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Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Aug 1954, p. 3

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Aaa 5 2 CAR AE BEA TE TE TY 4 Seni Sa . SE: THE STAR EDITORIAL PAGE xe -- feet of hose. The fire was within 40 yards of the Beaver River which meant that auxiliary equipment could be called on if necessary. : Car Aldrich suffered a severe loss] by fire, but it is difficult to estimate WORK STARTED ON i MINDEN DOCK * Minden--The Government Dock on 4 Gull River in Minden is now being Futile Gestures ise ; : SE i built. Mr. Angus €oulter is forman uaadiny of -this job. The dock is situated on Of all the ridiculously futile estures But what about people like us who are the east side of the yiver in front of | the loss, Although there is compar- surely the most ridiculous and t most' ~ not military masterminds and don't even the post office building. : ativey no wafer damage to the front futile must be those sponsored by the au- 'rank as eivil co-ordinators? What new The piles were driven last weekqof the store's stock there will be loss and several loads of rock have been | to all perishable goods from the dense ta slo, lo pnt thorities to test our defences in the event ° of an atomic attack. We assume that an enemy jet-bomber (you know from where) penetrates our non-existent defence bar-- . rier and drops a hypothetical bomb in the busy intersection of one of our major cities. So what do we do? We figure how the hypothetically killed, knowledge and important skills accrue to us as a direct result of all this hypothe- ticality? Not a thing! Not a thing! ~ We are still left with the rather foolish idea that in the event of an A-bomb at- tack we'll make a bee-line for the nearest exit. 'And this in spite of the fact that on a busy week-end it's a two to three & = dumped in. With the increasing number of boats and canoes on the river, this dock will be a great bene- fit to the users of the same, 5 The dock will be about 90 feet long and six feet wide when completed. clouds of smoke, at times, Seagrave d This.smoke made the firemen's task a very difficult one Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dowson of wounded and missing, and we relay hypo- hours job to get in or out of any of our OYER HALF-INCH OF RAIN Lindsay visited Mr. and Mrs. B, Dow- H thetical reports of information, advice, big cities. \ There was over half an inch of rain|son Friday evening, §1 and damage over teletype systems that - Operation Alert, Operation Attention, fell on Lindsay during a heavy down-| Mr: and Mrs. H, Eagleson spent 74 would have been hypothetically wiped out; Operation What Have You . . | they all pour last week, The exact measure-|the weck-end in Toronto. Fo the firemen and the police worked out hy- 'amount to the same thing . . . busy work ment as supplied by the Lindsay| Mr. and Mrs. Rennick, Miss Mar- {88 78 "pothetical activity with equipment they for officers and officials in the great game - | weather recording depot was .G6 ing. |kavet Rennick and Mr. David Bro- Ei don't possess and the auxiliary civilian of make-believe. Jia --X-- wind therson of Orangeville spent the holi- HUE S50 : corps carry. out all sorts of hypothetical If we have to face the facts of a H-bomb LINDSAY MAGISTRATE SAYS day week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. : pa measures and relay reports. Shades of attack let's face the facts . . . let's see LAW "FOOLISH" KEEP FINING |Reynolds and Miss Leona Reynolds, |[AN AUDIENCE GOES TO POTTS [antics and his patter every week. In Pi * Alice in Wonderland! = what we could do , . . the most and the SPEEDERS Mr. and Mrs. B. Dowson and Robin| As many radio entertainers do, |our picture, the appreciative audience NH But the military master-minds and their least . . . but let's not kid ourselves by Fines levied against autoists who Visited Mr. and Mrs. Melville Barton Harney Potts likes to have a studio | happens to be another well-known Ea civilian co-ordinators have a wonderful playing with teletype systems we won't break speed laws go on as usual jn|2nd Mr. and Mis. Gordon Dowson in [8udience; says it makes him feel| Vancouver radio personality--Thora he time and are always delighted or satisfied ave and equipment that doesn't exist. Lindsay, where Magistrate R. Ivan|lindsay on Saturday. - 7 |more 'at ease before the microphone. Anders, who seems to be enjoying i i! with the results. And let the people_in on the game too. Moore refuses to pay any attention] Mr. Grant Butt, Mr. John: Rolston, | Se to keep him happy, George Rob-|the goings-on, Small wonder--she's Ra g 2 to the Ontario H.T.A. change which | Toronto are on a motor trip through | €'tson, who produces the "Barney | Mrs. Barney Potts in private life. Ga y - - says that it's a "person" and not a| Northern Ontario and United States, fPotts Show" on Tuesdays on the | During the proceedings, while Barney i Waking Up? remy 2 vehicle license number which has to] Miss M. Willows of Lake St. Peter | CBC Trans-Canada network, lets him acts as emcee and does some vocali- ead AR AR, be charged with speeding. In the|c8lled on friends in village on Satur. |have one. And his audience is liter. zing, Pat Trudell leads a six-piece HR "George Hees, president of the National first class people rather than those parti- York County Court at Newmarket, if | 4ay. ally that--one girl who enjoys his ["pop" orchestra. fad Conservatives, is Making a SE vmoumiry Jabs ho Bulla Wires and Juggled support an autoist challenges the police to Master Douglas, Sakemor: of : 3 trip in an attempt to enliven the organiza- nd closed curtains politics ir this prove what person was driving the|l:icknow is 'spending his olidays| . i i" : : ge tion which only. succeeded in electing 650 country would be on a much higher level car, there is no case unless the avr. ij Gait and Bon pu ree Mr, and Meo. ee [tion rs i poner Ri 3 } ; - : : f "nerson" isses Gail and Bonnie Lut : Wypiaesiiaeos : : . . : 5 embers 3 ih He fast Shera) gestion. Dur. il Certainly the job of the local organiza- has bed Ioliowed and person" has Barrie nave Bo Gare Siig Mr, William Cowie of Toronto who | chard spent their childhood with Mrs, ; y tion is to know the people of the commun- . -andparer : No has been ill in East General Hospital | D. Roberts. on the shortcomings of his party's conduct ~~ bI¢ y yu At Lindsay, however, when case of |8randparents Rev. and Mrs. McNeil i 2 : of campaignin ity, and in knowing them to select from » Lindsay C.N.R. conductor Il. | at the parsonage. spent last week at home of his ne-| Mr. and Mrs. Al McDonald and p g. . among them those who are best qualified A0Ne le ) was call. Mr. L. Seo : phew Mr, J. Forester, - children of Owen Sound were holiday He stated that there was no substitute hh ed, charged with speeding as one of| .Mr. L. Scott has returned home ; ; oils HW "i a8 una int f good cit hi d - Pp Ng Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Snelgrove, | week-end guosts of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ch | for hard work on the part of the local or- n terms of g cl zens p and responsi 14 speed trap cases by a constable |from North Bay after a two week's . gS dg : VARY, ; : bility nominees for office. The nomina- 2 ud isit wi 3 Bobby and Jean of Prince Albert and|F. Crosier. fH ganization in support of their candidate. : from "Omemee, he demanded to be [Visit with friends, : : os Mi 7 o : tion meeting should not be, as it too often |: 4 - : Mr d 5 . | Mrs. W. Jeffrey of Port Perry, Sun-| Mr. and Mrs, James Miller and LRN : You have to get out and meet the people. : . identified as' the person" driving at - and Mrs, Luttrell 'of Barrie day visitors: with M d Mrs. G and Ji Ri f C t - , re , . G. : 4 and ring the doorbells , he asserted. Good 18, a rigged affair, but rather an honest time of offense, Magistrate Moore, | spent the week-end with thei family iy ore: With Mr, ap RS Ln Sin Poy eel, hard work of this kind in the last election competition to choose the best man. however, imposed a fine and costs| Gail and 'Bonnie Luttrell and Mrs, Mr Yi Mrs, J. Forester, Marion [with her ee Mrs S. Arnold and would have resulted in a very different If the Conservatives decide that this is totalling $12.60, remarking--"It is a|l:uttrell's parents Rev. and Mrs, Me- and Linda visited Mr, Foresters sia. | Mr. Arnold. Si i verdict for the Conservatives, he thought. their future policy and if they have the foolish suggestion that an officer| Neil at the parsonage. ter Mrs, Henry Michell at Markham| Ms Dunford left for his home in i -_ But certainly, the most sensible thing fortitude and the honesty to stick to it, must identify the driver of the car.| Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Clarke visited on Sunday y Winnipeg on Monday after two mos he had to say in criticsim and by way 'of perhaps, the party can come to-life again In fact it would be impossible for my- Mr. and Mrs, Cummer Lee of Gorm- : , Ks Grr visit with his daughter Mrs Fred bons was that his party had to get the even in spite of the fact that it differs self to identify indivims terres. "mo ley on Weep Sons Tain. garden [0 best man to represent it in the local riding. from the Liberals in no essential way. Not 'know they are exceeding the speed Mr. and Mrs, Henry Topping of | Sweetman is able to be home after - y We have always maintained that if the even in the matter of responsibility of limit, and they know. it, too, That | Montreal were recent viistors at the being confined to Ross Memorial i party was as anxious to nominate really cabinet ministers. Is why very few drivers fight their homes of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Clarke | Hospital in Lindsay. . ; ( he BLE 2 par cages." : and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott. -- Can Shoot Deer et - -: --- FS tain Y - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and fa- | PASSING SHOW So Communists in Canada are mak- PARALLEL PARKING AND mily of Barrie at home of Mr. and Manchester October 1st - { : ] ing special efforts to win over Can- METERS AT SUTTON Mrs. Roy Scott on Sunday. 4 ['e : ada's rural! population. A Communist | Fed up with parking troubles and Mr. William Martin of Sutton, Mr.| Church Service and Sunday School Lands Minister Mapledoram said i ; By M.A.C. | sponsored "International Gathering of policemen having to spend constant Duncan Martin and Mr. Alex Gordon | will be resumed Sunday, August 22, recently the deer seasonififor some 5 It used to be that you would ask|tect the bathers. . . . . too bad we| FUral Youth" is scheduled to take time on straightening tangles and |°f Sunderland viisted Mr. Jas. Ewen|when Rev. Mr. Mutton will be back | parts of Ontario will be from Oct. 1 § ! 8 young man or woman near gradu-|can't devise nets to catch some of|P!2¢¢ in Europe next December. The | pin, parking accidents in business | ecently. W after vacation. Cad to Nov, 25. RET i § 'ation if he or she were going into|the human sharks that grow fat on Cavalcade is one of their weapons: £01 | sections of downtown Sutton and gt| Mr and Mrs, E. Sawdon of Willow- Mrs. M. Innis, Brooklin visited her| This season will apply in the area § | medicine, law, or teaching; now we | coffee profits, ete 7 | achieving their - objective of making | yaokson's Point, the Village Council|42l® Sunday visitors with Mr. and [sister Mrs. Arnold one evening last| north of the northern-most east-west A ask if they are going to be stenogra- EV Canadians believe what the Kremlin intends starting to widen High St, |M'S:.B. Wanamaker. week, line of the Canadian National Rail- __ Fi phers, handymen or teachers. In. Mendes France, France has a wants -them "to believe, pavement: instal curbs and put in Miss Mary McTaggart and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Harrison, | ways and south of the southern -boun- dricy LE real opportunity to oie out of the --Canadian Statesman. parking meters, so the situation is Lorna Dure of Toronto were recent Detroit were recent guests of Mr. and | daries of the hinterland area, Se The most futile gesture of the week doldrums. But it is still too soon to i to be controlled in 1956, visitors at Mrs. J. MacTaggart. Mrs. W. F. Crosier. Other areas will open their seasons gl £35 Ciba Portugal insisting that she is atart cheering. . . France has the r { ptt Tha Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.| Mrs. Grant Innes suffered bruises | on succeeding weeks, with all deer ise going to hold on to her Indian col- largest cobuhunist party outside of District Doin S RATEPAYERS VOTE REJECTS Clifford Short on the arrival of aland a severe shaking up, when she hunting to end Nov. 25. The short- Y Als X .onles. : Communist souhiries in Europe , g WATER FOR SUNDERLAND daughter on' Saturday, Aug. Tth, at|was thrown from a horse. We hope | est seasons will be from Nov. 10 or fd % f tse and as crooked a group of politicians - The ratepayers of the village of Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay. she will he around again soon. Nov. 13 in certain eastern Ontario 2 i More than 800 man-eating sharks |in the assembly as ever took office| BUTTER MAKE IN VICTORIA Sunderland turned down the idea of | MI 8nd Mrs. M. MacTaggart and| Congratulations to a recent bride "mics, 3 et : have been captured in the nets off|.... and to deal with one without | BELOW 1958 - & municipal water system 124 - 73 - : ne LEA the beach of Durban, South Africa, | being hooked by the other will be for St ; | When the vote was taken on the Issue He ry ~ The nets were placed there to pro-| Mendes France a gargantuan task, | te monthly Dairy Report issued recently, : RE AL ESTATE Sean ) by the Ontario Department of Agri-] A citizen here states that argu- BUSINESS DIRECTORY Pon E culture shows that creamery butter ments for and against the system . C It ¥ ment of Health, the Attorney-Gen- production in Victoria County is down | pave been talked over for many mos 2 > Bin 5 : : : sral's Department and Department of [5 "1 Ty 1 op Try 22 Sows d it would ¥ Ines. : : : CONANT & CONANT ~ |J- A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS $ : 2 v Planning and Development. In addi-|,, tive first six months of | ooo 1 ould seem from the vote that for complete Real Estate Service i Clipped Comments tion, the Registrar-General's Branch 20 comparative first six mon people ave satisfied with their private Austi C A. Bathi BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS mp ; ; : , d ! is year and last. ustin \../\, Dathie p.c. ; 46 Eglinton Ave,, E., Toronto : -- will participate with regard to vital i : pressure systems, septic tanks and z Roger D. Conant, B.A » . 3 d In June 1968, Victoria County pro- cesspools. Others, it is felt here are DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC B * Sabi Phone HU. 1.3391 4 : statistics administration. duced 206,062 pounds, while this year| nop "financially able to have chor % ne Offices: City and Country Homes : MUNICIPAL OFFICIALS SHOULD| Monday, Sept. 13th, will be given|in' june, the total was down 3,000{ costly private arrangements and are X-RAY Oshawa, Ont., 7% Simcoe St. S. Farms and Small Acreages. es | ATTEND THIS COURSE oye in ie ioioal Sewssoment, The pounds at 294,189, From January to apparently afraid of the rise in taxes MONDAY§, THURSDAYS, Phone 38-2227 Industria) and Dusiness i roperty. if | Conducting of municipal affairs, other ree y June-end, 1953, the total was 966,789 a municipal system would entail. and SATURDAYS Ajax, Ont. Phone 26 : 1 1. 4 a i whether it is in township or town, topics regarding general : administra- pounds, while this year it was 951,186, In any case, Sunderland folk turn. : y ; a 18 your local representative. i | has become what is commonly term. |tio% recent legislation, council pro-{ In Peterborough County while the ed the municipal system down. For appointment, Phone 206R SE HU. 1-3391 Evgs. HU 9-6308 A ] ed "big business' in recent vearor: It cedure, building by-laws including the | six-month total is down this year ied Queen aid Sengog Stieets . 3 Bessborough Drive i therefore requires men of ability and control and use of land, and other (1964 -- 317,692; 1963 -- 336,411) the SUTTON COUPLE JOLTED AS . Real Estate {4s ! 3 subjects. June total is up about 1,000 pounds PORT PERRY $4 education' who have had special : P 000 p LIGHTNING HITS HOUShw , EXCAVATING Ad training in the administration of civic| Municipal officials, ' both elected | 102,602 over June, 19563, 101,641. * Most everyone in downtown Sutton WHEN BUYING OR SELLING CELLARS DRAINS dis affairs to conduct the many details | and appointed, have been invited and| It is encouraging to note that|ygs jolted awake before 7 a.m, on -- | YOUR HOME, FARM or BUSINESS : : WC both in the interest of the elected |asked to nokify the department im: | neighbouring Ontario County in up in | Satna tae by lightning flash and| | # PHONE PORT PERRY 395 SEPTIC TANKS Rif 0 councillors and the citizens who pay [mediately if they will attend the [creamery butter production in both|, terrific thunderclap, Most of the El trical and HOWARD LANGILLE, Realtor} GRADING : VEN the taxes. course, : the six-month and the June total, people rolled over. But the jolt had ec Queen St. Port Per CLIFF BAKER, Manchester A 21% 3 There is another important angle --Canadian Statesman re struck at the home of Mr, and Mrs, - . " id july 17 RLAREY 3 ~~ to this change of conditions in muni- ye : . Lorne Stiles, hitting into a bed-side Mechanical Repairs ati : cipal government, The personnel| Sv LIGHTNING KILLS FOUR CATTLE | lamp and slightly burning Mrs, Stiles : R f - ti ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, Q.C. $5 HY 3 which comprises the members of | DON'T BE MISLED BY CARAVANS|ON 'VALENTIA RANCH on the arm, where it hit in their|to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, fe rigera 10n in attendance at my Port Perry FARR : council, be it mayor, reeves or coun-| It is no secret that, Canadian Com-| Valentia --- The season of violent |downstairs bedroom. The lamp burst| ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A Service, both household and office on Wednesday morning and Sy cillors, in most cases today, even|muniats take their orders from Com-|atorms. throughout the district during | into flame and also some bedding was SPECIALTY. 3 commercial Pe Friday afternoon of each week, EAR though they are paid an honorarium |munist World Headquarters hoth in|the past. week or more cost a Valen- | scorched. - METAL LATHE WORK. Gilson milk coolers and freezers. or by appointment. HER 4 or per diem fee, are not in a financial | the propaganda line they follow anditia farmer three market-fattened --X-- LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground Refrigerators Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 HNER ; position: to neglect or sacrifice their|the methods they uae; for. getting thelcattle Jast week, when they were PUFFRRLAW STATION RAZED and Serviend, LEER g . = - own business to devote the time and| pro nda across. A current tech-|struck y 'Jightning, Another animal efferlaw, Ont.--Railway records,|OXY-ACETYLENE an ) R B d ability that is required to do full jyst- pb disseminating the ideas of {owned by the farmer's son was also telegraph and telephone'equipment at WELDING. s eg. oun ey ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS © ice to the office which they are hold-|the Kremlin is the Motor Cavalcade killed by the bolt. : the CNR station in this hamlet, 47 CAUSLEY CHINE New or old floors sanded and ing. This again means greater res«|or Qaravan, LE § The incident occurred last Satur- 'miles north of Toronto, was destroyed aX ox finished, or waxed and polished by L _ponsibilities than in the past fall on| Opganized by the Labor Progres-| day -afternoon during a violent and|by fire Friday night. ; I N S U R A N CE the square foot. the appointed officials, such as the|sive Party (the political front for sudden storm in the Valentia area.| The volunteer fire brigade from Electric Floor Sanders, or Wax- ~ municipal clerk, treasurer, collector, | Moscow in Canada) cavalcades of |It happened at the ranch of Paul Sutton, niné¢ miles east of here, : - Are your policies up-to-date? |er® and Polishers for Rent. i | assessor, engineer and lesser import-{motor cars equipped with loud speak- | Henry; a mile north of the village. brought the flames under control. Whatever your insirance ne ods R. PICKARD Lal ant civic appointees. . = |ers, Communist literature.and trained| According to Mr. Henry, he noticed --pe y Ph ih bere Av With these conditions in mind It is | propagandists are touring the Gan-|the absence of six animals when he| BEAVERTON BLOCK FIRE may be, consult one 281W, Port Perry, Ont.- PAAR ; to be hoped the municipal councils in|adian ecountrysside. Was "counting the cattle .after the| DAMAGED : H. W. EMMERSON OS hd . 'Bowmanville and Durham County] In other parts of the world the storm. After investigating, he found| Fire of unknown origin caused sev- Ph 41 Port P SEPTIC T ANKS will see that at least some of their| Communists are doing the same thing. | four of the cattle, three of them his, |eral thousand dollars damage to the one ori Ferry . § NR officials attend the four-day coyrse| The official weekly organ of the Com-|the other owned by his son, Harvey,|Lambert Building on Mara Road at ~ ' 5 X -- Cleaned b Ne +. for municipal officials at the Univer-|munists, published in Bucharest in lying dead beneath a" tree which had | Main Street on Saturday morning, | LREISRIN No Neel VI NN} 'DR.J.B LUNDY ed by \ Sa sity of Toronto from September 18.t0 | most languages, in the issue of July |been struck by lightning. The two |July 81. ; e Wo ds PUMP EQUIPMENT WNDRH 16. Lhe 16th, describes how in Italy "peace|other cattle were in a bush nearby,| The Beaverton Fire Brigade was| Coemsult the Crown Life Man DENTAL SURGEON "THE SURE WAY" SR The course, under the direction of|caravans" are visiting all the loeali- one of them injured. The three eat:|cn the scene within three minutes of : : : (Over Telephone Office) 24 Hour Service By : Hon. George Dunbar, 'Minister "of | ties in the province of Mantua _exsltle owned by Mr. Henry were almost | the alarm being sounded, Police C E C K I N G PORT PERRY ONTARIO IRWIN DeGEER R 2 Municipal Affairs, will be eonducted|plaining the Communist Party ling. to [ready for market. All those lost were | Hector Reid controlled the north and : : i by the staff of his department, as-|the rural population espeeially - the | insured, i . '| southbound traffic as the volunteer AGENT Office Hours -- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dalton Road, Sutton : 3 : sisted by officials from the Depart- | women," Fe, firefighters snaked out hundreds of Port Perry = Ontarlo Phones: Office 68W. Res. 68J Phone 231 R 5 on,

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