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Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Feb 1954, p. 8

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Er es ke ' ay 2 we A % (eT i ~ rt a rE, oer Wd ey ca ey a Tvs Ar Tn Ee ar a ee _ size 9, in good condition, " Port Perry. : oN AA 4 Ala Ss EN PRAT GOR WHEN Slabs For Sale HARD SLABS---$14.00 per cord, 8 cord load or $16.00 per cord less than 3 cord load. . a BODY, HARDWOOD -- 'partly dry. $20,00 per cord, 8 cord load, or $22 per cord less than 8 cord load. MIXED LIMB and BODY HARD- WOOD. $17.00 per cord for 8 cord load, or $19.00 per cord less than 8 - cord load, : DRY SOFTWOOD SLABS -- $11.00 per cord, 8 cord load, or $18.00 per cord less than 8 cord load, i H: M. KYTE, Blackstock, Phone 26. marll Low Grade Hardwood Lumber, 1-inch and 2" x 4", Ideal for making box stalls and repairing stablés.. $46.00 per thousand. H. M. KYTE, Blackstock, Phone 26. Jarll - = 5 0 dy DOUBLE HOUSE FOR SALE-- Here's a chance to buy a house that will pay its own way. Each half complete in itself, with front and back entrances, 3 piece baths, hot water heaters, separate basements, _ heating, lighting, ete, Apply at Star Office -- WANTED--We buy Live Poultry. Highest Pyices Paid. T. WILSON, R.R. 1, Nestleton Phone Blackstock, 62 r 33. -We pay for all phone calls. mard "+ WANTED--Good used Farmall Cub Tractor ahd implements. Phone Schillings, 101 r 8. HELP WANTED--Man to work on farm Saturdays. Good wages. Trans- portation supplied if desired, - Phone Earl Moore, Sat. mornings 107 r 6, R.R. 2, Port Perry. : WANTED TO RENT--Professional man wants to rent (with option to buy) a house in Port Perry. Good location, all conveniences, will take | long term lease, Apply Box' 4; Port Pérry*; Star. SCRAP IRON -- Highest prices paid for Scrap Iron, Batteries and old : cars. Phone 190.r 22, Port Perry. mar4d 'LFOR SALE--Electric Brooder, two DeLaval Milker Pails, complete with rubbers and a generator. W. C, Son- ley, R.R. 4, Port Perry. : FOR SALE -- 11 chunks, over 8 weeks old. " Phone 143. FOR SALE: To close an estate, good house and lot in town of Ux- bride. For particulars - apply Enjyl Cook, Blackwater, R.R.2, Phone Sun- * derland 92 r 8. FOR SALE-- 30 good young pigs, Yorkshire' White, also one pure bred Hereford bull and one Durham bull, Phdhe 189 r 13, : FOR SALE--Pair of Men's skates, Call even- ings, Phone 383R, FOR SALE--200 bushels Beaver Oats. Apply T. W. Anderson, R.R.1, Port Perry, Phone 113 r 4. FOR SALE--Child's Modern Hard. | wood Crib, 27x61", with inner spring mattress; Price $20.00, Mrss Jack Smith, Blackstock, 82 r 28, ~ FOR RENT--Owner's home, fur- nished, will rent for summer months to reliable party (abstainers) 4 or 6 rooms,--econveniences. --Apply "Box - 6; |" Port Perry Star, 2 FOR RENT---Modern Apartment, kitchenette, 'living room, bedroom, heated, all conveniences, newly deco- rated,! very attractive, Phone 307M Dead Stock Service Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge 92 r 14, Lindsay 4682. Head Office, Woodville 82 r 11, ; ED. PECONI, Argyle '- Ontario WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH . KENNEDY will be pleased to rerve you. Phone 322W Port Perry ~~ Tor'information, ~~ © 4 nov 21, 1964 Dead Farm Stock wl. PICKED UP. PROMPTLY + Fhone Collect Bowmanville 2679 'We also buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, + TYRONE : dec. 16, 1964. H. FOR RENT---Two furnished rooms, 'hydro and bath, heated, separate en- trance, $40.00 per month. Ross Porter, Phone 265 r 41, Prince Albert. feb25tf = m-- British Ontario Motors CARS - TRUCKS - TRACTORS Re-Conditioned - Guaranteed 53 MERCURY, 1 ton Pick-up, 4 speed Transmission ,small mileage, $760. "under list. ] 62 MONARCH Coach, Automatic, Radio, Visor, Heater, good tires, a Beauty at a Bargain. 650 MORRIS Oxford Sedan, heater. 49 MINOR Coach, 42 miles per gallon 48 OLDS SEDAN, good tires, hydro- matic, radio, heater--see this dandy 47 DODGE Coach, a lovely car 47 MERCURY 1 ton Panel--good clean truck. : : 46 OLDS SEDAN, new motor 46 G.M.C. 3 ton stake, you can't go wrong : 40 Studebaker Champion Coupe, radio, heater, at our price it is unbeatable, 40° G.M.C. Panel--a give away Many more cars in running condition, $60.00 and up. gh. 49 FORD TRACTOR--overhauled and in perfect condition, . JOHN DEERE TRACTOR--a good one. 7 ; : Numerous used Implements including - Buzz Saw, Plows, etc. at clean out prices, : LENE "NEW and USED CARS . .. FERGUSON TRACTORS LEASKDALE --- 5 Phone Uxbridge 162 r 16. mar Value-Packed Used Cars That Lead the Parade In Good Looks and Good Going! '| All "O.K." used cars are reconditioned where necessary, fully winterized, and carry our "0K." warranty for 30 days or 1000 miles. Should repairs be. necessary through normal use dur- 'ing this period, we pay one half of the bill. ; All cars are equipped with heaters, some with radios and other extras. 0.K. USED CARS - 1952 -CHEVROLET SEDAN, black, a first class car. 1952 CHEVROLET COACH, greerf, well cared for by one owner. 19561 PONTIAC FLEETLINE COACH light green, one owner, a fine car 1951 PREFECT SEDAN reconditioned, very nice 1950 PONTIAC FLEETLINE COACH blue, guaranteed first class 1950 PONTIAC COACH grey, one owner since new : 1950 AUSTIN A40 SEDAN, dark green, one owner, exceptionally nice 1949 CHEVROLET COACH blue, very good condition. 1949 METEOR SEDAN, _ green, above average every way 1949 ANGLIA COACH, blue, fully reconditioned and guaranteed 1948 FORD COACH, black, radio new motor, guaranteed first class 1947 CHEVROLET COACH, blue reconditioned and guaranteed 1947 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN radio, in fine condition 1946 PLYMOUTH SEDAN far above average condition "0.K." USED TRUCKS 1949 FORD, 1-ton pickup, very good condition 1949 G.M.C. half ton panel, above average condition . = GOOD VALUE USED CARS 1942 PLYMOUTH SEDAN good transportation good mechanically 1937 BUICK 8 SEDAN ' above average condition 1987 CHEVROLET. SEDAN: ° good running condition . CASH - TRADE + or Convenient GMAC. TIME PAYMENT TERMS "Bryden Motors PORT PERRY PHONE 74 CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS _ Open Every Evening Until 9 For as long-as: there is human suffering then there is need of the Red Cross. You know the need, and how great itis. Please help generously --the work of mercy never ends. = *$5.422.850 is needed this year FOR SALE =MecDougall Pressiire System, complete with tank in A1 con- dition. Phone 206W. i" Seagra eagrave February W. A. met on Wednesday evening at home of Mrs. Reynolds with 80 ladies in attendance. Mrs. Eagleson led -in Prayer, Scripture verses read by Mrs, Geisel. The topic was given by Mrs, Fishley and a reading "Because" by Mrs. Harding. President Mrs. Butt' took clidrge for the business. Collection $6.85 was received and 12 ladies paid their mems bership fees. Several thank-you notes were read. : The north group are having a social evening on March 11 and showing pictures on Switzerland. A report from the Hospital Auxiliary was giv- en. Discussion took place on W.A. getting up another play. Plans were made for the World Day of Prayer with Sonya Ladies in 'Seagrave on March 6 and a refreshment committee was appointed. A vocal number was given by Mrs, Keen, Mrs. Moase and Mrs. Billingham, Two interesting contests were conducted by Mrs. Bil- lingham. Lunch was served by com- mittee from north group. Mr. Jas. Ewen celebrated his 83rd birthday on Sunday, at the: home of his daughter Mrs. J. C. MacTaggart. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ewen, of Oshawa were on hand to congratulate him. Mr.-and Mrs. A. Rose and children visited, on Sunday, with Mrs. Harper in Ajax. : Telia Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Fishley were Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Eades and children, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Gorrell, : £0 Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Winger and fa- mily of Victoria Square and Mr. and Mra, Joe Wideman and family of Unionville were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Forster. t | ville Sharp of Valentia, IMPORTANT "AUCTION SALE LATE MODEL TRACTOR, COMBINE, iy Electric Milker and Cooler, Farm Stock; Implements, Ete. The Property of : GABRIEL CESAR "on Lot 13, Con. 10, MARKHAM TOWNSHIP Nedai : -- of -- JalpRlat 97% Acre Farm + 15_ HEAD OF GOOD DAIRY CATTLE on No. 7 Highway, east of Locust Hill FRIDAY, MARCH 5th, 1954 DAIRY CATTLE "1--Holstein Cow, fresh, 4 years. 2--Holstein Cow, bred Sept. 15, 5 yedrs old. ER 3--Holstein Cow, 4 yrs, due 4--Holstein Cow, b yrs., fresh Dec. 1} h--Holstein Cow, 6 yrs., bred G--Holstein Cow, 6 yrs., fresh, calf at side 7--Holstein Cow, 4 ys., bred Nov. 10 8--Holstéin Cow, 4 yrs., bred Oct. 26 9--Black Cow, 4 yrs., fresh, calf at side, bred Nov. 21 10--Hols. Cow, b yrs., bred Sept. 16 11---Hols. -Cow, 4 yrs, due to calve, 12--Hols. Cow, 3 yrs., bred Oct. 24 13---Hols, Cow, 4 yrs., fresh, calf at side. HER a is ; i4--Holstein Cow, 4 yrs.; bred Dec, 23 15--Hols. Heifer, 6 months old Ahove mentioned cattle are all a good size, heavy producers, and bred by Toronto District Cattle Breeders. A number of the cattle are vaccinated. IMPLEMENTS z Allis-Chalmers Tractor, model (WC) on rubber, complete with starter, lights, PTO, Pulley ete." This tractor is in splendid shapé, M-H 2-furrow Narrow Bottom Tractor Plow, 2. yrs, old, Fleury Tractor Plow, 8 furrows Allis-Chalmers Combine, 5 ft., scour clean, ete., good, P.T.O, M-H Power Mower, 6 ft. cut, near new M.-H Side Rake, new 3 Set Bissell Tandem Disc Harrows Set 8-sec. Spring Tooth Harrows Wetmores Glutton Hammer Mill, new complete with -bagger, in perfect shape. -- 156 Dise Grain and Fertilizer Drill, near. new. : : Rubber 6-in. Drive Belt, endless, 70 ft. M-H Hay Loader - - 2-Wheel Trailer,. complete with flat rack, standard ete., tractor, Small 2-wheel Trailer / MISCELLANEOUS M-H Milking Machine, new, complete " |'all plowed for spring seeding. with piping and single unit. % h.p. Electric: Motor : Woods Electric Milk Cooler, new, 9 can capacity. 3 Coal-burner Brooder Stoves Beatty Horse Fork Car, for steel track. 170 ft. New Draw Rope Set Sling Ropes and Chain Extension Ladder 4- Steel Barrells Gasoline Tank, 200 gallons . Approx. 260 feet of new 1% inch ~~ Galvanized Water Piping 5 Rolls Snow. Fence . Scuffler : Electric Fencer Hand Garden Seeder Set b-section Drag Harrows, good. Number of other useful articles HAY AND GRAIN _ Approx. 600 bushels Clinton Oats good sample. Approx. 100 Bales 2nd Cut Alfalfa Hay, good. : i .Mow Loose Alfalfa Hay. Approx. 1000 Bales Oat Straw Large Number Sacks POULTRY Approx. 20 Laying Hens Number Poultry Fountains Number Chicken Feeder Hampers Number Poultry Hampers DESCRIPTION OF FARM The farm consists of 97% acres, more or less, of good Clay Loam, in a good state of cultivation. There are 18 acres of Fall Wheat, 26 acres of Al- falfa and Timothy Meadow, balance There ig a bank barn, all reconditioned with neww steel roof, new joists, new floor, new cement foundation, hydro, and water on tap, size 40 x"70; also Hen House, 20x40; Garage; 6 room frame Dwelling, with 4 piece bath, water and hydro. - This farm is nicely situated cn No. 7 Highway, between Locust Hill and Green River--only 38 miles from. Metropolitan Area, jis It will' be sold subject to reserve bid, Terms, 10% on day of sale; terms for balance made known on day of sale; > SALE AT 1:P.M. i. Proprietor quitting farmi - KEN & CL TERMS: CASH on Stock, Implements, Hay and Grain, RESER NO on account of ill health, : RKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. Markham P.O, Phone 346. tthe --~-- ica Mr. and Mrs, E. Butt attended the funerdl in Lindsay on Friday of Mrs, Butt's sister-in-law the late Mrs. Mel. A meeting of the Ontario Farmers' Union was held in the Seagrave School on Friday evening, Feb. 12, The speaker was a young farmer Mr. R. Usick of Manitoba. The purpose of the meeting was an attempt to form a local union in Seagrave. The fol- lowing officers were elected: Presi- dent--Mr. T, Harding; Vice-Pres.-- Mr. R. Reynolds; Secretary-Treas-- Mr, Morley Bruce. An organization meeting will be held in the school on Friday evening Feb. 26th at 8.80, The farmers and their wives of the district [are urged to attend. There is to be a guest speaker at this meeting, An enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. Reynolds on Saturday evening when friends and neighbours gathered for progressive euchre in aid of Community Hospital Auxiliary. Prize winners were Ladies Mrs. J. Tobin and Mrs. L. Short. Gentlemen Mr. W. Colwill and Mr. J. Forester,. Procéeds were $20.25 for evening: 2 Congratulatibns to Mr. and Mrs, Alan Sweetman (nee Isobel Sturman) who were married on Saturday in Oak- 'wood. Alan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sweetman and Isobel is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Sturman all of Seagrave. = ; : A miscellaneous shower was held in the school on: Wednésday evening in honor of a future bride and groom Sturman. After a few games of cards Alan and Isabel was asked to come to the platform and an address was -réad by Mr, Morley Bruce. Mrs. Nod- well and "Mrs. Tobin assisted in look- ing 'after 'the gifts. - Both Alan and Isabel made fitting replies thanking all for the lovely gifts and .the best wishes extended to them by thelr friends from Seagrave. : t Mr, and Mrs, H. Sweetman and Nell of Courtice were Sunday guests of: Mr, and Mrs. B. Wanamaker. ; Miss Audrey Cook and Mr. Albert: James of Port Perry, were dinner: ests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Short on Sunday evening. = i Mr. and Mrs. A. Short left on Fri- day for a motor trip to Florida. Mrs. Helen Wooldridge was accompanying A community party was held at the school on Friday evening with Mr. G. Sweetman and J. Tobin committee in charge. Prizes for euchre were taken by Ladies Mrs. A, Moon and Mr. B.. Pearson; Gentlemen Mr, L. Short and Jimmy Cookston. The next party will he March bth. < tii Next Sunday evening Feb, 28th at 7.30 the Church service 'will be in charge of the Young People's Union. A film entitled "As a Twig is Bent" is being shown. There will also he special music and it is hoped there will be a good crowd in attendance to encourage the young people, « Blackstock (Too late for last week) "Mr. and M rs. Earl Dorrell motored to Ottawa to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dorrell. Mrs. George Forder, Nestleton old Crawford and Janice. Miss Nancy Hutton celebrated her birthday on Thursday with a party, and entertained Misses Carol Rahm, Jill and Joan Saywell, Linda Venn- ing and Lynda Kyte: Lynda Kyte also Mavis Schmeldt, Cadmus. The many Cartwright friends of Dr: J. B. Lundy, Port Perry, would like to express their deepest sympathy on the death of Mrs, Lundy in Port Ferry Hospital on February 16th. Mrs, Annie Watson Caesarea, is manville memorial Hospital resting, after a severe heart attack, on Friday evening, CHAE) Mr. Ross-Duff had an appendicites operation in Port Perry Hospital on Feb. 16th. We all wish him a speedy recovery. ; : / "We were very glad to hear that Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Marlow were only shaken up and bruiged in the car col- lision, when on their way to Lively to visit Dr. Jack and Mrs. Marlow on Friday. Mrs. Grant Thompson, Nest- leton, who was with them, had a bone fractured in her knee, @ ---- | Miss Irene Emerson, Nestleton, Venning. ty Word has been feceived that Mra. E. P, Wood, Toronto, wife of a for- mer Rector of St. Johh's Anglican Church, passed away on Monday, Feh. liean Church on Thursday afternoon and she will be laid to rest beside her husband in spent Sunday with Mr, and Mra_Hars4* =~ held her birthday party on Friday --}- afternoon, with the -same-little-girls; spending a couple of weeks, in Bow-} spent the week-end with Miss Joan| 16. 'The funeral was held in the Ang- | wT Ed - : : i 3 : J : as - ----- "a ' LAKEVIEW PORT PERRY Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. | THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT, FEBRUARY 25-36-37 . "PHEY CALLED HIM 'CANADA'" ~~ Alan Ladd, Susan Stephen, Leo Genn ; © Inthe Record Smashing New Technicolor Hit. poy ""THE PARATROOPER" ; He "COMEDY and SHORT PICTURE Howard Du In the Thrilling MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED MARCH 1.2-3 i ew % aw 7} BREAD, BUNS, PIES, * SATURDAY Phone 32W "FRESH BAKING DAILY-- "ORANGE LAYER CAKE" and BUTTERSCOTCH TARTS with Whipped SPECIALS | Cream" = ~ G.M. GERROW = Books Arriving Over 400 Samples to Choose From. i Mr. Alah Sweetman and Miss Isabell . Everything Supplied for Your Job 7 77" WHEN BETTER PAINT IS MADE; = WE WILL USE IT. He i M. | ST. CLAIR | ___ NewPhone Number 118r14 | ¢ i '1 : andSons | | " RR. 4, PORT PERRY. Piast "Do you love "smocking, yet hate the tiresome task of picking up. dots? Contact Mrs, A. Martyn, 102 r 22 and| get particulars on. a fast, easy and accurate way. marll Claremont Radio and Television Service "REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES YEARS OF EXPERIENCE We service anywhere. Phone collect 1a is CLAREMONT 15W : mar.11 - ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, "Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry _ Bulldozing and Excavating . BACKHOE for Trenching and Loading i By Hour or Contract. : Free Estimates Given. Tripp Construction "RR. 3, Port Perry " Phones: Res. 109 r'42. Office 392 i . LEGALLY, GIRLS ARE MINORS UNTILL THEYRE TWENTY ONE. BUT MOST OF THEM ARE GOLD DIGGERS ALL THEIR LIVES. © fo ie at "UX-SPRING".. "And We've been auto service experts all our lives here 1948 CHEVROLE 8.4 1946 PONTIAC : VARIOUS OTHER MODELS * ; 'from 1935 to 1942 : 5 ; : You won't. be dealing with i « - "Minors" though we do "dig" out the trouble, hit with fast, skilled friendly mechanics who have your ~~ interest at heart, y : Al . 4 3 | | JUN Ypting Mote RCURVE co LE NCTION A i 2 4 STE ECA + on tay. St. John's Anglican Ceme- |

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