THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 1064 LOCAL NEWS Aunouncemet - HALL--Harold and Loraine Hall of Long Branch are happy to an- nounce- thie birth of their son, Jon Jarlyle on Friday, Oct. 1st, 19564, a brother for Brian. Thank You! I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for the flowers, gifts, and cards during my recent stay in the Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. Also a special thank you to Dr. Dy- mond, Dr. Kandel and all the staff . of the hospital. Appreciation We would like to pass along a big "Thank You" to the folk who attended and so kindly loaned ar- ticles to help our Antique & Hobby Show. happy day. Prince Albert Women's Association. Mr. J. P. Scarrow left on Monday t> spend a few days with friends in Toronto. The Churches -------------- CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, October 10th Rey. K. W. Scott, L.Th., Incumbent 9.30 a.m.--Holy Communion 7 p.m.--Evening Prayer and .sermon. Rev. Chas. 'Preston, M.A., B.D,, St. Paul's 'Church, Bloor St, Toronto. Mrs. Mabel Stones, R. R. 2, Blackwater. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister--Rev. B. De Armstrong, | Euchre Sunday, October 10th-- 11 a.m,--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Worship. Sunday, October 17th-- 11 am. and 7 p.m. Anniversary Services. It all made a successful and' PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH REV. R. H. WYLIE, B.A, Minister Sunday, October 10 11 a.m.--The Scrament of Thanksgiving 7 p.m.--Rev. Eustace MacNeil, of Seagrave United Church PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH : Pastor--David J. Toews Sunday, October 10th, 1954-- _ THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICES 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 am.--*0 Give Thanks Unto The Lord, for He is Good." Tos " i nr Foamy adn! 3 : | : : ; . His. Unspeakahle Gift." $A Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Come To The Little White Church 'PENTICOSTAL CHURCH ° Sunday, October 10th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship -* 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service-- Wed. 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study. Thurs., 2 p.m.--W.M.S. meeting. * 7 p.m.--""Thanks Be Unto God For | Fri, 8 p.m.--Young Peoples, ~ EVERYBODY WELCOME' Wm. W. Thompson jo On The Hill > I SN $2e2I383%32 RY B02 To-day, Friday and Sat., Oct. 749 89 | ROY and JEAN TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME. PROVIDE PLENTY' OF ACTION. THRILLS and MUSIC. ROY ROGERS - See Q BOPBOSOPOS) ead SS St > CEST ONN ES i MR SEE PX A RE ER a ae an x = oN : To i Sr im Re) phe wo ' - ke Rd Woe av ~ "HEART OF THE ROCKIES" AND "Gene Autry and The Mounties" PRE HOLIDAY MID-NIGHT SHOW-- Sunday, Oct. 10. Doors open at 12.05; ~ "THE PHANTOM OF THE RUE. MORGUE" Adult Entertainment Monday, Tues., Wed., October 11-13 % WORLD'S GREA; "00g of the best". * "Picture of! : Cotmopolilon - Seventeen > ; Starring JE ALLYSON PETER LINFORD MARGARET O'BRIEN ELIABETH THLOR JANET LEIGH ROSEAND BRAZI- MARY ASTOR with LUCILE ALN, . SR C. : SURE SMITH A MERVYN 'LeROY. "PRODUCTION a TECHNICOLOR Pea TN ATEST LOVE STORY! | the Month" « «The Perfect Movie" Uxbridge, Ont. Anniversary Services at Prospect United Church on Sunday, Oct. 10. 'Morning service at 11 a:m. with Mrs, Frank Hastings, soloist; and Evening Service at 7.80, with Greenbank Quartette.- - Mrs. Aylesworth, of Bath, Ont., is to be the speaker at both services. Everyone welcome, Euchre . Thursday, October 14, to be held in Parish Hall of the Catholic Church at 8.00 o'clock. Admission b0c. oct.14 The Men's Club, Church of the Ascension, "| Opening date, Oct. 1.0ct. 21, Nov. 4- 18, Dec, 2-16, Jan, 6-20, Feb. 38-17, Please cut out and keep for reference. Refreshments. Everybody welcome, Admission 60c. R. Kenny, President, ooct? Turkey Supper at Columbus United Church on Wed- nesday, Oct, 18, starting at 4.80 and continuing until all are served. Adults $1.60, children 12 and under b50c. Turkey Sup per ond Bh up P¢ in Utica United Church at 6 p.m., until all are served. Admission, Adults $1.25, Public School Children Tbe. Turkey Supper Wednesday, November 8rd. Euchre and Dance FRIDAY, OCT. 8th at 8.30 p.m. in Epsom School, sponsored by the s¢ | Community Club. Admission, Sil- 3% | ver. Collection. ~Ladies please pro- #| vide Tunch. Evedyone welcome. {| October 21st An Afternoon Tea and Sale of | used books, house plants, 'ete., will be held in the basement of the Uni- $| ted Church from 2 to 6 p.m., under #| the auspices of the Service Club. ¢| Come in and enjoy a cup of tea. Federation of il Agriculture i Report of the County Meeting A directors' meeting of the On- $2 |tario County Federation of Agri- %| culture was held recently in the £| Myrtle Hall. $1 business meeting the following 32 reports were given. Following the usual 'Mrs. Hamer reported on a meet- > ing held-in-the-Agricultural office $8 |in Uxbridge sponsored by the Co. 2% | Federation which was attended by #5 | representatives of all the county co-operatives from which came the £| decision to use- the supplement # | plan of the Rural Co-operator for #2 | promoting federation and co-op $8 | business throught the coming win- $|ter. The directors decided on motion by Mr. C. Werry, seconded | by Mr. A. Downey and carried that $8 | the plan had their approval and | the Federation would list names $2 | of the farmers in the county and | pay for the subscription as their 4 | share of the plan. It was reported that. the tent #1 used by the Federation 1h promot~ ing work at fall fairs be available for rental to county organizations ut a cost of $8.00 providing that $8 | the responsible group erected and $| delivered it. The motion of Mr. J # | Hamer 'was seconded by Mr. R. st | Rodd. The annual meeting was discuss- sled and it was decided that it # | should be held in the Manchester - | hall, the ladies of Reach township | group be asked to look after the % lunch, the directors each being ¥ | responsible for the sandwiches. g| Mrs. Hamer reported that the | Manchester and District Credit | Union had been: approved by the # | government and the charter would 2% | be shortly received. A meeting tof % | get this credit union underway is # | scheduled for October 8 at 8 p.m. gt{in the Manchester hall. This is Blof ~¢onsiderable interest to all £ | farmers and all those with whom At ey upp Church on| selves 'of this opportunity to learn about the advantages of credit un- ions and how 'it can be of value to our district. There were no new developments toward the wheat marketing pro- blem but any one who has petitions is askéd to get these to the county secretary as soon as possible so that the work may proceed as quickly as possible. = Mr, Rodd, chairman of the Farm Forums for the county spoke of an executive meeting in connec- tion with the annual fall Forum Round-up which will be held in the Legion Hall at Uxbridge on Oct. 28th. All folks interested in Farm Radio Forums are asked to keep the date in mind. The idea of a farmers' market for the following "summer to be held along Highway T and 12 will be one of the things to be definitely settled at the an- nual meeting. If there are any farmers 'interested in' this plan they should see to'it that they at- tend the Ontario County Federa- Hon of Agriculture annual meet- ing : a J Ladies" Monday . : : Night League Joan Mark- (Pansies) ~.........;... 10 Helen Herd (Carnations) ..... 9 Loraine Raines (Tulips) ............ 8 Alma Cox (Snaps) ................. or | Elma Vernon (Orchids) ...... 7 Merle St. John (Roses) ...'..... 7 Marjorie Harrison (Violets) ia 4 Edith Brunton (Daisies) ..:... -. 4 Over 200 Mrs. L. Burnett (Pansy) SER 221 High Triple . Scout and Cub : - Mothers Auxiliary | A very enjoyable evening was spent at the Scout Hall last Fri- day when the Port Perry Scout and'Cub Mothers Auxiliary enter-|§ tained the Whitby Group. by the entertainment committee: Mrs. H¢ Edenborough and Mrs. W. much hilarity. with excellent prizes. much equipment. Donald, Mrs. R. Smith and Mrs. B. Pickard. their appreciation of a delightful soon. - Mrs. N. Kerry, the Presi- dent of the Port Perry Auxiliary, that they would. "The two gentlemen who chauf- Pérry and came in to enjoy the {|supper were Presented with small gifts. The Port Perry Auxiliary mem- bers were. reminded to-save their Allsweet Carton Ends for Dec. 1 also 'Quaker - Flour certificates -and box or bag tops from -Quaker Mrs. K. Moore (Violet) . Oats for the next six months. SIMCOE ST. N. at SHOP and SAVE APs NEW. SUPERMARKET 'LOTS OF FREE PARKING -- OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY . OPEN 'TILL 9 p.m. FRIDAY NIGHTS FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE BYNG, OSHAWA The guests were met at the door Stata and then followed lively|® games and contests which caused |§ The winners of | § these 'contests were presented |§ Later in|§ the evening the "visitors "from |§ Whitby inspected. the kitchens and | § work areas of the Scout Hall and |# all agreed that the Port Perry|§ Auxiliary and Association must|§ have worked very hard to have|§ acquired such a lovely hall and 808 Then everybody sat down to a : lovely supper served by the re-|# freshment committee--Mrs, L. Mec- | § The Whitby ladies expressed : evening and invited the Port Per- : ry Auxiliary to visit them again|$. PEt ittitittitittttitt ttt tiitt attr iat tate RED & WHITE Food Stores FRUIT COCKTAIL, Aylmer Choice, 15 Ziv iriiriienissenennn 28Cs HAWES FLOOR GLOSS, 20 oz. .............. FPR 39¢c, # BROOMS, 4 BFIDE ......oooovirivinninnmimmminnnnnsiinisissssinin 196 8 BREAD, Sliced, Table Queen ..................c.ococonineirirereens oo 1Be, CRANBERRIES, cello bag IR Rn A CAULIFLOWER, White Heads ...............c....coo0e00000.2 fOr 19¢. CHEESE SLICES, Jaersel, 8 OZe vrosuirsissesssssen init .27¢, SWEET POTATOES, 1b, ......ccooooeeiviivrisnsseersssesessssssnssssnasses ene. PEPPER SQUASH, €8Ch ...........ccoovinnrninsnrnsisrsinivens FUERTE : {08 MEAT and CHICKEN PIES, frozen, 8 oz , sheressriirvs arin 43¢. : PLEASE PHONE DELIVERY ORDERS EARLY Phone 91 Por Perry habe reeennis BEE ERR Et Err P Ree Ore a tire ari irre eatirererettieteitttt » QUAKER OATS, 5 1b. DAZ ...covovirerisossisssssssiesiossessossies an fered the Whitby group to Port|' replied in a few well chosen words | ssesesesecececessce: BOR0I0I0R00 000000800000 PAY FOR YOUR F520 when you © gELL YOUR HOGS! _ START THEM ON MASTER PIG STARTER PELLETS AT THREES WEEKS. GROW THEM ON MASTER PIG GROWER MASH . or PELLETS. MASTER FEEDS PORT PERRY List of Canada York Irish Stew York Meat Balls York Pears M. L. Cheese Rt he AS DOAK ) Packers Products York Peas Carrots, York Tomatoes York Cream Corn York Peaches York Weiners & Beans atl Leaf Soap Flakes -M. L Detergeit PHONE 1 SOT ntl to $7.00, y including a selection of CANADA PACKERS ov poe rn eet PREd oy op ~ PL Silverplate CT WIENERS LTP A | WEEK. END SPECIALS, OCT. 889 Whole Jollied Cranberries. le 'Clark's Plum Puiding, 1 Ih 202, Ne, Domestic Shortening xh vemsisar 30 Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea, L's, 2c 8 | tarmers do business in the area 10 miles in radius from Manchester; Phone 152 RR RRS RRR ARAN, DOwPE'S STORE 31d PRINCE ALBERT Phone wv it It js hoped that many avail them- | -