TF Fog Lag ITAA ~ yy FM Rd PLANT I Eh SG Sd aN Had 22 5% XI RE LAs nl Sir ris oy hoy sil Aa A BI AL laa SLR SE SN BRIE New Hose Feature ; 'The Paler Shades CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MILLION Dollars Worth of Talent BE foe i Fc hp AUYLRLIOING ' : whey is stepping into shring il BABY CHICKS : MEDICAL B F . A "Nick qu qo heel-to-hem: portion of the fash- Sara kT pl lis ADVICE VERY SUPPRRIR attles ror ickel- Trophy fidon ploture. "Many of the new | fait difmi es Halil TH | BMMATIC PANS of Navas ¢ ] : suing akc | shades are mere mists of well. ro eo ". MUNRO'S DRUG STORE -~ Jo SE ue : defined colors designed to flatter ci. ror aR Su SI We, MOIN OTTAWA. aiid : the legs. og leas buy soyony of these H.0. $1.38 EXPRESS PREPAID : canal One hosiery mill has actually ant Eig hagh : oF a E : sued {ts color card to the differ land Red x v, Lat MEN AND WOMEN ; liner rgudon i -ent skin tones of blondes, brun. | Sussex X Rhoda lsiand de 1 : ig, : ; hg eftes, brownettes, redheads and | met started. 8h "Bpied" 'BE A HAIRDRESSER : A 1 ® Here's a real paradox in sport. Another "Ne greens. ! | oom plies wy Y lta 40d sat oy. yy Meat Opbortunity TE nlouou, 5 Tuelling struggle for oped ever before has there been | We hive them It Tou eat them, Hairdressing. * d v 3 i te n ol 80 much to choose from in both |- llores 1st generation Nichols Ne tly dignified Fr 00d wag , ockey's most coveted AW the Stanley pshires are our best, Turkey ds of successful Marvel raduath : Cup, is in its final torrid this week. atyling and construction, For the i Older Pulletn : rica"s Greatest Bystem ay Thie marks the final Ya Aer Tide very fashion conscious there are NabLE CHIC HATCHERIRS LIW Rlustrated Catalogue Free an multi-million dollar trall -- for a trophy pastels in muted pink, mauve, MARVEL HAIRDRESSING 6CHOOLS &) that cost something less than $50, and yellow and powder blue to create DYRING AND CLEANING Br loos W., Toronto. was given, originally for competition among amateur hockey 'an unbroken color line from head | ooo Aythi i Wt King St; Hamil ™ Sb e an : ig rhe aperial goeeslon pening? "rele tous tor. 1a Na von, | 18 Rideav Bt. Ottawa, - was bac e far-from-gay Nineties t . styles Include flocking and hand. coeriment J. Parkers Dye ¥ ¢ . | 'ley, then Governor-General of &ahada, i to pa, painting that looks like embrold- | Rep'T3i Forse 8. choronte, wae th Shy aiid) tum ten pounds sterling for the purchase of the trophy to bear his ery and self-patterns achieved a markable new Findate Tae : CE Si ay Sra fer, en ingiffercot hockey fan BT ees Tine Ta thn RE nth HL ' . 1 ce another distinguished English- number of manufa ' ? man, Lord Kilcoursie, was a "visitor at Core ment ouse, - have been working Quietly 10 1 Poi suosses with Tuskers Thats why ORE | Mosk: garda. wails of barn arpoultey ~~] Ottawa, and through his efforts the trophy was secured. wets Aig. busing. Tweddle See pr uton 90d lust vear'lh rus 8 phy red. i ove the fit, comfort and wear- roasted turkeys sach year. Broad Breast- Quebec. Big new opportunity in Ontarlo, Lord Kilcoursie was fascinated by the hockey of the | . ng qualities of hosiery tops or ed Bronre, White Holland, Nebraskan 100%, yrofit for you on each quick sale, ~ period, #9 Tuck 30 that he asked to be tutored in what he | welts, One has come up with a Gville Waites, son-bexsd. hing, tome. | NILE 0 Setalle Hox 112.7133 Elghieents = athletics". He .proved an apt pupil and Tha : - : } . } dialling - 2 y became a player on the Rebels Hockey Club, phd P PL ane £ Beauty and The Prince -- Actress Gene Tierney sits in a car with? rungro OL elt aid to put " "l FWEDOLE' Click HiToRmRIRg 2p. | [QUICK-DROP bed guard. Destined to ~ ; ' : of de Ontario Jlockey Association, Lord Kilcoursie then Aly Khan, one of the richest men In the world, at Rosarito garter area. po ion Fi ow i ; ONTARIO | 5¢*bad! Guard swine under bad while at nS High Sams playe mere y forse glory of winning, fecth; Mexico. Miss Tierney has been given a diamond ring a built-in knee action achieve TTL KING OF ALL STRAWBENAING promot Caiotor ar opr itar, He sought out his friend Lord Stanley, and prevailed y the Prince, but she sald there was no Immediate marriage throug' an elasticized welt. This | sweetest, firmest berry of them i Ons : \ upon him to make some fitting donation, preferably fone that * planned. hes 1s for active women who do ¢on- | RUPLE ARLE to sired ears. Be sure | JE A DISTRIVTORI ; would perpetuate the memory ot pany Sieriererably one that p---- : siderable bending and stooping. | io plan". $1.00 18 "Plante 13.90; orld. Famous. | Cuvee. head es ore ing the ten pounds Lord Kilcoursie had a trophy fashioned fo his eighteenth birthday, three | He was forty years old when | peaireioy or has used the new | gob Bite do Manic Nonoinme | rotary head wives closest stave, Whole: - be known as the Stanley Cup and presented annually as- drunken fisherm d A . textralized nylon yarn to make : 08" Crate Bast. Montreal Bw. ? symbolic of Canadian hockey supremacy, yi oe him, " broke his Violin. a His Be galled P America bor ge nt welts with plenty of stretch for let our drassiat Fouls ORES Ri : ~ The Cup was awarded as a challenge trophy for amateur 'head, and started to beat him : Orleans pay after pottin his seamless, cifeular-imit hosiery, Er Ras ANED oo uh Ye Rabi HATS ™> hockey, for the very good reason that then in the days of og booths Ma lagu Bhi ) ] . spotting hi Until this feature was added, RINCH Edward Ogunty, Resldental, | pelaness made You look older. and. une natural ice, small rinks, many of them open-ale=protomonal A ang then Sd | i opponent more than ten years-| women with larger legs some- Alt . olsen nd peices. Wette or ttractive? What you need (s LUXUL 3 Rockey was mot even thensly or. aan Spend rol SSiofal Jooss 8 proces le 0 give | and over fifty pounds, defeated | times found the tops of circular- | gal. + MacKensle, Ritr. Wellington, | FAIR & SCALE CONDITIONER. Grows i deed of the gift stipulating that amateurs only should play for thei Gridiis jnen e beating of | him for the world's heavyweight | knit hosiery too tight for cdm- Ont. : ; _to stimulate the growth of new healthier 3 - the trophy, ald gradually the Cup passed in 0 tHe hands of eir-lives:-The-tight-was-watch=--| championship by a knockout. ~~ | fort. aT ATTENTION LADIES! $1.00 Postpald. | prac and keep the scalp clean, 'LUXUL' HH 2 the professional clubs. - a Anfa.o ed by an admirfhg rural circus Through all this Jem Mace Seam-free nylons appear to be' | Ne hort BACLE WINDOW CLEANBRI | §oa® Jil CO SONEY BACK. QUARAN: : . It was held by the eastern professional champions until |- promoter, When it was over he | never gave up his love. for his | growing in popularity for year- wipe' cloth mitt 'over windows, mirrors, I bos Bi BT ME § L the Patrick brothers, Lester Rr Frank, daringly organized propositioned Jem, with the | violin, It went with him every- | round as well as summer wear. | Muo, windshields. oto. = Leaves them | CHE Ct Lr Largs Feonom A the Pacific Coast League, challenged for the trophy, and result that the young men with | where which made for a lot of | The bare look was preferred to | Quaranteed 100%. Rapid Bales, vor ft; Ml slas L. 4 I, PRODUCTS (CANADA). e frequently. won it. When the Coast League collapsed th the the hand yfists became a prize | travelling because Mace fought | bare legs by many women last | Zothocton. Ohlo, rr NUNDIOR, OR i --mid-20's, the trophy remained with the National ague, ful- fighter He took on all comers '| in the ring for fifty-six years! | summer and may develop into an NEW BARLEY INSTALL YOURSELF! AWNING and 5 tilling its destiny as symbolic of hockey supremacy. : in a circus boxing booth that The climax of his carer came in important trend this year. 'At NEW -Eastern Canadlan Feed Barley, Por _-- og Mn ah for Be Many millions of doMars have since -been invested in travelled up and down England. |. South Africa where two well- | least one Canadian mill will | Wath males tori, putstanding steeW. | approximately halt price of custom made 5 great, artificial ice-palaces, more millions in salaries, training ~= Although Jem Mace never known prize fighters were vying shortly make seamless in mesh || Ylelder. Varlety -- Fort Cortitte " No, ri py A En. : and travelling expenses, coaches, managers, farm circuits, weighed over 160 pounds, he | for the heavyweight champion- | as well as regular knits and i bead, Sorarnipent sealed ta two bushel | proof pitatie kiass = and brackets made 1 Mikeep of ihe great-'rinks, maintenance of hockey .head- fought his way up the ladder | ship. Mice fought both of bint full and knee-lengths, Those Man our TY hut 3 or a OB. 1 of durtbly wrodiuca inven Tiviad stn ! qu aor on usteent. of 2efsrets snd Other sitio als. a until he became heavyweight | youngsters within the space of | switching to seamless have a new | Sere Flour Mills, Limited, Carp, Ontatlo. EB instiuchions. Sis¥a g. $50 trophy, and of course for the monetary ards. that Ho Shampion hid \ bby LA ge both hese) Smocked them holon A ob a ey /GEONITE" 68-BATTERY 73 : EL on -- 3 =k couple . : leserved since'..he-.| both cold! at's more, Jem | should reques needle, 15- | ooo : = 4 toupled with it, have run into the billion-dollar mark, beyond ; fought in almost every country | Mace was seventy-one years old | denier construction, which are | oubiefees -Ormaits 0" storars 'patie ry x : : pa : in the world. HAE when he accomplished this feat! Squivatont ji%iTne more familiar | -for ahi" ho 3 oar ouriaive Wuaren. ONIRS, Delphinlum, Double Shasty a an 2 % - ; -gauge, -denler in full-fash- barges twice as fast. Custom built, lox. Our 1954 Mat is now pend. (1 i i : nadian manufactured, y ua ly rested, "tor Won. itt £2 RE ---- OUR patois ox | Bgl Aid ae | BA a inti Ent i foams : spring include a pinky beige, a - - PATENTS 3 VV. 9 le neutral bei ea "gkin-tone USED SCHOOL BUSSES : en n ¥ 1 kh : i ge, Sp = © RE c i g OFFER to every Inventor--List of {ne |. When Men Fought bron. bin wi bony | Bests Fhe ttt St | BER A LER Cl LG : With Bare Fists underlonos anda violoouched | Jul pu i per iy | Sek HY i Sh Bund 5 Eh -_--e- grey, Thy Jie ={oislope 1) zomical rtnaportution 0 V00000 oaaToNHAUGH. & Congany Pa. Fe ; 9 Oo Trays ! 3 ch, blen I contrast w e -day Mechanical Warranty on a : sai A 2 4 3 4 i 4 Tis first 'modern prize fighter All thaf happened a long ime latest costume eolors. 3 basis: on Above units -- Terme ar- Nisity Ave, Toronto, Patents all coun- pl { of whom there is any record is | ago His fame as a fist-fighter = Sy uty, oer Makep and Holo 4 ¢ is ~ 'James Figg of England. +, | has been completely FA of Bus akon "ea part payment on & Rew or hi i © ln his youth, a tough and | but curiously enough, American He Collects Hands | "noice im 0 RAL caw Tessie sie es crate Bus ames Tiay vas' ory. always will remember -REO MOTORS INC.,' Canadian Division, tnoluded, The Medico 0 A 51 : a ilo b ined rrr and him as another kind of fighter,™ 'You are unlikely to-meet a LEASIDE, tts Yatan 4 " Toronts, Sart, on 3, ¥ i 30ers, However, when he for he we We Father of His |. more dexterous man than Mon- | ror vii sn Turik -- - (TOBACCO ~ Bilminator -- A. Helentitio Eas 1 » ran, out of wrestling opponents ountry an e first President sieur Michel de Bry, a French- Roe , barn, "gar- uaranteed remedy for glgaratte addic- Rant ff -~ he turned to fighting ppon his of the United States George man whose hobby » Hb oh ear. VNR Bente oy Herd = i] i Regal 77° fists. Thus, in 1716, bare-knuckle [ .Washington. = ' hands for history. ~ Dist iments, Suan . Lad, Box 308, Weikerville, Ont. Rt ; Heghting mae ie official modern There are more odd facts cons 1 Already well known as a col- BA SPECRLED prove REPAIRS ' WN ebut when James Fi ro- |. nected with the + of the ector of "connoisseur grama- clare on Tihs 1s Jest nyacka Laka, : y 2% | 3 claimed himself the Wake 20 ah old-time eheminion. Sil the phone records, de Bry gear Srontese OL ral pleet by 20) deep, ATOR. thy ht Be aries, iJ ap champion of the world. He was | than with any other fighter in with the'ided of collecting plast- | proved by' somintmens "subi 000 bs JPY Sli dudes, Tox a9, Han a ring marvel and he reigned | fistic history. Td begin with, it er-casts of the celebrities whose Tell your speckled trout fishing frlonds rl, i : as undisputed: heavyweight | is Interesting to 'note that Mace, voices he already had on wax. us I BE ra Ulan WANTED he champion until 1730, when at | who began fighting about a hun- or : : -- Then he decided to try to acquire | 'le. Stuart Street, Guslp. ( neiioR by ~-- the age of 36, he retired from | dred years ago, is responsible Anybody Got A Key? -- Like hundreds of other dogs in Chicago perfect models of the hands of | STAPLERS and Tackers, large ana MAN -AND WIFE 2 the ring--undefeated. . for most of the development of this little fellow found himself behind bars. Faics that iy s the famous, go, that historians and | small. to stavle anything--bags, office | As frm help on dairy farm near Torn. (14 'James Figg's style of fist fight- | modern skill in the ring. He recent antirabies roundup. The city was decl y 4 biographers might be helped in | tags. eto. Stavies for all makes Tootio® | teenth Btrest, New Toronto. Tn i ing set 'a new fashion in the invented the left jab_and taught "quarantine" area aft pl I y was SEH a rabies deducing character from the Jeneics & Co. 429 Malin West, Hamil: -- " 2 p13 word of sports. Upon his retire- | It to a number of boxers in a | d Stier several persons were bittdn. by 'rabid casts. He first exhibited the Sab BEAR. CUBS i ment, he opened a school. for school he ran in Australia, : : ogs roaming the city's streets, models at a club called The MEDICAL Wanted 1954 bear cubs. Send gi gly teaching. His place was called {| Among his pupils were such | Ra = Friends of French Palmistry. | "POST'S ECZEMA. SALVE Brat Bowmanvite. Ontarts, | T® Oto iY "Figg's Academy for Boxing." immortals of the ring as- Peter Marvellous Book public inspection, but only six or "Look at this cast of the hand | BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes \ & His boxing school in London be- Jackson, regarded as the greatest S eight pages in the middle of the of Rita Hayworth," says .Mon- Pn frond wi ht in Ak 2 same the most popular spot in boxer:ever seen in the squared Being Re-Bound - | ,book have been turned in rota- sieur de Bry, It is shown clasp- Itching, scaling, burning eczema acne, IT MAY BE ' i v England, and men from all over | circle, and a skinny red-haired : tion. because of pressure on the | Ing that of All Khan. "Her in. | [Eom cliwlee and foot scuems, will : N; the world went there to learn ,| blacksmith's helper named Bob SR binding of the large volume. dex finger shows a remarkable | ointment regardless of how stubborn or Gh "the art of "Figg's Fightng." That | Fitzsimmons, One of the most famous books '| ~ Now, however, the famous | likeness to 'that of the late | boeless ther eam. oo YOUR LIVER Le tough and illiterate bare-knuckle Jem Mace began life as & wan- In the world 'is undergoing: a | book is to he not one book, but | Baron Rothschild." : POST'S REMEDIES If lifels not worth livi 1.4 pug became the idol of England, dering gypsy, became notorious transformation, It is the Book | four. It fs being rebbund. Near by may be seen replicas Sent Lost Free on Recelpt of Price : it may be Your fivert™ and to his boxing academy came a0 DICRDOLhEl. In sone a: of Kells, the finest of all Irish The thinner volumes will have of ; the hands of the Frenc 880 Queen St. E. Corner of Logan {'s & Taosl It takes up to two plats of Hyer many of the most famous men ner, Mace fell in love with the illuminated manuscripts and only a slight. and even pressure writer Colette, pianist Arthur --s b bles day to esp your digestive tract in top . of that time -- Sir Robert Wal- violin and picked up a precari- probably the - most wonderful exerted on the binding when Rubenstein, 'Nijinsky, Orson Que oman So NEY A superior your food may not digest 2h nats pole, Dean Swift and others from. | ous living going from county surviving example of éarly | each is opened, and it will now | Welles, Wilhelm Furtwangler, | "FEMINEX" to help alleviate pain. ale Ts pmnch } sadou feel contin tad and all walks of life. When James fair to county fair, playing for Christian art. \ ; be possible for a different page and the lady bullfighter, Con- Re ond you tension asscclated with when fio 9 mild sentio. Cattac's Little Figg died at the age of 40, he pennies. Shin The book is an illuminated of each book to be displayed chita Cintron. Now de Bry wants $5.00 Postonld In. plain wrapper afalate he" fow ol live le. Boon aie - loft' behind him a rich heritage, | It was thanks mo his fiddle th account of the four gospels in | daily, to acquire, casts of the hands of | sss quErN AT. BAST Tomonto | Aton starts functioning properly aod you tor Figg's style of fighting with | Jom Mace toch pia oiddle that | Latin of Trinity College in. Sir Winston Churchill, Einstein, . oer shay on, Alias Reon Caer Five bareiknuckles spre ce too first step. on | Dublin. : ; and. Mauriac, among others. Liver Pills on hand. 37¢ at your drogeiat. spread throughout | hig true career as a fighter. O ' g dred pounds. Soon she was off : _. the world. : Plated odie, Hg r, One -For long .the book has been How To Decorate Among casts of hands he has | and during that hectic world trip' : James Figg of England was a a... Teachied exhibited in the glass case for Ea t E not made himself but has picked she ate spaghetti In Italy, sauer- the first.-of the great bare- | g EE ster tggs up from antique shops all over | kraut in Germany, roast beef in knuckle champions. An Ameri- ; ER, : the world are those of Voltaire, England, and countless other ean gentleman from Boston, How to decorate eggshells for | 1vapdleon, Chopin, and Lincoln. national dishes. ' : . John L. Sullivan, was the last |. Easter is described today by the - -- i Pamela had barely time to look : bar 22 Knfickle elismpion of the y 48 Head Chief of the Laura Secord 5 round ih some capitals before she ,- However, fro ames | § 'Candy 'Shops. was airborne again, but sh } 0) Figg to John L, Sullivan, there Use says, that have Try This On send home a Bictire Bovibion " were' other celebrated bare- been standing at room tempera- Your Boss from many world-famous tourist knuckle boxing champions, fight- ture for several hours. Take long Vimo FOIA centres. - " "ag ers who made history. +f darnihg needle and puncture the Spring .is on the way and hol." And thanks to her enterprise, ; ~~ For example, there is the story egg at each end. Try to puncture | idays are not far off, but pretty, | her firm has worked out new and a. of a man who in his day won : the yolk, but do not make the dark-haired Pamela Martin, who better travel plans for its clients: : i acclaim as a bare-knuckle: cham- t hole too large as the shell/will | works in a Chicago travel bur. | In. thé sunny months ahead. i pion; but that fact has been for- { be weakened. Put one of the | eau, is one jump ahead of the : BE "gotten in the immeasurably |° I holes to the lips and gently blow | holiday-makers,, -- : : * greater fame: he achieved in i Into egg. The contents should | Already this year she's had a Prevent the outer covering of | other fields, - eat i | « flow out at the other end and | !rip around the world--by air. | & lamp cord from' fraying near ° i He! came {rom Virginid, 'the 7 into a bowl set out for the pur- | -The journey, with stops in all the | the socket by giving it two thin son of a well-to-do family, As a pose. Use a hat pin as a holder [Principal countries, involved. 90 coats of colorless shellac. 3 boy, husky and: strong, he was. |-. while decorating the shell, Paint | hours, 50 minutes of flying, : i handy with' his dukes, and he shells with opaque water color It happened like this. Bamela i I." 'loved a tough scrap. However, and allow, the background to | #rew tired of planning other . he had to do most of his bare- dry, then' paint over it with | People's holidays abroad. Talk. - BACKACH © knuckle! fighting in secret, ' for : designs or scenes, Painted eggs | Ing to them glowingly about 2 ER _ - his family of cultured gentlemen '| . may be used to decorate the | fOTeign travel was all very: well, Ma beWa * ( i ip and gentlemen' w Sil Bave GG branches of a small bare tree Dit me herself had never trav- y rning : been ho - he were ot Soh aced in a pot or holder. Cand ' ? > eovered .engaged in the brutal oes also ay be used for this 80 she put it to her boss; "Why ion. Whee hinare st ut io? © sport: B not give me a lightni 1d for sub ol seder, ut that. boy from Vir- urpose to simulate budding £ g1tning wor otcons oils nd wastes remain in the ' ginia' gained such a wide reputa- 1ossoms, Pp : trip by alr? Think how much aystom, backithe. dsturbod rest A : "fon I:the' fistle circles. of. Ais NY ; Jbetter Tl be able to talk 40 cus- or that tired-out and heary-headed feeling CANADA RR "ria, shat when he was only six- | TITRE. _ Ygll sor soa anadh 1 poiind Somers # I've seen for myself all | may soon elon. Thats the time te take CIGARETTE : es a itd n. 'va Ald: ha ! Ni ai Kk hh Lal ok pd ee @ fore . 3 Ld Ll teen ears old, he was recog- | VAP. =~ A Washingfon policeman holds up traffic-near. The . | buter or margarine cartons, | sue tor on Pinces we lasua tok Kidiys to normal action. Then you hy 8 Al 384 as 'ba jinuckie boxing Capitol 10 let a squirrel gross the street In safety. The animal be. When solid, open the cartons, She sold him the idea, although SetherCilasp bultsta work bette, : + pion of Virginia. came confused by ears ds It searched for new feeding territory, push out mush, slice, and fry. her trip would eost several hun- Dodds RidnilPile * a : hy | . a > ' dite Te