or. =| LAKEVIEW: | mot Phone . 50 , Al 3 Two Shaws Nightly w= 7 RY : ~ THURS, FRI, SAT. - JANUARY 7. 8.9 al FOR RENT -- Two unfurnished AEE. : Ji gel : Es ? James Craig, Rita Moreno, Keith ig Ah Hien 5 ; : g ] G rh k , p <& aig wl Our village was saddened on New | ; a | roams, hydro and bath, ened, ee, | GRASS SEED CLEANING PLANT| = reenbanX . [Blackstock = | | |Years evening to hear of the suiien] - "Re Tattieg al Coleus Aventis froty ofthe ; tu . + : J | passing of Mr, Wesley Bradburn. The ; HL ) # 205.r-41, Prince: Albert. Dee tf, gf - : On Mondsy evening Greenbank | (=. tions to Donald Pargeter, | funeral was held in Blackstock United wi 5 "FORT VENGEANCE" Co » - 1 pene or usiness hicney cam Pare aT our milkman from Port Perry, on win- Church on Monday at 2-o'clock. In- CH hg * COMEDY and SPORTS 4 WANTED--low priced farms, ranch| evening they play Uxbrid y ning the large Christmas Cake at the terment Cadmus Cemetery. . pre ny - 3 g they play Ugbridge in Ux MON., TUES. WED, » JANUARY lands, woodlots, mineral finds, lake-| One of the most up-to-date seed | bridge Arena. Carload Groceteria, We would like to extend sympathy N., TUES, hoy 11-12-13 shore oF ea sash cleaning plants in operation in Can-| pa. and Mrs. Frank Lee and family Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samells, and | to his wife and family, 2 [patnes Mason with Robert Newton, St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto. jan21 | ada. Government approved. and- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee, spent Sharon, Peterboro, Mr, & Mrs. Tenny-| . ppg J. A, McArthur had a birth- : "THE DESERT RATS" : | : Sunddy with M d \ son Samells, Mr. and Mrs, Orr Ven- : 1 AN ; 3 i unday wi r, and Mrs: Hervey d Mr. G v day Party on Wednesday evening, 2 COMEDY and NEWS i : SWAIN * Smith, Sunderland, A ' 7] nine a Ts ¢ ay Sings Bows Dec. 30th for Ardis McArthur, the <A £0 oo oy HELP, WANTED--Sales agent to manville, spent New Year's day w vests 'were: Donald ' 5 ----r BRERA SD an ed TY represent largest pre-fab company. Misses olive i Doroihy Real Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Venning. Ais Wayne gal) Maudsley: Allan | = a. -------- ; . visitors at the home of Mr, and f s : 3 : ! i LER : : : ; A a Siig hi SEED CLEANING Ry. Beare over the week-end. oe Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Graham and| pe #9N.0. Annual New Year's = op Ltd., 39 Prince St., Oshawa. ial} Roy, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill .N.O. / 3-8337. Jan.7 BURKETON, R.R : t.Saturday evening with Mr. and Dance was held December 81st in the Ji : a Seng i ed SET Shs costa || Start The New Year Ri hi by DRESSMAKING--AND- ALTERA- Phone Blackstock 89 r 11 ah rs. Nornian Edgerton. ced to music by Herman Wilson's Or- | | g y TIONS of all kinds. Evening dresses| 3 004 Divorces Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crawford and chestra... A good time was had by all. | || serving our delicious Bread and Pastry. ; 'a specialty. Apartment at O. F. Nata a aig a - . 5 Janice spent New Year's with Mr. and Don't f h i Ll a iE M on't forget the Young People of : CY ; Clark's residence, Mrs, Patterson, J = a Mrs. J. W. Pearce and Mrs. George h ited Ch i i CE : | ) Gv Crawford the Unite urch 'are presenting S i d Si 1 : Phone 411. 1 anted in 1953 awlord : their play, "Out of This World", in d ur ay pecia S } \ o 4 : xi Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey enter- the Recreation Hall on January the 8. } Ng For RENT IN PRINCE ALBERT, WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR Toronto (CP)--In Ontario 1968 Was | tained the following guests on New It promises an evening. of good enter- "ORANGE LAYER CAKE" and "CHERRY TARTS" : \ 2 large rooms and large kitchen, with | SAND, GRAVEL. S01 and LOAM | 4 pad year for the marriage vows and | year's: Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martin and tainment. % ; 3 i built-in cupboards; heated; with con- oy ATYV : : ¥ : SEH a stant Ay water; upstairs. . Phone ELLSWORTH KENNEDY the bank-accounts year-end records |ynes, Mrs. Thos. Redman, Scugog Is-| Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Staniland had : GERROW'S B AKERY 265 r 14. jan 14 will be Plsareq to serve vou, issued Tuesday. - \ land, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lubsen and their Christmas Celebration on Dec. . RE 322W P "% ; . . i - = FOR RENT---Four room apartment, > "lov 27. 1058 last year than -ever before except for who were celebrating their forty-first years : Se 5 REE : : - --r ; all conveniences, continuous hot water, | Nov : ? | the post-war divorce boom of 1947-48. Wedding Anniversary; it was also Al- + «| : en : : private entyance. Phone Harold Ford-| "> | There were 3,004 final divorce decrees lan Bailey's 15th birthday; and Mr.| Rev. and Mrs.-Geo. 'Nicholson spent 7 i: = ht Sas i er, 159W. SE . ~ | granted, 1,434 of them in Toronto, and and Mrs. Hector Shortridge. ; New Year's in Toonto visiting friends. || ; g i Py 1,249 couples filed divorce. applica- ; = a Ci | EAR nl FOR SALE. Chesterfield and one Auction Sale tions. The worst divorce year, 1947, . 2 - : eit nd ; an : PAINTING large chair (deep red); also one chest saw 8,604 absolute decrees. In 1948 v " PY + 3 SERA EAR : 4 RR "of drawers (3 large drawers and 2 FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HAY. there were 8,107. _, small drawers). Sell at a reasonable | and Grain, the property of Wm, V. HE ¥ price. Phone 269 around 6 p.m. Beaton, lot 11, Con 1, Brock, one mile For money actions, involving mort- El, Se ed a wl north of Saintfield west of, Highway. gages, foreclosures and promissory : Hy i Taka ye : and Shank : WEDNESDAY, JAN 20. 'Sale at notes, the total of 4320 Supreme Court : Tr Io waB RS = Sl bh F S | 12.30 Terms cash. writs issued was 10 per cent more TIONS YUEN Y RYE : ial DECORATING ans kor »aie TED, JACKSON, Auctioneer than in 1952. | WILD OATS 5 ALWAYS THE SAME. Set AL DRY HARDWOOD: SLABS--3 cords | spoINTS: ||. RR 4, Port Perry loand--$14.00 per cord, saywed- (1 foot Wheel Bearing fa Jongh) oa itv Less than 3 Ladies' Wednesday Night 2-- Check Steering Links - DRY SOFTWOOD SLABS--#$11.00 per| 3--Check and Reset Camber x cord--3 cords load. $12.00 less than Bi li L 3. cords. H. M. KYTE, Blackstock, ow ing gague = Phone 26. marll FE 7:00 P. M. 9:00 P.M. 4--Check and 'Reset Caster - : WEE . 5--Check and Reset Toe-in FOR SALE-- ~Silver-Gray Converti- | JANUARY 13 ; ; . ble Carriage, pink plastic mattress, | ~~ Flyers.vs. North Stars Spitfires vs. Kitty Hawks 5. 95 new condition, storm cover and fly . Helicopters vs. Bombers Mosquitos vs. Mustangs . -netting--complete $26. Phone 210-R: Sunderlands vs. Jets ~--t--Hurricanes vs: Lancasters --*-------- --And-Ux-Spring j rices are always the 'same, t00: namely] just fii : about the lowe: st you'll find anywhere. One reason is our HARRY WARWICK will not be on JANUARY 20 ¥ s { 1 ? y fea SERRE ! Spitfires vs. Hurricanes Mosquitos vs. Sunderlands : automobile know-how which gets right to the heart of any his fish rounds for awhile due to ill- Kitty Hawks vs. North Stars Yots vs. Helicopters ness. le wishes his customers a yi BWis vs, fF <8 : P trouble and means ¢ saving money to you. Bombers vs. Lancasters Mustangs vs. Flyers sil. ! Happy New Year. JANUARY 27-- FOR SAL E---Fair! of girl's white Mosquitos vs. Helicopters Jets vs. Bombers figure skates, size 4%. Also black Lancasters vs. Flyers Kitty Hawks vs. Hurricanes pair of girl's figure skates, size e 2% Spitfires vs. Mustangs North Stars vs. Surniderlands INTERIOR DECORATING or 3. Mrs. Wilson, phone 254. 5 FEBRUARY 3-- : 5 : Hi Fenkisian nau Kitty Hawks vs. Mustangs Hurricanes vs. Helicopters ; SUrEsIN Stale -- Jets vs. Mustangs Lo Sansetiend v3 Bombers : SPRAY AND BRUSH PAINTING tary of the Board. COMMUNITY Suanites vey North Stans Vers vo Spline # "A Better Job -- With Better Paints" MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Port Perry. | FEBRUARY 10-- ] 4 FREE ESTIMATES Bombers vs. Muntangs . Flyers: vs. Mosquitos : £5 f Tet FRED RR FE Sunderland vs. Hurricanes North Stars vs. Spitfires 7 : if K AN Yow: Grade i Helicopters vs. Kitty Hawks ~~ Lancasters vs. Jets : , 5 FRAN ALL | FEBRUARY 17-- © or : i i} PORT PERRY. - x Phone 367R North Stars vs. Jets - Mustangs vs. Hurricanes : 5 8 5 cosas : Hardwood Mosquitos vs. Kitty Hawks Bombers vs. Flyers = ya HSETtts freind RA LL ; 2358232328838 Lumber, 1. inch and 2" x 4". Ideal Lancasters vs. Sunderlands Spitfires vs. Helicopters ; - - for making "box stalls and repairing : 3 ; : stables." $45.00 per thousand. H. M.| FEBRUARY 24-- I wal : 1n¢ iy SH Wig marll Spitfires vs. Mosquitos Lancasters vs. North Stars | s 3 vs Bulldozing and : y Mustangs vs. Sunderlands Hurricanes vs. Jets ! ime FOR SALE -- 2 Men's Overcoats, Flyers Ys. Helleopters. Kitty Hawks vs. Flyers : Excavating ; size 40, one black and one tweed; very MARCH 3-- 3 : : reasonable. Apply Mrs. E, McCrea; Sunderland vs. Flyers Kitty Hawks vs. Jets, : | BACKHOE for ios and Loading Prince Albert. Bombers.vs. Spitfires Lancasters vs. Mosquitos ' By Hour. "ai eo as z Z 14 North Stars vs. Hurricanes Helicopters vss. Mustangs : iH Frcs curios Contiacl, i ,0ST--On Saturday, Jan. 2, nor i 3 MARCH 10-- ' » . . Port Perry, (10th con.) two 1 : : 0 T C : - | a HEA re ae Mustangs vs. Kitty Hawks g Helicopters vs. Lancasters : i foi io Riding Pagasive : LIipn onstruction HIGH di [€1)) § f3 black and tan markings; alsa female, Rene ys, Mosquitos Spill VE Sundoriana. { : R.R. 2, Port Perry AUTO MA 11[e "black and 'tan, Phone 167R, Sam ets vs, liyers Bombers vs. North Ts ; : Ly 0 Phones: Res. 109 tr 42. Office 392 VIR . Naples, Port Perry. © © |MARCH17--. = : | Bia (UI ery ative Association - il | i | pu = = Jets vs. Spitfires - Hurricanes vs. Flyers : i ; HEAT [4 bi on SAL on Fone Tos. a North Stars vs: Helicopters Mustangs vs.' Lancasters 4 EPTI T ANK p r amon e Bombers vs. Mosquitors Sunderlands vs. Kitty Hawks | T I's C S , pen, pei me 1 Towr Hell, Whithy January 6, 1954 "Automatic Anthracite z A I 4 fig 7 - - Ra | | Cleaned by cuts fuel bills up to HALF ) ; Se Thai sel 3 i : THE compared with as or oil! Wanted : : ~~ i at 8 p.m. iB . PUMP EQUIPMENT 2 3 © WANTED--To Rent, House or Apt. i Sides y ? : f i Sl fl "THE SURE WAY" You don't have to BIG Phone 215 between 8-10 pm. ~ Ask for ||. YOUR 'CHOICE FOR 2, 000 DOWN FOR THESE HOMES fini ' " ' FUEL BILLS to enjoy auto- Mrs. Nichols. : gy IN PORT PERRY AND VICINITY : s { 21 Hour Service 2 .| matic heat. An Automatic : "DR. M. B. DYMOND. . } : Anthracite Furnace Res you C : in : 5. Room Frame House with 'ath: ey So Ion : ; "I President. ty ogee Dante IRWIN DeGEER finest gniomahiaieatias ! C gh water, end approximately 1 acre of land, on bus ine : 3 : AL, Lh "Dalton Road, S : slow hain : to Oshawa. $5,000 full price. ~~ - Ziel of ny ng i ah FEL Phone 231 Saiton Sawing . Double House, newly wired a ew roof, 2 rooms, full base- msn steno ARG GCE ea : . ; wn : -- » a a ; A : ment, approx. 1 acre land, barn, low down payment to | AR ! Ey ab yous LTR Apply to : right buyer. : Co : Ts BE ET I re ( : Catholic Association HAR EY WEBSTER "N : ; ewly Constructed House, with all conveniences, on highway B k fi 1 oi Bo Port Perry running through town. , Not yet plastered ; large lot. . roo lin Roo ing I. BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK S ALES Ee Sacrifice at $6, 500. ; COMPANY ute : nited Church Large 9- Roomed House, recently remodelled, town water, : =S Ev Tu d: \ Pe ad Farm Stock _ large chicken pen for 1000 chickens, 1 acre land Roofiig and Repairs, Tile Floors al es very ues ay : ; {| : For particulars concerning these listings, please contact [and walls--the latest in colours SOmMeNEIT 'at 2 pm. Buyers will find a wide variety of | pent | mm, el RR ; one: Collec anville WM. H AYN, R ] E B k Kit ; 'igs, (al sizes), Veal and Young Calves, and a 1) } fi 43 chen Cupboards Built and and Horses, "Na ale boy tive eal Estate roker fl, Jin © : "Sales Arena heated In winter, GW R PORT PERRY Phone 174 ri2 : : wa i a ' Mneonitioned in 8 in Summer. : FREE ESTIMA RR : + NE ELL LEVILLE 28 Phone Brooklin, 84-W ~~ Jan28|'===