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Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 May 1954, p. 4

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RAL] BIEARK ee 2. SOA Al RAMEE 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 20th, 19564 - LOCAL Ete ER-- ttt Elderly Lady Makes Air Trip ; Mrs. Ms. Leupold, sister of Miss Mary Anne Carnegie, made the long trip from Los Angeles, California to Malton by air. Mrs. Leupold, who 8 87 years old was accompanied by her son George L. Leupold of Dayton, Ohio. This is Mrs. Leypold's first air trip. She flew from Los Angeles to Dayton, Ohio and from there to the Malton airport, completing her jour- ney to Port, Perry by car. Card of Thanks 1 wish to extend my sincere appre- ciation and gratitude to all those whose efforts, flowers and cards of good wishes contributed to my com- fort during my recent illness at the Community Memorial Hespital. Mrs; Helen Brigham I wish to thank the nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, also Drs. Kandel & Dy- mond as well as the many friends and neighbours for cards and 'the many acts of kindness-shown to me. during my recent illness. 'Norman Shunk Women's Guild The- Women's Guild of the Church of the Ascension entertained at tea Friday afternoon,.in honour of Mrs. Charles Lindsay. Members of the church and close friends gathered dn' the charming home of Mrs, Hugh Santer. Spring flowers set the note of _gaiety and friendliness that pre- vailed. Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Tinsley, --Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Terret presided ~ at the beautifully appointed tea table. Mrs, -Swabey, Mrs. Virtue and- Mrs. Whitby served. In Memoriam In memory of Elsie Elizabeth Pargeter, who passed away on Sun- day, May 24th, 10638. _ "Gone, but not forgotten." --A Friend. A loving tribute to the memory of a dear mother, Elsie Elizabeth Par- geter, who passed away on Sunday, May 24th, 1963. . Dear Mother sleep thy last does, Free from all care and-sorrow, Rest where none weep, --% 'Til the eternal morrow. Lovingly remembered by Don and Grace, Jack and Doris Pargeter. CORNER -- In memory of 'my mother and father, Richard and Mag- gie Corner. -Mother passing May 19) 1962, father passing March 13; 1936. Lovingly remembered by daughter Mabel and family. WILSON -- In loving inemory of a dear husband and father, John Wil- liam Wilson, who passed away May 23, 1963. Nothing can ever take away The love our hearts hold dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. Lovingly remembered by his wife 'and family. NEWS |The Churches C HURCH OF THE "ASCENSION (Anglican) Rector: Rev. H. 8. Swabey, M.A, B.D, May 28rd--bth Sunday after Easter 11 am.--Morning Prayer 11 a,m.--Sunday School, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, May 23rd-- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00--"Freedom Par Excellence" 7.00 p.m.--Evening Worship. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH : B. D. Armstrong, B.A., D.D. Minister. Sunday, May 23rd-- 11 a.m.~--Sunday Sehool. 7:00 p.m.--Evening Worship Kev. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH * Pastor--David J. Toews Sunday, May 23rd-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Worship Service 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Prayer Meeting, Wed., 8 p.m, . A cordial welcome is tended to all. JPENTICOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, May 23rd-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship -7 p.m.--Evangelistic Servi Wed. 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study. Thurs., 2 p.m.--W.M.S. mdeting. I'ri., 8 p.m.--Young- Peoples, EVERYBODY WELCOME Pastor: "Wm. W. Thompson Church News A very pleasant afternoon « was spent on Wednesday, May bth, when members of Mrs. Len Colbear's group of the Port Perry United Church met at the home of Mrs. Ellsworth Kennedy for their regular monthly meeting, Owing to the nasty weather not as would have liked to welcome, How- ever, the meeting was carried out in the Lal manner with Mrs. Colbear taking charge of the Devotion period. Several projects were discussed and agreed upon among which was the Baking Sale to be held in the latter part of June and a Family Party to be held in the form of a Pot Luck Supper in July at the home of Mrs. McKim. Members wishing to obtain blankets again this year are asked to let Mrs. Colbear have the materials as soon as possible. Mrs. Wilmot Walker is still receiving clothing, etc., for the Mis- sioinary Bale. Our next meeting is to be an open affair at the Church and will be in the form of a Pot Luck Supper with all groups attending. At the close of the meeting a de- lightful lunch was served by the hos- tess Mrs. Kennedy and was assisted by her mother, Mrs. S. Pioughman, A girl would rather be looked over than over-looked. _------ z PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY, MAY 2st FASHION SHOW MUSIC DRAMA FESTIVAL WINNING PLAY "Sunday Costs Five Pesos" / DISPLAYS 4 DEMONSTRATIONS + EVERYONE 7:30. J. S. MacFARLANE, Chairman. ADMISSION FREE WELCOME 11:00 J. L, CRANE, Principal SUMMMER PRICES weennannasper ton $26.00 $1.00 Per Ton Discount, for Cash in 16 days PORT PERRY hen} COAL & ICE C0. PHONE 2 280 A ChAR RE FAA = | Women's - Hospital Auxiliary. : your dimes and place them on the many were out as the Group Leader |" FE Coming Events " |Mile of Dimes MILE OF DIMES, sponsored by the Save| White Mile, Saturday, May band." BLACKSTOCK UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY May 23 and 24 Sunday ny will be Rev. Dr. Geo. A. Little, Toronto, at 11 a.m. and ( 30 p.m. Specfal music. - Monday, at 8.30 p.m. the Leaskdale Y.P.S. will present the play "THE MEDDLESOME MAID", £32 . may 20 Euchre and Dance on Friday, May 21st, at 8.30 p.m. in the ;JEpsom School, Sponsored by the Community Clfib, -Prizes. Admission Silver Collection. Ladies please pro- vide lunch, Everyone welcome. The Service Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Honey at 8 p.m. on Tuesday evening; May 26th. Program Committee--Mrs, Bill Tay lor, Mrs. Geer, Miss Eileen Birkett, Mrs. M. Oke, Mrs, J. Podres, Mrs. J. Starkey and Mrs. F. Honey. | Notice The Community Registered Nurses Association will hold their regular monthly meeting: at the Hospital on Thursday, May 20th. All Registered Nurses cofially invited, = RUT EEEY Music Festival The Annual Music Festival for thé Schools under the direction of Mrs, F, Hastings will be. held Wednesday, May 26th at 8 p.m. in the Port Perry Public School auditorium. Admis- sion, adults 36¢., Children 16c. - Rural children, frée. 3 Family Nig] ght GRACE i gm WwW. A. SCUGOG, FRIDAY EVENING May 28th, a family night program is being held at 8 p.m. . Admission 8bc. and 20c, Lunch will be served. Bazaar to be held in PROSPECT UNITED CHURCH, JUNE 2nd, 1964, at 3 p.m. Wa |Hey Kids--Look! The time has been extended for a couple of weeks so you have a little more time to get that Howdy Doody play money in and get a chance on a good prize. : W.M.S. UNITED CHURCH W. M. 8. A well attended Woman's Mission- ary Society meeting was held Tues- day afternoon in the church basement. It takes 1 million dollars in Howdy Doody play money to secure a bicycle. The Port Perry Lions Club are trying charity work. Money may be turned 'in at the Del, or Bruton's Drug Store. You may be the winner of one of the following prizes: 12 passes to Lakeview Theatre Donated by. Mr. Gibson. Season pass to Birdseye Centre for '1954 season. Donated by Mr. Michell, Season Ticket for Public Skating for 1954-66 season, 41 Donated by Arena Board. 2 prizes of $5.00. So come on kids, help the Lions to help others. Charges Not Substantiated Charges linking DDT with the in- cidence of human and animal diseases like infantile paralysis, heart disease, cancer and x-disease of cattle have been discounted by Dr. Leonard A. Scheele, surgeon-general of the "U.S. Public Health Service. The charges were made by Dr, Morton 8, Biskind in a U.S. medical journal, : "In. spite of. continuous laboratory research-on DDT in animals and clin- icgl study cases of alleged 'poisoning' with DDT, our toxicologists have been, thus far, unable to substantiate Dr. Biskind's allegations," Dr. Scheale said, "Some of the diseases claimed by him to have increased since: the ad- vent of DDT have, in fact, shown no increase. Others are now reported more frequently because of the chang- ing distribution of age 'groups in. our population or because of procedural tain diseases of man and animals in- cluded in Dr. Biskind's list were well known long before DDT was intro- "| duced to this-country and occur in places. where--DDT has never been used." ding we went to yesterday?" Sonny: "Gee, it sure was nice, but what did the man mean when he said, 'ove, honor and O'boy!' atari The average miss-is not so much concerned with what a man stands for may27 as what he will fall for. wr eooina year when "ECONOMY COUNTS! you'll save money Low initial cost Low maintenance cost Full 2-3 plow power 6 speeds forward, plus THESE FEATURES SAVE you MONEY by operating a DAVID BROWN The small tractor that does a BIG iob Amazingly low gas consumption Operates both hydraulic and pull type Implements 2 speeds reverse 7 See i today at your ITT DAVID BROWN DEALER et RAY HOBBS GARAGE MANCHESTER, ONT. to secure that amount to further their | changes in 'morbidity reporting. . Cer-|- Mother: "How did you like the wed- The Vice President Mrs. Leask pre- siding. Mrs. Nasmith reported for Christian Citizenship and Temperance. Mrs. W. Walker, supply secretary, askéd all supplies for presbyterial bale be in this week, especially for- child- ren 2 to 8 years. Mrs. F. Beaty and Mrs.' Myers con- ducted the worship period. Mrs. S. Cawker and Mrs, O. Jeff- ries favored with a duet. Mrs. Smallman's group reviewed parts: from the Pictorial Exposition held in St. Andrew's Church, Oshawa. Japan, Korea and China. Mrs. McDonald, India. * 'Mrs. Smeltzer, Canada General, Mrs, Leask, Healing, ; Mrs. Smallman, Christian Steward< ship; Mrs, Smallman closed the meeting with prayer after which as social half hour was enjoyed. Greenbank (Too late for last week) fie The W.M.S. held its monthly_meet- ing at the home "of Mrs. Reg. Foster on Tuesday, May 11. On the 20th of May the Fidelis Class are sponsoring a Tupper de- monstration in the basement: of the church, Everybody welcome, We are sorry to hear that Mrs, W. Somerville is ill in Port Perry Hos- pital but we wish her a speedy re- covery. Glad to 'see "Mrs. Gordon Blair and new son have arrived home. Have "you héard the St. Enoch's Chwich Choir of Toronto, of 4b voices, if not I'm sure yon will be thrilled to hear them. They are visiting us, in a-Cfurch service on May. 30, under | the auspices of the Fidelis Class. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. C. Rodd-on-the birth of their second little girl, Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Bushby and Jim visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bushby on Saturday, . 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Seott, of Oshawa, Miss Myrtle Blakely, Brook- lin, Mr. and Mrs, Ab. Waller and children of Uxbridge, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Blakely. A French weekly fad tiy publish- ed some definitions which deserve to be passed on. . PEACE--for an Englishman, se- curity; for an Italian, a compromise; for a Frenchman, a dream. : TO BE A SOLDIER--for an Eng- lishman, a job; for an Italian, a uni- form; for' a German, a need; for a _| Frenchman, an obligation, man bows without constraint; an Italian constrains himself to bow; a German gives in and obeys; a French- man argues, Archaeologist: "In the West excava- tors found-the remains of a man with one_foot in his mouth." - Sociologist: "An ancien itician, no doubt. id Mrs. Wylie describing the booth of BEFORE THE LAW---an English- || WEEK-END SALE, MAY a- 2 SAUERKRAUT, 28 0% ......co.ccoonvuimisnineninininns A ead (Oe YORK DILL PICKLES ..........ccp..... Ratner nsnsaneg 10 ---- WESTON'S TAVERN APPETIZERS bes "LA FRANCE BLUEING ...........occonini step nnamunal 10 OXYDOL, large .. ant Stina adaisn nig ots O'CEDAR GLASS WAX brie ig lects CAMAY TOILET SOAP ...............ccooocooinnuninsnisnnnnnnnrid for 88e, CHUCK WAGON DINNER ............... RIERA RY /CRISPY FLAKE SHORTENING ..............ccoo.ooooroon or 266, ROSE MARGARENE, Color Quick ..............cccivivnnineninnnn 386, OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY, MAY 24th : LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FIRE CRECKERS Orders of $2.00 or over delivered free of charge 2 SEES STORE PRINCE BE ALBERT ER PHONE 435W TENDER DELICIOUS MEATS FISH * MEAT * POULTRY. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING York 'Frosted Foods CAWKER BROS "THE FAMILY BUTCHER" N PORT PERRY. PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB CBF. Sanctioned Li REGATTA MONDAY MAY 24 'Starting Time 10.30 a.m. Sponsored by the Port Perry Lions Club | -------------- . . "OLSEN and WEEDEN HEATING and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 1 Phone 402 Evenings, Port Perry _ WE SELL' :: WE INSTALL 1: WE SERVICE OIL: BURNERS--Your choice of Most Leading Makes FURNACES -- CONROY, CHATCO, GURNEY and IN- FURNO. Gravity and Air Conditioning Units, ELECTRICAL WIRING of all kinds, a Phone To-day for a Free Home Survey - - 8 ; - FUEL PROBLEMS SOLVED - = PAID-UP = Phone 73 No more "all- at-once" fuel billsto pay. No more worry about "near-empty"' bins, With our 'blue coal' Plan it's so easy, 80 convenient, to Enjoy Paid- Up Heat with our 'blue coal' Budget Plan Riker Fuel & Lumber THOUSANDS TO ENJOY HEAT NEXT WINTER . enjoy a worr less winter with £08] all paid for and your home i ng , cosy and healthful with 'blue ? Budget "the world' 8 finest anthracite. iT No "all-at-once" bila. P, ' y a Ede ; 1. your phone bil--small Jar monthly, tink goal' 24 you pay : No shortages. Your winter . ' agg > ha 2, paid for before winter begin, supply of 'blue coal' assured and : No worries. Your household b -- '8. expenses are imo ily yooh. 0 udget runs better other . : Ask about our Fo blue coal' 2 » © PHONE US TODAY v Port Perry

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