SLES SUVA RN SNL He 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 16th, 1954 w Honeydale W. I. The Annual Meeting of the "Honey- dale Women's Institute" was held In the Port Perry Library on Wednesday _ afternoon, April 7th, ° The meeting was opened by SIE ing the "Opening Ode" followed by repeating the 'Mary Stewart Collect". The Motto "Forget the mistakes of the past, and press on for greater achievements', The Roll Call--Paying of the dues. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Trea- surers' Anpual Report was then given. All standing committees gave their annual reports. Would the members who have not turned-in their bags, for the penny- round up for Mental Handicaped chil- dren, please do so by the end of the week, Mrs. L. Honey reported on the Dist- rict Executive meeting held at Brook- lin April 6th. A Conference will be lia at Guelph May 6.and 7 for the 'Area, District and Branch conveners of Home Eco- "nomics, Health and Resolutions. On account of this our May meeting will 'be held the second Wednesday in May. The District Annual of the South Ontario W.I. will be held at Brooklin on Friday May 28. Donations were given to the Can- cer Fund andthe Korean--Widow's| Fund. Flowers were sent to Mrs. M. Har- dy. a Gloria Hastings favoured us with a piano solo. a Our District President, Mrs. Heron, instructed. us on the Do's and Dont's of our-Handbook. She then conducted the election of Officers for the com- ing year, ~ _ President--Mrs, Sam Cawker. 1st Vice-Pres.--Mrs,- A. Brunton. 2nd Vice-Pres.--Mrs. C, Graham. Secretary--Mrs. N. Williams, - Assistant Sec.--Mrs, P. Diamond. _ Treasurer--Mrs, H. Honey, « District Director--Mrs P,' Diamond. Branch Directors--Mrs. Pugh, Mrs. Owen and Mrs. Leahy. ; Flower and Fruit Conevners--Mrs. C.' Howsam, Mrs. L. Hutchinson, Mrs. S. Ploughman, Mrs, C. McKim, Librarian--Mrs. L. Leahy. Pianist--Mrs, S. Ploughman. Home Economics and Health--Mrs, B. Day. Agriculture and Canadian Ind -- Mrs. Fines. Historical Research and Current Events--Mrs. J. Owen. Citizenship and Education--Mrs, L. Dawson. Community Activities and Relations--Mrs. W. Moase. Press--Mrs, C. McKim, Resolutions--Mrs. R. Dusty Aullitors--Murs,"W. Day & Mrs. Bell. Public Lunch was served by Mrs. Pugh's group. The cancer fight is everybody's fizht.. No age group, sex, race or oc- cupation is immune. Fight cancer by supporting. the Canadian Cancer So- >| Ivan Bruce of Toronto was at his ciety's campaign. Seagrave On Wednesday evening the North Grofh of W.A. went to Port Perry to the home of Mrs. Bruce McCoy to honor her on her departure from their | midst. Despite the severe storm dur- ing the evening, sixteen ladies were present. The evening was spent in playing euchre and chinese checkers after which Ruth was asked to take a chair and Mrs, A. Clarke read an address and Mrs. John Tobin present- ed her with a flower vase in the 'corii- flower design. -In a few well-chosen words Ruth thanked the ladies for their gifts and very thoughtful ges- ture. A lovely lunch was*then served and the ladies made their departure, fetling a very enjoyable evening had been spent. ah Mr, and Mrs, A. Bruce spént the week-end with friends in Toronto, Mr. a home here during the week-end. Mr. and: Mis, 'Lavern Martyn of Scugog 'were Saturday evening guests | at the B. Wanamaker home. Mr. E. Butt and Mr. A. Moon were committee in charge of community party on Friday evening. Eight tab- les of euchre were played. Those win- ing. prizes were Ladies, Mrs. E. Butt and Mrs. Reynolds; Gentlemen, Mr. N. McMillan and- Mr,. J. Forester. This is the last party of season. Mr. and 'Mrs, J.-S. MacFarlane, Mr. Reid MacFarlane, Mr. Ruddy Dure and: Miss Lorna Dure of Toronto at- tended the funeral of their cousin the late Dr. Franklin: M. Dure, at Bright-. on on Saturday. Interment took Place in Uxbridge Cemetery, BS S v memes ene 'Thereby notified Miss Marjorie Milner of Pickering, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wanamaker, Mr, Fred Swanick of Pelley Sask. visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. MacFarlane. - Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Short on the arrival of a fine baby boy.: Mr. and Mrs, J. Forster attended the Markham and Unionville Lion's 'Club Variety Show, at 'Markham on Friday night of last week. On Satur- day they visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brignall in Markham. Mr. Wm Cowie of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Forster, There will be a special Easter ser- vice on Good Friday 'in the Church at 8.00 p.m, with Miss Willows in charge. On Sunday morning the usual S. S. will be held at 11 a.m. A "special program is being arranged and the perfect attendance diplomas and seals for: the past year will be given out The regular church service Sunday evening at 7.30 p.m. Don't forget the date, April 23rd, Friday evening, when the W.A, will present their two, One-Act plays en- titled "Polly Put the Kettle On" and "I'll Eat My Hat" in Seagrave. Ad- mission, Adults 50c,, Children 25c. NE Notice to Creditors] In the Estate of Mabel M. W ells, . Deceased. All persons having claims agains the Estate of 'Mabel M. Wells, late of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Widow, who died on or about the 7th day, of March, A.D. 10564, are Manchester The Woman's Association met last Thursday at the home of Mis. Sadie Masters. Mrs. Aird and Mrs, Lamb conducted the devotional period, after say last Wednesday attending the Bm. to add to yours. Stevens and family. | Proceeds for, artificial joe, whigh Mrs. Roach precided fora short business session. Correspondence was read and ways and means to raise|# money were discussed. Ten dollars was: granted to the Cancer. Fund. delicious lunch was served after; the meeting, i On Monday evening, Apxil 19th, the 3 M. P, M, Young People will hold a |} special recreational meeting in Man: | }§ chester church. All young people are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Harvey Dobson and Mr. Edward i Mole were in Mount Bridges this week | & attending the funeral of the late Mrs. James Mole. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Arnold visited on Sunday with their daughter Mrs. 0.|% Heayn-and family. on Scugog Island; Mr, and Mrs. F. B. Johnson and Mr, h Harley Johnson attended the "home |& show in Toronto one day last week, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Lamb and Mr. and Mis. F, B. Johnson were in Lind: : Famous Reading; Anthracite is trademarked with Red Spots to protect you from imitations Alf Te, 0h 000 es 0, 1% 0% oo 1% 8 oF o% 47 0) 0) 8 Come one, come all, to the Hobby funeral of the late Miss Rilla Wind- Show! You might find another one Place: the United Mr, Harvey Stevens, Ahr, visited | Church. Date: May 18 and 19, Ad- on Sunday with his son, Mr. Theo, |wission 50e. Sponsored . by 1.0.D.E. SONORAN. 0. 0 0 0 0 8 09 © SANE ACHP SOP ROR BH @ SORORSRON SAREE BN RS SLA °F or Your Easter 'Wardrobe See our lovely display of the new styles -- DRESSES and SUH'S for Spring: Wear SPECIAL SERVICE TO OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS | ARDLEY 'FROGKS | es oo SOOO PO BOSD SAOBPOIOSOID Large Selection of Choice Lots ~ in Port Perry and Vicinity WeLL LOCATED AND REASONABLY PRICED. tified to send; Tio ie -undeér- signed on or before the 30th day of April, 1954, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributéd' among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this - You can be .sure you are getting - enuine- Famous _ eading Anthra- cite. Just look for the Red Spots, Phone us for this fine. Pennsylvania hard coal todav. Port t Perry Coal & Also 3 two-acre lots 'suitable for V.L.A. Building. These lots are close to, both schools and on main road, right close to business section. : CONTACT PHONE 488 Port Perry - - BY TN 30th day of March, A.D,, 1954. ARTHUR W. S. GREER, Q.C., Port Perry; Ontario, Solicitor for the Ex- Tee Co. || W HEAYN, Realtor i : i Sas ecutors. aprillb! CALL 289 oh Fe a E i A 8 C4 wo of 48 o GAY, EXCITING NEW COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM! : We invite you to take 4 DOD = rE = Soft, gentle tints that blend with nature's own color scheme . 3 gay fl T Yims | - ied : 2 bright permanent hues that catch the fancy and delight the eye! They! re or q 5 MILE RIAL : : SH --all in the new color range of SWP House Paints. -- 3 : More than three times as many colors as ever befits and every one 2nd mile, a Sherwin-Williams product whose time-tested reputation for color - integrity, durability and service stands unsurpassed } : doar 8 , HG WORE oh 1 3 ; Da £38 ie REPAINTING WHITE EXTERIORS ? LET Orze-("oat DO THE WORK OF TWO! I, , - so -- Sa : telat TAKE THE: WHEEL and relax on TEST ITS EASY HANDLING next HEAD .FOR THE BUMPS you / : ; | 4 wide, comfortable, chair-high. ++. around corners, through ordinarily would avoid, Feel how USE ONE-COAT REPAINT WHITE! 1 WAYS BETTER! i seats, Because you sit higher, you _ 'traffic, in tight spots. Pressure Oriflow: shock absorbers,: unique: , | - Se : enjoy an Unobstrusied view of . you th the steering heel spring suspension and low fenite : : ; etl Twice. the hiding power. of : - the road. Note, too, the luxurious is multiplied 21 times to make of gravity bring you a steady, | You get : whiter ficher Inger hing re ; 1. dary painis) 9 Sit Dodge interior. appointments * «turning easier. level ride Sinn 8a amoalher > i Wh a iki | 2 ew s\ning additive gives : : : ¥ - h Xter: s¢ paint! ; ® deeper warmth of tone, : EE ; RT i Just once over with this premium quality I - eliminates glarel . ty re ie ot roud you 3 ae alkyd-base paint and those old painted 3 Self-cleansing action automa- Dodge .". . and see the ; ¢ 3 'SH : ; : . . a ®. tically sheds grime and dirt difterénce, . 3 1 . ; surfaces look brand new again! I with each rainfall We know you'll enjoy er : s : ki | New Alkyd content provides ; mile of the ride; Andiwere sure, ER <4 - R ee them at your | re smoother, toughar surfacel i ; . that the more you learn about Yoana : Sherwin-Williams dealer today! J " ; fren Dod Dodge, the 6 ore you'll " : | X : is 4 our Lleghons cal wh ing EA 8 : to your doorstep for a : rE . ------- i 8-nila trial. Call us soon. rend © vo 2 HURRY. UP A iy or along an' CHECK. FOR EXTRA. vi A. ; oy ; opi h 4 Jered dm HEH, ye : . open highway. Zip awayifrom a e "big car' feel and perform- : ti hae i ; - gtandstjll; That. way you will feel ance that is yours at such low ° ln yo by snp a . the flashing reserve of power that cost. Take the &-mile {rial soon ask your Dedge-DeSote dealer i ; RWIN: - Wii L LI AM S ASRS" | BS BED makes the beautiful, Dodge the in the big Dependable Dodge, whet oxira valve bho can offer on ! : : action, car for '64. ' now 'at your dealer's. * wow or osed car, 2 ER i La - . pH a SORE a A : ] MANUFACTURED IN CANADA BY CHRYSLER "CORPORATION OF CANADA, tmimep| de egie Hardware Beare Motors Ltd. | : oo. Phone. 61 PHONE 333 Port Perry PORT PERRY