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Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Feb 1953, p. 8

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7 8 THE PORT PERRY STAR--THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1968 Ci Lelio FOR BETTER INSURANCE with the: LARGEST AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY. Premiums on easy terns + 8ix months -- PL.-Pd. -10/20/5000-- $8.60. $100 deductable (Coll.) plus fire and theft for $11.50, on. p2-53 » average car used for - busine$s and pleasure---age limit driver, 21-68, . Ap- ply to DIRK ERINKMAN Insurance, R.R.3, Burketon, Ont.' Phone 82 r 2, Blackstock" WORK WANTED exterior painting or paper-hanging call: J. W. Wilson, Port Perry 108 1 13 or Robert Wilson, Uxbridge 369. "feb 26 -For interior or ..FOR SALE--No. proximately 25. tons. R. 1 Blackwater, Ont. land Jr2, 1 Hay, loose, ap- P. 07 Adams, R. Phone Sunder: jan. 16tf WANTED-- Holders. of ick tickets I) \Arkher Motor Sales Port Perry "Looking for a good Used Car or tryck? : Two 1952 Pontiac Sedans fully' equippéd--low mileage 1951 Pontiac Sedan 1946 Chevrolet Sedan iim g Lene 82 1 2, Black 1949 Dodge Sedan 1942 Chevrolet Coach 1940 Nash 5- 1948 Panel Truck 1948 Pick-up Truck "Our reputation is your guarantee." Ask for Bob Archer or Bill Haynes, salesman passenger Sougog the March meeting in the tea room of the Church on March 4th, Choir practice will be held'in' Grace United Church on"Sunday, March ist. at 8.00 pm. sharp, * Mempers 'are urged to attend, 4 Fem Mr. cand Mrs. Harry Heyes and daughter Barbara of Port Perry and | Miss Eva Mageant and friend of Tor- onto visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. fell Pogue on Sunday. Supper will be served by the Indies of Grace United" Chuich W.A, March 4. Everyone welcome, This is the first supper of the year, so come out and help make it a success. Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Fralick visited with their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Ross of Toronto last' Friday. A euchre for the foot couplés was cnjoyed pn Friday evening at the a The Scugog 'Head ' W.A, will hold Rus- on. Lu3, 145, d t the Met M ; ; __ | Community Hall. Hostess for the ' 9, drawn at the Meteor-Mer- | ------ -- = -- : MH RE ! A NTR ; evening was Mrs. Keith Crozier. The 3 cury Opening of Ux-Spring Motors WANTED uled hay, saw, feed high lly was Mrs. R. Pogue; high i Limited, Corner of 12 and 47 highway turnips, immediately; quote price. | ER FH hy er Inglewood Farm, Port Perry Toman, Mr. John Warren; low lady Mrs. $ please call for prizes. ; : Carl Graham; low man Mr. George 3 HELP WANTED Housekeeper in |. HELP WANTED--MANAGERESS | Bratley;" most lone hands, Mr. Russell g - gentleman's home, Laundry sent out, for new Simpson-Sears order office, Pogue. Lunch was served by the d i Middle-aged lady preferved. Apply | opening in Port Perry soo, "Must be | hostess. . : : . s - Box 23, Port Perry Star. - hetween oges of 25 and 35 years. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fralick vis- Fo) Some merchandise and selling exper- FOR SALE--White Kitchen table, four chairs, buffet, white enamel sink, 18x30, all in good condition. Phone 277J. : ience, full company week, Star. henefits, 8 Person selected will receive also five-day. Apply Box No. 24, Port Perry ited in Ajax recently with Mr. and Mrs. Farnest Rowland. Mr. and Mrs. R. LL. Wannamaker and family of Seagrave, Mr. and Mrs. mar. | W. J. Martyn of Prince Albert visited FOR SALE--21 young pigs, York- shire. Whites; also 13=dise fertilizer drill, power lift, like new. Phone IRO-r-13, Port Dexty. approximately. phone FOR SALE-Thrée-tons baled hay. Mackin, Saintfield, Port Perry 114-r-12, \ I. with Mr. and Mrs, Allen Martyn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pogue of Little Britain and Mr. and Mrs. Fraser 1 Woodruff of Lindsay visited with Mr. "FOR SALE -- REMNA NTS I to b yard ends, prints, broadeloth, doeskin, table oil cloth, éte." Special reduced prices, Mercantile Lept. Store, Whit- by, Ontario. March26 Quantity of wheat FOR SALE --- and oat straw, dry. Quantity of No. I hay. Harvey Webster, Phone 339J; Port Perry. : : ( WANTED--One second-hand hook Furniture, old J. wright Twp, 'ash. Auction Sales Farm Sold Auec- tion sale of Farm Stock, Implements, the property of Har- Beacock, Lot 15,-Con. 6, Cart- 1% - miles. East of TA WED; MARCH 4 ete, Highway at Taylor's Corners. Sale at 1.00 p.m. I'EIA JACKSON, Auctioneer. "and Mrs. Russell Pogue on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Burham- and IFreida spent Sunday in Brooklin with their parents Mr. and Mors. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. George Burnett and family, Miss Lillte Burnett and friend of Port Perry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Keith Crozier. : Mr. and Mrs. Milton Déninra_ and Heather visited in Toronto with their parents My. and Mrs. Wm. Vaughan "Terms 'cause, Phone. 86-r-4, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Chesterfield, two piece Maroon, price reasonable, call 242-R Port Perry. =~ R Custom, Dressmaking MRS. BARRON Phone 279-R Apartment 1 in Carnegie Block |- edged place. third with 22 cach. . Mrs. Lou Burnett 207, Mrs. Don Mark Don Carnegie * ~Mrs. D. Mark 374, Mrs: R. S. Walker 330.. 192, Mrs. doubles Irwin d62, $18 An Evening LAWN BOWLING: LEAGUE Duds 5-0 their point total te 48 while Saucers Bombs 3-2 and took second. Duds and Bombs are tied for High singles Atoms blanked Mrs, Wm. 190; on Sunday. The house owned by Mrs. E. H. Gerrow "of Oshawa; Aree the road from~the Céntre School, is having a change of Tenants. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Bromley who have. been living therefor the past-year are moving back to West Hill. sell Fines and four children of Port Perry will be moving in on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Aldred and Bev- erly visited in Toronto on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Down. Mrs. Jesse Demara visited her sis- to run High Fdward' Mr. and Mrs. Rus- Opposite Library WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND;. GRAVEL, SOI) and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry . for information. Nov. 27, 1953 OIL BURNERS "The famous Aero "Silver Automatic Oil Burner sold, installed and serviced by > ROBERTSON ELECTRIC, Phone 179 or 371W, Day or night. CT oct23tf DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary = disposal. Telephone | - Collect. Port Perry 11812, in Toronto, I"M 3-3636. Gordon Young Lid. Bulldozing and Excavating By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates given WALTER KING Phone 86 23, Port Perry: Dead 'Stock Service Dead or crippled horses, cattle, nogs, picked up for santiary disposal. i wl "Flame | Foy your free trial Automatic can pay you that: Commission, I prospects. address, for D-Frogt-O-Matie Co., t, Ont. | yal & Very Open Daily So * EGGS, Strictly Fresh * Ready-to-Cook C HIC KENS * (Cooked Ready- to-Ea Brunton Farms On 7A Highway at Scugog Road ter Mrs. Sunday. spare time. Just 3 9. sales amazing Patented Refrigerator Defrosters Hundreds of hot Rush name, guaranteed profit offer. Dept. 53, New- relief fund, was well 'Seugog Fans'. u day. to every mature. Canadian, and Mr, CRE Reasonable Prices ENS' female, volunteers. ~ and Saturday Evenings. 3 "You are invited. to Yacht Club bring your at. 8:00 p.m, friend or and 6th Con, in either peace or war." Millie Hood in Toronto on}... The hockey game Fi de Oshawa and Stouffville played in the Oshawa, Arena on Sunday, in aid of the flood attended by Sympathy is exte ndded to the family friends and neighbours of the late Mrs. John Pearce who passed away on Sun- |Name New Chief (Continued from Front Page) "The Ground Observer Corps is open male or Baker would be inter- ested in hearing from a few more attend this meeting on Thursday evening at the , Come and neighbour and hear how' this air force team will tie in with the Royal Canadian Air Force DEC We su} Phone collect: Port Perry, -108 r 14; Uxbridge 92 r 14; Lindsay 46882, Head Office 16 r 11 Woodville. ED. PECONI Argyle, Ontario, July 63 Tend Farm Stock PICK-UP PROMPTLY Phone Collect Bowmanville 2679 We also buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, request. if poss TYRONE sept10 63 | PAINTING and ORATING ply all material for. your job. For ¢ finishes in Rubbed Plywood, any colour M. ST. CLAIR 'and Sons 113-r-14 Sample hooks on rior painting please hook your job early. , For Expert Decorating call-- Phone Port Perry nue Iw lak. Mr. and Mrs, Ronald 'Drinkwater circled over our village on. Wednesday afternoon as they were returning from Brampton to Ottawa by" plane, . The Young People of the United held their skating Party in the 'Arena followed by lunch in the basement of the church. A large crowd and a good time was had by everyone, Mrs. Norman Lethange, Bowman- ville, former Cartwright resident was buried in the Union Cemetery Cadmus on Wednesday afternoon. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Udall on the birth of daughter in Port Perry Hospital: on Friday, February 20. Mr. Ray Snooks, Mr. Percy Collins, Mr. Allan Rahm and Mr. Jack Rahm motored to Toronto Wednesday even- ing to attend the National Motor Show in the Automotivé * Building at the . N. E. Grounds. Arthur - Van Camp visited' with friends in Port Perry. over the Week. end. Russell- Thompson is confine} home with mumps. The High School Pupils Trend ies their play "The Eager Miss Beaver", in Albert St. United Church, Oshawa ! on Friday evening. The O.N.O.- Club dance on' Friday 0 Li evening "was held in the. Recreation Centre. Music hy Tommy. Langley | Orchestra. The crowd was not quite | as large as usual, owing to the wea- | ther being so wet and foggy. Our sympathy. goes to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pearce on thé death of his mo-¥ ther, Mrs. John Pearce, Seugog Island on Sunday, February 22nd. Mr. Vincent Archer visited his par- ents Mrand Mrs. Wilbert Archer on Sunday. : 3 : "The annual Cartwright Curling club Bonspiel 'was held on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 17th. The frosty weather kept: the ice in excellent condition making | land friends. | Sask, ~~ Phone 50 : "Lakevie Two Shows Nightly--7 and § pan. w "Theatre, Port Perry, Ont. mr * the "lub has had. "With twelve rinks XX taking . part enthusiasm was high {8 -- right till the last rock was thrown. Visiting rinks from Little Britain and Janetville made for keener competi- tion. ' First Prize was won by 'Dick Davison's~ rink 'composed +, of Ivan Thompson, Wallace Marlow and Roy Stinson. Wilson Heaslip's rink from Janetville won second prize and the Cartwright High School rink won third.. Their rink, skipped by Brian Hamilton consisted of Ben Hooyer, tannin ate state BS ELE EE TH URSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT, FEBRUARY 26-27-28 Bing Crosby, Jane Wyman, Alexis Smith In the: Record-Smashing- Comedy Romance > "HERE COMES THE GROOM" SHORT PICTURES Baty > ~ - 4 a . 2s, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2-3-4 "Randolph Scott and Lucille Norman ~~ All-Colour Adventure Story f "CARSON - CITY" SHORT PICTURE I I RS RR RRSP ro Harvey Graham and Melville Samells. Obituary LUTHER R. HEARD" Luther H. Heard, who farmed many years near Brooklin, but spent part of his life in" Oshawa, where he work- ed for the General Motors, passed away on Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1958, in the Oshawa General Hospital. He was |. in his 93rd year.: g 'Born in Prince Albert, on Dec. 28, 1860, the deceased "was the son of John and Mary Heard, who were early PHONE 32W FRESH BAKING DAILY: Saturday Specials "ORANGE LAYER CAKES" a "COFFEE ROLLS" GERROW'S BAKERY G:-M. GERROW Fcottlers in the Prince Albert neighbor- hood. He was the husband of the latc -Eurétta Sutcliffe, who passed away in-1950. © For the- past three vears had resided with his son at Port Hope and his daughter at Kinsale. In Oshawa the deceased was a faith- ful member of King Street United Church, and a man who was 'held in the highest regard by his neighbors The deceased is Teed by one daughter, Mrs: A. . Parkin, of Kin: sale and a son J. = Heard of. Port Hope, also one sister, Miss Lula of Millbrook, and t "brothers, Wesley, of Whithy, and Grant of Shackelton, The. funeral service was held Fri-- day afternoon in the Robinson Funeral Chapel, Brooklin, conducted by the Rev M. C. Fisher. Interment was in the event one of the most successful PORT PERRY - York Frosted F oods FANCY QUALITY FROZEN FOODS ® FISH ® MEATS e POULTRY e CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING CAWKER BROS. ~--"I'HE FAMILY BUTCHER" \ PHONE 29 Summer Fresh All Year Round | = the mausoleum, at Union Cemetery. -------- New driving thrills awaityou, INTERIOR DODGE REGENT 4 DOOR -- -_smoother, livelier, easier to handle L006. CORONET HAS WORLD'S MOST MODERN V-8 ENG The DodgeV-8enginein the Dodge Coronet models is of a design generally recognized . 8s the ideal tor power"and economy, It © brings you the triple power advantages of coop dome-shaped" combustion chambers . . jie short stroke design , . . high lift = "valves, And it easily produces 140 regular grade gas. Drive the new Dodge hrill to its surging power and ifs Coronet, easy ""no- shift" driving. . "in 11955 SS 2 Jorer~ You'll realize that only could have achieved INE i8 a car which hugs the road . in stride, ~ fuel-consuming weight, lateral H.P.on Dodge for yourself," ' DODGE _CORONET V-8 + DODGE REGENT « DODGE MAYFAIR « DODGE CRUSADER « DODGE SAVOY + DODGE SUBURBAN MANUFACTURED 'IN CANADA BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED : For new driving. thrills--get behind the wheel of this new Dodge. a brand new approach to automobile design such amazing riding and driving qualities, Starting with a new, much wider and lower frame --for greater £7 " stability---Dodge engineers have: cleverly redesigned the suspension to - make the famous Oriflow ride even smoother and steadier. And they have achieved But don't take our word for it. You'll be'driazed. The result . and takes the curves, a Tivalier performance by reducing. 3 as . handles surely , Come' in today and road- test the new Te BEARE. MOTORS LIMITED - PHONE 130 PORT PERRY 2 wr >» [] LJ . " V4 { 27 . L SAE : AY \ ~ a ¢ Ri} i LA 3 ~C % 1 af es. 3 LY Fey A

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