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Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Feb 1953, p. 2

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NE) 2] REAM > AUR AN NAAN ATS A © BY RS. CRAGGS BIRD CLASSIFICATION 4 The subject of ornithological clas- + sification is'a source of 'much be- wilderment to most amateurs in bird study 'and the opinions of the experts : are not always in accord, either. An established system of classify- ing the various families and orders of birds' in their relationship to one another had been in existence a con- siderable 'number of years before I started bird study. "Each bird had a number by which it could readily be found in any bird guide. = Since: then, though a minor revolution has taken place in bird nomenclature, in Canada ut least, the old numbers have been retained (though not in their. proper order) ta_enable the bird student to identify each bird with the old classi- fication. Science has made great strides in thé past few years. and FA & 5 ou 7 2 HT Pt, rly me oe i en AA Inne « MRIS SEN apparently it was found that many of the birds groupings were inacecur- ate and revisions were necessary. These revisions, it is logical to as- sume, will not be the last in the field of ornithology (unfortunately) for man is not infallible, ' "~The difference between a specles and a sub-species is something that * has taxed the knowledge of bird ex- perts ever "since ornithology became a science. The smaller division is usually geographical and, though it may overlap in places, this need not concern the amateur for, to him, a Song Sparrow is a Song Sparrow re- gardless of geographical location. --~ 2--THE PORT PERRY STAR---THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1058 Pine Grove ~ Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hill spent' Sat- urday evening with Mr. aM{"Mxrs, Geo. Pickett of Glen Major. en The W. A. will meet at the schdol at 2 p.m. on Feb. 18 and after the meeting the members will attend the Nurses" invitation to afternoon Tea and Parcel-Post Sale at the home of Mrs. Art Knight, Uxbridge. Don't forget to bring pareel for same. « Mr, and Mrs. L. Wagner spent Wed- nesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ballard. : ] Mrs. John Hingston visited Thurs. day afternoon "with Mrs, John Al. bright. ; : Rev. Mr. Eyre will take the Service next Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston enter- tained a number .of neighbors to a skating party Friday evening Mr. and Mrs, Talbert Evans visited Mr. and Mrs, Don Perry of the Fifth Line Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Gourlie of Tor- onto spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie. Myr. Howard Graves, spent the week- end at his home here. Mr. and- Mrs. Earl Ballard spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry. Mr. and. Mrs. Russell Ballard, Miss Della Ballard and friend Mr. Freddy Guy, visited Sunday with- Mr. and Mrsy Eldred Catherwood. Mr. A. Handel spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. and 'Mrs. Charlie Gould of Ux- bridge visited Thursday night and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Quantz visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Hillard Armstrong. ) i This is despite the fact that the Am: erican Ornithologist's Union recogni- zes at least cight sub.species of this bird in North America. The amateur. - should, however, familarize himself with each species of bird common to his locality. . Even though. some species within a__genus vary very little there is usually a good reason for classifying them as separate spe- cies. The Meadowlark would seem to be an exception. It is divided in- . to two species, Eastern and Western, The differences in marking can scar- cely be distinguished in the field and the chief aid in identifyng it is geo- graphical although the song is dif- ferent. a NEE Xai aR Lane al Sg An t "7 It may surprise many to learn that our'old friend (?) the English Spar- row is not really a sparrow at all but a member of the Old World weaver finch family. - Native finches, toge- ther with angrusbeaks, are grouped unde} the heading sparrow, so why "not the English Sparrow which more closely resembles a sparrow than does .a grosheak ? : I am not question the accuragy of the examples cited. Presumably thé naturalists who so grouped them have given the matter a great deal more study than 1. have. 1 would like to know, however, why are hawks and owls classified in orders so wide- ly separated? Why do the orders of "diurnal birds of prey and of game birds intercede between water birds --~----(ducks-and-geése) and--wading birds (rails, sandpipers, cranes)? It is doubtless an improvement to separate goatsuckers from swifts and humm- inghirds and place them next to owls. Cuckoos and kingfishers are surely better apart. But why not create an- other order by separating swifts and hummingbirds? And a little more close study might even break up the vast order of perchers, said to con- tain half of known birds. (Copyright) Prince Albert Mr. and Mrs. Aliver Ford of Lani sing, Michigan, and Mrs. Wm, Spence of Whitby were guests of Mrs. G.-R. Smith. and Miss E. Spence on Wed- nesday of last week. Mrs. G. Ferris visited friends in De- | troit Mich., a few days. ! Rev. W. Midgley and wife who re- gide near Cobourg visited his parents Mr. and Mra. B, Midgely on Monday. . Oui community extends deepest sympathy to 'Mr. D. McTaggart and to. Mrs. W. Brown .in the passing of Mrs. McTaggart at her home on Sun- day. 1 Mrs. R., Shaw, -Toronto spent a -week's holiday with her parents Mr. and Mrs, B. Smith, On Monday evening at 7.80 a St. oer Valentine's Family night will be held in the Sunday School rooms. There will be filma shown by the Port Perry : Film Board and these will atart at pA 8 p.m., sharp, . A mugieal program in i : charge of Mrs. Snelgrove including a cit RR aing-song. Special attention: to be i ? : given to Grandma's and Grandpa's A] on this evening. Refreshments are to GA "be served, The proceeds are. for the Shi C.G.I1T. --. to 'help in buying choir ys gowns for the church choir. Admis- ne ; ; : sion--Adults 86¢., children under 16, Mr. and Mrs. H, Armstrong spent Tuesday 'evening, the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Dave Prentice. Mrs, Jack Johnson visited' Thursday afternoon with Mrs. E. Catherwood. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Slack and Mr. Button of Uxbridge spent Sunday evening with H. Armstrang. ; Mr. and Mrs. E. Ballard visited Mr. and Mrs--Albert Cleland of Zephyr on Sunday. : : em e-------- Seagrave The first euchre party of the séa- son-was held at the school-Friday ev- 'ening' with Mr. W. Crosier and Mr. M. Bruce in charge. Those receiving prizes for euchre and crokinole were |- Ladies high for euchre Mrs. Billing- | ham, Low Mrs. C. Short; Men's high Mr. Rose, Low Ron Wanamaker. For crokinole Ladies high Mrs. Keen, low Joyce Rose; Men's high Dorian: Butt. low Ray Abraham. Children's crok- inole--high, "Neil Wanamaker, low, Gordon, Heian. The next party will eb. 18 when a box social will be held sponsored by the Athletic club. The proceeds to buy hockey equipment A large crowd. of our local fans motored to Sunderland on Friday'nite to sce our Seagrave boys play hockey with the Siloam team. Seagrave were the winners--score of 6-4. This week Seagrave team play Greenbank on_ Monday 'night at Sunderland and| Thursday night with Utica at Sunder- land and with Sandford at Uxbridge Friday night.- Our boys need encour- agement, come out and support them. Mr. and Mrs. F.-Watson spent Sun- |= ° ny in Toronto. a 5 Doan Coto, + «+ the letters start. Then from all over the free world some ish comments the {id of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, an international daily newspaper: 4 "The Monitor is must reed ing for sraightthinking ". people. . . : "I returned to school after a Japse of 18 yeers. 1 rT my degree from the but my ion comes from the Monitor. . . ." "The Monitor gives me idess for my, work, , , » "I truly enjoy its come pany. «i : You, too, will' find the Monite informative, with complete worl _ news, 'You will dlacoror a oon: structive viewpoint In every news story, Use the coupon below for a clal Tntradsio Dacription mm 3 months for only $s. sess ccsssssnevssevsbonsacecan The Christian Sclence Monitor - . One, Notway $1., Boston 15, Man, U. 0. A, Plessis send introductory. tien te The Chiltian Seloncs Lf itr 6 bower, | onclose #3, 157 (name) (eddron) he CT) (sone) er : ed 200, 3 v ht 3+ EP A SA I Ph A AM AAS cg A A SB + The community sympathizes with Mrs. Fred Coakston and family in the death of- her mother Mrs. Divine of Whitby on Synday Jan. 26th". +» Mr. and Mrs. "Roy Scott and Mrs. Wm. Keen attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Divine at Whitby on Wednesday afternoon. aaa Mrs. .F. Grose spent the past week with relatives -in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sleep <and Miss Hiscox spent two' or three: days 1 Toronto during the week. : 'Mr. and Mrs. Hugh King, Oshawa, | Mra. H. Wanamaker, Port Perry were Saturday visitors at home of Mr, and Mrs. B. Wanamaker, A euchre party was held at Mr, and Mrs. -O..Boe's Tuesday evening the proceeds for the Port Perry Hospital auxiliary. Congratulations to Mr. Silas Rey- nolds of 'Port Ferry who celebrated his 86th birthday on Monday. The occasion was marked by a family ga- thering at the home of his son Mr. Ralph Reynolds on Sunday. Mr. H. Mitchell is spending a few weeks in Toronto, Two of our oldest citizens in Sea- grave, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Moon will celebrate their 69th wedding anni- ' yersary on Saturday, Feb. 7. Every- one wishes this highly respected couplé many more happy anniver- saries. i re AL SER Mr and Mrs. "WW. Tristram and fam- ily, Toronto visited Saturday with Mrs. Tristram's parents Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson, ts : BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs, Hector Shortridge, Jas. Emerton and Rev._and "Mrs, Hutton, enjoyed-the crockinole party at Cad- mus Church, Monday evening. The friends of Mr. and Mrs..Gordon Wilson (Leona Devitt) gave them a miscellaneous shower on Wednesday evening in the Community Hall, Mr. Chas. Veénning was chairman and the program consisted of a solo by Lloyd Wilson, reading by Mrs. John Venning, musical numbers by the Harris sisters, speeches by Mrs, Frank Stinson and Mr. Wilfred Jackson, After the pre- sentation of gifts by the chairman, the bride and groom thanked everyone for their kindness. Then the happy couple were given time to admire their many gifts before the serving of lunch, The rest of the evening was spent in danc- 2081 ate tf -~ ing to Ruth Wilson's Orchestra. Mrs. Ruth Taylor had a Stainless Steel; Demonstration, at her home on 'Thursday évening. ~~ . We are glad to report that Mrs. G. Stinson was able to come home from Port Perry Hospital on Wednesday. The T.O.L, Card Party was held in the Lidge rooms on Thursday evening. There were seven tables of euchre. -| The, prizes were won by Leslie Mount- joy, (gents), and Carl Wright (owing to_ the shortage of ladies) played as a lady and carried off the lady's prize, Little Marzorie Stewart had her tonsils removed at Cobourg Hospital, on Saturday. We are glad to report and is feeling as well as can be ex- pected, : * "Mr..and Mrs, Howard Saywell left for Detroit on Sunday by plane from Malton. They are expected home on Thursday. ; Mrs, Bessie Crawford is teaching at Caesarea school for a few days, until the regular teacher, Mrs. Dorothy Ven- ning, recovers from a severe attack of laryngitis, ; Miss Bonnie Saywell spent the week- end with Margaret Saywell, Oshawa. The Blackstock Badminton Club visited Brooklin on Monday evening. Messrs. Alex. Johns, H, O. Dobson and W. F. Crosier attended the Hog Producers annual meeting at Beaver. ton last Friday, Miss Carrle Cowan, "Toronto -was with her sister Mrs. A. Roach and visited Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cros Friday afternoon. Quite a number from this district "attended the Holstein Banquet in Tor- onto on Wednesday evening, Donna Woolley, who has spent ok YT last two and & half years with oe] a und Mrs. Crosier has returned to her parents in Toronto. Mr, Grant Christie attended the she was able to come home on Sunday, family over the week-end. Mr, and Mr Pony Breeders last Tuesday. 8. Roy Moon, Raglan, = 1 ( OF H PLY IGH OMPLETE SUP LUMBER MILLWORK cEMEN QUALITY BUILDING NEEDS T' fe PORT PERRY Complete Estimates Given pn All Kinds of Construction, Lake Seugog Lumber. & Coal Co., Limited : Phone 240 w we eee - TTI Smet pe -- 3 A Qeneral Meters Valve 5 NEWEST Jif powers 5 3 Yes, there's wonderful news about the 1953 Buick SUPERS and ROAD. Si MASTERS, too. For instance, they're powered by a completely new V-8 engine with one of the highest compegession ratios in the industry, It de- velops 188 horsepower for Roadmaster, 170 for the Dynaflow-equipped A fn r, and ies jo compact that a new, more manoeuvrable chassis has Le wee == built around it But no listing of facts and features can do Golden Anniversary Buicks. No words can rea ate, the corifort you feel, the excitement you experiénce when you make first-hand acquaintance with these big, beautiful and 'Supers and Roadmasters for '53, So come ini'and see for yourself that theses are, in simple truth, Buick's .. greatest cars in 30 great years! 30 ta 1 ~~ ANNOUNCING ustice to the phenomenal ; ly tell you the beauty you bounteous Buick Customs H™ you see pictured.the Golden Anniversary Buicks --engineered, styled, powered and bodied to he , fully worthy 'of their Buick building. A quick listing of si The Sypar-The Roadmaster © #5 achieved with amazing premium fuels. Yc It has Fireball Horsepower. Engine barsepower per pound has been Dynaflow-equipped models and 125 on cars equipped with ~ Synchro-mesh transmission for more brilliant performance. Y It has a compression ratio of 7.6 to 1. New combustion chamber raises compression to 7.6 to 1 with Dynaflow, shortens--flame travel efficiency. It has a new "Tw : yc it has a still finer ride. paragon role in this fiftieth year of é mple facts will reveal just cause for celebration, Let's start off withthe new 1953 Buick Custom. .Yk It has a newly-designed Fireball Straight-8 Engine. The importantly stepped-up Fireball Straight-8 actually gives the 1953 Custom: with Dynaflow even better performance than ~ the 1952 Roadmaster. And this brilliant new performance economy and without the need for -- ® increased to 130 on Jor greater power and fuel in-Turbine Dynaflow Drive. Now adds far swifter, quieter, more efficient getaway to infinite smoothness at all speed ranges. ) ¢ it has GM Power Steering * : "This year the Buick Custom with Dynaflow Drive offers you the _ wondrous handling ease of GM Power Steering. The softest, steadiest, mpst buoyantly level ride thiat Buick's ad: 3 bas yet produced. Buick SUPER 4-Door Riviera Sedan i anced engineering *Optional at extra cost, Buick ROADMASTER 4-Door Riviera Sedan Mes Phone 57 LI Faria ai kh PA A Ad RA MS ¥ Te § Port, Perry, Ontario meeting in Toronto' 7 y --d x TS -------------- (aittn

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