erusantteneintinstunets N BRAND CORN ivi {YORK PEAS - DR, BALLARD'S DOG FOO and CARROTS, 16 oz. .. _* -# CANNED RHUBAR HE om RINSO BETERGENT, 18. Sige CAMAY 8 LC TE PRINCE ALBERT i "I 'trust you found that novel inter- esting," the librarian remarked. "The book wasn't so much," the co- ed replied, "but that letter someone left fie: for a bookmark was a lulu," so .. Boss: terday." Clerk: Boss: "I was, sir." afternoon." -- Clerk: after the fourth race, sir," 1 : DRESSED CHICKENS = : Cleaned Ready to Cook. Whole Chickens, $1.75 and up. BARBEQUED CHICKENS Roasted, Ready-to-Eat -~--~Whole Chickens, $2.25 and up. "| ALWAYS READY -+Grade A, 88¢. dozen and 'up if OPEN DAY and EVENING 7 DAYS A WEEK.. Brunton Farm On 7A Highway at Scugog Road: A= and 6th Con. : "I thought you were ill yes: "You didn't look lok when ..I saw you at the race track inthe] - "You should have seen me Closed 'Tuesday atiernaon--Open all day Wednesday. £4 5 * 4 1 ; ] + iy Al i E bs RS SE NS RS EER RLS Sees 0 = iE DSN > "> i NOW IS THE TIME TO : INSURE YOURSELF. Hho AGAINST THE COLD = " 'Free estimates given on your-- Hollmar COMBINATION ALUMINUM gd AND SCREEN DOOR aluminum door? Wb . pricel Made of extra. heavy, 1 Come structural type aluminum. + in and see the Hollmar door. . . we have. it! Install it yourself this week-end. It's easy! . Lake Scugog |: + Lumber & Coal Co. Limited Port Perry Phone 240W 2:1 Brougham -- ~ Greenbank "Never before iis + dn ull ak | "1 near , i] ONTARIO RURAL HOCKEY RURAL HOCKEY SCHEDULE PORT PERRY ARENA -- January 11-- Comco -- Cliremant Peaches -- Greenbank January 14-- Port Perry -- Brookiln Brougham -- Uxbridge January 18-- . Claremont -- Conico :..~ Brooklin -- Peaches x SNS : Men' s Tuesday 5] Standings-- xz Knitters--17 - Hilltops--2 Blow Kings--7 Fitzjohns--2 Stars--b Peels--2 Dodgers--b Whiz-Bangs--2 Sevenaires--5 Rockets--0 Carnegies--5 Night rag The second section of the Yeagus got ander way again this week. .The Port Perry Knitters and Blow Kings pick. -ed up 7 each to lead the league. Dod- gers, Stars, Carnegies and Sevenafres chalked up 5 points each, High Triples-- = Gord Carnegie--700 (259-226:216) Bruce Beare--602 High Singles-- Bruce Beare--298; Bil] Pollarde267 I. Boyd--263; R. Carnegie--247; B. Hull--240; L. Leahy--239; S. Bruton ~--286; H, Knight--234; F, DeNure-- 284. A oA bi Lucky Strikes--0 Report Weekly Cage (I. Ww. Parkinson) After a two-week lull in our local cage, action the three high school CO Playing their strongest 'same this vear, P.P, Lions swamped the visiting Uxbridge Int, "C" eage quintet here 69-39, to ring up their Tth straight victory, and remain undefeated in 0.A B.A. play. While the big guns of fensisvely were Wan (19), Owen (16), Rodd (13), the whole tes™ play- ed as a unit, with Ron 'Wallace replac- ing John Waldensperger and turning in the finest rebounding job seen here in some time, Griffen, Christie, Stor. ry, Robertson and Brunton all played well and hit the score column to col- lect a total of 18 points. The visitors, who never quit trying were led by Cucin ((8), Norton (8), Ball (7), and Barnhardt (6). Lions next league game will be Wednesday, Jan, 18 at home, with the Whithy Panthers being the visitors. This will be the Lions second last home game before possible Jeague play-off competition, : Uxbridge-Port Perry Hockey Resulis |Ladies' Monday and.a suitable prize was presented to her on the evening of Jan. 4th. Night League Standipgs-- ARENA ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK aii : THURSDAY, JAN. 7th--COMMUNITY DOUBLE-HEADER + © ©: +. Gulls--27 Orioles--17 8:00 p.m.--Comco vs. Brougham SS Wrens--22 Canaries--16 10:00 p.m,--Peaches vs. Brooklin : Martens--22 Crows--18 ° Swallows---20 . * Cuckods--11 | FRIDAY, JAN. 8th--PUBLIC SKATING Robins--18 At 8:00 p.m. Budgies--9 Over 200 Scores-- Mrs, Mus, Mus, Murs, Mus. Mrs, Murs. © | SATURDAY, JAN. 9th--0.H.A. JR. "B" HOCKEY : 9:00 p.m, Gray (Gulls) 238, 269 PETERBORO PETES vs. PORT PERRY FLYERS Hope (Cuckoo) 245 McKinnon (Robin) 231 Stouffer (Oriole) 221 Brunton (Wren) 220 Burnett (Oriole) 206 Cook (Swallow) 202 MONDAY, JAN. 11th--INTER-COMMUNITY HOCKEY 8:00---Comco vs. Claremont = 10:00 p.m.--Peaches vs. Greenbank. TUESDAY, JAN. 12th--PUBLIC SKATING WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13--0.H,A. JR. "B" HOCKEY COLLINGWOOD GREENSHIRTS vs. PORT PERRY FLYERS. Memorial Gardens High Triple-- Mrs. Gray (Gull) 648 Mrs, Stephens was the fortunate player to obtain the most number of strikes for the evening of Dec, 28th '1. January 21-- Port Perry -- Uxbridge Brougham -- Greenbank January 26-- 'Brooklin -- Greenbank Brougham -- Peaches January 28-- Claremont -- . Port Perry : Comco -- Uxbridge - . = . .. February 1-- |: Brougham -- Claremont ed Port Perry -- Comco February 4--. Brooklin -- Uxbridge - Greenbank -- Peaches February 8-- 'Comco -- Brougham Uxbridge --. Claremont .| February 11-- _ Peaches -- Fort Perry + Greenbank -- Uxbridge February 16--' 'Brooklin- -- Brougham : "Peaches -- Comeo February 18-- : = Port Perry -- Greenbank Peaches -- Claremont February 22-- : * Brooklin -- Comco Greenbank -- Claremont -- February 25-- .Brougham -- Port Perry * Uxbridge -- Peaches March '1-- =" | = + Brooklin -- Port Perry 'Uxbridge -- Brougham March 4-- ¢ Greenbank -- Comco + Brooklin -- Claremont | uxeringB ARENA-- : January 8-- ; Claremont -- Port Perry - Uxbridge -- Greenbank January 12-- - ' - Uxbridge -- Port Perry. Brooklin -- Brougham: January 16-- Comco -- Greenbank . Peaches :-- Claremont January 19-- . ' . Uxbridge -- Brougham ' Port Perry -- Greenbank January 22-- "Claremont = Brooklin Comeo -- Peaches. January °0-- * Claremont -- - Uxbridge , Com¢co -- Port Perry + i iy January 29-- _ Brooklin + Peaches February 2-- Gresnbank ~-- Brooklin * Peaches -- - Uxbridge : February 5-- + Port Perry -- Brougham ; 5 Soman -- Claremont, ehruaty fit Peaches Briain ray specialist." : ie wonder what at he c 1 Peels. va: Stars: | LEAGUE PLAY to 3, as they meet | here Wednesday night. and your out. 'on Dec. 31st, 1963. ~This team - will 8SA-entries-and the Lions all will yee action this week." The BANTAMS, JUNIORS and SENIORS from PPHS are visiting BROCK H.S. this Friday, 'while the LIONS will be trying to ex- to 7 and their undefeated record in the surprising. UXBRIDGE quintet By next VaskLvie oF expect to have GIBLE PLAYERS (who have quali- fied under the standards of (i) no failures; (if) one failure with an a- average of 60); (iv) three faflures JACK: GRIFFEN has volunteered to coach all MIDGETS & BANTAMS on SATURDAY AFTERNOON - of EACH WEEK starting at.2 p.m. Port Perry will be entering.a MIDGET OBA being for-all players under 18 meet Oshawa all-star midgets in their first round of play-off competition. STAR OF THE WEEK -- All the boys who have' been putting in a few extra hours practice' in' preparation tend their string of 6 straight wins |. verage of 66; (iii) 2 failures )with an |. 0.A,B.A. team in competition--Midget | - Thurs., Dec, 17, 1968-- * Peaches 4 -- Comeo 6 ""Brougham 9 -- Claremont 1 'Monday, December 21-- ! Port Perry 18 -- Comco 8 Ux, 'Merchants 2'-- Greenbank 4 Monday, Dec. 28-- Brougham 9 -- Peaches 3 Brooklin 8 -- Claremont 8 League Standings-- OO TINT TT LLL ITI TS Brougham Brooklin ....... Greenbank ... COMEO iviveiin Uxbridge Merch. .. Claremont Peaches A. C. A small girl was take nto church for the first time." When everyone knelt down, she whispered, "What are they' going to do?" "They are [Eoing to. 2y their pray- ers," Little air (lobking up in amazement, then in a loud voice); What, with all for opening COSSA play next Friday. their clothes on?" : 7.00 pm, JANUARY 5 Carnegie vs. Fitzjohn, Dodgers vs. Hilltop Knitters vs. Lucky Strike JANUARY 12 Peels vs. Lucky Strike Blow-Kings vs. Whiz-Bangs - Fitzjohn vs. Dodgers JANUARY 19 * Whiz-Bangs vs. Rockets Lucky Strike vs. Sevenaires Peels vs. Knitters... | ©" JANUARY 26 Dodgers vs.' Blow-Kinga Hilltops vs. Carnegies Rockets vs. Sevenaires . FEBRUARY 2 Sevenaires- vs, Whiz-Bangs - Blow Kings vs, Chrnegles ih FEBRUARY 9 Fitzjohn vs. Peels Rockets vs, Knitters Stars, vs. Hilltops FEBRUARY 16 - Hilltop vs. Sevenaires Fitzjohn vs, Blow-Kings Dodgers va, Peels - 3 FEBRUARY 23 ; Knittexs vs. Stars Carnegles vs. Sevenalres i Hilltops vs. Whiz-Bangs MARCH 2 Rockets vs. Hilltops " Whiz.Bangs vs, Dodgers 1 Lucky Strikes vs. Blow-Kinga MARCH 9 Blow-Kings vs. Knitters : Stars vs. Rockets . Whiz-Bangs va. Fitzjohn MARCH 16 . Stars vs, Sevres va Pan 0. : 0 1 Carneglos vs. Knitters Men's Tuesday Night League Second Part of Schedule. Fr 'Knitters vs. Hilltop . Rockets vs. Carnegies : Sevenaires vs. Stars _ Ritzjohn vs. Knitters ; Whiz-Bangs vs. Carnegles = Stars vs. Carnegles > F Peels ve. Blow-Kings Carnegles vs, Lucky Strikes Dodgers va. Sevenaires 9.00 p.m. Peels vs, - Sevenaires Stars vs; Whiz-Bangs Blow-Kings va. Rockets Blow Kings vs. Stars Hilltop vs. Fitzjohn Carnegie vs. Dodgers Whiz.Bangs vs. Peels Lucky Strike vs. Stars Rockets vs. Fitzjohn Knitters vs. Dodgers Lucky Strikes vs, «Hilltoe Lucky Strike va, Dodgers Sevenaires vs. Blow-Kings . Whiz-Bangs va. 'Knitters Rog cots va. Lucky Strikes . Dodgers-vs. Rockets " Fitzjohns vs, Lucky Strikes - Sevenaires vs. Knitters Carnegles vs. Peels Lin Stars vs, Fitzjohn { iH gE Hilltops vs. Peels Hilltops va, Blow Kings - Péels va, Rockets Lucky Strikes vs. Whis-Bangs ~ «¥ " LADIES FURVTRIMMED VELVET Motor Boots $2.95 pair BOYS' FOUR-EYELET Rubbers $1.00 pair Windbreakers and Coats SPECIAL SALE PRICES Clearing Line Wool 35¢. 02. 3 and 4 PLY -- Bahy Wool 25c. 0Z. PINK Y BLUE SAVAGE Shoes, $2.95 and $3. 5 FOR CHILDREN Wallpaper : Rape and SUN-TESTED - NEW 1954 PATTERNS IN STOCK 30 cents roll and . A ROOM LOTS AT HALF PRI Linoleum Tile 9" x 9"--12¢,, 15¢., 206:;-25¢. Ladies' Shoes, CLEARING LINES Skates, Skiis, Ski Boos SUIT SALE all at Special Discounts JOHNSTON S SUITS or COATS ~~... _ Regular $69.50 "15 per cent discount for January High Jor, All Wool Materials and your choice of the big W. R. JOHNSTON STLYE BOOK Wool Pullovers and Cardigans, $2.98 and $3.98 HAMPTON. BARBARA JOYCE WOOL JERSEY CREPE Dresses 25 per cent discount LADIES' NYLON and RAYON 25% Discount MELTON CLOTH Snow Suits 25% DISCOUNT! A SRR na GROCERIES ry Reddi-Whip, tin... bbe, Ogilvie Cherry Almond Cake Mix,.... 3%7¢.' Broken Olives, Jar .........cccc.iiviveivininn,s 280. ? Universal 'Cohoe Salmon, 2 '1b; tin....28¢c. Cheez Whiz, Jar ....ccoveeiiivinciinnerinn, 36¢c. Coleen Choice Peas, 20 oz. ........ 2 for 39c. "Heinz Baby Food ........................ 3 tins 29¢.. A Connty Kist Wax Beans, 15 oz, 2 for 19¢. = Pablum, box «icc, de. 5 Arrow Standard Peaches, 20 oz. 2 for 37c. Crisco, Ib, .......... sKiras i nir seer eh ed CRA ETS 36e. Brimfull Choice Pitted Cherries, tin 19c¢. Oranges, dozen .................... 365¢c., 46¢,, Bde. A Stuart's Raspberry Jam, large jar, 39c. Grapefruit ................ccvees wennB for 29c. Allen's Apple Juice, 48 oz tin ................ 3b¢. Sunkist Lemons ................., forsabesn 4 for 19c¢. M. L. Mincemeat, 2 pie size .............. 45¢ BANANAS: ID, ............ininniiteinniing ine 19¢. ~F. W. BROCK & SON Phone 43 Port Perry