Member of Association The Canadian Weekly Newspapers THE STAR i Ls oy Ts TRE vat KL tal 4 WE QA PAGE $048 § 4 CHARA NALA Port Perty, Ontarlo, THURSDAY, MAY 6th, 1954 ST GAT dR HER ; ann LE aes ! date, there is one bugbear. It is that acts" The Pro ressive Conservative . 1 Ei B e v 4&5 : N ' z of the depredation of dogs running 2 Motion was lost. The problem of uns : A A dbhe Tal : : Ei 3 : Re : Sh, : loose. 'These animals seem to take employment remains and is rapidly 4 i SEE : iy sale . sr ' . 5 : delight. in getting into some other per- getting worse. © The motion was put a The Indo-China Dilema - ! : son's garden, and digging and scrap- to a vote following six days of debate 5 ' : i rial fi ale ey | i ing around the roots of shrubs and in the Commons. It might not be It is difficult for us to know what the ground for ¢ompromise and politically this plants, and doing irreparable damage. correet, however, to say that the de. | truth about Indo-China really is. Is it . may be so... but it is difficult indeed Such things are liable to try the pa- bate was entirely futile. It has ser- true that the Viet Nim is really a com- to see how this country can be successfully tience and the tempers of many of - ved to instruct the country on exactly - munist inspired, communist supported war partitioned. The difficulties in Koera were our Stouffyille gardeners, Where 'the Government and the Op- E : of aggression directed against the forces great, in Indo-Ching they are much great- It is true that there is a by-law position stand -- at exactly opposite of law and order in South-east Asia? Or, er. - | thie compels the owners of dogs ends of the issue. is this movement an attempt to win inde- 8 or 0 0 to keep them tied up all year round ahs 4s pendence on a nationalistic basis from. the i A i W rd passes thr ugh this ora f hut it is usually relaxed in. the winter The Progressive Conservative mo- A be Tey . ; hd the revolution in Asia, unrest is engenaer tion simply asked that a Committee of ) imperialism of France? Is Indo-China a "ed in the rest of the world This unrest months. It would seem that under r y 4 ¢ 4 1 . Sh Sh : the Commons study the unemployment vital pawn in the struggle of the West oN 3 such lenient conditions it would be. y ploy i tal } provides fertile ground for the unscruplous\ Kai ituati d : | ' with Russia? and the ambitious; much of our trouble hoove the dog owner who is being situation an suggest methods to deal join : : : apparently arises out of the fact that men winked at in the winter if his dog is §. [vith it, There was nothing remotely | Fy ~The United States is convinced that it such as McCarthy, and Knowland and 'loose, to take 'more care in the sum. unreasonable ahout the request. Sure- is; the block of Asian 'nations headed by others: sce opportunities™ or position and '| mer and spring. : ly, that is the least the Commons India is convinced that it isn't; somewhere power in playing upon'the doubts and the Ther® are many people who take |; could do under the circumstances, One -- 4 : in between stands Great Britain and fyi ; pfide in the gardens as a means of FF Member described this debate when 4 France. ~The United -States has been SRR of the masses. We sometimes, on civic beautification. They are entl. he said "The Government gave the wrong before, but so has Nehru who speaks the unseemly ambitio . alley trom. tled to some protection, if not by force unemployment a palitical brush-off". Adds 3 3 ns of some of those ; : They did so by a recorde ) » for the Indian block. - Great Britain and ~~ (F seek leadership at the expense of a of law, then at léast by the co-opera ey 91d 50 by a recorded vote of 101 France believe that Indo-China provides just 4nd honourable peace . tion of dog-owners in keeping their . against the 63 votes supporting the | : ; - ale] . | animals frém straying on to their CUR FOR FUN Trane-Cansdn network for thelr show Progressive Conservative "resolution. 4 it . : - i i neighbours' property and doing. dam- ! Sx "Cue for Fun" : : 3 2 Labour unions, labour executives, in- pe Sport in Our Day et age to plants, shrubs and trees that| Songstress Joyce Hahn plays buf- Baal a Bh haart of Halk: RI are i 5 ; bs it . SR : re 1 have taken a long time to develop, fer to the ideas being culled by Bill Hahn are lonos Fred Hill, the- Bob | ried about the situation and what it i _ Although sport has a tremendous follow- Professional baseball and professional Stouffville Tribune. | Bankier (left) and Frank Heron | Huhn Vocal Quintet, and Art Moirow | holds in store in the immediate future, ing, and although it serves to fill up a good hockey are two forms of big business and (right) from current literature in a| who ¢diducts his 18-piece orchestra. | but here is nothing they can do except one-eighth of our great daily newspapers, so is professional rugby. Much of what GETTING TOURISTS TO SPEND |Y&it attempt to prevent the inevitable | The show, which features a guest ar-| to being it to the attention of those and although we talk so much about it and transpires is detrimental not on the basis MONEY -- BIG JOR explosion of wit, mirth, and zany an- | tist every week, is broadcast before an | who are able and in a position to do | so much about the heroes and heroines of of what constitutes go sport but rather * tics when the two comics get together audience in the Westhill High School | something which would alleviate the wor sport; it is about time we said some pretty © what makes for good business, --The. vers i nw fesaets and fovery Tuesday 'evening on the CBC Auditorium in Montreal. present critical situation -- and that J | straight things about modern sport. - © fights over contracts, the court cases, the | lodges in this area (and there are| . 2 ; _{ somebody is the Federal Government : | \ . { A ! by ' i : ia hl 8:1 . = = si In this age sport has become something - statements ri ress--re-------hundreds)-have-considerable-confiden={-- 5 : iE of Canada, |------------other--than-mere recreation it is; in fact, leases, the meetings of the promotors all |e in Mr. Leo Dolan; veteran head of R fr P li ) 2 : 5 a big business. And although too often it contribute to proof -that sport for enter- the Canadian T#sVel Bureau, Ottawa. eport om rar lament o : » i Jind (3 Barn and Hoe sbi is 3 disty Jusiness think thag.sil athleti _ tainment is anything but simon-pure. : He nan ay of Sha Slay By Michael Starr, M.P., Ont. Riding. - hy ii want to deny AH UBER 1af;all athletic - : is Be : : ; ! : : . : contests were clean{ honest contes 8; many Associations do what they can to keep with facts. Recently he related news Parliament reconvened on Monday, a period of one year and, as a result, ployment is a most Tio Waller fo) df them. are nothing but. greedy and cyni- the sport up to certain standards but there - -of a proposal made-by U.S. President -April 26th, and the debate bn the Bud- | are not eligible for relief. They find the En, Wihout rjoh, 20 matter what cal promotion stunts. We would. like to- is plenty of evidence, at least in the United Eisenhower, lto permit American tour get continued. During this debate we | themselves in very dire straits. the statisties say, . Figures ay Drove think _too, that our athletic greats were States, 10 J10W. that, Wiiels Seetions ofthe ists to take back $1,000 worth of duty-f "©" ard speeches on various sub-| 3 i a oss is Jat many people in Lonada wi rather in the nature.of super-men as sports ®Port world 1ave fallen into the hands of , | Tree goods every six months. The ex-| . NRT: + nana. | 05 much as we.woud like to be op- | die this year of, say, certain disease, 'writers would ph us re the re of gamblers and grafters, rey isting limit is $500. Much will de: Js pn on the jaspects | timistic- about the future, the present | hut if a man is dying of that disease the- tter is th t 3 : i i send: howeusr. 1 What ophertuni. of the Budget. It gave an opportunity | 4nd the immediate future do not look |.no statistics, in the world are going e matter is that frequently they are Many people, knowing ~ these things, pend, nowever, upon what oppor to Members. to talk on any subject | any too healthy. The amazi dot ke him. think that disease is not pretty poor specimens of the human race. must 'get fed up with sports writers who Hes are presented to the tourists from [Co 0 fy they were familiar, and | of the whole situation Is thet the Gov. . foie, ke adi A nodding acquaintance with thé wrestling make 30 much of Bo little. Spectator sport - south pF the hovdde v Hhrelmse tings against he rules off the House--the ernment is still Tooking on the situa- > ee i fraternity would go far to persuading us has a place in our world but it hardl they desire while they are visiting Speaker has given leeway in allowing | ion wo oo : - Nevertheless, that does not answer 1 that perha f th en't deser h : ' raly here. To this end those who cater par- p r has given ay in & | tion with optimism and is stubbornly : ional r=} Lab rnaps some o em aren't even fo Your % blace Yehave it-accorded and Gori rly te thos topes visitors wili | them to deliver speeches on subjects | defending its position that jobs will | the question of bony serious a pti y! ah "Ice we pay for it. : bad liese summer visors wi f their own choosing. ha: neni is <hroyd problem unemployment - is today. Aha ; dil, a TR Mo well to make a study of the situa- Oi "Lie'r OWR chipoaing he eile Wi shortly. We hope Looking at it from the standpoint of ; BF g : 7 7 [tien: Unfortunately comparatively lit-' Most Members during the Easter | they are right. : twenty years ago, when 220, of In- TESTA. i ] rw! PRICE SET FOR DURHAM tle is made here of many crafts.which, Recess fourid that conditions' of un- (As expected, the Liberal majority bour force was unemployed in 1934, ia PA N HOW - COUNTY TOMATOES not only can he truthfully designated employment in their Ridings were far | in the House of Comniéns brushed a- it 'does not look bad. On the other : By M AC. : - Durham: farmers who grow toma. | as native but whieh, at he same time, | worse than they had anticipated. The | side as of little congejuence the Pro- hand, looking'at it from the stand- ; 2 b nr ; "| toes on cantract with processors will | find 'a great attraction to the United unempoyment situation in our own | gressive Conservative motion calling point of ten years ago, when only 1.5 It now appears that the only thing The Korean parley is taking. place | yeceive a basic price of $30 a ton for | States travelling public. The Ameri- district is a very derious and acute [ upon Parliament to deal with the un- 9, of the labour force was out of work which will satisfy Duplesdis is com- behind closed doors i e pres- "year cans will not be interested in buying} one. During m stay at home I had | employment problem. There are al- |. Er ; and in the pres- | them this year as the result of an Huy g my it looks serious. £ plete independence for Quebec; but ence of closed fists. = agreement reached last week between | What they can buy more cheaply at | nunierous .people approach - me, re-|wdys consequences, however--ultimate i ] : .then he will have nobody -to fight . . . ra growers and packers in Toronto. The 'home. They will, however, take a | questing that some aid be given them | consequences at the Polls-- when a| To my mind the immediate allevia- and this is probably something Maur- Xe agreement followed previous recom- | keen interest in articles which have a| or that employment be found. Wa | Government fails to deal adequately | tion of this problem would be tie Fait. 7 ice touldn't 'endure. i die en \ mendations of the Ontario Vegetable | local tone and which are superior and | have had well over six hundred in our | with a problem of great concern to ing of unemployment insurance ene. 5 | ih a Imagine a couniry: that, conld put Growers Marketing Boast, -- mini- | as cheap or chenper than they can get | district who have been cut off supple- [ the people, who hold the fate of elec- | fits. This would enable those who are' ks a d - "The racket in the coffee industry | UP With Franco objecting to our Queen mum: price of $80 is $3.00 lower than [in their owit home town." - | mentary unemployment insurance [tions in their hands. If Parliament | unempolyed to carry on to some extent ' A is one that we shouldn't swallow. visiting Gibraltar! last year. At the same time it must be kept benefits as" of April 16th. In most | does not deal with unemployment then | the obligations that they have built ¥ 0 a : In the past few years quite a num- in mind that reports from the U.S. in- 'cases these people have no other in-| who will? This is no sixty-four dol- | up around themselves and their fami- hi 1 ; Era : ber of farmers in the Eastern end of | dicate a certain tightening up of the come. There are those in this cate- | lar question. Everyone knows that | lies, until such time as they are able i - - CANNINGTON REST ROOMS Durham County have béen growing |money situation. gory who have not been in Oshawa for! the answer is zero unless Parliament) to find employment again, te 4 District Doings WILFULLY DAMAGED ; tomatoes on contract with the Cana- Canada is handicapped by the void - 8 3 po A report from Cannington says that [dian Canners plant at Port Hope, while | of In arhission and news about Conta : C : ; A = : » : in the western part of the coun- | in the daily, newspapers, even in the 5 REAL ESTATE HAZ CLAIM FRIDAY NIGHT OPENING De i ig -- a a rin fasinu Campbell's | largest centres. OF course, our feder. BUSINE S DIRECTORY Pi IS SATISFYING MERCHANTS over last a d Nand of Y Us Soups Limited at their loading dock | al and provincial phveritients spend - Consult dan IN LINDSAY 2 24 z considerable money on advertising our ' Mai ru , ! thy condition of the men's rest rooms | at Courtice. ; bY : J. A. 'WILLOUGHBY & SONS pat The merchants of Lindsay are gen- | caused by a person or persons un-| The prices are from $1.60 to $4.50 | unique attractions in Avjerisan publi- ; CONANT & CONANT for complete Real Estate Service. ps as erally satisfied with having Friday as | known, though some believe it was the | & ton less than those given a year ago. | cations. But these appropriations go A . C A B hi BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS 16 Eglinton Ave., E., Toronto is their open night for shopping, "The | work of Smaller hoys in the commun- | Price for No. 1 tomatoes will be $36.- | almost exclusively to magazines, ustin C. A. Dathie pn. c. I D. C tL B.A 'Phone HU. 1-3391 i ! Post" was-told Monday a.m, Harold ity. 5 50 a ton, as compared with $38 a ton| It i3 somewhat astonishing to os DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC joger. 12. Conany; B.A, City 'and Country Homes A Pollock and Gordon Mayes said that : in 1958 and No. 2's $23.60 as com- that Canndinng Inst yoar spent $ ---- TYR FRIES de i ---- Farms-and Small Acredyes. x7 ng far as they know, now, after about The cleaning' of the wash room took pared with $28 a year ago. million" while visiting in other count- X-RAY Oshawa, Ont., 7%; Sinicoe St. 8. Industrial and Business Property. iy ) ; 2 almost five hours on Sunday in order ; ries. For the same period visitors ; % 2 3 8 8 year's, trial, the Friday night Open: to get it in working and presentable spent only $302 niillion in Canada. MONDAYS, THURSDAYS, Phone. 3 id . LLOYD G. LEE : $id ing: will be continued in Lindsay. y ait ft hich M PE lish 1 } This is a rts unbalance of trade and SATURDAYS + Ajax, Ont, Phone 25 is your local representative. ot is condition, after whic r. English Is : "ous J : KR Mo 9.6! Ae 4 -- Tr reported to have locked the door, open- Clipped Comments. and requires serfous search for the For appointment, Phone 206R : = HU. 1 A gs HU 9-6308 i | ORILLIA TAKES POLL TAX ing it early Monday morning. Some- a 3 reason and remedy. : ; £3 rd OFF THE BOOKS time shortly after, the same thing =| 'Why should 150 million Americans Quien and Scugog Streets Real Estate : is Every year in Lindsay when the | happened, and it again took some | THE FARMER'S' RIGHT TO SELL spend less in Canada than 16 millfon PORT PERRY : } EXCAVATING ys ! Sime-tor paying poll tax rolls around | time to repair the damage. It 75 the right of every: ian to Canadians spent with their neighbour? WHEN BUYING OR SELLING _ CELLARS - DRAINS 0) bi numerous bachelor-types speak to rep- | . own the things he produces. This ~The Watchman-Warde: = YOUR HOME, FARM or BLURAY SEPTIC TANKS resentatives of the press-complaining = | right of ownership includes the right : : : PHONE PORT 1 nRRY 39 GRADING {that the tax is unfair, etc. One centre TO BURN MORTGAGE OF ORONO | to sell his products to anyone who is MONTEITH & MONTEITH, |HOWARD LANGILLE, Realtor CLIFF BAKER, Manchester Orillia, has solved the poll tax problem | =" : : willing to buy them; and at any price M h t RIEHL & CO. ' Queen St., Port Perry july 17 3 by abolishing it. CHURCH MONDAY, MAY 17th Elon ancnesier VG y t action by the Orillia. Couns ight that is agreeable to both parties. = | *% R CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ARTHUR W. S. GREER, Q.C i ent action e a Coun i 4 . S. .C. io an Af rted to| . An outstanding achievement for the Farmers, wishing to do so, have the Ron McKenzie and Robert Black of 138 Simcoe Street N. - 1. tend > Port Per ty g pol' tax Is reporte : right to form marketing groups for ; rere with Mr. and Mrs. D in attendance at my ry Wg hive been commended by many citl- | Village of Orono is to be realized on he collective selli f thair broducts Toronto were with Mr. and Mrs, Den- Phone 65-4662 office on Wednesday morning and Ww zens there who feel that the levy on | May 17, 1054, when the Orono United | per onrcc ve "Wishing to join. such | Ms McKinzey over the week-end. OSHAWA, ONT. - Friday afternoon of each week, {i ! bachelors between 21 and 60 was out- | Churéh debt is to be fully paid off. groups, shoul d"have the fight to re- oo od rl 2 Rosen Diigin = Cleaned by : or by appointment. yils v moded. : \ At present & note of $1,000 5 yet to| fuse to do so, and to continue selling ire 2.n cowmanyile yo jr : PUMP EQUIPMENT Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Renn : -* 2 1 3 2: - "THE SURE ! ANE pcaeoey a "| be cleared but to this amount-hround | their products in their own way. Family Day Service will be observed El ] d * Oi NEW INDUSTRY FOR LINDSAY [$800 is now in the treasury, This| Where do the farmers Nii have next Sunday, when Sunday Sehool and ectrica dll 24 Hour Service ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS IAS Lindsay fs to have another industry, | leaves $200 to be subscribed to bring formed Pemasty nee ht ters church Service will unite. Service will . H IRWIN DeGEER New or old floors sanded and § : of the manufacture of veterinary| about the burning of the mortgage th En rid Join them? Fo at 10'am. On Surddy, May. 16th Mechanical Repairs Dalton Road, Sutton finished, oy waxed and polished b [YA os ek d | ceremonies. : : : ST armors Service will be 'at 11.156 a.m. and con- : ARE ' the square foot. 3 : Bg supplies. The owner, who visite : i "+And where did the members of the ; Lv Phone 231 R qua tt hy .' Lindsay some time ago, met the small : congrera: ) 1a right tinue throughout the summer. The | ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, [Wy Electric Floor Sanders, or Wax- : Ya nreay itteo comprising His | . [0 four short years the congrega-| legislature get the right to make It [LMC 'F Sunday School will be an-| ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A ers and Polishers for Rent. - , industrial committee comprising His[i;, "ot'tho Church along with former a crime for a farmer to sell his own 1000 OF "AN ; SFRCIALTY. : Worship Mayor Hick, Ald. Harrigan] 10. "ang interested persons-from | products to anyone he likes and at any : ; R. PICKARD 'and Ald. McCrae. He was shown a Canada and the United States | price that satisfies him? Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Mac METAL LATHE WORK. I N ; portion" of the site. which the town rh) May '17 'subscribed. the Pre a that Ontario far. | Christie on the birth of a little daugh- | LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground : Phone 281W; Port Perry, Ont. : "has on Denniston and St. Peter street, oil) have er i the Church |m re 33 oa ob MLA's when | ter on Sunday morning, May 2nd. in| , and Serviced. : Are your policies up-to-date? : which will adjoin the site to be oceu- [ pEi8FFTE HACE © os ie shor, For sith a tas Peri Torry Comunity Jamil OXY-ACETYLENS and ELECTRIC| whatever your insurance needs | ax : tie fii ' : A iss Carrie Cowan, Toronto spen ; pied by the: Dahl Plastic firm. . The : yr actually passed by the legislature at : 1 ; - . may be, consult A veterinary supplies factory will be ap-| Total expenditure in erecting the its Ie a session. ° i the week-end with her sister Mrs, A. CAUSLE CHINE H. WV. EMMERSON { proximately 80 x 70 feet in size and | néw church amounts in the neighbour- Bowmanville Statesman. | Roach and family. : SHO ELI ARLVIALIA DLL the-Dahl factory, a factory approxi: | hood of $90,000, with this amount in- | Mr, and Mrs, Grant Christie return- Phone 41. Port Perry . mately 60 by 100 feet. = | eluding interest and other items, Per- : Le Jed on Rilday, after a month's vaca- ---- 4 d ¢ ] } ' fornia, . . ; It was decided to lease the vacant] sonal donations, local and afar, have tion in Cali : a » - i bs property to thé new owner on a basls | totalled around $60,000, wi the re- AN Bum THE PES? ix ol Refr 1ger ation DR B. LUN D v NAVE PN of a ofo V 1 =V.Y NAV; "lof $1.00 for land, mainder being made up by insurance. ! : . - 7 : ue J. B. : n : illors at Monday night's meet- | In the past aix years personal dona-| With the coming of spring, and the 3 Service, hoth household and DENYAL SURGEON Consult the Crown Life Man Coun} ye : e commercial : ing spoke very favorably concerning | tions to the church huilding fund have | days when flowers are beginning to : oney d a Fae ' (Over Telephone Office) i hie. ne : ich $25, d the gardening| = = Gilson milk coolers and freezers. the new industry which will employ | totalled around $85,000, of which $26,- | appear in gardens, and the g g \ PORT PERRY ONTARIO ; from 60 to 76. i 000 was subscribed in remodelling the | enthusiasts are entering. heart and| Meeting to be held on Thursday, Refrigerators, ; ; net + The factories will cost in the neigh- | Park Street United Church prior to soul into the work which has to be| May 18th at the Public Library, Fort : Office Hours -- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AGENT + borhood of $50,000. the fire, done riow to produce beauty at a later | Perry, ; eg. -.poun ey Phones: Office 68W.. Res. 68J bor tail hate et he 8 : : * Port Perry - Ontario hy ' -- ? * : ign ! 4 7 + ~ if » ; ;