EE ll = RT Mr. and Mrs, Keith Lee and 'Anna, of Barneveld, New York, spent the holiday with Mr, and-Mrs, E. Brooks and family, Port Perry, ; Births THOMPSON--Mr. and Mrs... Wm. W. Thompson, Port Perry, wish to an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Fran- ces Bell, at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, on Saturday, - January 2, 1964. Aid A a : AS a SMITH -- Mr, and Mrs; Lloyd G. Smith, Port Perry, are happy to an- nounce the arrival of theif chosen son, Irwin Lloyd, Thursday, December 31, 19658. Cards of Thanks I -would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to friends att neighbours and relatives for cards, 0 i? gifts, flowers, ete, sent me; also to i { Dr. Dymond, Dr. Kandel and to nurses 4 and staff" of Community Memorial - : Hospital, . Port Perry, for care and We kindness, also to those who made it possible for my wife and family to visit me regularly during my stay in hospital, a 0 Si "Elmer J. Gibson. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank friends and. neigh- bours. for the kind inquiries, lovely cards and flowers; also the kind at- tention of Drs. Dymond and Kandel and nurses during my illness in the Port Perry Community Memorial Hos- pital. Mrs. Aylmer Ploughman, In Memoriam ~ McCLINTOCK-- In loving memory of Mrs. George McClintock, who died January 18, 1947, Lovingly remem- herag-hHy George and Jean, S Deaths BRADBURN--Suddenly at his home Blackstock, Ontario, on January 1st, 1964, James Wesley Bradburn, beloved husband of Margaret E. Wotten, in his 76th year. Service was from the United Church, Blackstock, on' Mon- day, Jan. 4th. Interment Union Ce- -- metery, Cadmus. WALLACE, Rachel--At Port Perry Community Hospital on Saturday, Jan. 2, 1964, Rachel Turner, beloved wife of the late David Wallace, dear mother of Grace (Mrs. D. Milne), in her 82nd year. Funeral from~A. L. 7 McDermott Chapel, Port Perry on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. Are Opposed To Lotteries The East Toronto Presbytery of the Prebyterian Church in Canada, meet- "ing in Toronto, by resolution moved to convey its deep sense of concern to ~ Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent be- . cause the question of the legalizing =, 1 of lotteries has been included in the 1. proposed revision of the-Criminal Code art A of Canada. . A deputation, 'consisting of three linisters and an elder was named to prepare a brief and to present it in Ottawa from the parliamentary com. mittee now studying such revisions. oe deputation will include Profes- Farris of Knox College, Rev. Coles of Oshawa, Dr. Joseph| Waa and Elmer Ji ronto, -- Isa of To- ie HOUSEHOLD HINT Remove mildew spots as soon as they are discovered, before the mold growth has a chance to weaken or rot _the. material. Take off surface growth rt by brushing out-of-doors to prevent 5 Re the spores in the house, oughly. Treat mildew stains tever method {8 suitable for Coming Events. Euchre FRIDAY, JAN. 8th, at 830 p.m.-- At Scugog Township Hall, Prizes. Everyone Welcome. Admission BOc. Proceeds in aid of Oddfellows and Re- beceah Benevolent Fund. WED. &nd FRI, JAN. 13 and 15-- The Oddfellows and Rebecca Lodge' of Port Perry are sponsoring two nights of Euchre in the Lodge rooms. Everybody welcome. Prizes each night and also grand prize, Refreshments, Admission B0c. Proceeds for their Bunevolent work. ali] The British Industries Fair "Preparations for the 1064 British Industries Fair are well advanced. Many manufacturers will be showing for the first time. They are combin- ing with regular exhibitors to present a display of new products revealing the latest developments in manufac- turing methods and design as well as new. materials," announced Sir Archi- bald Nye, U.K. High Commissioner in Ottawa. The 33rd.annual British Industries Fair will be held in London (Earls Court and Olympia) and Birmingham (Castle Bromwish), from May 3 to May 14, 1964. Thousands of 11K. exhibitors, representing scores of in- dustries will present their products. British industry during the past year has again forged ahead and its in- ventive genius will be well demon- strated over a wide range of merchan- dise notable for itd practability, quality and: design." 'Canadian visitors are, therefore, assured of an especially in- teresting and profitable journey. The B.LF, is one of the more dra- matic means by which-the UK. Gov- ernment is seeking to. expand its ex- port trade--a vital task, for on its success depends Britain's ability to pay for hér imports, including her sub- stantial purchases from Canada. At the Fair, the overseas buyer has only to show his official invitation or business card to receive a badge ad- mitting 'him freely at any time to all three sections, and to the 'Overseas Buyérs' Clubs. Visitors are encouir- aged to use the clubs as their head- quarters, where mail can be address- ed, and to make use of secretarial, te- lephone, cable and radio facilities. -- egpas-- " CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ; . ANGLICAN Rector: Rey. H. 8S. Swabey, MA, B.D. January 10--Sunday after 'Epipany 11 am --Sunday School © 7 p.m.--Evening Prayer -- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H, Wyle, Minister Sunday, January 10-- 11 am--"Our Father's Business" 7 p.m.--"Hast Thou Entered Into The Treasures of the Snow?" - ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN 'CHURCH Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A. Mintater Sunday, January 10-- -- 11 a.m,--Sunday School "7 p.m.--Divine Worship. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Douglas Sloan, Pastor. Sunday, January 10-- 2 p.m.--Sunday School, ~f 3 p.m, Service-- Wednesday--Prayer meeting, 8 p.m. * PENTICOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, January 10-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School IT a.m.--Morning Worship * 7 p.m. --Evangelistic Service-- Wed. 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study. Thurs., 2 p.m.--W.M.S. meeting, Fri, 8 p.m.--Young Peoples, ~ - EVERYBODY WELCOME Pastor: Wm. W. Thompson SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST "© CHURCH -{ Saturday, January 9th-- Service at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Stanley Gerrow. All are welcome Program for Jan.-- SOME HISTORY DATES _Jan, 1--New Year's Day. "Jan, 2--Constitution Day (Panama) Jan, 6--Twelfth Night Jan, 17---Benjamin Franklin's Birthday, Jan, 26--Australia Day (Landing of first Colonists at Bombay, 1788) Jan, 28--Marti's Birthday: Anniver- sary (Cuba) National Thrift Week is observed the third week in the month Mother; What did Mama's little darling learn at school today ?" Sonny: "I learned two fellows not to call me 'mama's little darling.' " UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO Last Showing To-Nite THURSDAY, JANUARY 7th "Trouble Along the Way" starring JOHN WAYNE' _FRIDAY-SATURDAY, JANUARY 8-9 "The Vanquished" starving JOHN PAYNE and COLEEN GRAY MONDAY-TUESDAY; JANUARY 11-12 "So This Is Love" " starring KATHRYN GRAYSON WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, JANUARY- 13-14 DOUBLE FEATURE . "Tobacco Road" starring GENE TIERNEY > 3 -- PLUS "The Grapes of Wrath" starring HENRY FONDA "| holding on to the metal part of the _{ the Napanee plant will be' called the - | been made for approximately 276 acres| | of the Eastbourne Estates Limited,|. 700 Pockets Needed To ; ; fly Carry Dottor's Gadgets --Somé tailer with-a "hook and eye" | WORN LIKE "TAIL for business should figure out some sort of a wearable suit for the phy- sician's wardrobe that would comfort- ably carry all the junk that clutters ip a doctor's pockets, relates The Detroit Medica] News. The suit should be made out of some sort of worsted cast iron gabardine and have 700 pockets reinforced to accommodate all the bulging accoutre- ments that are stuffed into them. UNWIELDY GEAR iTake a commonplace piece of pro- féssfonal equipment like the stetho- scope for instance--this is the most unwieldy portable piece of equipment that was ever created or manufactur- ed, As you walk through the corridors of a hospital and observe where the various = doctors are carrying their stethoscopess -- some are carrying them in the casual manner compla- cently draped around the neck with the ear attachment plugged into the back of their collar for security reasons, Others are observed walking along with one ear plug in place and one on the bias with the rest dangling down the front giving 'the popular semi- draped look, ° i Some carrying the stethoscope inthe coat pockets which causes considerable mobile snake-like bulging. Some carry the stethoscope in the side pants pocs kets and some walk along the halls stethoscope and dangling the remain- ing part of languid rubber tubing like the manoeuvring of a well- trained yoyo, "coat should be longer than the front N Some carry the stethoscope. | in the || back pants pocket with the dangling business _end occasionally protruding from under the posterior aspect of the coat--looking for all the world like the wiggling tail of a friendly collie, : In addition to the stethoscope, phy- sicians are prone to carry numerous other' things in their pockets such as flashlights, tongue depressors, foun- tain pens, pencils, prescription pads, reflex hammers, date books, screw- drivers, penknives, nail files, special ophthalmoscopes, glass slides, band- aids, probes, car keys, office keys, hospital keys, house keys, doghouse keys, cigaret lighters, matches, chew- ing gum, hypodermic néedles and syringes, adhesive tape, thermome- ters, scissor and finally a wallet which bulges with the weight of 15 or more identification cards, none.of which he ever uses but at least show that his dues are paid and that he has all the rights and privileges of something or other--plus his driver's license, car registration, a few loose bucks and an unused outdated ticket on a raffle, The ideal suit of clothes for doctor should have a coat with multiple poc- kets and a leather lining also with multiple pockets, . The back of the and contain a bustle--where the larger pleces of equipment could be stored, sort of a rumble.geat effect, The pants should have "bell-bottoms" with both. an anterior and posterior zipper in case of emergencies or unforseen exigencies, Peterboro Peles vs Next Junior "B" Game Flyers, Sat., January Sth Port Perry CROWN-TEA BAGS, 1008 ASTOR COFFEE, Fresh Ground .. isbn re. CORN, Whole Kernel, Oak Leaf ......ii....c..ine 12 for 29¢..- PEAS, Nature's Best, Choice, 165 ¢ ou. wos 2 fOP 29¢, TOMATO or VEGETABLE SOUP, Campbell's THEY . "GOLD MEDAL PEANUT BUTTER, 16 oz... J Lad 1 LA hha Shades 386, Es = FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES EMREROR GRAPES, SPECIAL ...... BANANAS, Golden Ripe, Ib. ............... Grivsssssersaimsatsssssenssi 196s CELERY, Green Pascal ............... erst nd bunches 2c. TURNIPS .....ocoonmivnnsnsnorrin: rn rirminismmnn dS NAVEL ORANGES; dozen ..........coccunne i and §9¢. E. MERLIN DOWSON PHONE 91, PORT PERRY 2'tor 25¢, fil DUZ SOAP POWDER, large - Censgaresnas fran agrassnnias tine rsa 30€, | x wn Ibs, for 29¢; Hf APOTATOES, Ontario .......... SAR sini 10 1a, 260. 1 SMART APPEARANCE Rooms finished with Donnacona Insulating Board bring "full marks" for smart appearance. Donnacona Insulating ~ Board and Donnacona Decorative Specialties beautify 'your hoe and save fuel at the same time . . . economical . and attractive for new construction or rencvation, DONNACONA INSULATING BOARD REESOR FUEL & PHONE 73 di ondis .. PORT PERRY 2080809080808 08080008 Tenders for (Garbage Collection Sealed - tenders for the collection of garbage for the Village of Port Perry, for a period of 12 months, starting February 1st, 1954, will be: received by Council. - Tenders. to bei in hands of the Clerk 'by January 27th,' 1964. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Con- | tract form may be seen at the Clerk's office. JOHN F. RAINES, Clerk. em 2 Napinee Biscuit Firm Purchased Canadian Shredded Wheat Co; Ltd, has bought the Ross- Miller Biscuit Co. i Ltd,, of Nanapee, I. M. Pollock, executive vice-presi- dent of the purchasing company said Milk-Bone Pet Food Division of Cana» dian Shredded Wheat and will continue manufacture and distribution of the animal and pet foods' of the former company. 4. Its terms were. not announced. * Bids $125,000 For 275 Acres a $125,000 offer to-purchase has just located south of the base line west of Whitby. The offer, which does not. include the numerous cottages along the lakefront, Fienberg, a Toronto executive officer, | The property is owned by the estate of the late Isaac Levine and Charles The purchase was oftective January : pa A usually reliable source' informed His The Times-Gazette this morning that | is said to have been made by Jack : gan TUNNEL OUTLETS AND CANAL BECTION . Outlets where the twin tonnes s sur. face to a 2 - % mile open-cut canal which will link the tunnels to the head- Pekin, 9 of Withy. works. Water will be diverted at a point two miles above the Cataracts '| into the vin 8% -mile tun nels, now being carved) under the O gara Falls, canal is 200 y of Nia- the. cana] (sho It of Dhe. Th Average wid 'tunnels. A 200-064 ote woetidn of { 8) had to pass urdugh 'the earth-filled gorge of an det, with a depth through | anclent, subterranean river, which ne- tock and eayth of 70 feet," "The canal cessitated lining this portion with con- will ii 40,000 cubic feet of water | crete, $ diachuigs fiom the tw wil be unlined, 'The remainder of the canal | | i 1 edb en ais