vi Are LN fcr Ni dir dei Lo a it or mm ac ae Ti ZO Ea > . FE 6--PORT PERRY ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 1st ,. 10564 Nia ne Blackstock BT couples from Oshawa, and three couples from Port Pedry Badminton Clubs, visited Blackstock: Badminton Club on Monday evening. Many friendly games were enjoyed. The Young People of the United Church presented their play "Out of this World in Bethany Hall on Fri: "day evening. 4 Mr, Hector Shortridge came home from Port Perry Hospital on Monday. We wish him a speedy recovery. Sorry to hear Mrs. Earl Dorrell has been ill with the flu. At time of writ- ing, though still confined to bed, was feeling some better. Mrs. Harry Van Camp had the mls- fortune to fall on the cememt side- walk and dislocate her elbow. She has - béen in great pain and is at present in Bowmanville Hospital. We hope she will be able to be home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill went to sec the hockey game in Peterboro on Monday evening. Wednesday evening our Badminton Club visited Lindsay Club and all re- "oport a good time. ~ Our_village was saddened on Sun- day 'to learn that one of our oldest residents, Mr. Nelson Marlow had passed away. The sympathy of, the community to Mrs. Marlow & family. Myr. and Mrs. Russell Willa, Toron- to visited Mr. and Mrs.-C. G. Venning, and Mur. Fred Johns and Miss L. Johns on Sunday. Mos. John Rahm, Mrs. John Ven- ning, Mrs. Stan Rahm, Miss Joyce Venning-and Mrs. Chas. Venning, mo- tored to Oshawa on Thursday evening, Makch 25th to attend the shower for Miss Donna Lewis, at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Carl Kidd. After the bride to be 'had opened her many gifts, thanked everyone, and been showered with confetti, a contest was held. Mrs. Hoskin being the winner. Lunch was served by the hostess and everyone 1 was enjoyed by everyone. Prince Albert Be sure and atten nd, Churchéor sSun- day. We are looking forward "with Jnuch pleasure to welcoming Rev. Mr, Joblin back again to conduct the Bible Class, and we also know that Mr, Job- lini is anticipating being. back with this loyal friends again. , We are very grateful to Miss Dodd and Mr. Smallman who gave. their time to come and so ably cenducted the class each for two. Sundays. Thank you, There are a good many birthday an- niversaries in April. © We extend greetings to the following: Mrs. A. Btown, April 5th; Mr. Raymer, April 6; Marion Martyn, April"6; Mr. Lou Bond April 8; Miss Violet Bond April' 11; Mrs: H. Collins, April 10; Mrs. Wm. Somerville, Apr. 15. - Mrs. A. McPherson and brother Mr, J. Mark, Lindsay, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martyn. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. Doupe, who celebrated their 25th wed- ding anniversary on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Newn- ham, where a dinner and wedding cake was served to thirty folk, including immediate family and close relatives. After the enjoyment of cating was finished, the honoured couple were fittingly remembered, a silver tea ser- vice from their family. They were also recipients of many other pfeces of silyer from relatives and one com- munity friend. ' Remainder of evening .wa$ spent in .enchre, and dancing, of which music was provided by Mrs. G. Hunter, Messers Birkett and Somerville. At midnight plenty of lunch and coffee Finally in the wee early hours all put their coats on for home, leaving behind goo wishes For Aleta and Jim Doupe. Of 14,000 medicinal chemicals tested for anti:malarial activity, only two were found 'satisfactory and only four antispasmodic drugs out of hundreds tested and classified now are widely used. spent an enjoyable evening. "Gr mn SENG - EX i Sad. SR ME a DA tak i Ty i ek I iy March 6. Subject: The School Tax Rate, Phe Forums were mostly - of the opinion the Tax for school pur- poses should be on¥thé value of build- ings and not on the land values as there are many properties in county areas that are lots and houses.and in proportion the farmer is paying a much higher rate thah the man with house and - lot," say half acre, who works in town or city, his income is as high or higher, than 'the farmer's, but his taxes are lower, ° On what the Forum's thought of improvement for the school financing, it was said 'that improvement was needed. One Forum was of the opinion that children from the shelter and others outside the school area should be assessed a school fee, Also a tax put on magazines and comic books would be a source of income for schools. ; A variety of opinions were express- ed about government grants. But it was thought that the government should pay grants for building of the schoel and improvements. March 8th-- ray Subject: Safety on the Farm. As to why the tractors are the greatest source of accidents on the farm-- carelessness was the reason expressed by-most. --Children-should not be al: lowed to drive tractors. All moving parts should be covered where pos- sible. The operator should learn what his machine will do and won't do? Tractors should not be used as a car on the road; also should not be oper- ated at high speeds. Tractors should be stopped while being serviced with wasoline at all times (it only takes a spark to start a fire); also stopped while anythjng-is to be done around moving parts. For safety _ projects, several were suggested -- First Aid courses; Farm Ponds or tanks for fire protection; a study' of electrical in- stallations and care of electrical equipment. March 15-- Subject -- From under the earth. Are our natural resources being used to the best advantage? Answers were [EE varied, some felt no, others were un- Ontario County Farm Forum Findings -were a variety of answers. ------ decided, as for others resources there On the best use of soil, it was felt that we are not using it to the best advantage. We are careless or unin- formed and more effort should be made to see that practices that lead to erosion and such will be stopped. Our mineral resources should be pro- cessed here in _Canada, not shipped out in the raw state. . This would also help employment. Canadians should invest in our country's rebources and kaep control here. The forest re- sources should be taken care of and'a raw material processed here. While it takes only minutes to remove a tree,! it takes years to grow a replacement. More control should be taken of our forest resources so that they are used to the best advantage, in a herd breeding programme and Holstein Breeders Attend Demonstration "The Ontario Holstein Breeders' Club held a most interesting 'Type Denion- stration' at Elmeroft Farms, Oshawa, on. Wednesday, March 4th, with over 100 breeders present. The group assembled at. 11.00 a.m, } and were conducted on a tour of the farm buildings by George McLaughlin and menibers of his staff... i George outlined-the farm operations at Elmcroft- and discussed the breed- ing programme they were following. | i The new grain, feed, and fertilizer, storage building which features many labour saving ideas: drew many fav- ourable comments from the group. Other new features at the farm, the comfort stalls, bulk milk gooler, stablé cleaner, and-the logse housing ar- rangement for young stock created a great deal of interest. - In the afternoon President Byron} Holtby welcomed the group on hehalf of the club and then turned the meet- ing over to Gerry Nelson, Holstein Fieldman. Gerry outlined the bene- fits of the selective registration policy 1 . a a! he en LS ep Sai hel The tuck hats built tolost "and shifting for good! This proved, economical," automatic transmission is optional at extra cost on 14-, models. 13 CH does more work per day ... more work per dollar ! acceleration and hill-climbing ability let you save time where: it counts. And you do it with greater safety and economy ! You Save Hours on the Road. Thanks to new high-compression engine power, you can maintain faster schedules without driving at higher maximum road speeds. . You Save Time on Deliveries. With new truck Hydra- Matic transmission, you save valuable time at every delivery stop. And you can forget about clutching 3- and '1-ton You Save with Lower Upkee, too. New Chevrolet trucks are built stronger to last longer and save you money on maintenance. For example, there are heavier. -axle shafts in two-ton models . heavy-duty models . And Your doiingd Start the Day You Buy. In fact, they start with the low price you pay -- and * : they never stop as long as you own .a Chevrolet truck. And - Chevrolet is also the truck that has 'a traditionally higher trade-in value. 8 . Bigger clutches. in light- and. : stronger frames in all models. MOST TRUSTWORTHY TRUCKS ON ANY JOBI Come, in and see all the wonderful new things > FRR "Chevrolet Advance-Design Trucks CHivAOLLT YOu get in 'Canada's number oneitmck, Wel : I= be glad to give you-all the money-saving facts. . A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE te. : teal : Crasp - - Bryden Motors Phone 74 _ Port Perry, Ont.' - pointed out the salient features of the new form which hag just been' intro- duced. Mr. D. S. Dunton.: Glenview Farm, Brampton, was-in charge of the of= ficial classification. Everyone present used the new selective 'registration forms and marked dowwn their ideas on how they thought the Holsteins under study should be classified. _ There was much general discussion on the grading of the cows and it was the feeling of those present that a|® interest had been | 3} created in type classification by this | 8 The Directors of the |¥ ¢lub are to be congratulated on the |§ arrangements for this well worthwhile | $8 great deal of demonstration. SLY: demonstration. Message fo the - appeal for public support. Cancer is considered the most fear- ed and deadly disease of modern times. Through the funds made available on your behalf. _Fomous Reading Anthracite is trademarked with Red Spots to protect you from imitetions You can be sure you are getting fhe Red Spots, Phone us for this Ty fine Pennsylvania NS hard coal today. og Port Perry Coal &| Ice Co. ifizens ls Combating disease and human suf- iS fering in a worthy cause on which to § by your' Support, the Canadian Cancer | & Society is fighting this dread disease, | Across the Dominion, | a great work of RESEARCH is' being | § accomplished, over 100 cancer research projects are working on the baffling and complex probléin of what causes cancer, and its treatment and cure. he An EDUCATION programme' is be} ing carried on continually to educate the public how to deteet and combat this disease, The Ontario County Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society provides a' community. : The ladies' committee of the unit inake cancer dressings, which are | supplies to cancer patients, Transpor- tation is provided for those who re- quire special diagnosis and many other aids for the comfort and relief of an cer sufferers are provided. "THE CANCER FIGHT IS EVERY- BODY'S FIGHT". GIVE NOW, FREE' E WELFARE SeRvice in the SPRING VE COMING! See our lovely display of the new styles -- DRESSES and SUITS for Spring Wear SPECIAL SERVICE TO. OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS ARDLEY FROCKS 491- 3-5 DANFORTH AVE, "TORONTO to Oshawa. right buyer. org running through town. Sacrifice at $6,500. YOUR C HOICE FOR" $2, 000 DOWN FOR THESE HOMES IN PORT PERRY. AND VICINITY Eyre 5 Room Frame Houde "with bath, built-in Cupboards, town water, and approximately 1 acre of land, on bus line - $6,000 full price, - Double House, newly wired and new roof, 9 rooms, full base- ment, approx. 1 acre land, barn, low down Jayment to ! Newly Constructed House, With all conveniences, on highway Not yet plastered; large lot. large 9-Roomed House, recently remodelled, town water, large chicken pen for 1000 (chickens, 1 acre land. - ir particulars concerning these listings, please contact: CW. HEAYN, Real Estate Broker EL You are cordially invited to inspect - the DAVID BROWN TRACTORS . . now on display af © BAY HOBBS' GARAGE. | 3 {PORTPERRY = Phonel74r1z CALL 289 - | i DAVID BROWN (CANADA) LIMITED = |. 7 2 sigan announce the : iB hy is _ appointment of wo oa gn an vu A RAY HOBB'S GARAGE as a dealer for * The World's Pinot T RACTORS "David Brown tractors are famous the world over for dependable, low cost operation. Now in Canada. 3 they are seiting a new high stand. ard of economy coast to coast, 3 Be sure to see the David Brown i hisors yes Seite on o nay woe | ivamoate Your David Brows 4 . el tha" duit Ex) sine The easy-to-get parts and servicing fac- : BH : Devt -- iy 4 fo se a : ¢ y : Only DAVID BROWN offers all these features Ap B @ 7 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM . ® A POWER RANGE FOR EVERY FARM 3 ® 'A CHOICE OF EITHER DIESEL OR GAS ENGINES pn ; | ® BOTH HYDRAULIC AND PULL TYPE OPERATION ~~ | : i ® BUILT-IN 2 SPEED PULLEY AND 2 SPEED P.T.O. | © 6 SPEEDS FORWARD . . . 2 SPEEDS REVERSE FERTIL