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Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Apr 1954, p. 8

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8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 16th, 1954 " JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A home that will pay its own oy. Completely double and yet not tool' large. Each side has 4 rooms and iE bath, full basements. For informa- tion. Apply Star Office. u FOR SALE--1950 Chevrolet Sedan, in excellent condition, green metalic, practically new rubber, average mile- A age, priced right for quick sale. Ap- 5 ; ply at Star Office, phone 650, - 5 . a i! FOR SALE--Full size wine colored A striped silk répp covered Chesterfield, Za with matching chair and Ottoman, all its in excellent condition. Phone 347. 4 ih jis Pasture for Cattle Sl 3 with plenty of running water and shade. Get your order in early. Lots " 14-15, Con. 7, Reich Twp., formerly Earl Wallace Ranch. Apply to H. Unikowen, 326 Palmerston Blvd., To- "ronto. "april22 FOR SALE--Larain Oats, 1st gen- eration registered seed, cleaned, buf- fed and treated. Murray Holtby, phone 119 r 14, apr.1b "HIGHEST PRICE PAID for raw |- furs, poultry and feathers." Call col- lect--3-2043, Oshawa. I. Turner. ; april 156 FOR RENT--Unfurnished Apart- ment--two. rooms and kitchenette-- heated and all conveniences. Situ- ated on Oshawa Bus route. Phone 307M, Port Perry. ! FOR SALE--9 pigs, 6 weeks pry Phone 471 r 5! LOST---One female wi with white collar markings. 66. § Ge FOR SALE -- 17 Chunks also 21 'ready to wean--Small white rabbits for Easter and a man's bicycle in good shape. . Phone 189 r 13 Port Perry. - | black Phone " _ FOR SALE--Cook Stove with Hi- Heat oil burner. Phone 176W, tf. FOR SALE--Show cases, store re- frigerator, Mix Master, several other items. Come in and look around. Swiss Bake Shop, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Seed Oats, Beaver and Lorrain, tieated and delivered $1.25. Roy Robertson, Phone 471 r 2, apr22 - FOR RENT--Unfurnished apart- ment--two rooms and kitchenette-- heated and all conveniences. Situated -.on Oshawa bus route. Phone 307M, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Cream Separator; 300 Ibs. capacity, used very little; also a ---- man's bicycle. -A Ingwersen, R.R.1, Port Perry, near yellow school, .on Seagrave Road. ~sees" FOR SALE -- No. 1 Baled Hay, 4 lent residential street close to store, i school and bus. Immediate posses- gion, now vacant. = Several more. in the town from which to choose, ' La "LLOYD G. LEE BN) HU. 1-3391. Ly 'J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS 46 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto: -. » Hairdressi - Shampoo & wressmg 00, Cold' waves--$7.50, $8.00 4 $10,00 Machineless waye--$5.60 Haiwcutting--.76e, SHIRLEY COLBEAR a : Phone 430-M Bulldozing and pr ayating) BY HOUR or CONTRACT mixed. Jack -Holtby, R.R.2, Port : Perry, Phone 107 r 31. VEEN RY2i3 PASTURE WANTED--anxious to Hh ; rent pasture; fences and water neces- 135% sary. Write or phone Duncandale x Eh Guernsey Farms, Whitby, Ont. ik . FOR SALE--Quantity of cleaned Thad Red Clover, $12.00 bushel Apply to (EA Bill Stewart, R.R.4, Port( Perry i WANTED--Woman for kitchen work a --dishes and vegetables. Also wait- i oi ress--part time, week-ends and holi- Je} days, experience not necessary. Ap- Sant ply Green Thistle Restaurant, Port ih ¥ Perry. / EAN Ax PORT PERRY ia ok Seven room frame home on excel- 42 Apr.16 PHONE 458W : . By MA AIRS Bimeos Breot PORT PERRY. Se ines | Fire Works Evgs. HU. 9-6808] .- ,| 1949 G.M.C. half ton panel, - /\PORT PERRY * uy ys Kd | Building for Sale - Cement Block building, 28 x 80. Scugog Cleaners, Perry Street, Port Perry, Phone Oshawa 65-0120. SPRING WHEAT FOR SALE -- Acadia, new variety, has qualities of IWestern hard, yields well, power cleaned. $3.26 bushel in new bags, Phone 1563 r 23, Port Perry. Order now for May 24th display. A good selection of fire crackers, rockets and many other types of fire works. GREEN THISTLE RESTAURANAT, Port Perry. Notice Dr. Donald C. Christie, D.V.M,, wishes to announce that due to the changeover in the telephone lines his new phone number is: 90rd . ROOFING _QF ALL KINDS SERA Eav atronghine, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on inds ~.- of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry USED CARS All "O.K." used cars are reconditioned where necessary, fully winterized, and days or 1000 miles." Should repairs be necessary through normal use dur- ing this period, we e pay one half of the bill. ~All cars are equipped with heaters, some with radios and other extras, 0.K. USED CARS 1952 MERCURY Custom Coach, blk,, automatic transmission, whitewall tires, low mileage, shows exception- al care by one owner. 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN, black, a first class car. 1952 CHEVROLET COACH, green, well cared for by one owner. 1951 METEOR COACH, black, first -class-condition;-guarantegd. ---- 1951 ANGLIA COACH, radio, very economical car, very good-condition. 1951 PONTIAC FLEETLINE COACH light green, one owner, a fine car 1951 PREFECT SEDAN" reconditioned, very nice 1950 PONTIAC FLEETLINE COACH blue, guaranteed first class 1950 PONTIAC COACH grey, one owner since new 1950 AUSTIN A40 SEDAN, dark --green, one owner, exceptionally nice 1949 CHEVROLET COACH blue, very good condition. 1949 METEOR SEDAN, green, above average every way 1949 ANGLIA COACH, blue, fully reconditioned and guaranteed 1948 PONTIAC COACH, dark blue, thoroughly checked, a nice clean car in good condition, 1948 FORD COACH, black, radio new motor, guaranteed first class 1947 CHEVROLET COACH, blue reconditioned and guaranteed 1947 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN radio, in fine condition "0.K." USED TRUCKS 1949 CHEVROLET half ton panel, re- conditioned, good condition. 1949 FORD, 1-ton pickup, very good condition : above average condition 1947 DODGE 1Y; ton, cab and chassis, 160 inch wheelbase, average condi: tion, special low price, GOOD VALUE USED CARS 1936 DeSoto SEDAN, reliable running condition. Special price: $96.00 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN good running condition CASH = TRADE - or 'Convenient G.M.AC. TIME PAYMENT TERMS Bryden Motors PHONE Wt CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRU®KS "GUARANTEED | carry our "OK." warranty for 30 23% WANTED TO RENT--House in good condition with 3 bedrooms, | by a Bell Telephone supervisor--Phone Oshawa 65-4211 or write Box ad Port Perry Star. WANTED -- Pasture for 20 to 80 head cattle. Phone Pickering TTw2. PASTURE for rent for fifty head of cattle. Apply 8S. J. Wooldridge, Little Britain, Phone 40 r 21, mayé FOR SALE--Quebec Heater in good shape; double wash stand and new wringer; electric plate, with 2 burners, nickel top; coal oil oven with heat in- dicator. Apply Henry Collins, Prince Albert, Ont, p---------- FOR SALE--Tandem Disc in good condition. Apply to L. R. Beacock, Phone 477 r 12, Auction Sales FRIDAY, APRIL 23rd--Wm, Ross, iot 13, con, 8, 2% miles north of Man- chester, Cattle, Figs, Fowl, Dump Truck, : TED JACKSON, Auctioneer SAT. APRIL 24--Auction Sale of Household Furniture, Estate of the late Mrs. Mabel Wells, North Street; "Port. Perry... Terms Cash, aale at 1.80 pm. : : TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, BEAUTIFUL! HYBRID TEA ROSE with $10.00 order béfore April 15. -Catalogue on request. : : ORDER NOW! -- Have Choice--Spring Shipped F. HOGG NURSERY CO. Since 1894--R.R. 4, Uxbridge % mile south of village, Con, 7. Shrubs, Evergreens, Roses. Fruit, Ornamental Trees, etc. Member of Canadian Associaton "of Nurserymen, i apr. 16 Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Phone Collect' Bowmanville 2679 - We also buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, TYRONE : © dee. 15, 19564 Dead Stock Service Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge "ED. PECONI, Argyle 1 Ontario DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal, Telephone Collect. Port Perry 90.r-4, or Toronto EM 38-3638. Gordon Young Lid. Bulldozing and Excavating Also BACKHOE for Trenching and Loading By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates Given. Tripp Construction R.R. 2, Port Perry Phones: Res. 109 r 42. Office 392 WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, 80D and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry : for information. x nov 27, 1054 A district attorney was 'having trouble with one of the witnesses, a rather pugnacious old man. "Are you acquainted with any of the jurynien?" asked the district at- Lorney. t ' "More than half," grunted the wit- ness, know more than half of them." The old nian flicked a glance oyer tha jury box, . "If it comes to that," he drawled, "I'm willing to swear that I know more than all of them put to- Open Every Evening Until 9 gether, y 92 r 14, Lindsay 4682. Head Office, . Woodville 32 11. ~~ i Approve of Appeal The Municipal Council of the Village of Port Perry, approve of the following appeal: Resolved that: Whereas The Canadian National In: | stitute for the Blind' has faithfully served the needs of the blind in this community and throughout Canada since 1918, and = Whereas the many services to.the blind, the near blind and in fact all residents of this area who benefit from the Institute's blindness preven- tion program, are now housed in old, inadequate buildings, in many scat- tered locations, and Whereas the objective $3,150,000 Building Fund of The Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind is to fi- nance construction of a new service, training and rehabilitation centre which will directly serve the blind in this community, and Whereas the C.N.I.B. Building Fund is the first appeal for capital funds in the 85-year history of the Institute in this area, "Therefore, we urge all citizens of Port Perry°to wholeheartedly support and generously give to the C.N.L.B. Building Fund. Ruth Heayn won the honour of find- ing the most words from the one word "Easter". A delicious lunch was Several beautiful items for our ba- zaar were handed in, and let's keep up the good work for the next meeting which will be, held at the home of Marion Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech and fa- mily were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. S. Rodman, Mr. and Mrs. L. Martyn spent Sat- urday evening at he home of 'Mr. and Mrs, B. Wannamaker at Seagrave. . Mr. and Mrs, Don Gerrow and fa- mily visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamer at Hampton on Sun- day. Among those attending, the Junior Homemakers' Achievement Day at Uxbridge last Saturday were Mrs. Don Gerrow,; Miss Geraldine Barry, and their leader, Mrs. S. Rodman. We congratulate all these on their fine work, and especially Mrs. Don Gerrow who won her 'Provincial Honours that "day. ONTARIO & YORK COUNTIES' - E |] Film Council At the Executive meeting held last week at the homie of Mf. and Mrs, Scugog The April meeting of the Head W. A. was held at he home of Mrs. S. Rodman on April 7th. The meeting opened with the hymn 'Jesus Christ is Risen to-day," followed by an Eas- ter prayer. The roll call was ans- wered by a household hint. Minutes of the March meeting were read and approved. Following our treasurer's report, Reta Rodman gave a report from the Hospital Auxiliary. It was vated to give $10 to the Cancer Fund from our W.A. We have decided to 'purchase new chairs for the Church and Sunday School. - Following the business discussion another Easter hymn wag sung. Alice Pearce gave a reading entitled "April". A contest on books of the Bible was conducted by Marion Carter. Betty Reader was the winner of a guessing contest, and served 'by Marion' Carter's group. LAKEVIEW THEATRE PORT PERRY Two Shows Nightly --- 7 and 9 p.m. & "Jane Wyman with Sterling Hayden . x i In the World-Loved Story and Record Breaking Screen Success ~ 4 "s0 BIG" + °. _ yEouEDY : sot THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, APRIL 15:16:17 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 19-20-2 Tyrone Power, "Randolph Scott, ' "and Henry Fonda = In the Greatest of All Technicolor Outdoor Hits "JESSE JAMES" . SHORT PICTURE 1 Nancy Kelly Phone 32W and the Attractively Wrapped SMILES'N CHUCKLES BOX CANDY Saturday Cake Special - GERROW'S BARERY SR £4 Don't Forget Your Easter Novelties "FRUIT SALAD LAYER CAKE" (Decorated for Easter) G. M. GERROW Clare Keevil in Claremont, it-was-de= cided to purchase another projector to take care of the new members who have joined the film council recently: This will make : three projectors owned by the Ontario & York Counties Film Council, plus two which they have on loan from the film board. May 13th to 'New Frigidaire Plant On May 18th, the film council will hold their regular meeting at the new Frigidaire plant on 'Eglington Ave, East in Scarborough.' Everyone con- nected with, or interested in the work of the film council is invited to attend. There will be a very short business session, then a plant tour, after which will. be shown one or two films, with refreshments to touch off the evening. "Mark May 13th on _your "calendar now. ' If you need. transportation, or can take one or two more in your car, contact your local librarian. SACRED CONCERT WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21st, at 8 p.m. % "in the CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, PORT PERRY _by-choresters from the undermentioned- churches: Church of the Ascension and St. St. Thomas, Brooklin; \ +N John's Presbyterian, Port Perry; St. "Paul's, Uxbridge. Soloist--MARION HEPBURN HEAVER, ARC.T. Organist--HELEN M. Works to be sung include-- - MENDELSOHN"S "HEAR MY PRAYER" _STAINER'S "GOD-SO-LOVED THE WORLD" STOUFFER, A.T.C.M. "THE HEAVENS ARE TELLING, from Hayden's Creation. Silver Collection, Children's Books. "P.O. Box, Uxbridge 422 EVANGEL BOOK SHOP BOOKS--TFiction, Devotion, Theology, Music, Bibles, : GIFTS--Glass and Permastone Plaques, Sunday School Awards, Stationery, Cards, Mottos. Open every afternoon except Wednesday, also open Saturday Evenings. China Novelties, Phone 376 ~ "Are you willing to swear that you : PAINT GLASS oc go 2 es EB = 5 - Compan Port RRRY g Lake Sir: Lusher mpal 2 TVA EN ] % el § : a § ! ok " ain i ", Ser voxel | OF . wo vr x> wv y Lid, 2 ONT. ae dh m---- as -- =) @ FOR DECORATING IDEAS ~ @ EXTERIOR PAINTED SPRING 'IS THE TIME FOR BRIGHTENING up YOUR HOME ~ See our 1954 sample books. with the best quality paint. ne and Sens - M. ST. CLAIR New Phone Number 118 r 14, R.R. 4, PORT PERRY TOWN WATER -- HYDRO -- BEAUTIFUL LOCATION PORT PERRY » ANNOUNCING! Port Perry's Subdivision "BEECHCROFT" 22 EXCLUSIVE LOTS -- PRICED TO SELL Lilla and Beech. Streets Howard Langille, Realtor Member of the Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards (opposite Theatre) ~ Phone 395 YoU] ER | satisfying, rgaing that we're IR i FORE whaRieD, |g Mero Too * '50 PONTIAC, with Radio '50 METEOR, with Radio Time Payments Safe Buy Sp ecials 152 METEOR with Radio. '49 MERCURY; with Radio Trades Taken, Balance on Easy fan OUR USED CARS § TRUCKS WARRANTED yin S| ETD AE : LH Et Es Tr uli boa cll thls is 80 certain as th pe FEA 'ond Dice that will sell you on Go i sisantinn Elvan asp - And 13 ' SATISFIED CUSTOM R isa pong CUSTOMER. Here's a few of the STONER offering this week eh, 3

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