4 oe ar | =. or Pe Nom Ce dd - Hoe 0 fd Pen a - Rts A Nd SIS a Bm 1 Ft ry lig Ra Re a Et ga ...Phone 430M "PORT PERRY HELP "WANTED SALES OPPORTUNITY -Autoniobile 'Salesman required for Mercury, Lincoln; Meteor Dealership. Good commiésion, opportunities for man with sales ability. Ux-Spring Motors Limited, Junction 12 and 47 Highways, Phone Uxbridge 245. Hairdressing Stiampoo and Fingerwave, $1.00 Cold Waves, Machineless wave, $6.60 Haircutting Tbe. SHIRLEY COLBEAR junlo FRESH EGGS 39c¢. Dozen TENDER CHICKEN 49¢. 1b. STUFFED Barhecued $1.00 per chicken Added to raw Price ~ Brunton Farms 7A HIGHWAY PRODUCTS FQR SALE-- Parkinson, at 246-r-12. : June3 FOR SALE -- Massey Harris Hay Loader in good working condition. Phone 468-r-12, ba June3 AVON Call Mrs, FOR RENT in Prince Albert, large room with kitchen, built-in cupboards, Suit- small family. juned city conveniences. Phone 19D r 14, WAITRESS WANTED -- Full or part time. Apply "Del" Restaurant, PORT PERRY DISTRICE--- : (Prince Albert) $2500.00 Down; New Tive room bungalow on large lot with 115% ft. frontage, modern" bathroom and Kkit- chen, two huge. bedrooms; air condi- tioned Ojl Heating, hardwopd floors, beautiful location, low in two weeks, full price Freono0; Len Playter--Buailder- ¢ Lou Bond-- Prince Albert, « ont. June 10 . FOUND---Ladies watch turned in to police station. yo A and paying expenses. WANTED--The munity Curling Club wishes to find Curling Stones which may be in the Community. The Club would be glad Port Perry if any one who would sell or donate those stones to the Club would contact Howard Hall, Secretary. $7.50, $8.00 & $10.00, }- taxes, ready found and Owner may have same by proving property Com- WANTED Man wants farm work in neighbourhood of Port Perry. Ap- ply to Box 18, Port Perry Star. FOR SALE -- 'Beaver Oats, Mont. calm Barley, cleaned and treated. Roy Robertson, Phone 471 r 2. apr2tf GUARANTEED USED CARS All "OK" used cars and u cks have been carefylly appraised before being accepted as trade-ins, then thoroughly checked in our service department and reconditioned. where necessary to give many thousands of miles of depend- able transportation. These cars and trucks carry our OK. warranty for 1000 miles or 30 days, and if parts or repairs should be necessary through normal use during this period, we pay one half of the bill, All cars are equipped with. heaters, some with radios and other dcces- saries, . 0.K. USED CARS . SR. DeLuxe Sport Coupe, 2 tone grey and blue, actual mileage under 3200, new car warranty. 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN, esky a first class car. 932 CHEVROLET COACH -- dark green finish, has been unusually well cared for by one owner. 1952 CHEVROLET COACH, . 1952 METEOR Custom Sedan, beauti-| " ful--scondition, low mileage, has radio, whitewall. tires, sun visor. green, well cared for by.one owner. 1951 METEOR COACH, black, first class condition, guaranteed. 1951 ANGLIA COACH, 'radio, very "geoiiomical car, very good condition; 1951 PONTIAC FLEETLINE COACH light green, one owner, a fine car 1950 PONTIAC COACH grey, one owner since new 1950 METEOR COACH--maroon fin- ish, a 'clean, well cared for car. 1950 AUSTIN A40 SEDAN, dark. green, one owner, exceptionally nice 1950 CHEVROLET COACH, has been been carefully driven and well cared for by one owner, gray colour. 1950 FORD CUSTOM COACH, gleam: ing black finish, this car is unusual- FOR SALE--20 bags of Buckwheat, . silver hull variety. Power cleaned by Master Feeds, Apply Fred C. Middle- ly nice, guaranteed Al. 1949 "FORD 6-passenger Coupe, very cleam and in first class tanning con- dition. ton, Prince Albert, 1st house North of Pine Grove Cemetery. Phone | 1949 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 246-r-b, Port Perry. June1o| SEDAN, completely reconditioned. NOTICE Starting June 12, close at our elevator will 12,00 noon on Saturday and remain open all day Wednesday. MASTER FEED June '10 Sanitary = 'Excavating SEPTIC TANKS TILES BEDS WATER MAINS, 'DRAINS, "FRANK THOMPSON, ASHBURN, R.R. 1 Phone Brooklin 6 r 24. ROOFING OF ALL KINDS # jav estroughing; Asphalt Siding, "5B stimates given on all kinds- of work, EARL WALLACE . Port Perry ETC. augl?2 Guaranteed Al. 1949 CHEVROLET COACH blue, very good condition. '1949 METEOR SEDAN, -green, above average every way 1949" ANGLIA COACH, blue, fully reconditioned and guaranteed thoroughly checked, a nice clean car in good condition, . 1947 MERCURY COACH green tin ish, in very good condition. "0.K." USED TRUCKS 1949 CHEVROLET half ton panel, re- | conditioned, good condition. 1949 FORD, 1-ton pickup, very good condition 1949 G.M.C. half ton panel, "above average condition CASH - TRADE - or Convenient G.M.A.C. TIME PAYMENT TERMS Bryden Motors PORT PERRY PHONE 74 CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILRE CHEVROLET TRUCKS Open Every Evening Until 9 | BULLDOZING - . ROOT and ROCK RAKE TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK, SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. / ' FREE ESTIMATES--by Hour or Contract, ; "TRIPP CONSTRUCTION Phone 392W (Office) EXCAVATING FOR LAND CLEARING. 1948 PONTIAC COACH, dark blue, | FOR SALE -- 18 young pigs, 7 weeks old. Phone 246-r-81. BUDGIES FOR 'SALE--two male and one female; also breeding cage. Apply Doug Heayn, phone 491- -V. TO RENT -- Small modern apart- nent, all conveniences. * Reasonable. Phone 307-M. iis FOR SALE -- -Rangette. 401-W, Port Perry, Ontario. WANTED---Small acreage, with or without buildings, but with water and hydro available, Prefer close to Port Perry. Write R. D. MacGregor, P.O. Box 294, Cochrane, Ontario. Junel7 Phone FOR SALE--New 8' x 16' pre-fab building. $200 or best offer, 2nd cottage on left at- Coulter's Beach, Apply R. Lewis, Box 309, Milton, Ont. Phone 657. FOR SALE--Space Heater, Norge, lafge; Gendron Baby Pram, blue; Crib, full size, converts into playpen; all in good condition; reasonable, ~~ Phone Lawrence, Brooklin, 47 r 12, WAITRESS WANTED: Week-ends and holidayss~ Apply Green Thistle Restaurant. British Ontario Motors LIMITED * RELIABLE -- RE-BUILT CARS " ® TRUCKS @ TRACTORS DOWN TO EARTH PRICES 52. Meteor Custom Sedan b2 Monarch Coach--Automatie, Radi 52 Morris Oxford Sedan 51° Meteor Custom Sedan--radio, oyerdrive, 51 Kalser Sedan--radio, overdrive 3 51 Morris Coach, Black: 2% 3 50 Morris Oxford Sedan--Black 50 "Ford Custom Sedan--Radio 49 Morris Oxford Sedan--Grey | 49 Morris Coach--Blue FL 47 Dodge Coach--Black 41 Pontiac Coach ates Numerous other cars at your price, 18 International Cab & chassis 46 G,M.C. 3 ton stake, 40 G.M.C. Pane] 4 5 49 Ford 'Tractor Pak 47 Ford Ferguson Tractor "Plows, Cultivators, Buzz Saw Grain Drill, Fertilizer spreader, Mower, Rake, ete. EASY TERMS -- TRADE -- CASH BRITISH ONTARIO MOTORS " LIMITED °°. New and Used Cars Ferguson Tractors LEASKDALE Phone Uxbridge 162-r-16 Junes DE a a a 28 PICKED UP PROMPTLY _ Fhone Collect Bowmanville 2679 . We also buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, TYRONE ' dec. Dead Stock Service| Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge 156, 1064 Woodville 32 r 11. * ED. PECONI, Argyle Ontario DEAD STOCK for sanitary disposal, Telephone Collect. Port Perry 80-r-4, or Toronto EM 3-3686. Gordon Young Lid. WILL PAE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, 80D and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone .322W Port Perry for information. nov 27, 1954 Bullidozing and BY HOUR or CONTRACT . EXPERIENCED OPERATOR REASONABLE RATES PHONE 468W N. E.MAIRS _ ° Simcoe Street PORT PERRY : June24 ro Residence--Wn, Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 8924 ha w_-- . = twas) i 53 Mercury Custom Sedan--overdrive |} 92 r 14, Lindsay 4682, Head Office,| - removed from. your fapm promptly| Excavating| "FOR RENT -- Apartment,- two bright rooms; hot, cold water in kit- PART TIME SALESMAN wanted to sell oil burners, fuel oil, motor oil, chen, bathroom; bus service, Ab- = stainers, Apply E. L. McCrea, Prince | accessories' to the town and Tarp Albert. 3 Junel0 | trade on commission. Apply Harry 0. Perry, Cities Service Products, 294 ROOM and BOAI DF p d 'shz QARD- For room an Court Street, Oshawa, junel0 Board phone: 367-R. - NOW OPEN COMPLETE PAINT JOB or TWO- TONE $40.00 COMPLETE BODY FINISHING and REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS. Cars will be Picked Up and Delivered PHONE 190 r 2 Albert Vautour PORT PERRY Bob Healey "WANT T0 SAVE MONEY ON TRACTOR OPERATION? oss then switch to ~ DAVID BROWN The DB "25" ° 5" 2-3 Plow Pawor The Ds 300 -3 Plow Power The DB 50D The DB 50TD : dem - Pavid Brown Tractors are famous the world over for their amazing low cost of operation. There's a David : Brown Traclor fo meet your rower requirements. SEE THEM AT YOUR DAVID BROWN DEALER RAY HOBB'S GARAGE MANCHESTER, ONT. = Safe Buy Specials 54 alg ay 4- pe Brand' New... $1895 53 FORD 'CUSTOM, 2- Door, Pane 169 b2 STUDABAKER CHAMPION 49 LIRR, 4-DOOT ........ro0nr... $695 49 FO Luxe, . 2- Door, $595 46 DODGE, 4-Door .................$395 Trades Taken--Balance on Easy *| ALL OUR USED CARS £ TRUCKS WARRANTEED | s MONTHS OR' 000.43 Miles (AY BE REPAIRED BY ANY AUTHORIZED S.€ | WARRANTY DEALER IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA ~~ SEL WARRANTILS COPTAIGH REGISTERED men, we «might add, who have bought a Used X-SPRING know they have found the ultimate " MANY MEN FEEL THE BEST WAY TO KEEP AWONAN 15 IN DOLBT Andn man car from in quality and low price that can be found. The only proof you need is a personal visit----so we'll be looking for you. HWAYH PORT PERRY PHONE (/XBRIDG tan -------- = RRR he was L LAKEVIEW > ry 1.7 is THEATRE PORT PERRY Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 8.4.5 Lloyd Bridges and Vera Miles In the Glorious Colour Horse. Racing Story Lin "THE PRIDE OF THE BLUE GRASS" a COMEDY and SHORT PICTURES ; 4 : ; MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7-8-9 2. : Rita Hayworth with Jose Ferrer, In her: Record New Technicolor Drama © "MISS SADIE THOMPSON" ~~ Adult Entertainment _ SHORT PICTURES © 4 FRESH BAKING DAILY BREAD, BUNS, PIES, CAKES and TARTS Saturday Specials "PINEAPPLE LAYER CAKE" "COFFEE ROLLS" ~ GERROW'S BAKERY Phone 32W G. M. GERROW Tr sy SPRING __ ISTHE TIME FOR BRIGHTENING UP : YOUR HOME @ FOR DECORATING IDEAS ~ See our 1954 sample books. @ EXTERIOR PAINTED with the best quality paint. New Phone Number 118 r 14 R.R. 4, PORT PERRY "BLUE" COAL" NEW LOW SUMMER PRICES MAY PRICE . preol eres RCO PA On $26. 00 per ton DISCOUNT of $1.00 per ton if paid in 15 days ~~ Net Price $25.00 REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PHONE 73 'PORT PERRY GLASS Spring Paint Festival] © | "BARGAINS Save 76c. gal, 26c. gt. on SPRED SATIN 'Save $1.00 gal, $26c, qt. on ° 'OUTSIDE IMPERIAL WHITE % pt. GLIDDEN NEW SPEEDWELL and 2" brush. $1.80 value for ONLY. LY Sze, : ; Lake s Scagog Lumber vl, oan Ww PORT PERR INT 0 g R 5 rl A SE ee A | kK M E S ONT. GLASS