in, turning pale and almost fainting when he realized that the long strain, lasting five games had ended at last, Rod Smylie, making the 25 yard run after taking a 36-yard pass to snatch victory for 'Toronto Argonauts over Hamilton Ticats in the dying moments of the third playoff game to decide the Interprovincial football title; any of the races in which the great grey colt Native Dancer, 2-year-champion of the year, spread- cagled his field; the fantastic ending to the Ray Robinson - Joey Maxim fight, when Robinson, out-weighed, collapsed from the fearful heat and his own exertions, : ~ Emil Zatopek, grimacing and -shadow-boxing his way to three Olympic triumphs on cinder-path and road, stamping him the greatest distance runner of our time; coach Casey Stengel of the champion Yankees juggling to make those amazing pitcher changes, in the last game of the world Bateball series; Joe Black, tall, smiling, soft-spoken Negro pitcher starting the opening game of the Series and winning it. 2 Big Jean Beliveau, giant Quebec Ace, and most-sought. ama- . teur by professional clubs, cranking up for one of his great free- wheeling rushes, then roaring along "to scorc as pe Qushecers blazed their trail to,the Alexander Trophy; Mili Schmidt of Bos- ton Bruins, one of the greatest of modern ice stars, whistling trome goal No. 200, the night 'of March 18, and Bobby Bauer, of the immortal. Boston Kraut line of Schmidt-Dumarc Bauer, re- turning for one glorious night in the Big Time, to score a goal; George Geneureux, a 17-year-old trap-shooting star from Saska- toon, with ice-water in his veins, winning for Camada its only gold medal at the Olympic games agaiust the best shots in the world. And the film of 1952 wouldn't be complete unless you were sitting on: the 50-yard line when Edmonton Eskimos overcame a 19-point deficit and went on to eleminate Calgary Stampeders in the western football race; and a week later, after "losing the opener of the two-of-three final right in Edmonton to' Winnipeg, took the final game to the amazement of everybody except Frankie - Filchock, who called the shots all along. What a fi'm all that would be. I'd like to sve it and so would everybody else. ® If I could re-rai) the ilm of 1952, these nets, playing any one of those incomparable r Women are hardier, tougher and healthier than men. Also, more women than men live to a ripe old age. This is no. mere accident; they eat less and are rhore selective about their food, and wear far fewer clothes. > Thus, women are rarely the vic- Y Women Live Longer Wife Has Baby So --Eat Less, Wear Less | Husband Goes To Bed When recently a woman gave birth to a son near Cambo, Southern France, her husband took to his bed--and the mother 'event, doing the housework! . There he stayed for ten days Was: up two hours after the _ while his wife prepared wine for _ tims of gluttony, and they suf-- -- _ {fer less from cold feet, cold hands : and bad circulation. ----------------Children, --too,- seem __to._be _ brought up more sensibly to-day than they us - there are exc "Dr. R. H. Parry, Medical Offi- cer for Health at Bristol, des- cribed- the case of a small boy who simply could not.obey. the ' instructions of the P.-T. instruc- tor. When she went over to see what was the matter she. dis- covered that. he was wearing three sets of thick underclothing_ which restricted his movements! Parents 'all over England are being asked to see films on phy- sical them that too many clothes are . harmful .and not only restrict movement but retard circula- ~----tion:--What--is--- more, the skin _ should be exposed to the air in all except very cold weather, in order to inure it to extremes of temperature to be; though ions. Recently, parts/of the: world, . washing or bathing - until child can walk. svade. education, - which teach transferred : to the infant. and ° enable the : Customer: guests, entertained them and 'gave her husband light broth, : This custom is only: practised by the [--Basques- among -Europeans, though common in some distant Among the Bayakas .of the Congo the father carries the child about to show that all his attention is occupied in looking after it. He even refrains from the The Indians of New Guinea, .too, keep up this custom of cou- The - prospective mother goes into the forest with one or two helpers, and when the baby is born she returns to work while the husband strings up his hammock, in which he lies for days and even weeks.. He must -not eat meat 'or wash, for the . --child is part of him, and any | -- bad habits he may have will be pores to breathe. Many ailments | C 'Do "you recom- are due to people mollycoddling | mend this sleering mixture?" themselves. Fresh air and cold Chemist: "Yes, sir,' We give water are two of the most neg- lected doctors.- ; "tle" : an alarm clock with every bot-- N, < INTRODUCING MR. NEW YEAR--Here he holding his good-fuck rattle in his fist, he promises better everybody=during 1053 : FIVE F i éant i 1 Ld is folks, the brand. new year we have all been waiting for, With his friendly smile, ui ck for AT 25) RT Era LARA) LP hin] Fortifying Forty Lhs.--Standing behind regulation 'padded ar- mor worn - by hockey-team goalies Is Troy goalie Cliff Hicks of Ottawa. Before him are spread the 40 Ibs, of skates, pads, stockings, pants and gloves he wears "Disaster River" Vanishes Again Villagers at Chalfont St. Giles and Chalfont 'St. Peter, Bucks, are worried by The River That Won't Stay Put. It is the River Misbourne, which rises near Great Missenden and runs through. Amersham and the Chalfonts to Depham.! For the * river, they say, is disappearing again and in the Chalfont areas its bed was recently prtictically dry, Seis re nt - Why are the residents worried? Because: the older ones declare |" that every time the river or portions "of it vanish, it is an augury of disaster. It dried up Just before each of the two world wars, ; " For years the local: councils have been trying to find out why 'the mysterious Misbotrne disappears. -One theory is that ~ for a few miles." It" has beely known to reappear overnight, flowing strongly. : These bewildered- Bucks resi- dents may be interested in- a " Norfolk river which left its bed one Friday night and vanished, leaving hundreds of fish floun- dering on dry land. The fish in- cluded roach and large bream, some weighing as much as six pounds. Men in the Wymondham districts quickly gathered up the fish and took them home. It , was found that part of the river bed had' given way and that all the water-had gone un- | 'future, on the principle that {t's periodically it goes underground | .-- i | Our readers may recall that at the beginning of the year we swore off trying to peer into the 1 wise man who knows enough to quit when he's ahead. It is true that we slipped to the ex- - tent of calling Cleveland :to take" the American League and Bos- ton to do the same in the Na- tional; and, if course, that pre- diction . did not come . absolutely: true. Still, even if "neither .the Braves 'and the Inidans manag- .ed to head their loops, neither did either finish in the cellar. Which is pretty good going, for us. * Ld * On the turf, what we recall most clearly during the past year, was how many juicy Daily Doubles we just missed--through no fault of our own, we would like to assure you. Time after time, just 'as soon as we saw the winning numbers hung up, -and the winning figures posted we knew right away that those were the horses we had liked. Just why we failed to wager on them -is one of those sweet mys- teries of life familiar with all horse-players, and not so sweet at that. 2? * Well, here at the start of 1953 we have decided, firmly and un- shakably, that we are going to make one -- count it -- one pre- ° diction for this year, and even it vou should beg us to change our- mind, which: we doubt you will, we shall refuse. ~~ . & © LS Still, to ymake up for the lack of quantity in our forecasts we are going strong on quality. In fact this is one prediction: on which you can wager your shirt, and even offer liberal odds. And here it is: =: E32 Kain ceil Ld $c . - WE PREDICT THAT IN THE YEAR 1953 THERE WILL BE "EXACTLY THE FOLLOWING NUMBER OF DAYS ----mM8M8 -- AND AS WERE A LITTLE BUSY TRYING TO MEET A DEADLINE, YOU CAN COUNT THEM YQURSELF, CALENDAR Ll] e228 e223 rezsg Jrec=3 me232 =e232 1 1 i i -e222 LAL >414 Lit 14 's w223 + es22 i aS22 TIEE oz22 --enw me232 1-238 C44 | + e225 Cn 18 ot 0 Ita 82 13 02 92 bE 02 73 ve 1303 01 81-41 01 81 40 PIB IBLILOL 0 9 -a 409% ¢8} thee te Land el 08 07 £8 98 98 95 % $3 19 08 01 81 £1 01 sTi10208 vee m0 1 PIS) BI 1101 8 L308 81 8) L101 01 Sirs r ec PLsIBIiI0N 0 8 URL FY PATE £-9-8 598} "wh Land toed 223 derground. itd (Upside down to prevent peeking) | THE ROYAL BANK ~ OF CANADA ASSETS 29th November, 1952 General Statement Notes of and deposits with Bank of Canada + + + + § 194,304,275.78 Other cash and bank balances Notes of and cheques on other banks. + «.« ¢ « » Government and other public securities, not exceed- 179,918,011.24 160,265%,516.18 ing'marketvalue . . . . . . vi. vb ue us 976,940,108.20 Other bonds and stocks, not exceeding market value 103,063,282.66 Call and short loans, fully secured . + + ov oo « 96,830,435.26 - Other loans and discounts, after full provision for Total quick assets + i 1 4 4 3 + + $1,710,921,629.29 - bad and doubtful debts . . .. . ..... 3 885,347,481.37 Bank premises . . . . «0 vo 0 i iv thee bo 20,613,590.88 Liabilities of customers under acceptances and letters ofcredit . + + Zhe ie vee 69,368,976.45 Otherassets « + v + + vo + 0 006 Fears 0040 5,205,195.53 LIABILITIES "Notesin circulation « + «vo vv 4 v0 4 0s Deposits Fred $2,691,436,873.71' Other liabilities A a RS we Capital Reserve Fund CONLIN IEE EE I DE BE TENE EN IEEE RET ET BEE I} 0 8 8 5 8 Te a 0" 4 0 4 Dividends payable FEF RPI PEP Rr BY BF a 1 Balance of Profit and Loss Account + + + + o Total liabilities to the public i + . i a a + - - eo = "_- ue 3 LI I TE IE I DIL EE I DE IE TR I I I I BR Acceptances and letters of credit outstanding. FE - 101,062.68 2,527,510,437.4% 69,368,976.4% 1,912,179.61 $2,598,892,656.17 35,000,000.00 $5,000,000.0 -1,783,978.9 780,238.63 $2,691,456,873.71 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT - Profits for the year ended 29th November, 1952, after makia appropriations to Contingency Reserves, out of which proyision:for bad and doubtful debts has been made : . «oo $14,745,446.9% Provision for Dominion and proviacial 'government taxes 3 3 3.3.31 3 3 3 Provision for depreciation of bank premises « , ire $6,335,000.00 1,291,362.29 7,616,362.23 TE ---- HER ALIN Dividends at the rate of $1.00 Extra distelbution at the rate of 25¢ per share + Amount carried forward ' Balance of Profit and Loss Account, 30th November, 1951 4 gs » Transferseg to Reserve Fund er share « « 0 4 $3,500,000.00 875,000.00 4,373,00000 DET I BE BE I BN BN ON I ASE I J I] res cd 3a ae 1 Tetsu avh 2,754,084.73 1,026,135.90 $ 3,780,2 38.63 3,000,000.00 . . Balance of Profit and Loss Account, 29th November, 1952 4 ¢ + § 780,238.6% : : . Lo REY JAMES MUIR, President T. H, ATKINSON, General Manager 2 job, but it is far higher on the scale out the henhouse or the calf pen. splintery picces of hardwood have "along with the Saturday baking. Stacking wood is just one of STACKING WOOD 3 --From-Countryman's Year, by Haydn S$. Pearson A FARM: lad of a dozen years or so is always deeply concerned over what Saturday will bring forth in the way of 'a task. If the weather is favorable in spring, a fellow is pretty sure of what Father will announce on a Saturday after breakfast. But if it is rainy, or if the soil is wet from a recent rain so that cultivating, planting, or hoeing 'are out of the picture, a boy feels some trepidation, Therefore, it is with a certain feeling of relief that he hears, "Well, Son, what. .do you say you stack wood today?" Stacking wood is not necessarily an exciting' Before oil and electricity became common, a good farmer took pride ..in_his woodpile. It took many cords to keep the.big kitchen range and the parlor base-burner supplied during the year. After the pile was + sawed and split in early spring, it became' a boy's task to use the wheelbarrow and take the wood to the woodshed for stacking. ata There is something appealing-about an old woodshed. "I'he floor is deep with litter-bits of wood, bark, sawdust, and debris. There is a peculiar satisfying smell to it--a dry, acrid, pungent aroma com- pounded of dust and the different varieties of wood. Toad after load comes in, and one 'carefully builds the tiers higher 'and higher. The "the tier will be firm and solid. The big, gnarled, knotty chunks for the parlot burner go into a heap in. one corner; small stuff for kindling goes into another. And, of course, 'along about ten+o'clock. or. so, if a young man smells the spicy, tantalizing fragrance of hot fingerbread of the blartd, inviting aroma of freshly fried doughnuts; i is "taken Yor. granted that he will go to-the kitchen to see how Mother is coming chore time arrives, a countryman takes pleasure at day's efid in the sight of the good fuel ready for future use, than sprouting potatoes or cleaning to be fitted against each other so the routine farm tasks, but when' * "Cured By | Bagpipes : Eight years ago Elmer Har~ ford, formerly 'of Edinburgh, sustained a war injury that left him with a stiff right knee. A series of medical examinations revealed no injury, but he con- +imed walking with a very stiff eg. ile ~ Some nights ago he went to a hall where the Highland pipers of the Capetown .Caledonian So- clety were practising a reel. Suddenly a girl friend seized 'him and began to dance him round the hall. 3 'When Harford returned to his seat he found himi®l walking with no trace of stiffness. His stift' knee was perfectly flexible 'and when ' the-next dance was announced: he whirled happily into it with his partner. To-day his knee is as flexible as it was before - the war., The bagpipes healed it, although - there some low Sassenachs who night think the curé worse than the disease, at that. { . & few cents "Order your chicks and turkeys before -- Guelph 'URESS CONN BALYE_ For, aire CLASSIFIED "BABY CHICKEN i 2 COMEDIVAY TT VALURB | That is what you get when you purchase Tweddle chicks. No matter what grade or breed you purchase, You got value for your money. We have speclal breeds for layers, broilers, or dual purpose birds. We have good quality Canadian Approved chicks sold at very low prices, We bave chicks: that are R.O.P, sired at higher. Turkey poults, all popular breeds, Canadian Approved, pul- 13rum tested breeders at competitive prices." January 18th. for delivery any time. You will save up to $1.00 per hundred on chicks, $2.00 per hundred on turkeys. Take chicks and turkeys early, you will save up to $8.00 per hundred on chicks for January delivery, $15.00 per hundred .on turkeys ff taken before April 1st. \Vrite for special - offer. TWEDDLRE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. Fergus Ontario DEALERS wanted to sell baby chicks and turkey poulta for one of Canada's oldest established and largest hatcheries. Liberal commliasions paid, Feed dealers, farmers, implement dealers, agents for nurserles, cream truck drivers, and other dealers make excellent agents. Bend for full details. Box No. 97, 123 Eighteenth 8t., New Toronto, Ont. : DON'T order a chick or turkey until you get our new low price lat, We can save you several dollars per hundred on your Canadian Approved "Chicks and Turkey Poults from pullorum tested breeders: Also extra raving If you order early, Send for arly order booking. nrics list, TOP NOTCH . CHICK BALES ~ - -- ar % ---- Ontario a NDER those Purina embryo-fed chicks from Glimore's, Fully guaranteed, 'quality chicks from a teal breeding pro. gramnie, Attractive early pullet prices. Write for prices and catalogue "Which Came First.!'" Qlimore"s Poultry Breeding Farm, Barrle, Ontario. 23je Bussex x Red Pallets 23le Pure Sussex and Bussex x New Hampse for Jan, 16th, delivery: 1%¢, Inquire about other dates and breeds. Also HEAVY COX. LAKEVIEW HATCHERY LTD., EXETER DYEING. AND CLEANING dAVE you anything needs dyeing or elean- (ng? Write to us for Information. We ura glad to answer your questions. De sartment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 91- Yonke Bt Taoronts, FOR SALE LARGUR stock of parts and mocessories for all cars and trucks. If t's hard to get Wwe can get it for you, Prompt . service, Guaranteed savings. Canada Auto Stores, 3564 Bt. Paul Street, Bt, Catharines, Ontarlo, Mutusl 8.6595, 10IN "CANADA'S rellef. Your Diugrist aslls CRES ] v : Highly recommended--every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains er Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG 333 Elgin % $1.25 Express Prepaid STORE Ottawa SKIN - ITCH, CRACKING, BURNING SKIN, Eczema, Psorlasie, Rash, Ring worm, Pimples, Blackheads and other skin eruptions quickly relleved or money refunded with FEllk's Eczema Ointment No, 6. A prescription of a famous skin specialist $1.60, $2.50. Cet it from your druggist or order from Ellk's Medicine Co. Dept. WI, = EY BLACKHEADS ENLARGED PORES BLEMISHES . CORRECTED TWO WEEKS SUPPLY $1.00 NO. 827 --736 GRANVILLE ST. VANCOUVER, B.C. Saskatoon, Sask. TAPEWORMS, pinworms, cause serious diseases; could be your trouble! thou sands helped. Free literature describes condition and remedy. Write Mulvenery's Remedies Limited, Dept W.8., Toronto, Ontarlo, OPPORTUNITIES - FUR MEN. AND WOMEN - Y .BE A HAIRDRESSER LEADING sCHOOL see Ureat Opportunity Learo ~~ Hairdressing \ hy cleasant dignified orofession, R003 wages, fhousands of successful Marvel graduates America's Greatest System tustrated Catalogue Free . Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING BCHOOL® $68 Bloor Bt. Wi, Toronlo Branches: 44 King Bt., Hamilton 173 Rideau 8t.. Ottawa - . PATENTS AN OFFER to every Inventor--Liat of In. ventions and full Information seat free. (he Ramsay Co.,: Registered Patent Attor aeys." 378 Bank Street, Ottawa, FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company Pa tent Bolleltors. Established 1800, 350 Bay Breet, Toronto. Rooklet of (aforme. ion on request. > 5% Fea I = PERSONAL Now Asthma Relief 'In minutes or your money back Ask your Drugglat for an Asthmanefrin Set Unconditionally guAranteed ADVERTISING Ea -- |] |] I NEW rugs waoollens.. Write for catalogue and price fist. - Dominion Rug Weaving. Company, un Dundas Street, Weat, Toronto. Oot WANTED ed BALESMEN Direct sales to farmers of Government Registered Minerals, con- Alticnera, tonics and' Veterinary Medloines. Every farm "with--llvestock a prospect Cominleston. Age no factor if active. Apply Bell & Fons Canada Itd,,. 251 Jueen St, © Montreal, A man in Bangalor, India, in- dignantly refused to cast his ballot when he found that voters had to submit to having thelr hands dirtied with indelible ink to curb. 'repeating. CANADA'S FINE CIGARETTE ISSUE 1 -- 1953 made from your old rugs aad = (Sa A 7 ot Cat ag rt oil nr OF ve Berk at, ay RY FV RI 04 AN : Fy EI » WX \ RR

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