in * AOS RHIA DORASNIRN i - 6--THE PORT BERRY STAR, , THURSDAY, JUNE 8ud, 1054 Pine Grove Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Milne and daugh- ter and. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eadie of Toronto spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. A. Handel. The Anniversary Services were largely attended on Sunday. Rev. R. King brought an inspiring message both afternoon and evening. The boys choir and Junior Farmers Quartette rendered special music which is a credit to those young people, Rev, and Mrs. King and daughter of Whitevale had supper Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hill. Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Geer visiting Supday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hill, = Anis Mr, and Mrs. Jack Simpson and fa- mily spent a couple of days with Mr, and Mrs, E. Simpson of Kilworthy. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rints, and My, and Mrs, John Locke and family visit- ed Mr, and Mrs. Russ Ballard on Sun- day. Mr, and-Mrs. Eldred Catherwood, visited Wednesday evening with his |- aunt Mrs. Ethel Brown of Glasgow. 3 Mr, Donald Darby spent the week- end in T Toronto. Miss Mable 'Shell of Torento spent the week-end with! Mr. and Mrs, Hil- lard Armstrong. Mr, and Mrs, M, Houck of Uxbridge guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Byers on Sunday. - Mr, and Mrs. Styles of Toronto and Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Gourlie -of Ux- bridge guests of Mr. and Mrs: Charlie Gourlie on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Gourlie visit- urday evening, Mr. Howard and Harold Graves leaves this week for the West. W. 'A, will be at the home of Mrg. Robt. Nesbitt Sr, on Wed., June 2. Mr, and Mrs. A. Handel had Supper Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. E Ballard. Mr. and Mrs. E. Maynard of Shrom- burg, Mr, and Mrs. Brooklin, Mr, Mackintoch of Toronto and Mrs. Frank. Disney, visited Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. John Albright. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bell visited Mr. and Mrs, Ed Carling on Sonday, WAAR AR] retraite 2 . 3 BENS RR A SOAS, For Your Warmer - Weather Wardrobe See our lovély display of the new - * styles -- DRESSES and SUITS for for all Seasons SPECIAL SERVICE 10 ~~ 10155 DANFORTH AVE. TORONTO OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS : ARDLEY FROCKS | GES SARRREA Try 2% ARARARS a lS 268s nt, SeBietataty | | ed-Mr, and Mrs, Roy Quant on Sat- a THE 43rd ANNUAL A BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR E, Blight of Phat IR Se | Ontario North (eontinued from front 'page) decorated with flowers and purple away since the last meeting, Mrs, | Percy Adams sang a suitable solo for]. the occassion and read a few lines from the Bible, after which a member fram each branch lit the candle rep- resenting their departed member, Mrs, Stanley Jewel, then repeated a short + 'prayer and Mrs. Earl Ward then read a few comforting words for those In FULL TY TOF tees were next given. "The highlite AR WRC NN SAS nd ' Fe sorrow. With reverence now we bow our heads, in loving memory. of eur dead, their memories we shall ever cherish, from our hearts they will never perish. Mrs. Johnston played softly Peace Perfect Peace. The report of the standing commit- of the day was then presented by the Beaverton ladies, when they gave their 'Family Album' Pageant. This Was a rémarkable program' ,and Beav- erton are to be congratulated on thelr 7 ¢ PRIA RTCA P . | wonderful talent, 'everybody felt it was well worth the day to sit and listen to the wonderful singing of the old tyme numbers and to see the old costumes, everybody took their part in a remarkable way and much credit is due these ladies for their wonder- ful work. 5 Courtesy remarks were given hy Miss Hazel Cave, after which the Pre- sident Mrs. Harrington closed the meeting with her departing words, as she has finished her two years as District Pres. in a very capable man-. it 3 in the COMMUNITY PARK, BROOKLIN, on Saturday, June Sth, 1974 \ FEATURING-- 1, Horse Racing i IN THE EVENING A \{. ADULTS 50c. Y Beef and Dairy Cattle 4 = Heavy and Light Horses IB Midway, Sports, Softhall Lacrosse Game at IN THE MEMORIAL ARENA. ADMISSION TO GROUNDS-- CHILDREN, posse Sie Ceiba aes SHEE Si Shit his Cafe ole pn under 12, 15c; MAY . esessessicciens ~~ SUMMMER PRICES $1.00 Per Ton Discount for Cash in 15 days = PORT PERRY COAL & ICE CO. - . PHONE 289 weeneenper ton $26.00 PS J CHEVROLET / [-- A General Motors Value wt Ces s great, valve-in-head engines produce new power for hauling goods, or for speeding deliveries--and they do it-at less cost per load and per mile. But these thrifty, high-compression engines are > just the start of the : powerful Chevrolet story! Visit your Chevrolet dealer and talk over the many money-making reasons for using trouble-free Chevrolet trucks in your business. You'll get the full story of Chevrolet's new strength, new stamina, new cconomy plus all these big new benefits, too -- New Comfortmaster Cab: Offers new comfort, safety and convenience. New one-piece 'curved windshield Ii provides extra visibility, rough roads with ease, New Ride Control Seat:* Seat cushion and back move as a unit to eliminate back-rubbig, It "floats" you over vrolet Truc Ss ab More 7 vk per Oop... More Wa ork per Colle br/ New Automatic Transmission:* Proved truck Hydra- _ Matic is offered. not only on 1- and a % ton trucks, but on _1-ton models; too! \ New Chassis Ruggedness: Heavier axle shafts in 2-ton models . . . newly designed clutches, and more rigid frames in all models. New, Bigger Load Space: New pickup bodies have deeper sides, lower loading heights and are absolutely grain tight, 'New Advance-Design Styling: New front-end is more ° massive in appearance; New parking lights show the full width of the truck. *Oprions! at extra cost, Ride Control Seat is available on all cab models. CANADA'S NO. 1 TRUCK! ner. She thanked all for their kind co-operation to her and the gracious manner in which they had treated her while she was their Pres. and wished them every success in their great work and speaking success she said, the greatest game in the world is success, and every man who is a man 4s play- ing his cards to win. ment in itself can assure it. The an- nals of successful men clearly demon- strate that all such. men knew the va- lué 'of 'co-operation; could co-operate themselves and always picked assist- ants who understood the meaning of the word. History demonstrates that most men who climbed highest, learn. ad when their fect were yet onsthe 16west rungs of the ladder, of a mar- velous compelling power, whose use had"an irresistible effect. The marvel was its simplicity, for this mysterious words, "I thank you." So that is what I want to'leave with you today as I the same. words, "I thank you." Besverton invited the Institute for their 1955 District Annual to be held at Beaverton. : - All went: to basement for a lovely lunch before departing to their homes 'after a very interesting and educa- tional day, and another District An- nual to a close.- - - : Success is made | i | Up of many attribiites and no one ele- power was tied up in the use of three | conclude my report and term of office, | Did Mammy A th auesp the floor 7" No, Marie, she didn't. But I always sweep up. whenever I've finished a job, just like you help your Mummy by keeping your room tidy and always pulling | away your toys when you're through with them ., ." Making just that little ex/ra effort is. part of: the tele- phone job. Bell-people everywhere go out of their way to be orderly, courteous, obliging. You can sce in the, way they work they're "glad to be of service!" It all adds up to better telephone service--gervice that keeps on giving more and more value to the user. Phone | 73 Enjoy Paid-up fleat Seta Ces . is Think of a winter free of fuel bills! Think of paying for your coal as conveniently as you pay your phone bill! That's how. our 'blue coal' Budget Plan works to make coal buying easier and to guarantee you the finest home heating with 'blue coal"--the world's finest anthracite. Start now and your moni} ly payments \ will be that muc aller, Phone us now about our 'blue coal' BUDGET PLAN Reesor F uel & Lumber Port Perry . - HPT Bb RP a 'Phone 74 'Bryden Motors Port Perry, Ont. he CT.7540 --f-- summer meals -- GOOD FOR THER FAMILY @ABY ON THE OOOK , cheese, ice Sous protein a3 thunde d acpi n that builds sn ] tissue; cal the tooth iad a y bon Vismia A; Slum, Rpitmity fr healthy nerves, Sool cottage chew Right wich of frie ot i Sites You cree Sd Fd om : alka on DAIRY FOODS strict stay FH > a d } » poi A "Go shel if dg pine Shea : Pd -