- BARNA 8--~THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 20th, 1064 USE ThE CLASSIFIED, El -- -" -- FOR Quick 7 RESULys -- 4 "Auction Sale AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE the Property of i¥ . ALEX. VANCE, Elgin St. Port Perry. FRIDAY; MAY 21st, at 1.00 p.m. Terms Cash. GE TED JACKSON, Auctioneer JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A home that will pay its own way. - Completely double and yet not too large. Each side has 4 roonis and bath, full basements. For informa- tion. Apply Star Office. FOR SALE--1950 Chevrolet Sedan, "in excellent condition, green metalic, practically new rubber, average mile- age, priced right for quick sale. Ap- ply at Star Office, phone 50. DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR you can't beat Nature's Health' Waterless life- time guaranteed Cookware, For free demonstration phone 6500-r-2, George Munroe, Manchester. May 20 TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, Evergreens, ornamental and fruit trees. Free catalogue on request. F. HOGG NURSERY CO. 1.-mile south, Uxbridge, Ont. May 13 FOR RENT in Prince Albert, large room with kitchen, built-in cupboards, city conveniences. Suit small family. "Phone 195-r-14, ; May20 WANTED--AII kinds of Carpentry work, cupboards a specialty. Phone 206W. Clarence Switzer. . may20 "FOR SALE--Cedar Fence posts, 3" ' tops up to 10", 8 feet long. Call after 6 p.m: M. R. Randall, R.R. 4; Port Perry, Phone 130 r 2. ~ may20 © TO RENT-- 3 unfurnished rooms, hardwood floors, built-in cupboards with sink. Conveniences. Immediate possession. Phone 338W. FOR SALE--150 Barred Rock Pul- lets, starting to lay. Phone 184 r b. HELP WANTE SALES OPPORTUNITY aE Automobile Salesman' required for Mercury, Lincoln, Meteor Deglership. Good commission, opportunities fqr map with 'sales ability. ~~ Ux-Spring Motors Limited. Junction 12 and 47 Highways, Phone Uxbridge 246. Parts man with experience in mer- chandising Ford' parts. Salary and I" commission, Obportunity of addition- al" commission from sales of auto- mobiles. Ux-Spring Motors Liniited, Junction 12 and 47 Highways. Phone Uxbridge 245. WANTED, HOUSEKEEPER: for elderly couple at Myrtle. All con- veniences. Phone Brooklin 43r 6. may27 WANTED--Electric Incubator, over 2000 egg capacity; also a picket fence Is needed. Apply K. Coghlan, R.R.1, Port Perry. e ; 3 FOR SALE--Piano, oak case, new keyboard, in good condition; breakfast room suite; sectional bookcase; large size venetian blind, large size bed springs, all in good condition, Phone 106. pop Se Ri Hairdressing Shampoo and Fingerwave, $1.00 Cold Waves, $7.50, $8.00 & $10,00, Machineless wave, $5.60 Haircutting 75c. SHIRLEY COLBEAR Phone 430M jan10 Sanitary Sanitary 'mm Excavating bd SEPTIC TANKS TILE BEDS WATER MAINS, DRAINS, or FRANK THOMPSON, © ASHBURN, R.R. 1 Phone -Brooklin 6 r 24. augl2.. PART TIME SALESMAN wanted to sell oil burners, fuel oil," motor oil, accessories' to the town and farm trade on commission. :Apply Harry 0. Perry, Cities Service Products, 294 Court Street, Oshawa. « junel0 q FOR SALE-- Walnut Dressing Table with triple mirror and two drawers in good condition. Phone 71J may27 FOR SALE -- Beaver Oats, Moht- calm Barley, cleaned and treated. Roy Robertson, Phone 471 r 2, apr2otf ROOM and BOARD Apply Mr. Long, Cochrane St., Phone 452W. J; GUARANTEED "USED CARS All "OK." used cars are reconditioned where necessary, fully winterized, and carry our "OK." warranty for 30 be necessary through normal use dur- ing this period, we pay one half of the bill. 5 some with radios and other extras. ~~ OK, USED CARS 1953 PONTIAC DeLuxe Sport Coupe, 2-tone grey and blue, actual mileage under 3200, new car warranty, 1953 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN -Powerglide transmission, 2 - tone blue, actual mileage under 4400, cannot be told"from a new car, full warranty. 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN, black, &- first class car. : 1952 CHEVROLET COACH -- dark green. finish, has been unusually well cared for by one owner. 1952 CHEVROLET COACH, green, well cared for by one owner. 1951 METEOR COACH, black, first class condition, guaranteed. % 1951 ANGLIA COACH, radio, very economical car, very good condition: 1951 PONTIAC FLEETLINE COACH 1950 PONTIAC COACH grey, one owner since new ish, a clean, well cared for car. 1950 AUSTIN A40 SEDAN, dark green, one owner, exceptionally nice 1949 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN, completely réconditioned. _, Guaranteed Al, - 1949 CHEVROLET COACH blue, very good condition. 1949 METEOR SEDAN, green, above average every way 1949 ANGLIA COACH, blue, fully * reconditioned and guaranteed 1948 PONTIAC COACH, dark blue, thoroughly ¢hecked, a nice clean car in good condition, 1947 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN radio, in fine condition : 1947 MERCURY 'COACH--green fin ish, in very good condition. .."0.K." USED TRUCKS 1849 CHEVROLET half ton panel, re- conditioned; good condition. ¥ 1949 FORD, 1:ton pickup, very+good condition 1949 G.M.C. half ton panel, °°' above average condition CASH - TRADE - or Convenient G.M.A.C. TIME PAYMENT TERMS Bryden Motors PORT PERRY. .- '. PHONE 74 CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS 3 Open Every Evening Until 9 _ BULLDOZING - TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES --by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION i wh Phone 392W (Office) Residence--Wm, Tripp 392W and Joe Tripp 892) - "EXCAVATING Motors LIMITED Reliable ---- Re-Built ~ British Ontario CARS - TRUCKS - TRACTORS Auction Sales ction Sales SAT, MAY 22 -- Auction Sale of Hereford Cattle, Implements, Hogs, Pick-up Truck, "Tractor and Shop Equipment, the property of W. R- Wallace, Lot 10; Con. 13, Reach Twp, 1 mile west of 7 & 12 Highway, at 'Saintfield. Terms Cash, sale at 1 p.m. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer SATURDAY, MAY 22--Important auction sale of registered Holstein and | Heavy Penalties Heavy penalties imposed by .Can- ada's tax structure on men who earn above the average were discussed and described 'in House of Commons, May Srd by Mr. W. M. Hamilton (P.C., of Montreal-Notre Dame). Working from Government statistics, Mr. Ham- ilton took the cases of three men, each of whom marries at 27, has one child two years later and 'a second child two years after that--the typical LAKE VIEW Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. © THEATRE | PORT PERRY - 2nd BIG FEATURE-- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MAY 20-21.22 ~.."The Bowery Boys" Laugh-Riot : ; "CLIPPED. Ww INGS" Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette ; ik ~ « in "ON TOP OF OLD SMOKY" Two Compléte Shows at'7 p.m; and 9.10 p.m. "PLUNDER MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24.25.26 Glenn'Ford and Diana Lynn + . © In the Stirring Adventure Romance : Tr days or 1000 miles. Should repairs] All cars are equipped with heaters, |" light green, one owner, a fine car 1950 METEOR COACH--maroon fin-| 53 Mercury Custom Sedan, overdrive 62 Meteor Custom Sedan" 52 Monarch Coach, automatic, radio 52 = Morris Oxford Sedan - Black, in excellent condition. : 61 Meteor Custom Sedan - Radio, Overdrive. 51 Kaiser Sedan - Radio, Overdrive 51 Morris. Coach, Black - 50 Morris Oxford Sedan, Black 50 Ford Custom Sedan, Radio, new motor. 49 Morris Oxford; Grey 49 Morris Coach, Blue Dodge Coach, Black 41 Pontiac Coach 40 Dodge Coach Numerous other cars at your price. 48 International cab and chassis 46 G.M.C. 3-Ton stake 40 GMC Panel 51 Ferguson Tractor 49 Ford Tractor - 47 Ford Ferguson Tractor - over- drive. ! : Model H - John Deere Tractor Plows - Cultivators - Buzz Saw Grain Drill - Fertilizer spreader 3 mower - rake, etc. Easy. Terms - Trade or Cash BRITISH ONTARIO MOTORS ¥ : LIMITED 1 New and Used Cars Ferguson Tractors LEASKDALE Phone Uxbridge 162-r-15 May 20th EASTERN ONTARIO He) HEREFORD CLUB 6th Annpal Sale 3 PETERBOROUGH FAIR GROUNDS SATURDAY, MAY 29th "12:30 pm. : 38 Regisfered Hereford Bills and Females, both Horiied and Polled Health of 'Animals Branch and Ontario Livestock Branch. Up to $75.00 Grant on 'Bulls, accord- ing to Ontario Bull Premjum,. SALE UNDER COVER .W. Mond, Scc'y, Birdsall. Chas. Fishery, Pres,, Bailieboro, may 20, PICKED UP PROMPTLY Fhone Collect Bowmanville 2679 : We also buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, - TYRONE dec. 16, 1954 Dead Stock Service Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge 92 r 14, Lindsay 4682. Head Office, Woodville 82 r 11, ; ED. PECONI, : Argyle Ontario DEAD STOCK {removed from' your farm. promptly | for sanitary, disposal. Telephone Collect, Port Perry 90-r-4, or Toronto EM 3-363, , © Gordon Young Lid. WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR : SAND, GRAVEL, 80D and LOAM 'ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. - Phone 322W Port Perry _ for information. Linas nov 217, 1964 and valing BY HOUR or CONTRACT EXPERIENCED OPERATOR * REASONABLE RATES . PHONE 468W . 'N.E. MAIRS 'Bimcoe Street ° PORT PERRY ; june24 | |Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. D.S.T. . No Reserve." Farm Sold. -18--Reg. Holstein Caw, bred Feb, 10 J. March 22, 1053, "ROOFING _ OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, 'Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds - ih of work. EARL WALLACE . Port Perry *| Gold, Shape picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone |- Canadian family. ; : - First, is the natiohally-average Can- adian, who married at 2,380 a year, grade dairy cattle, Massey-Harris 30 tractor, New Favorite threshing ma- chine, farm stock, implements, ete. Implements near new. On lot 35,land reaches a peak of $2,668 at 35, COMEDY, ETC. OF THE SUN" hse Con, 2, Scarboro Twp., on Dawes Rd. after which his income gradually de- at O'Sullivan's Corners, 2 miles west clines, In his lifetime, he pays $3,202 of Agincourt. Property of A. W. : income tax, Mason, Sale at 1.30 sharp. Terms cash, All'sold without reservation as farm is sold, ' KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, may 20 Auctioneers Second, is the businessman, whose neome rises from $2.000 to a top of $4,800, then drops to $4,000. In his 'lifetime, he pays $21,715 income tax. Third, is the professional man, who starts with ,$2,000 at 25, rises to $7,400 then declines to $6,600 at 65. In his lifetime, he pays $34,400 in- come tax, : And then there's the story of the girl who discovered that she wasn't the only pebble on the beach, so she got a little 'bolder. 4 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE REG. and GRADE HOLSTEINS, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, M-H 30 TRACTOR, Near New; NEW FAVORITE THRESHING MACHINE, ETC,, the property of - | Serve "Country Club" Ice Cream AND CAKE FOR A DELICIOUS QUICK DESSERT Saturday Specials "BANANA LAYER CAKE" "CHOP SUEY LOAVES" Sk . GERROW'S BAKERY Phone 32W 'G.'M. GERROW . : Cee Lot 35, Con. 2, Scarboro, on Dawes Road, 2 miles west of Agincourt SE at O'Sullivan's Corners; on =a Saturday, May 22nd, 1954 REGISTERED AND GRADE - Farm Wagon Gear, low wheels, real HOLSTEIN CATTLE 'good. Set Bob 'Sleighs 1--Reg. Holstein Cow, freshened All Implements mentioned are in March 18 : : perfect condition, majority are 2--Registered Cow, bred Oct. 7. 3--Holstein Cow, bred Noy, 24, 4--Reg. Holstein Caw, bred Dec, 14, 6--Reg, Holstein Cow, hred Mar, 11, 6--Reg, Holstein Cow, bred Nov, 13, T--Reg. Holstein Cow, bred Dec, 14 ". almost new : x MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES DeLaval Magnetic Milking Machine, - complete-with 2 single units and piping. Ba % h.p, Electric Motor .% h,p, Electric Motor 3 Moffat Electric Pail Heater Deep Well Pump and' Pump Jack, Circular Saw, complete with frame and mandrel, 8 i Above mentioned cattle are all a Litter Carrier, complete with hangers, 9--Reg. Holstein Heifer, horn 10--Grade Red Cow--bred Feb, 2 -11--Grade Holstein Cow, hred Feb, 4 A W. MASON | 1 @ FOR DECORATING IDEAS See our 1954 sample books. @ EXTERIOR PAINTED with the best quality paint. SPRING oy IS THE TIME FOR BRIGHTENING UP.__ YOUR HOME =i M. ST. CLAIR | Power Grinder -. good size, milking well and heayy approx, 100 ft, track, swing pole, [ : : Producers, ; Bucket and car, Feed carrier for! and S | FARM MACHINERY AND * ahoye, ons : | IMPLEMENTS Bull Pen, steel door with stanchions = fi | New Favorite Threshing Machine, 24", and manger, : { complete with high grain slevator, Dole Cattle Water Bowls, Somplete New Phone Number 118 r 14 #7 chaff blower and straw shredder, © with pipes and regulation tank an ; . 5 ~ This machine is in very good con: float, = R.R. 4, PORT PERRY __diton, like new, Used only on this_Rubber Tire Wheelbarrow nn: :- 4 farm, : . Milk Cart 100 ft, Endless Threshing Drive Belt, Number of Farm Gates M-H Model 80 Tractor on rubber, Quantity of Used Farm Fence P.T.0, pulley, lights and starter. Small Roll New Farm Fence 3 This tractor is good as new, . Number Cedar Posts SEI RRC it POOR ROR RR itr it ROO teri etitsatttiitinitottitetttstottssd Set Cockshutt Tandem Disc Harrows Number Fence 'Rails, good, M-H 16 Dise Grain Drill, real.good. = Number of Heavy Wire Screens with 3-furrow Narrow-Bottom Tractor Iron Frames, 4' x 3', suitable for Plow, Cockshutt, near new, ., small gates or making small stock M-H 17-tooth Spring Tooth Cultivator, pens, : power lift, tractor hitch, good, Chatham Fanning Mill with bagger iy & Muir 10" Grain 500 lbs, of Sudan Grass See -_- Grinder, Number good Sacks® 76 ft. Endless Drive Belt, Set Platform Scales, Steel Land Roller, 7+ 2 sets Team Harness M-H 7 ft, Grain Binder, tractor and' Number Steel Oil Barrels : horse hitch. Good, like new, ., 160 ft, Horse Fork Draw Rope. with McCormich-Deering Oil. Bath. Mower, = 'pulleys, Pile Scrap Iron 5-ft, cut. ' : -- 500 ft. of 1 inch draw rope, good M-H 4-bar Side Rake, new. Blacksmith Post Drill, hand power Steel Dump Rake, 10 ft. Number of other useful articles such M-H 2-row Corn_Cultivator, good as Forks, Shovels, Whiffletrees, Steel Land Roller. Neckyokes, ete. Set 3-sec. Drag Harrows FURNITURE Stoneboat Scuffler. Flat Rack - Number Kitchen Chairs 2 Walking Plows Drill Plow Quantity of other furniture and - Hay Tedder. "IHC Manure Spreader household effects; - : Farm Wagon Cutter KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers |} 2222220020000 000¢ "BLUE COAL" ~NEW LOW SUMMER PRICES EH : Stier | Eo MAY PRICE coisa iionmiesmopaton snd $26.00 per ton DISCOUNT of $1.00 per ton if paid in 15 days Net Price $25.00 | REESOR FUEL & LUMBER :2 PHONE 73 PORT PERRY Markham P.O., Ph. Markham 346 Milliken P.O., Ph. Agincourt 52W3 2 Spin Safe Bu jals afe Buy Specials '52 Meteor Custom 4-Door '49 Mercury Custom Sedan, radi ' '49 Meteor Custom Sedan '48 Chevrolet Skyline Master Coach '48 Ford DeLuxe Coach - ' '40 Chevrolet Coach : Trades Taken, Balance on : Time Payments. AWAITER THINKS MONEY GROWS ON TRANS; GT ma Eagy ALL OUR USED CARS & TRUCKS WARRANTEED GONE AY 8¢ BAN D 8Y af JTHORUED S £ 1 .s ae DEALER IN THE UNITED STATES AXD CANADA But we know It doesn't Folks. That's why we always sharpen i _ our pencils when we quote a used car price, You can be gure that an UX-SPRING buy 1s the fairest we can make it and sel $ COLTRICHT still meet our costs, L 4 Thy Spreng? JUNCTION |? PHONE UXBRIDGE 24! "PAINT GLASS | Spring Pain} Festival | BARGAINS Save 75c. gal, 36. qt. on' " SPRED SATIN © . Save $100 gal, . $36e¢, qt. on OUTSIDE IMPERIAL WHITE 4 pt. GLIDDEN NEW SPEERWELL,- and 2" brush. ' $1.80 value for ~~ ONLY os, Lake Sc Comp PHONE 30 W PORT PERRY. v Scagog Lumber | cagog Lumb