IN om "x Fe nT, Bn a ae Tra. " ne 0 a ot vox ne ra a -- TS Toney oS bs a Ai ily nor any of my friends, and No end of surprises ih MAGIC! PEANUT BUTTER PINWHEEL LOAF * Mix and sift into a bowl, 3 ¢. once-sifted pastry flour (or 23§ c. once-gifted hard- wheat flour), 514 tsps, Magic Baking Pow- der, 3{ tsp. salt. Cut in finely 7 tbs, chilled shortening. Combine § ¢. milk and 4 tsp. vanilla. Make a well in dry ingredients and add liquids; mix lightly with: a fork. Knéad for 10 seconds on lightly-floured board and roll out to 14" thick rectangle, 814" along one side. Cream together 1 tbs. butter or margarine, }{ c. peanut butter. and 14 c. lightly-packed brown sugar; sprinkle on rolled-out dough. Beginning at an 814" edge, roll dough up like a jelly + roll and place in a greased loaf pan (414" x 814"). Bake in a hot oven, 400°, about 45 minutes. Serve hot, cut in thick slices, or cold, cut in thin slices, lightly spread with butter or margarine. HTS [ANNE HIRST | "Dear Anne Hirst: 1 am at the end of my rope ... Seven years ago, when 1 was 16, I married a man 11 years older -- perhaps that isthe root of our trouble. Now we have two fine children, but we never get along well, "If a child 16.can love, I really loved him. But _he drinks heav- ily, and then he abuses me, be- slides using money we need for bills and medicines. He is turn- ing iy older child against me, but I am sure as the boy grows up he will see the truth ... My husband has never liked my fam- Ei te As you know, 1 do not sug-- gest divorce unless everything else has failed." Your marriage could still become a good mar- riage, if your husband did his part. He must realize that he is failing in that job. To attack a faithful wife who is doing the best she can, is monstrous; to spread shameful tales about her integrity is the act of a cad; 'to squandey money on drink when his family needs it is utterly selfish. And to turn a little son against his mother shows that he knows -he is the guilty one and is too cowardly, or vain, to admit it. Your - husband's. first step should be to acknowledge his own faults; his next is to ask you to forgive him, and help 'him correct them. If he would try, you would call on all your patience and faith to strength- en him I am sure. Let him know it--but let him know, too, that you cannot afford to wreck your health, nor. see your children grow up under the influence of a father such as he has been, If he cares for them as he claims, hé should he makes it obvious they are not welcome here. Yet I have always entertained his friends at dinner and often for weekends, and some of them are- a questionable lot, too. "Now he is in the Army, and on leaves he is worse than ever, He. accused me of dating other men--when I go nowhere but to movies now and then with my brother and his wife, though my husband will not go along. Once I left him. He gave me all kinds of big promises, so I came back. Now I am under the doctor's- care. oe __ "I would leave him, but the | __ children do love him -- though wouldn't they be better off never to find out what sort of father they have? Please tell me what to do, and I will ask him to read your opinion, The time to reform is today --not next month or next year. If he laughs off your threat to leave, you will have to make the threat good. * Meantime, don't submit to his cruelties. If he strikes you again, call the police. Our laws are for the protection of all citizens, and your husband 'MRS. R. T. handle him. If your husband, after read- ing this, has anything to say in his defense, I shall be glad to have his letter. Honest confession clears the soul--and is often the first step toward reform. If a husband or wife will confess faults humbly, the first move toward a more harmonious life has been taken .» Anne Hirst is here to help you toward that. Write her at - Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. ET EirrinEe "Pardon me, PER TS standing on my nosel' CANADA SAVINGS BONDS anytime at 100¢ on the dollar * and your savings, invested in Canada Savings _ Bonds, earn you 334%, every year -- $37.50 for every $1,000 bond. That's why Canadians, everywhere, buy Canada Savings Bonds -- to keep their savings ea money for them at a good rate, but still avail. able as cash to meet any emergency. To oy yours, in any amount from $50.10 $5, write us today. Income . .. Safety Cash At Any Time Wood, Gundy & Company if viphons: EMpire 4.4321 Limited -make -them: proud- of him.*-----|- needs someone in authority to I? Q. How can 1 thin varnish? A. By setting it ir 'a pan of warm water. Do not set it on the stove. And do not thin it with turpentine, which destroys the gloss, Q. How can I prevent colored goods from fading when wash- ing? A 'Wash them in bran water, Bran water is made. by covering a small bag of bran in a bowl of boling water, Q. How can I polish brass fan. dles 'on furniture? A. First, remove the handles from the furniture, then put in- to a dish with one tablespoon of . salt and %-cup of vinegar and water enough to cover. Boil 15 minutes, then polish with a good brass polish and they will look like new. Q. How can I clean glass vases? A. Fill them with tea leaves and warm water., Let stand for several 'hours, hot soapsuds. Q. How can .I cut iced cake without breaking the icing? A. Put your knife into boil- ing water first for a few seconds. Q. Jow can 1 improvise a stained good, efficient dish cloth? A. Try using the mesh bags in which oranges, potatoes, etc, come. Boil these first for 15 min- utes in laundry bleach. Q. How can I impart a high polish - to my mahogany furni- ture? 5 "A. First, rub the surface with "lemon oil and then clean it off. After this, soft cheesecloth which has been treated with al- cohol and patted only until: va- por remains, is rubbed quickly over the surface, which brings out a clear, lustrous finish. Q. What is a good emergency treatment. for an overheated oven? be A, Insert pans of cold water. Q. How can I remove grease or * oll spots from clothing? A. To remove these spots from clothing, especially light suits, mix a little fuller's earth into a paste, spread it over the soil- ed part, and allow the mixture to dry thoroughly. In doing so, it draws and absorbs the grease. Then take a stiff brush,-which will quickly remove the dried earth. The stain should come off with it, Q. How can I successfully mend holes in lace? A. One very good method is hole and stitch on the machine through paper and all, until the hole is filled. Then pick out the paper. Use very fine thread. Q. How can I soften hardened glue? . A. If your glue dries up, add thot vinegar, drop by drop, until it becomes liquid again. The vinegar should be at boiling point. Stork-Fashion! SIZES 4880 12-20 " MOTHER-TO-BE! Look pretty! Be well-dressed! Here's the ma- ternity ensemble you need for: day-to-evening. Jacket is so smart with fashion's best touches, slimming lines, SKIRT cut out to insure even-hemline, a good fit, comfort! Sew it in several fabrics. H Pattern 4880: Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 takes 4% yards "89-inch; 3% yard contrast. This pattern easy to use, sim- ple to sew, is tested for fit. Has complete illustrated instructions, ~ Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS. (88¢) In coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plain SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, - STYLE NUMBER, Send order to Box 1, 118 Eighteenth St, Ont. : Rew Toronto, then wash out in 1o put a piece of paper under fhe | Pastry. -- During the ~sumnier 1- Wool Queen -- Besting 40 rival beauties Kathryn E. Gromatzky was crowned "Miss Wool of 1953." The 20-year-old College coed will make a nationwide tour under 'auspices of Sheep and Goat Raisers Association. oline D Clarke "Away back family starting making uncom- Ginger FARM last winter my plimentary remarks about my pies. Partner would say--""What's the matter with your pies lately-- they are not a bit like the ones "you used to make?" And Bob .would add fuel to the fire by saying "Mrs. make a wonderful pie!" It was really quite a mystery as I had. always -rather prided myself on pastry. What had gone wrong? I did not know. Could it be the flour, or the shortening .--~ . was my oven too hot or too cool? I | bought different flour, tried various brands of lard and veg- etable shortening, experimented with the oven, but the result was still the same--tough, hard gave up the struggle and fell back on bakeshop pies. Then there were more complaints, "What are you buying pies for | all the time?" *Well," I would answer, "if you are going to grumble you might as well grum- ble at bakeshop pies as mine." ~ But just recently, with more time at my disposal, I started ex- perimenting again. I bought still another kind of shortening and followed the recipe on the pack- age which says to take out % cup of flour and mix with % cup of water and then sprinkle over the remainder of the flour and shortening. That method was en- tirely new to , and so help 'me, it worked¥"The puzzle of the pies is now 'past. My reputation is restored and my family once more enjoys pies like mother used to make, Why do I tell you all this? Be- cause I have discovered that I am not the only one who has experienced piecrust failure -- even the best of cooks admit it. Some say it is the flour, others the shortening. Whatever the reason they find that the method that had been .successful . for years is now a. failure. And the bakeshops dre'having a field day. . I have told you how I solved my problem but it may not work for you. Pastry has tempera- mental qualities which must be co-ordinated with the. art of the maker. So, if you are having trouble, find out--if you can-- the flour, the shortening and the Jnethod best suited to. your own personal needs. But remember, good pies bring about one defin- ite result -- the better the pies the faster they disappeay. So be | prepared. : - Well, baking pies Hay a a major problem but to follow their history down through the ages is rather interesting. Back in the days when butter-making was in vogue some cooks had a preference for buttermilk pastry, using buttermilk instead of water, with the addition of a little baking-soda, Another method was to use equal quantities of home-rendered lard and dairy butter. Over in England my mother-in-law insisted that she could not make good pastry un- less she used all butter, and it: had to be the best Danish cook- ing butter, which, in those days came in huge slabs and was sold over the counter in bulk. My own mother thoughf™all butter was too extravagant. She gen- erally used one-third butter and two-thirds clarified beef dripping. Anything but margarine! Hh Sometimes a pastry recipe is a closely guarded secret! When we first came to this district one "her. She always made her pastry - in this country®-Georgetown. It * knew there was an exhibit of an- "places. This was an exhibit that < were unguarded and within easy "country people regard their " friends. and neighbours. Blank can sure | "ISSUE 43 -- 1058 of our neighbours, long since passed away, made the best pies 1 ever tasted, but no amount of hinfing or complimentary re- marks would induce her to di- vulge her pastry-making method. It was a secret that died with when she was alone 8o-that even her own daughter didn't quite know how mother made her pies. Well, last Saturday was the occasion of still another-local fair was a beautiful day and a good fair--what I saw of it. I headed straight for- the hall where I tiques. Really, some of the finest relics are found in the smallést was truly representative of a by- gone age and was put on by the Norval W.I. There were articles that had been prize-winning en- tries in the Industrial Exhibition of Toronto in 1888. Among them was a handsome shirt - blouse, fastened at the back, tiny pin- tucks down the front and stiff starched cuffs. There was also a crazypatch-work quilt exhibit- ed at local fairs in 1878 and 1882, Other items to delight the eye of a collector were a porcelain cheese dish, 150 years old; a pair of lustre vases, two cups and saucers brought from England in the last century; a black silk ums= brella with a four-inch lace fringe bought in Kansas city in 1893; a marvellous mauve silk hat, styled 1870, and the picture of a lady in a dress, the material "for which had been woven and madeup by the wearer 125 years ago. There was plenty of other stuff but I cannot describe it all, And yet all these priceless things reach of the public. To me, that was a demonstration in itself of the feith and trust with which SAD CASE! "It's got to. wYere one word rings like an anvil in my ears," the vinegar-faced man told his friend. "Work, work, work! It's all I. hear about at home, day and night, week after week. I'm tired of it -- tired of the thought and the word -- work!" =~ "How long have you: been on this job?" a sympathetic friend inquired. "I start to-morrow," wag the CHESSBOARD BRAIN Scientists who secured per- mission to probe the brain of the world-beating chess cham- pion, Richard Rockwoode, after his death, found an amazing "deformity" in it. actually arranged themselves in- to a combination of squares re- ,sembling a chess-board. Each of these squares: they new fast DRY Yeast Now you have Fleischmann's « Fast Dry Yeast, forget about the oldtime hazards of yeast baking! Always at hand -- always full-strength and-fast rising! Keep a month's supply in your cupboard! Make this 'delicious Chelsea Bun Loaf -- cut in slices for buttering, or separate the buns, gloomy reply. Out of 50 years of battery leadership co comes gle Lh NEW flashlight battery thar gives A Leakpro They found that the molecules | of one portion of his brain had * marks upon it supposed lo rep- resent the final position of the chessmen in he last twelve games Rockewoode had played and won while he whs blindfold- | ed. . The arrangement of the atom of the brain into the chessboard f-:guished by the finest microscope :then available, said the scien- "tists; but there was not the slight- 'est doubt about their existence. wn ny' y/Chelsea Bun Loaf A treat you can make easily with CHELSEA BUN LOAF Make 3 pans of buns from this one recipe -- dough will keep in refrigerator for a week. Ya tsps. salt and % s ; cool to lukewarm. Hemehls measure into a large bowl 2 Cc. Tukewarm Ba 1 ga nulated sugar; stir until sugar g dissolved. Sprinkle with 1 en- En Fleischmann's Fast Rising I east. Let stand 10 mins. THEN stir well, Add cooled milk mixture and stir 1 well-beaten egg. phir in ¢. once-sifte ea our; Ba until ooth, Work in 22 ¢, once- ified bread, flour, . Knead on: lightly. rd until smooth and elastic. iy of dough, Jruead Inds a smooth ace in greased bowl grease top of cover and store n refrigerator un 'wanted. Sh ape remaining V3 of {ough into a smoot ball, place in greased bowl and grease top. Cover and set 'in warm place, free om 3 Sratgh , Let rise until doubled in Cream 3 tbs, butter - OF "mar, ar ne an ict 12 ¢. brown sugar ightly Pressed down , 1a tsps. ground clnna n and 3 tbs, corn syrup; spread 4 fe sued Bd f this mixire in bottom as f pag (C13 *) and n halves. . Pun. down sprinkl oh ou roll out into an 8% square; loosen dough. Spread with re. firining Sugar mixture and aprinkle Yih raisins. sely_ roll u . roll, ut roll Ge 6 slices, Jce's in pre: pan. Grease Cover and let The sank} dogbled i in bulk: Bal ke in modets ate Tey 5-30 mins, Tet stand in pan for'$ mins. before turning out, Plus Long Lif THERMO - PLASTIC LEAKPROOFING PERMITS FULL SIZE POWER CELL Out of years of leading flashlight EVEREADY RADE MARK turer, has come a new leakproofing principle that permits leakproof per- formance without reducing the size of the power cell. 'The power cell in . these leakproof batteries is full size, ake New "Eveready" Heavy Duty Leake proof Batteries are made in an exclusively different way to give - leakproof petformance plus longer life than ever before! research, by the battery manuface AUARANTEED BY THE LEADING COMPANY IN THE INDUSTRY [UI TH {1H OF POWER FOR LEAKPROOF PERFORMANCE od "Boeready') "Nive Lins and the Cat Symbol HEAVY DUTY LEAKPROOF FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES are regishered trade-marks of NATIONAL CARBON LIMITED MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPRO solemnly reported, had certain "squares could only be distin" WERE 3 OED RIE © <. cin trppawo.