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Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Jun 1954, p. 4

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: pee SA FE » Ps oe, » 3 --~-- - NE. A » i. 3 hs Rr = P= Sn Se ASE a SA A ht W a = 08000 0R0NC HOR 804 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 24th, 1964 - LOCAL N EWS Birth 'LEAHY~Mr. and. Mrs. John Leahy of Port Perry wish to announce the birth of a daughter, sister for Karen, at the-Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry on June 21, 1954. Cards of Thanks The members of 'Scugog Chapter, L.O.D.E: wish to take this opportunity to thank all who contributed ta their annual Rose Tag Day fund ,and also to thank the Girl Guides for their very capable assistance. The amount raised in aid of the Community Memorial Hospital was $140.56, : Mr. Orval Stone and family wish to express their sincere appreciation to the many relatives, friends, and neigh- 'bours for their kind help, words of sympathy and beautiful floral trib- utes given them during their recent sad bereavement in the death df Mrs. Stone, We wish to thank all the friends and neighbours, also the Port Perry Fire Brigade for their good work +n quelling the fire at Gordon Taylor's, Epsom. - --Mur. and Mrs. G. Taylor, Krank and Elsie Kight wish to thank their many friends for thelr help at a barn fire last week. Special "thanks to the Port Perry Fire Brigade for their prompt action. The Port Perry Dairy wish to thank all the people of Port Perry and the surorunding area for their generosity and help fallowing the recent fire. Don and George. I wish to thank all the many kind * friends and neighbors, also the United Church Service Club and Rev. R. H. Wylie, for floral tributes and kind as- sistance shown me during my recent bereavement, --John Kingma. [I ---------------------------- 3 AIR CONDITIONED UXBRIDGE -- 'Sunday, The Churches CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) - * Rector: Rey. H. 8. Swabey, M.A., B.D. June 27th--2nd Sunday after Trinity 9 a.m.--Holy Communion: 11 g.m.--Sunday School, 7 pan Evening Prayer. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH REV. R. H. WYLIE, B. A, Minister Sunday, June 27th-- 11 a.m.--Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. No evening' service, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A; D.D. ° Minister. June 20th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Divine Worship Wednesday, June 80: Congregational Picnic at Geneva Park, Bus will leave Church at 2:00 p.m. Parents come with your children, PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--David J. Toews Sunday, June -20th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 4% 11 a.m.--Worship Service 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Sy Prayer Meeting, Wed., 8 pm, =. A cordial welcome is extended: to all. ~e PENTICOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, June 20th-- 10 asm.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 pm ---Evangelistic Servico-- Wed. 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study, Thurs, 2 p.m.--W.M.S. meeting, ~~ Fri., 8 p.m.--Young Peoples, - EVERYBODY WELCOME Pastor: Wm. W, Thompson - Phone 252 Policy A Aa CROBOPBOPOPOIBOBOGVIOROBOBOPORIE EPO IIPOPOP POG POGOPOPOGOPORD buses plots sa o's a's ploplep este plepiopiepiep ts, Meni tteping angle plopispiepie sis sie plop en be left mpl fe 2 Rip -snortin' "romance! 02020800 0G0RCE0RC 2 Shows Nightly at 7.00 and 9.00 p.m Saturday and Holidays Matinee at 2.00 p.m. T 'RSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDA Last Complete Show at 8. 6b p.m, IA SUPREME ADVENTURE IN THE HIGHLAND ROGUE RICHARD T0PD * awvis JOHNS p= £ Is YE of Le: Ng 7 ; 25 nts ivi bg ids % 'Pecos Bill TECHNICOLOR : Horrirg ROY ROGERS vith SONS of th FIONSIRS Re-released hia RKO Redio Pictvres Ii he MY Ie. from Ny SINE ANE JUNE 24-25-26 n, His fight for 2. right blazed a trail of ex- "citement from the Highlands to the heart of a aaticnl POBOBOPOBOBCPOBOGOBOBOPOBOPII BOGOR OBBOPORROP POU ate tenteateatesteplopte tonto te ptentent Slept pte ntpte pte stantete ste teste pte v= =18AN\y Dial 's 'Melody Mon.-Tues., June 28-29 Famed Stage Hit Now M.G.M. Big Musical! "Kiss Me Kate" TRCHNICOLOR Starring + Howard Keel Kathryn Grayson Wed.-Thur., June 80, July 1 William Holden Eleanor Parker "Escape From Fort i Baw' TECHNICOLOR | United Church Lawn. -§%] 21st year, $]of A. L, McDermott, Port Perry, on $|Jas. K. Lawrence, Myrtle, ling was started with a film, "Rescue & | Lawrence, $| Port Perry; and assistant chief ob: i| servers; Mr. Walter King, Seagrave; i3| Mr, Bill Sanders, Stouffville; and Mr, Coming Events Js - | Baking Sale SATURDAY, JUNE 26th, on the Auspices of Mrs, Colbear's W, A, Group. 10 a.m. until all is sold, jun24 Sporis Day AT GREENBANK, on SATURDAY, JUNE 26, in the Community Park, followed by a Strawberry Supper at b p.m, a *. pried a Postponed Church of Ascension Baking Sale has been postponed until Saturday. July 24th at 2.30 p.m. Strawberry SPRAWBERRY' SUVPER at Grace United Church on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30. Adults 60c., children 30c. Everyone welcome, 'Deaths MILLER, Joel C.--Suddenly at the -home of his brother Mr, Gordon Miller Sunderland, Ont. on Wednesday, June 23, 1964, Joel C. Miller, beloved hus- band of Gertrude F. Claughton, father of Vera (Mrs. H. W. Honey) Sea- grave, Meta (Mrs, Walter Howsam) Manchester, Retta' (Mrs. A. F. Higgs, Oshawa). In his 81st year. 'Resting 'at the Chapel of A. L. Me- Dermott, Port Perry for service on Friday at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, Ont. STONE-- Suddenly, at' her home, 1954, Ethel L. Hood; beloved wife of Orval Stone, Funeral on Tuesday, at'2 A. L. McDermott Chapel, Pine Grove' Cemetery. p.m. from Interment KINGMA---Suddenly, -at the Port Perry Community Hospital, on Thurs- day, June 17th, 1964, Thea Buma, be loved wife of John Kingma, in her Funeral from the Chapel Saturday, at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery, ~ ilGround Observer i News On Friday evening, June 11, the §| Ground Observer Corps held a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, The even- Party", which showed how a home is $1 searched for injured or 'trapped oc- | cupants after it has been bombed. . The chief observers, Mrs, James K. Myrtle; Mr. Bill Baker, F. W. Clubine, Goodwood, all intro- duced their observers, Mr, James Lawrence spoke briefly on the importance of the Ground Ob- server Corps, Mr. Bill Baker conducted the air- craft recognition class and also an- Port Perry, on Saturday, June 12th, |' swered questions that any one had, Mr .Bert Chewins, Claremont, the -- | aircraft that were to be reported nd also the aircraft flash form. Flying Officer Hepplestone, No. 61 G. Ob.,C., Barrie station, presented wings to, Mrs, Bill Baker, Port Perry; wood, Cedar Creek; Alex. William- son, Port Perry; James Hunter, Port Perry; Phyllis Keen, Seagrave; Shir- ley Cookson, Seagrave; Walter King, Seagrave; Mus, Clare Keevil, Clare- mont; Bill Sanders, Stouffville; F. W, Clubine, Goodwood; John Hamer, Myrtle, for attendance at the Ground Observer Corps meetings. 'Thé evening was ended with refresh- ments, . x --Sibmitted by Bob Green (Pine Grove The WA. will hold a parcel. post sale at the home- of Mrs. Jim Jones on July 7th, Mout Zion ladies have accepted the invitation to attend and will give two numbers for program. The Uxbridge Nurses will also be in attendance, Anyone wishing to do- everyone is welcome... Come and en- joy an afternoon with us, All in aid of the Hospital Fund, Parcels will sell for 26c. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith of Prince Albert visited Mr, and Mrs, Jack Hill Thuraday evening. z Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hill visited Mr, and Mrs, Jack Crosier Sunday even- ing. Myr, and Mis, Bill Ross and Mervin, of Epsom, had supper Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, Eldred Catherwood. Myr. Don Darby spent the week-end in Toronto. Miss June Hill has accepted a posi- tion in the Canada Life, Toronto, and will commence duties June: 28th, Mr. -and Mrs. Jack Albright had supper . Tnesday with Mr. and Mrs, Eldred Catherwood. Mr. and Mrs, Brockmaster visited Mr. 'and Mrs. Don Darby, Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Catherwood and Freddy spent Tuesday evening in { Sunderland at Mr .and Mrs, Fred Bal- |j lard's, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Simpson and Donna attended the Cook-Thomas wedding at Greenbank on Saturday. Donna acted as flower girl. Mrs. Jack Simpson, Donna and Paul spent a couple of days last week with her parents Mr .and Mrs. C. Elford, Rev. Mr. Lyons will take the gervice next Sunday, : Mr. and Mrs, John Rice and family of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gourlle. Kay- Evans, Walter Kerry, John Syers and Bruce Houghland, spent Saturday in Guelph attending the Provincial Junior Farmer Field Day. Mr. and Mrs. E, -Ballard spent last week end in U.S.A. accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Ken Noble and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Noble, of Uxbridge, and} Dr, Allin and Mrs, Noble, of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, R. Garner and friends of Toronto, spent Sunday at their cot- tage, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Martin of To- ronto, spent Sunday with her sister, Mr. and Mrs, Hillard Armstrong. Mr, and Mrs, Earl Ballard attended the party for the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Golden at Mr. and Mrs, Sterling Jeffrey, Victoria Corners, on Wednesday. Clive Boyd, Port Perry; John Green- | nate, it will be gladly received and Cedar Creek = © Mr, John Greenwood and Leonard attended an Air Observer Corps meet- ing, in Bowmanville on Tuesday even- ing. Mrs. Wm. Steele and Mrs. Kilpat- rick visited Mrs. Maggie Real 1h Port Perry on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Perc Barnard and Murray of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Martyn on Sunday and attended the - Decoration Service: at Pine Grove Cemetery. : Mr, and Mrs. Norman Banks of Pickerhg visited Mr. Frank Harris on Sunday and attended the Decora. tion Service. ° Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare of Ty- rone and Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrie | of Oshawa visited Mrs. K#lpatrick and George on Sunday and attended the Decoration Service. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Deninam and Ron- nie of Toronto visited Mr, and Mrs. John Greenwood and family on.-Sun- day, Miss Flossie Spencer :visited Mrs, 'Norman Birkett in Raglan on Sunday evening. John Greenwood celebrated his birthday on Tuesday. Sewing Machine or otherwise, your needle threading problems are over with a Jet Needle Threader .-Just-send $1.00 to Needle Threader Co P.O. Box 167, Oshawa, Ont, for immediate delivery of this amazing invention that even the blind can use. BAND CONCERT 4 Palmer Memorial Park, Pont Perry, Friday, Tis 5 8.30 p.m. | (Weather permitting) An evening's entertainment ar- ranged and played by Port Perry's New Orchestra, com- posed of local boys, and directed by Mrs. Irene May, pianist. Give the hoys encouragement by turning out in full force and- a big hand for their endeavour. Come early to secure a seat. A silver collection will be taken to provide music for the Band. iia iiaatadiatinstetsantatiantasinsintensinsisnsl tes ectsnssessnsrsesntetesett ee . . . . . . . 4 4 H 4 ¢ $ CERTO el: 2%. CERTO CRYSTALS ..... 2 for 2Tc. i JAR RUBBERS .o......3 dozen 2Tc. § E. MERLIN DOWSON PHONE 91, PORT PERRY EPROP ERROR Raia ere titi ri at tii ietiittoriotoiborttos sotto bostnetiritaiinsintesacitsaniace SEE US 10. DAY FOR "ie 2d ; 3 | John Deere "Tractors 0 | a and Farm Equipment NEW and USED Also for PARTS 'and SERVICE GORD SWEETMAN SEAGRAVE, ONT. . : Phone 86 r 2 Port Perry San CHILLS! SPILLS! Oshawa Kinsmen Club Presents 1954 Canadian Motorcycle Championships : Alexander Thursday Park Julyl - Oshawa. - 2:00 p.m. SEI A y These Death-Defying Riders ~ Racing Against Time. Sali With Speeds Up to 100 Miles Per Hour H 1 3 Adults i 75¢. a 500. 00 ETO? i Cash Prizes Grandstand. | 280. B Proffeds for Oshawa Kinsmen Club' Charities Greafes st Economy {J IN ITS PRICE FIELD Bryden 'Motor: em Ee [Pgh Pe Perry Phone 74 Road-Test itl" + Jeol Street-Test it! Hill Test itt : Bas "GET PROOFOF = os CHEVROLET ECONOMY. 4, 'Yr , Ont. Aho

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