BRAY Er DRI RA ARIE a SE Ci Era RT PERRY STAR Autborited as Becond Class' Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa. * PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 19564 * $2.00 per year. . Single Copy bc. Ontario Regiment Co. Inspecis Cadels WATCHING CADET STAFF SER- GEANT Bud Warriner, 19, at the Sig- nals control set during the Port Perry High School Cadet inspection Friday afternoon are left to right: Cadet Ma- jor Earle 'Dobson, Officer Command- ing the Cadet Corps; Major F. S. Wot- ton, Ontario Regiment, Oshawa, in-| spection officer; and Captain Roger "Flynn, Cadet Training officer for Central Ontario Area. --National Defence Photo. Expect Many Records Brokenin Track and Field Meet, Saturday "With the recent addition of twenty new members (now approx. 80) and keen interest shown 'by many of the younger. track and field competitors, a host of new records for Port Perry and district are expected for Satui- day, June 6th, This is the same meet which was postponed from May- 20th, due to poor weather. CORRECTION -in entry forms--There is a Girls' 11- 12 high jump and a boys' 11-12 pole vault events. Certificates for these - who hold present records are how available. We expect many new re- cords will be issued after the meet. Come and bring your friends inter- "ested in sport and parents to the meet this Saturday. Here is the schedule of events. : MORNING 'EVENTS--BOYS Boys under 9, 60 yards, 9.30 Boys 9 and 10, 50 yards Boys 11 and 12, 76 yards Boys under 9, 76 yards Boys 9 and 10, 76 yards Boys 11 and 12, 100 yards Boys under 9, high jump, 10.15 a.m Boys 9 and 10, run, broad jump Boys 11 and. 12, broad jump Boys 9 and 10, high jump Boys under 9, run, broad jump Boys 11 and 12, high jump Boys Relay MORNING EVENTS--GIRLS Girls under 9, run, broad jump Girls 9 and 10, high jump Girls 11 and 12, stand, broad jump Girls 11 and 12, 60 yard dash Girls under 9, 50 yard dash Girls 9 and 10, 60 yard dash Girls I'1 and 12,176 yard dash Girls under 9, high jump Girls 9*and 10, run, broad jump Girls 11 and 12, high jump Girls 9 and 11, stand, broad jump Girls under 9; stand, broad jump Girls 11 and 12, run, broad jump Girls Relay "AFTERNOON EVENTS--BOYS Jy. Boys, 100 yard dash Int. Boys, 100 yard dash . Sr. Boys, 100 yard dash _ Jr. Boys, 220 yard dash ° * Int. Boys, 220 yard dash- Sr. Boys, 220 yard dash Jr. Boys, P.V.--2,00 p.m. Int, Boys, B. J. Sr. Boys, H. J. Jr. Boys, 440 yards Int. Boys, 440 yards .Sr. Boys, 440 yards Junior Boys, S.P. Int. Boys, P. V. Senior Boys, B. J. Int. Boys, 880 yards if Senior Boys, 880 yards 3 Junior Boys, H."J--38.00. p.m. 'Int. Boys 8. P. : Senior Boys, P. V. Junior Boys B. J. Int. Boys, H. J. | Senior Boys, H. S. J. Senior Boys, S. P. Junior Boys, H. S. J. _ Int. Boys, H. S. J. Senior Boys, Mile Junior Boys, Relay--4 p.m. Int. Boys, Relay Senipr Boys, Relay (continued on page 6) Thank You The Oshawa and District Shrine Club sincerely extends thanks to all who in any way helped in the recent Cancer Fund Campaign. Special thanks-are due the Ladies who canvassed the Town and sur- rounding districts; and the Port Perry Star who donated all the advertising space used, "By the concerted efforts of all whe worked, gave or helped in any way the donations this year were 289; greater than last year. We sincerély appreciate your assistance in helping us 'to--FIGHT CANCER. Ontario North District 45th Annual Meeting Women's Institute : The Ontario North District of the Women's Institute, held their 45th Annual Meeting at Udney on Thurs. May 27th with eight branches repre- sented, Sunderland, Quaker Hill, Sand- ford, Zephyr, Beaverton, Gamebridge, Atherly and Udney. A real good crowd was on hand when the morning sessions opened at ten o'clock. The District Pres., Mrs, Mark Harrington presiding, and Miss Laura McBain Sec. Treas. attending to reports, ete. The meeting opened with O Canada, Ode, and Mary Stewart Collect. The minutes of last meeting were given and Treas. report, showing the + | financial report of each branch. The Pres, thén gave her-report and wel- comed the visitors, she said she had visited all branches during her term' of office and was so glad to see the branches so interested in our Motto 'For Home and Country, she said this motto means so much. Home is the word which stirs'in the hearts of most people, the sweetest of memories, feel- ing of honest pride, joy nnd satisfac- tion, and dreams of gracious living. And the word country transposes most miffds to fields of nature, bounty rich, for God made the country but man made the town. She said we had gréat memorfes of our A.C.W.W.. work, little though it may have been, we: do Teel® that we all hada small share of doing some-\ thing to "help make this big Confer- ence such a success. She said she did not believe there-was one. person in the meeting who did not think she was a better person because of her service to others, through Institute work. 'Miss Grace Hamilton of Home Ee- onomist Branch, Toronto, was the guest speaker, and spoke on extension service, and told of some of-the troub- les they have to contend 'with going out to the branches Be giye the demon- strations, she asked that all study their extension service: hooks before asking for cBurses, Miss Hamilton also conducted the election of officers. President Mrs. Earl Ward; 1st Vice Mrs. Russel Morrison, Beaverton; 2nd | Vice Mrs. Angus Lewis, Atherley; 8rd Vice Mrs. W. Carruthers, Uxbridge; District See. Miss Laura McBain, Beaverton. Federation Representa- tive, Mrs. W. H. Burns, Beaverton; Al- ternative, Mrs. Harold Shier, Sunder- land; Nominating Committee Mrs. Armstrong, Uxbridge; Junior Conven- er Marilyn Ross, Beaverton; Resolu-. tions, Mrs. Smally, Uxbridge; Agri- culture, Mrs. Stan Jewel, Sunderland; Citizenship and Education, Mrs, Percy Adams, Sunderland; Historical Re- search, Mrs. Elmer Robertson, Udney; Home Economics. and Health, Mrs, L. Snodden, Udney; Community Activi- ties, Mrs. Lloyd Profit, Zephyr; Unit- ed Nations, Mrs. H, Furniss, Brechin. Udney school ' children then sang several lovely numbers, and all went down to the basement for a lovely dinner served by Udney. The afternoon session opened at 1 o'clock with.a good demonstration of pillow slips and cushion tops shown by the different branches. Mrs, Geo. Johnston of Blackwater played for community singing. Mrs, Brown of Udneyithen gave the addresa of wel- come, Mra. Garnet Thompson of Gamebridge replying to same. Roll call was an outstanding event in the years work, and there was some real interesting replies given, Mrs, Burns our Board Dirctor, then 'gave a very interesting report on her work attending the Board meetings tm Toronto, In Memoriam--was then given by Mrs, Earl Ward, with a table suitably streamers, a ber of the district who, had passed (Continued on Page 8) F2nd--Ken Bland, and candles for each mem- | Powerboat Regatta ' The annual 24th of May powerboat regatta, staged on Lake Scugog as a holiday attraction by. the Port Petry Yacht Club drew a crowd of several '| thousand interested spectators and a lare number of entries. With ideal weather prevailing, fast times were recorded in the various heats and the final races and the pro- gram was free of any serious accident. Officials of the club announce that they are planning another large-scale regatta, later in the summer season, Following is a list of Monday's re- sults-- "B'* UTILITY 1st Heat: 1st--Jack Kidd, Trenton; 2nd--Lloyd Flack, Lindsay and Srd-- Allen Cay, Oshawa. 2nd Heat: 1st--Jack Kidd, Trenton and 2nd--Lloyd Flack, Lindsay. "B1" UTILITY " 1st Heat: 1st--Bob Glenney, Dunn- ville; 2nd--Lloyd Flack, Lindsay and 3rd--Jack Kidd, Trenton: 2nd Heat: 1st--Bob Glenney, Dunn- ville; 2nd---Jack Kidd, Trenton. and 8rd--Lloyd Flack, Lindsay. "C" UTILITY 1st Heat: 1st--Dean Patte, Oshawa and 2nd--Lloyd Flack, Lindsay. 2nd Heat: 1st--Dean Patte, Oshawa and, 2nd--Lloyd Flack; Lindsay. |p UTILITY .1st Heat: 1st--Ray Nash, Campbell- ford; 2nd--Austin 'McKee, . Stoney Creek, and 3rd--Dean Patte, Oshawa, "2nd Heat: 1st--Ray Nash, Camp- bellford; 2nd--Axstin McKee, 'Stoney Creek; 3rd--Dean Patte, Oshawa. "AZ" SERVICE 1st Heat: 1st--David Smith, Osh- awa and Znd--J. M. Ardron, Toronto. 2nd Heat: 1st--David Smith, Osh- awa and 2nd--J. M. Avrdron, Toronto. "BZ" SERVICE _ 1st Heat: 1st--Bob Glenney, Dunn: ville; . 2nd--Ted tr and 3ed--Bill' Black, Toronto. ' ; - 2nd Heat: 1st--Bob_Glenney, Dunn- ville; 2nd--Dawson Throap and 8rd--- Ted Lott. "CZ" SERVICE 1st Heat: 1st--Dave Robinson, Tor- onto; 2nd--Hap Palmer, Bowmanville and 3rd--Reg. Peters, Hamilton. 2nd Heat: 1st--Dave Robinson, Tor- onto; 2nd--Jim McGregor, Almonte, and 3rd--Reg. Peters, Hamilton. "DZ" SERVICE 1st Heat: 1st--E. Gresik, Oshawa; 2nd--Jim McGregor, Almonte, and 3rd --H. Cranfield, Oshawa. 2nd Heat: 1st--Jim McGregor, Al- monte; 2nd--H. Cranfield, Oshawa, and 3rd--Hap Palmer, Bowmanville. " "A" HYDRO ise 1st Heat: 1st--Ron France, Toron- to; 2nd--Ken Bland, Dunnville, and 3rd--Robert Burns, Oshawa. 2nd Heat: 1st--Ron France, Toronto Dunnville, and 3rd --Robert Burns, Oshawa, 'onto; 2nd--Paul Brayfield, Pori-Perry Club Stages Fine "BHI" HYDRO 1st Heat: 1st--John Palmen, Tor- onto; 2nd--Joseph Gabany, Welling- ton, and 3rd--Doug. Fergusop:- . 2nd Heat: 1st--John Palmér, Tor- onto; Znd---Bill Harnden, Oshawa, and 3rd--Doug, Ferguson. I'D" HYDRO 1st Heat: 1st---Ray Nash; 2nd-- Norm Seward, Campbeliford; Srd--- Austin McKee, .2nd Heat: 1st--Ray Nash; 2nd-- Norm Seward and 3rd--Austin Mckee. "B" RACING HYDRO 1st Heat: 1st--Chet Webb, Niagara 'Falls, N.Y.; 2nd--Ted Crain, and 3rd --John Dertinger. 2nd Heat: 1st--Ted Crain; 2nd-- Chet Webb, Niagara Falls, N.Y., and Jrd--John Dertinger. "C" RACINGM1YDRO 1st Heat: 1st--Vie Breda, Buffalo, N.Y.; 2nd--Gord Burley, Oshawa, and 3rd--Chet Webb, Niagara Falls, N.Y, 2nd Heat: 1st-=Vic Breda, Buffalo, N. Yi 2nd---Chet Webb, Niagara Falls, N.Y ., and 3rd--Ken Wesley, Thornhill, *48" HYDRO 1st Heat: 1st--F. W. Milton, Tor- onto; 2nd--Len Schmidt, Wexford, and 3rd--Paul Brayfield, Toronto. 2nd Heat: 1st--F. W. Milton, Tor, Toronto, and -8rd--Gord Porter, Toronto. "Kree-For-All": 1st -- Vic Breda, Buffalo, N.Y.; 2nd--Ted Crain, and 8rd--Ray- Nash, = Holds Reception for New Pastor On Friday evening, May 28, (he members and friends of Port Perry Baptist Church gathered in the Church auditorium to hold a-reception for their new pastor, Mr. David Toews, his wife and family. After a time spent in chorus and hymn sing- ing, Mr. Toews was called upon to say a few words, and basing his remarks on Psalm 9:1, he stated that to up- 1ift Christ and His Word would he the main themed of his ministry. "During the course of the evening a | -male quartet from Calvary Baptist]. Church, Oshawa, brought three num- bers rand Mis. Don Seriver sang a lovely solo. The message was given by Rev. Mitchell of Oshawa, who brouglit "A "Charge to Pastor and People". A social time followed when - the ladies of the Church served tasty re- freshments. The meeting closed with the singing of "Blest be the tie that binds", : Warriner Lodge Presents 25- Year Jewels On Monday, May 31st over one 'hundred brothers of District No. "41 gathered in Port Perry Lodge rooms for a special meeting in honour of the Past Noble Grands and Twenty-five year members of Warriner Lodge. A third degree team of Past Grands of the local lodge véry capably con- ferred the degree on six candidates from various lodges in the district. Following the degree, was the pre- sentation of 26-year jewels. Bros, S. Tummonds and Louis Palmer were presented with their jewels by our D.D.G.M., Bro. R. Greentree of Corin- thian Lodge Oshawa, after which Bro. Louis Palmer, in turn presented jewels to Bros. J. E. Jackson, M. A. Gerrow, A, L. McDermott and Chas. Turher, who all joined the lodge when Bro. Palmer was Noble Grand. Bros. Ross Prentice, "Alex. Johns, Harry Peel, Frank Dowson, Rae: Dusty, Harold Kerry and Norman Shunk were pre- 'I'sented their 'jewels by Bro. W. M, Letcher who was Noble Grand at the time these brothers joined the lodge. . r . After lodges was: closed a very en- joyable banquet of sputhern "fried chicken followed by ice- cream was en- joyed by all. First Basehall Game Wed., June 9th Last week -we reported the i game of the season for Monday, May 31 but the boys found the field in bad condition and have spent the past week doing some very extensive levet- ing and expect to have the diamond in fair shape by Wed., of next week, weather permitting. The diamond has been in need of attention for some time @nd the boys decided to get off to a good start by improving the play- ing field right at the first. : This season's team will consist of a few of the old stalwarts of the for- mer Tri-County team -- such as Al Cawker, Johnny Waldinsperger, Bob Healey, Bill Harper, Ross MacLean, with an addition of new blood--Bud Warriner and Gary Lawrence to-name a few, . - Give the boys n good start by sup- porting them on Wednesday night! The first visitingssteam will be old rivals, Stouffville. The game will be under way by 6.45 sharp. Ont. County Live Stock Judging Competition The Annual Ontario County Live Stock Judging Competition was held ir. the Sunderland-Cannington area on Saturday, May 20th,.with 40 contes- tants taking part. - The success of any judging competi- tion depends largely on the quality of the classes of live stock to judge. The/classes which were lined up by the breeders visited certainly gave the competitors a wonderful chance to de- monstrate their skill. The following breeders provided the classes for this competition: Beef Cattle--Ron Marquis, Sunder- land, R.R. 1. Swine--Keith RR. 1 Dairy Cattle--Ross Miller land; Sheep--Don Murry, Cresswell. 1lorses--Wilmott Shea, Sunderland, R.R. 3 The judges for the various classes were: - Beef Cattle--John Dryden, Brooklin. Swine -- Maurice Freeman, Assis- tant Agri. Rep., Victoria County. | Dairy Cattle -- G. E. Nelson, Hol- stein-Friesinn Fieldman, Port Perry. Sheep--A., J. Gill, Assistant. Agri. Rep., Ontario County. Horses-----John Batty, tvnard, Sunderland, Sunder- Brooklin. are as follows: J CHAMPIONSHIP T ROPHIES-- Senior Trophy -- Oshawa. : Junior Trophy -- Wilfrid. JUNIOR FARMER INTER-CLUB TROPHY -- 1--Beaverton Jr. 2--- Uxbridge' Jr. C.N.E. SHIELD-- Ted Lamb, Cannington. DUNROBIN TROPHY--- Maurice Jebson, Oshawa. DAIRY TROPHY -- Iloyd Evans, Uxbijdge BEEP TROPHY -- B Alan Ball, Uxbridge. SHEEP TROPHY -- "Maurice Jebson, Ralph Chambers, Farmers, 1915 pts. Farmers, 1870 pts. Maurice Jebson, Oshawa. HORSE TROPHY-- Stuart Anhsnd, Uxbridge Congratulations FORMER PORT PERRY GIRL RECEIVED HONOURS IN 'VANCOUVER I Miriam Jean Price (Peel) obtained the degree of Bachelor of Home Fconomics at the University of British Columbia. Mrs. Price who received her degree on May 17, passed with "Our congratulations to Murs, nonours." We are pleased to extend Price. HOWARD HALL, one of the orl. ginal donors of the Best Cadet Tro- phy, is shown proshutin the award Port Perry H. S. Cadets at Inspection to the inspection Friday, afternoon. Wo best cadets at the annual Port Perry High School Cadet Corps They \ are "Cadette" Captain Jean Samells both of Port Perry. "and Cadet Captain Garfield i ~~National Defence Photo. PORT PERRY and Brooklin J Ir. Farmers Dance Geneva Park, Fri., June ith, Talmage Doble, Sunderland. ,.- The Winners of the Various Trophies . T erat "= #5 Cg me Fos? ra ARI Ra RTH ik owen