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Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Dec 1953, p. 6

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, program were used. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 6--~THE PORT PERRY STAR----THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, A852 : ATR SE BREN GG I HAN Prince Albert (Left over from last week) The November meeting of the Woms= an's Association was held in the San- day School room on Wednesday 25th. The Vice-President, Mrs. Beacock; presided and this being our last meet- ing this year, Christmas hymns and With Mrs. B, Snelgrove accompany- inging at the piano, 'Joy to the World' opened the meeting. Scripture was «read by Mrs, Luke, and the Lesson Thoughts by Mrs, Snelgrove, During the business period two baskets of fruit were reported having been sent to the sick. Visiting com- mittee reported six visits, @ Treasurer reported proceeds from bazaar, A motion carried that each mem- ber donate fruit or jam to Port Perry hospital. : A motion carried that ten dollars be sent for mission work, A discussion followed re pot lek -suppers for the first three months in the new year--each group in their turn supervise lunch and program. The Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. Lunch was served by Group 3. : 'Mr, and Mrs. Grant Hunter and family were visited by their uncle Mr. -|life of Star Daley, This was so much A. McCaddum and friend of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. B. Wanamaker son Bill, 'of 'Beagrave, 'with Mr. Mrs. L. Beacock, recently. i Mr. J. Gallagher in Toronto a few days last week, 3 Mr. Howard Jeffrey is huilding a new hen house, and recently had the water piped into their home. | Other building is alo golvg on 'in' the village. : Wiel W.A * (Too late for last week) The regular meeting of the 'W. A. was held in the church basement on Tuesday, Nov, 24th, with Mrs. George Beare presiding. The meeting opened 'with singing, followed by the Lord's (Prayer. The Scripture reading was given by Mrs. Oscar Gibson. Mrs. Fred Real then gave a splendid topic. After which Mrs. Russell Rodd gave a reading, en titled "You Tell on Yourself." Miss Willows, of Seagrave, then gave a most interesting story of the appreciated and we hope to have the pleasure of hearing Miss Willows again in the near future, Mrs. N. Smith then took the Chair, The Secretary's report was given. Roll i CK LB. Program Schedule OSHAWA--DIAL 1240 7.08 Koffe K | 7. offee Korner S50 KL sign on 7.30--News '6.05--Koffee Korner Ja Rolie Korner ; 6.30--News 8 0 Sort 6.40--Koffee Korner 8.20 8 Kori 7.00--Néws 8 50_Ne ee Korner 7.06--Koffee Korner 8.35 Koff: K 7.30--News 8 BR ee Korner 7.40--Koffee Korner 0 Nome Devo 8.00--News gd orning Devotions - 8.10--Sports . 9,16--CNIB Presents 8.20--Koffee Korner 1050 = Basketball 8.30--News 410.00--News 8.35-----Koffee Korner 10,06--Christmas Music 9.00--News 10.30--Hopalong Cassidy 9.06--Morning Devotions 9.16--Dick :Haymes 10.00--News 11.00--News 11.06--Colour Comics 11.16--Sports Stars of To-morrow 11,30--Teen Time : eall 'wad taken and 23 members were present. The Treasurer's report was then given and reported that total receipts taken in:from the turkey dinner was over $654.00, $200.00 'was voted to the Church Board and other items to be bought for:the kitchen and church. Mrs. Rodd then gave another fine reading entitled, "The End of a Per- {tee Day." After repeating ithe Mizpah Bene- '| dietion in unison, a lovely lunch was served by the group in charge. Feature W, I. Homecraft én Radio Thousands of copies of the Ontarfo Department of Highways' articles on "Good Housekeeping on Ontario High- ways and Roads" and "Litterbugs and Their Control" are being mailed to "lthe presidents of Ontario's 1,800 Wo- '| men's Institute Branches. This Mol. lows decision of the Provincial Exe- cutive at recent meeting in Torente to back Han. (George H.MDoucttt, Mini- ster of hways, in the clean-up drive which 'supplements continuing traffic safety campaign he launched early in 1947, Marking. beginning of what Ontario Women's Institutes may be able to do in behalf of cleaner and more in- viting highways, Claire Wallace's Notebqok program from C. F.R.B, To- Tonto at 6.05 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 8, featured the Federated Women's In- stitutes of Ontario and projects In which they are interestdd. There was, during Miss Wallace's broadcast, special reference to suecess of the Atikokan Women's Institute Branch in taking first place in.a pro- vince.-wide ' homecraft * .competition. Their entry was a rug, group made, in .an original design of trilliums, Ontario's. official flower, and autumn maple leaves. . Mrs. Jack Davis is president of the Atikokan Women's Institute, largely made up of the wives of men splayed, At steep Rock. Iron Mines; and Mrs, C. Moen. is secretary. Atikokan .is terminus of - provincial highway belug: built there from june- tion with:-Highwsy 17, Trans-.Canada, west of Port Arthur, Distance be- tween mining centre and Lakehedd iy about 120 miles. The mew highway, soon to be completed; follows for mueh of its length the route taken by Cana dian troops under Wolseley who cut the Dawson trail to quell:the first Riel Rebellion. i Mr, - Mrs, M Macinnes Honoured at Sonya friends and 'former neighbours o Kathleen nnes (nee McPhail) Reg. N., gathered at'the home of Mr and Mrs. "Ferguson "Munro, to honour 'her and present their gifts and best wishes, The following address was read by Mrs. 'Douglas Fish, and a beautiful trilight floor lamp, two boudoir lamps and a cup and saucer were presented by Mrs. Lewis Lunney and Mrs. Bruce Currie. + Mr. and Mrs. Melvin 'MacInnes, Dear Kathleen and Melvin: You must surely know that newly weds are always the cepitre of attrac tion in a rural community, and Sonya On Wednesday evening, Dee. : : is no-exeeption. Your friends in this 'community have assembled here to- night to honour you on the occasion | of your recent marriage. We have been interested in Kath- leen through the years because we have known you as a little girl and later as you entered Ross Memorial Hospital' to train' and graduate as a nurse, We have not seen you much in recent times, but our affection, es- teem and good wishes 'have: always followed you, : Melvin we 'do not know so well but we expect Kathleen has found the one man who will make her happy, and 80 'we welcome you as-a friend and trust you will have many happy hours, among us. May we congratulate you-both - on' your recent marriage and extend our very best wishes for joy and happiness throughout the years that lie ahead. "Good wishes should be more than mere words so we are asking you to accept opr gifts which will remind {| you of your friends in Sonya who wish you the best that life can bring. We would also be glad to welcome _you back to our community gather- ings any time you are able to be pre- 'sent. Signed on behalf of Sonya Com- munity iby: 'Elva M. Morrison, Muriel Fish, Audrey Currie, Minnie B. Lunney, 'Evelyn "Hallett, 'Annie Ferguson, and Heather Munze. Mr. and Mrs, McInnes each replied graciously. The ladies served lunen after a pleasant evening of progres- sive euchre. , Some of those | present from a dis- tance were Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Thor- burn of Sunderland, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Meneely and Bobby, Little Bri- taip and Mrs, Charlie Lane (nee Eliza- beth Meneely) of Oakwood; and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lunney of Whitby and Miss Katie McLean, 3 More than a millich of Canada's school children are being. trained to carry on Red Cross work--"to CAXFjeer: .on and assist in work for . . . the miti. gation .of suffering throughout the world". Their .annual record in over- seas relief, in.community service pro- jects, in hospital and; medical care of handicapped Canadian children, de- monstrates their preparedness to- carry on a vital growing Réd Cross. a 9 _-10.00--News.in a Minute ~ 4.16--Magic Christmas Window 4.30--Christmas Shopping Bag 5.00--News 5.05--Supperclub 6.30---News for the Community 9.00--News So furpercien 9.05--0ld Ranch House : News 10.00--News ; po ~ 6.20--Supperclub 10 ga Ranch House 6.66--Stock Market Report 7.00--News in a Minute 7.02--Follow 'the Band - urs. 11.00--News T.16-Thsads ah Review 11.10--Turntable Terrace Mon., Wed., Fri--A Melody 12.00--News > from. Murphy's 12.06--Turntable Terrace 1.20--Tely Highlights 1.00--News T1.830--World's Greatest Music 1.05--CKLB Sign Off MONDAY SUNDAY 8.30--Report. from Parliament Hill 8. 00--Sign On 8.46--Blue Monday 9.00--New! 9. 05--Hilibilly Jamboree 10.00--News 10.06--Kim"s Corner TUESDAY 8.30--Dennis Day Show 9.00--News 9.06--Let George Do It 9.30--Lives of Harry Lime 10.01--Crime Does Not Pay WEDNESDAY 8.30--Boston Blackie 9.00--News in a. Minute 9.01--Bold Venture 4 12.00--News 10.00--News 12,06--Treasurers in Melod; 10.06--Kim's Korner 12.30 News y THURSDAY ; 12 48+ Sporis. eid 8.30--This is Paris reasures in Melody 9.00--News 1.00--News : 0.¢5--8ports Forum --Nnwe in a Minute 1 10.0 1-=Obsession FRIDAY 8.30--~Guy Lombardo. Show 9.00--News in a Minute 9.01--Casanova - 9.80--Club Saludos 10.00--~News 10, 05--Kim' s Korner 'Mon. thru Friday--from 10 30 p.m. on 10 0--News 6. News Réport on Sport 6.10--Sports 1o: .46--Airlane Trio 8. 16--Organ Reveries 11.00--News 6 ncert Hour #11.06--8 os Finals 7.00--News in a Minute 11.10-- Thurs, 7.01--Albert Street United Qhureh Five o Minute Mystery 11. Io ftalight thie hd : 12.00 News 112.0 tarlight Souvenirs 9.00-~This is my story i 1 i 0.80 Unshackled ~~ + 1,06--CKLB--8ign Off 10.00--~New SATURDAY I 06--Starlight 'Souvenirs ; sir opLD 8 11,06--8ports Finals 00 gpa 11,10--Starlight Souvenirs 3 oe . Kotiea Korner 12.00--~News 6.40--Koffee Korner 12.06---CKLB Sign oft -111.01--Church Remote 10.06--At Home With the Ladies He a [15.08 Miaday Melodies 11.05--Christmas Wonderland - 12.30--N y Me 11.30--The House of Peter MacGregor 12.4 i 11.45--Second Spring 12 40-4 heal Spotlight 12.00--News 1.00--_Nowa p 12.08~Midday Melodies 1,06--Melody Round-up 2 20 oora An Tops ~~ ¥ 12.60--Vocal Spotlight 3.00 New e Top 100 awa 3.06 She ate 1.06--Stop the Record So if oi 2.00--=News for women 4 Noms ee 2.16--Pretty Kitty Kelly . BON c 2.80--Career of Alice Blair 5.05--S oe da Bandstand 2.45--Monday, Wed., Friday 6. No urday Ban n Christmas Almanac 6 o- oy : ADSSS, ure: .--Carols for Christmas 6 LY Rhythms 3.05--Showcase 6.46--Meet the Truckmen 4,00--News 7.00--News in a Minute 7.02--Serenade in Silver 7.16--Musical Moments. 7.30--01d Ranch House 8.00--News 8.06--O0I1d 'Ranch House 10.40--Report on Sport 10.46--Airlane Trio 8.01-.30--News and, Sports. Results 8.06--Rise and' Shine 8.30--Ukranian Russian Baptist Hour 8.46--All Aboard for Adventure 9.00--Gasoline Retailers Public ervice Announcement-- Weather Forecast. 9.01--Stouffville Youth for Christ 9.30--Your Sunday School Morning Program (alternate Sun.: Oshawa Youth for Christ) 9.46--People's Church . 10.00--News 10.06--Sunday School of the Air 10.80--Prelude:to Worship 10.46--Faith Tidings 11,00-~News in a minute 1.06--Record Album 1.30--Remember When 1,45--Dept. of National Health 1. 85-Queration Safety 2.00--New 2. 06--Personalities on Parade 8.00--~News : 8.06--Personalities on Parade 8.46--Students Book" Ww 4,00--News _ 4,06--Silver and Crystal 6.00--Voice of Healing % 30--Hungarian Catholle Association 8.00--News - 8.30--Church in the Wildwood 8.66 ahd IMPROVED POWER FEATURES GIVE NEW SAFETY NEW EASE OF CONTROL POWER STEERING ® POWER BRAKES® 4-WAY 'POWER SEAT*® MERC-O-MATIC DRIVE® ® Featured on Morcury Monterey models ; optional at extra cost on Moroury Custom models, TO MAKE Port y 12514 surging acceler- "SAFER PERFORMANCE BETTER FLEXBILITY 1) "V8 HP MORE POWER MEANS MORE PERFORMANCE 'BENEFITS! Mercury's: vast, power reserve : gives faster acceler when yon need extra speed for safe pas. - sing--extra power for easier hill-climbing. All:new design :adwancements give smoother, quieter operation, ouger en. gine life andsbrilliant: ecoponny. Canada's newest V-8...by the builder of mere V-, It's here! The big, long, "low'to-the-road Mercury for *54, with a completely new 161 Hp. Overhead Valve V.8 Engine of advahoed «design. Here's smoother, more flexible power --a safer margin of power for ation, for hill-climbing, for more 'go inmud ap and snow, for better all-round. Here's all-new Ball-joint:Front Suspension, introducing you 'to; hrand-new road. ". 'hugging stability on the cuxves---and an oven smoother ride. And here's anew, wide shige of Mercury models in two superb lines . ; , four magnificently luxurious Monterey models, newest fashion cara of the day . ... dramatically beautiful Custom models. with inew interior elegance, rich .pholstery and pointments that,challenge you to compare, New 54 Mercury travels-with almost un- believable quietness, Yau ride so silently you /CAD praise iit in a whisper (Atrange toiroad test the ( 'Mercury for the driving, thrill of your life! : YOUR DRIVING completely ne new 16 I " .and be heard! - EASIER! REVOLUTIONARY ALL-NEW JOINTSPRONT SUSPENSION Never before such a safe, road-hugging ride! With this * 'advanced design suspension sunit, 'takes curves with astonishing, ease-- gives far better control and ne bility when eotnering . . . most comfortable ride on ed road, Foe pono road testit! plexiglass top--an all driving sensation, It's just one of four su widen the' Mercury line for 'S4--each with the full complement of Mercury. power features, plus Merc:OMatic Drive--greateat of allauto. matic dtives (or optional TouchiO-Matic Overdrive), eustom radio, heater, Sea-Tint glass, turn'indicators, windshield Washer, rear fender shields, bumpes-grille guards and Whitewhll, tires, BF Your ed Dealer invites you to see and road test 54 Mercury. Wider. choice of models) in hwo superb bhines!. iY overhead valve x oh PL 'a : 0) ENGINE 8's. than all other makers combined Introducing the MONTEREY "SUN: EY an all-new sky-view car! Soin created by he car industry's leading designers and acclusios sith Ford of Canada! | ) / Here's: the newest of car fashions--the "Sun Valley" with transparent Ee] 'new atyling-voncept that brings you an all-new petb Moriterey models. that X-SPRING MOTORS Ltd. ~ Junction 12 & 47 Highways Uxbridge 245 L 9) [ | rT ® ! pL fs £4

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